Sunday 14 December 2008

Losing my vigilnity

I was late as I needed to cook dinner. I parked my car and as I walked across the park, this was what I saw…

I think the crowd strength was about 200, or more. I saw a lot of young people, and a lot of girls too. Where are the guys? Someone went up to speak and the first request was… “no video recording please”. Obviously that somoene does not intend to be seen in youtube. He then went on about Shakespear and ISA.

So, anyone wants to lose his/her vigilnity?


SFGEMS said...

That's a great heading! You are a genius!

May I link this to my post!

Anonymous said...

This place looks familiar, where is this?

ManaL said...

Shakespeare on ISA: much ado about nothing? O what men dare do? etc...

Please ......I am a CELEBate..hehe

Huei said...

alamak! y am i so blur??

iamthewitch said...

What's vigilnity??

Anonymous said...

Great post. First step in enlightening the masses in your popular blog.

Keep up the good work Zewt.

Anonymous said...

LOL Thought it was some frolic friday tales. Nice take on the title!

mistipurple said...

cheh. made me rush in for nothing.

zewt said...

Estrelita - sure, link away!

littlepolaris - PJ civic centre...

Manal - yeah, i didnt listen to the guy after a while.

huei - anti-ISA candlelight vigil...

iamthewitch - hahahaha... my first time going to the anti-ISA candlelight vigil.

LightsInTheDistance - unfortunately, many didnt catch the drift. maybe i really shouldnt be so subtle.

kyh - if you're in KL, drop by! haha!

mistipurple - hahaha... your mind ah... sigh...

Anonymous said...

I misread your heading and thought - huh? isn't this guy married? :P

Hope your first experience at vigilnity will lead you to participate in more. Nice one!

zewt said...

MANAGE - i hope more will follow suit.... let's all hope.