There is this organism. Just like any living thing, it needs to grow. And with the proper nutrients, it will certainly grow. As it lives in a very competitive environment, it will need to take it the best food in order to absorb the best nutrients for its body. It may be a struggle at first but soon, with the right approach and being wise in selecting the food it needs, the body can have the proper nutrient.
As this organism grew with the proper nutrients, it began to develop strong muscles. At one point, this organism kept putting its muscles into training in order for it to be one step ahead of its competitors. Sure enough, with the right training and more good nutrients, this organism with its strong muscles and a smart mind managed to defeat some of its competitors.
But just like any living being, as time goes by; this living organism became complacent. Lapse in concentration while selecting the right food, top up with a tendency to take things easy having achieved good strength, fats began to form around its body.
Fats can be essential, as fats support the muscles by providing muscle with energy. But no matter what, fats are always bad; it can cause diseases in the long run. But since everything looks fine, the competitors are not showing any sign of improvement and the unhealthy food tastes so good, the organism just have to bear the fats.
But then, there is a sudden change of environment…
Some other organisms in the community died due to disease that they had without knowing. So this organism begins to go for check up to see if it has any disease and found out that it is in the pinkest of health. But then, the wise mind of this organism thought that this would be the best time to get rid of the fat; using the outbreak of diseases as the reason.
You must realise that over time, the muscles have gotten lazy and the fats, though have not caused any disease, is certainly causing inefficiencies in the body. On top of that, it’s making the organism looks bad!
And so the organism puts its body through tough diet regime. No more lavish food and relaxing approach to things. The muscles need to exercise and the fats have to be trimmed away. The body is fine, no disease and in fact, the body is at its pinkest of health but still, due to the change in environment, this is the best time to get rid of the fats and get the muscles to work efficiently again.
This organism is called… unscrupulous opportunist corporations…
So do you think you are the muscles? Or are you the fats?
As this organism grew with the proper nutrients, it began to develop strong muscles. At one point, this organism kept putting its muscles into training in order for it to be one step ahead of its competitors. Sure enough, with the right training and more good nutrients, this organism with its strong muscles and a smart mind managed to defeat some of its competitors.
But just like any living being, as time goes by; this living organism became complacent. Lapse in concentration while selecting the right food, top up with a tendency to take things easy having achieved good strength, fats began to form around its body.

But then, there is a sudden change of environment…
Some other organisms in the community died due to disease that they had without knowing. So this organism begins to go for check up to see if it has any disease and found out that it is in the pinkest of health. But then, the wise mind of this organism thought that this would be the best time to get rid of the fat; using the outbreak of diseases as the reason.
You must realise that over time, the muscles have gotten lazy and the fats, though have not caused any disease, is certainly causing inefficiencies in the body. On top of that, it’s making the organism looks bad!
And so the organism puts its body through tough diet regime. No more lavish food and relaxing approach to things. The muscles need to exercise and the fats have to be trimmed away. The body is fine, no disease and in fact, the body is at its pinkest of health but still, due to the change in environment, this is the best time to get rid of the fats and get the muscles to work efficiently again.
This organism is called… unscrupulous opportunist corporations…
So do you think you are the muscles? Or are you the fats?
I'm the bacteria... living within the stomach linings of the organism.
lol, muscles will be muscles lerr..jus have to work harder n get more buffed tats all. As for the fats..jialat lorr, next year high chance kena lipo out lohh..
FATS...HAHA Full stop..
I would like to think I am the muscle... but (looks at own body), I probably appear macam the FATS. :P
heh. more fats, i must say.
guess what, i just got laid off. i'm not even msia.. immediately they see you're not performing, out you go.
corporate ppl are corporate ppl. heck they're not even people, to deliver such news just before Xmas.
well, such is life, isn't it...
yesterday i went to my old dr...getting my health check,
our conversation
me:dr i'm tired trying to achieve what i dream in life
dr:kita semua pun letih
it reminds me of my supervisor
me:dr...i can't come for appointment....because i have some other work to do
dr:kita semua pun kerja
me:i drop by right now!
this one liner make me speachless
i'm weak.....i consider myself as a fat
i am diarrhea and drunk
i'd say i'm muscle even though lots of fats around me try to break me down, tear me apart. i will always be muscle and will always win... get what i want.
look at myself, i'm hardly got fat when playing badminton 3 times a week is my routine :)
omg i'm fat!!!
nice post..hmmm..i wanna be the fat..but i m forced to be the muscle..
I'd guess we're fats but probably because the company didn't know what to do in the first place when they setup the department here.
However, some of the muscle and fats have left the company out of their own will, leaving us lean but not necessarily mean to meet client demands.
taxy - need to flush you out!
Ryan - hi there! hahaha... lipo indeed... the faster ... the better.
constantly craving joe - come on... i have faith in u.
life for beginners - die lor.... all kena VSS already haha..
pavlova - hey... sorry to hear that... are u looking for a job?
erm - hahaha... kita semua pun kerja... kita semua pun sibuk... but i am sure ... tak pasti kita semua... lemak... :P
huntressmoon - salah topic ni...
faisal admar - where u playing? come... let's have a game! haha...
huei - VSS U!
angie tan - ultimately... it is still the company's decision on who's fat... who's muscle.
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