There is a current phenomenon that is sweeping through town. And when I said town, it’s really about people in the Kland valley. You hear people making this particular remark rather often, particular in the last 2 months or so.
When someone is stuck in a traffic jam…
When someone fails in getting a car-park slot in the mall…
When someone sees a whole load of people at the mall…
When someone has to queue to pay after shopping…
When someone had to queue to get a table at a restaurant…
These people tend to now just make a very quick judgement…
“Who say got recession ah? Where got recession? Tell me… where got recession?
Most of the time, such remark is made because one is frustrated. One believes that the rest of the world are supposed to stay at home and eat maggi mee during these tough times while that someone can enjoy the mall and road for oneself.
But one must not forget, the fact that you are also out on the road queuing at the counter or waiting in line for a table or jamming the car park means you are also one who in the crowd of people who is making this recession doesn’t look like a recession. That person standing right behind you on a queue can also say the same thing.
We are all contributing to this phenomena… myself included.
When someone is stuck in a traffic jam…
When someone fails in getting a car-park slot in the mall…
When someone sees a whole load of people at the mall…
When someone has to queue to pay after shopping…
When someone had to queue to get a table at a restaurant…
These people tend to now just make a very quick judgement…
“Who say got recession ah? Where got recession? Tell me… where got recession?
Most of the time, such remark is made because one is frustrated. One believes that the rest of the world are supposed to stay at home and eat maggi mee during these tough times while that someone can enjoy the mall and road for oneself.

We are all contributing to this phenomena… myself included.
it's human to be hypocrite... one cannot be NOT hypocrite, no? :)
selamat hari natal!
That's what we want right? More hypocrites like you, them and me to keep the spending going.
The fella was venting or was he merely making an observation on the economy? Ergo, the sentiment on the street (pardon the pun) is that we ain't in a recession (yet). Don't see that as a criticism really, hence, not a case study for hypocrisy.
Merry Christmas, Zewt.
I'm not a hypocrite.
Call me Scrooge if you like but I'm saving all my pennies for a rainy day.
Christmas is just attending mass to celebrate the Lord's birthday.
Wishing you & Jules a Blessed & Holy Christmas.
Merry Christmas!!!!
eh! it's Christmas!! not time to point out the truth!!!!! =P
erm..what if one were at those places for WORK?? >.<
stuck in pc fair cos of work..jam in kl cos of work..sigh
n hor..i go for window shopping n to kill time..not to spend money!! =P
I always wonder why people are not going to work whenever I am unable to find a parking lot during office hours (and yes, on a weekday). Then I will tell myself "They are asking the same question looking at you dearie"
Have a blessed Christmas!
Happy Christmas, zewt and all readers!
I'm a hypocrite too. However, working in one of those locations where shopping + office are hand-in-hand, you'll certainly make that kind of remark.
However, looking at some of the F&B outlets around town, patronage to some of these places have decreased quite a bit.
Oh well, its the holidays and etc, people will go out and spend more because it makes people feel good in light of all the financial doom and gloom.
By the way, Merry Blessed Christmas!!
i have to spend...not for luxury...i can't imagine if everybody not spendinf...the cycle doesn't move...we all suffer
Not hypocrites... I will always wonder... why are there so many rich people out there. And they buy stuffs like no need money. But me, I have to watch my spending. Anyway... it good to see people still spending rather than having a quiet mall which will really scare us. I like crowds, but not too crowded.
Merry X'Mas to you Zewt!
Is it Klang Valley u mean?
anyways, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
can't imagine having no one in the mall. and lots of parking spaces in the carpark.
it will be so scary. no?
Hahah.. so true. Every time I'm in a mall on a weekday and I can't find a parking, I'm always like "All these people no need to go to school or work ah?"
These are the people who are fully employed and do not suffer salary slash. Though i can still spend, i try not to spend on apparels, gadgets and anythings that is not a necessity because i feel bad for those people who have to steal a chicken or a bag of baby milk powder for their starving family. While many malls reduced their prices of their merchandise, are they necessities? All i can say we malaysians are still self-centric and moving to become kiasu like our fellow sad
rainbow angeles - hahaha... blunt and absolutely true!
dan-yel - exactly... to spend so that there're economic activity and we can all be conned into believing that we are rich...
taxy - venting... and hoping that the others will make way for them to shop without the crowd... and park freely... nearer to the escalator... the better.
jemima - now, that is wisdom.
sabrina - same to u!
huei - pc fair then different ler... cheap things should be the way now... like dong men in shen zhen... heh heh heh...
tulipspeaks - ab-so-lute-ly...
kyh - thanks!...
whoalse - same to u...
angie tan - even if we cant buy... being there is good enough for some eh?
erm - but what if you spend and others save?
purple mushroom - yup... and you also wonder... do these ppl need to work? but observe again... like what i said before... they are generally ppl who have yet to earn income... at least not full time.
eddy - yup... blardy auto correct :P
zthon - yeah... true... but... it might just happen.
princess shin - hahahaha... like u lor... they arent working.
fi-sha - honestly... i rather malaysians be kiasu than to have the "tidak apa" attitude... dont u agree?
my father tell me this in the car yesterday
"eventho everywhere people say the market is really bad right now....but some people are making hard no matter how bad the situation"
erm - not when your employer is adamant about cutting cost... you will be hit even if you work hard.
Zewt, take my word for it, recession hasn't hit Malaysia yet. Not by a long shot.
You ought to get your ass up to UK and check it out. It's really bad here.
Trust me.
crankster - really... how bad is it?
I have never seen this many closing down sales. Huge retailers like Woolworths have gone down.
Not to mention all those financial institutions. Everyday when I turn the TV on to BBC One, they're talking about high electricity bills (heating in winter is astronomical), people selling off their family heirlooms in auctions and stuff.
It actually makes me feel depressed, though we Malaysians are benefitting from the sales. If only just half the magnitude of this downturn hits Malaysia, we're in deep shit.
Don't say there's no recession. The wave is just slow, but it will hit. Some say after CNY. I think probably later.
crankster - it's definitely coming... and if we continue to slumber through our days... we will be in for a fright! yeah, i have gotten some update from my friends there. well, at least they still have their job.
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