Jules went to a health exhibition yesterday and the nutritionist who gave a talk there gave her 3 comparisons…
Apparently, smoking a single cigarette is like burning away the nutrition that you get from eating 60 oranges.
You think that is bad? Well… eating a packet of instant noodles actually required 90 days of detox before your body can get rid of all those preservatives and chemicals. It’s a good thing I have only eaten maggi mee once in the last 9 months.
Don’t worry, it’s not the end of the world. I am sure most of you will like the 3rd comparison. There is this thing called inflammatory agent which is bad for the body, said to be a cancer causing agent. And… between a roasted skinless chicken breast and roasted lean pork… roasted lean pork (focus on the word “lean”) has got more anti-inflammatory agent.
Anyway, I had an interview today with a journalist from a new local IT magazine. Why do people like to ask “Are you afraid to be ISA?” when they interview me? This is the second time I am being
asked this question. I guess blogging is indeed a dangerous interest in this country. Anyway… do look out for me in this new magazine called “Surf”… hehe…
AZAIG would like to say a big thank you to Mar for the “Brillante Weblog 2008 Award” and to U-Jean for the “Butterfly Award”.
So… ‘siew yok’ anyone?
Apparently, smoking a single cigarette is like burning away the nutrition that you get from eating 60 oranges.
You think that is bad? Well… eating a packet of instant noodles actually required 90 days of detox before your body can get rid of all those preservatives and chemicals. It’s a good thing I have only eaten maggi mee once in the last 9 months.
Don’t worry, it’s not the end of the world. I am sure most of you will like the 3rd comparison. There is this thing called inflammatory agent which is bad for the body, said to be a cancer causing agent. And… between a roasted skinless chicken breast and roasted lean pork… roasted lean pork (focus on the word “lean”) has got more anti-inflammatory agent.
Anyway, I had an interview today with a journalist from a new local IT magazine. Why do people like to ask “Are you afraid to be ISA?” when they interview me? This is the second time I am being

AZAIG would like to say a big thank you to Mar for the “Brillante Weblog 2008 Award” and to U-Jean for the “Butterfly Award”.
So… ‘siew yok’ anyone?
yes.. siew yok ok la, but i prefer siew ngap. i was at where you used to work long time ago (damansara heights) and at this famous wan tan mee with duck. quite delicious.. :) you tried it before?
Sek siu siu wont die geh..
haha...yeah with one blogger detained under ISA for two years, while some of the rest getting sued for defamation, sedition etc...maybe u should watch out =P
but i still fancy instant noodles, despite knowing it's no good...hmm, maybe i should eat less maggi goreng during mamak sessions...
Well, those health stuff, some people say this, some other people say that, who to believe?
So, better what also eat. But in moderation. Haha. Because, eat also die, don't eat also die, what for we deprive ourselves of the variety of good food? :P
wah, celebrity. must get autograph.
bring it on...haha...
there's an urban myth going around saying that a doctor who ate instant noodles 3 meals a day during his entire med school yrs and subsequently in his training yrs and eventually ended up with acute abdomen. the cause? a layer of wax was found lining his bowels. i dunno how true this story is, but it seems quite unbelievable to find wax lining ur intestines. then again, i've learnt that in med, nothing is too impossible.
Wow... More awards. U will soon need a awards page to contain it all. :)
I like my porky. Chicken breast is tasteless cardboard to me. Only ppl who don't know how to enjoy chicken will go for chicken breast. Ok... that last remark sounds a little off but I don't mean it that way.
Sigh... Challenges of text where expression is limited. :|
*raises hand*
siew yok I likey! Anytime, anyday!
aiyah..those thing about health are just propaganda from the drug manufacturer, to sells their products.
me will still continue eating maggie!
Oh dear.. 90 days?!!! I've been eating instant noodles almost once a week on average. My liver is gone gone gone! :(
will there be any sexy post of your in SURF?
so R u afraid of the ISA? =P
mmmm..siu yoke sounds gooodd..i like the fatty part of porks
damn good food!! hahaha =P
I will go for siew-yok - much safer than those burnt satay, no?
I just heard recently from my bro (before this never heard anything specific)that instant noodles contain wax but I was told it takes 2 days to detox, meaning safe to eat another packet after 2days...but 90days?! And that story about wax-lined intestine...could happen...
Btw,took u long enuff to collect the award Zewt.I think it's covered with dust dy being on the shelf so long. ;)
You've been interviewed ah? So what's ur answer when ur asked that? It IS a valid question considering how the blogging environment is...
drumsticks - oh, the yong kee or something. yeah, tried that before. but i prefer the fish paste noodles more.
csk - of cos. u just die of high blood pressure or high cholesterol...
rin - things are getting out of hand if you look at the utusan saga, isnt it? sigh...
day-dreamer - cannot be like that... it's the manner which you die that matters. not to mention timing too... :)
mistipurple - haha... not really. i dont subscribe to this blogger celebrity thingy.
myop101 - hahaha, long time i havent tried that already. am i discipline or what... haha
jun - well... there you go. with the amount of chemicals we breath, eat and drink in... you are just going to find more interesting stuff in our bodies.
pinknpurplelizard - hahahaha... well, as long as i get what u mean, that's good enough.
sooky - sigh... misses it so much...
j or ji - kena control sikit bro...jiran saya... makan sampai jantung berlubang... bukan main...
iamthewitch - i think 90 days a bit too much. i heard it's 3 days... more realistic. but then again... who knows?
Edi神 - nah... all decent... public stuff hahaha...
huei - are you not afraid? hehe...
anak merdeka - so true... i think satay, or anything which has direct contact with fire... really bad. no no no to BBQ.
mar - well, if u cook the instant noodles using the non-instant method... then it's ok... i think. my answer... hehe... buy the magazine lor... :P
unfortunately.. =(
too disciplined...haha
but good for your long term wellbeing la...
huei - you are not alone.
myop101 - definitely. plan to save up my provision for unhealthy food intake till around christmas.
Zewt, keep it up!
ISA? forget abt it...=P
siew yok, here I come!
TRACE - let's go... siew yok! :)
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