Hope everyone is having (or had depending on when you read this) a good break.
Anyway, I received this a few days ago and thought it’s good to share the laughter. While they mainly depict the state of economy in the US, things aren’t that different here in Malaysia.
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I read Accountant Today if not mistaken the September or October edition it has a joke that really make me laugh.
Kid: Mom! Teacher called me Lehman Brothers because I got zero mark for mathematics.
Mom: You should tell her she looks like Fanny.
They simply change donkey and monkey to economical terms :)
Ha ha... good one!
Haha... I love the last 2!
Had a good laugh today, but nothing to do with the cartoons. I went to genderanalyzer.com and found out that zewt is over 80% a woman" Hahahahahaha! - suituapui
sweet! ROFL
Financial Jokes - very funny! LOL. (The tinanic/boat one is hilarious)
Funnily enough, the malls were still full of shoppers at the Black Friday after-Thanksgiving sale. Economic crisis? You tell me :P
yahaha.. funny!
I love teacher calling students Lehman..
btw, Selamat Hari Raya!
nice! i like the last one! =P
Consumption spending, reducing interest rate to increase aggregate demand, or other pump-priming or "stimulus package" actions as espoused by Keynesian economist has always been the norm in this country during economic crisis.
The so-called Keynesian income multiplier; first put forth by Richard Kahn, in its simplest form: 1/(1-c) or 1/s where c is marginal propensity to consume; s is savings. As can be seen, the multiplier increase with increased consumption. But do we question if this model is still relevant today, especially in this country?
The questions is does it really helps the economy in the current situation where confidence in our current government is at an all-time low?
Where the powers-that-be do not have a clear and credible policies to inspire that confidence in the people.
Where those with power are not advocating cooperation between the various races but instead chose to pitch one group against the other.
LOL!! Nice jokes! :-)
How very true. People are unwilling to spend now. Shopping malls are full but not many are spending...
Oh ho ho. When nothing else works. Humour. :)
faisal admar - well, they are certainly doing that in the states. but seriously, nothing to laugh about for those who lost millions.
terra shield - :)
kyh - leave the best for last!
suituapui - i am in touch with my emotions :P
rin - laughter is always good for health.
Tsu Lin - well, not funny if you are on titanic.
giddy tigress - as long as there is credit card... shopping will prevail.
mohamad hilman - hehe... thanks!
huei - save it for the last!
LightsInTheDistance - someone wrote about the importance (or the unimportance) of growth, that we have been focusing on the wrong thing. that is very true.
Angie Tan - still go there for the air cond i think.
life for beginners - absolutely brother...
Thanks so much for your article, very helpful info.
There's no doubt, the dude is absolutely just.
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