Friday 3 October 2008

Just have to share it

When I talked about how nice Singapore was a few days ago and how I wish we are perhaps 50% like Singapore, some disagreed.

Well, no matter how compliant-based or how Singaporeans are made to just follow law, I am very sure
something like this will never happen there. And it is incidents like these which make me worried about the future of our well-being in this country. What's more worrying is that looking at the trend, things like these are just going to get more rampant.

Read it, and you will know.


Anonymous said...

Lack of political will to fix common problems. Instead, political will all devoted towards putting ppl under detention without judicial review.

Anonymous said...

My jaw literally dropped when I read that "BNM also tells me they have no procedures to deal with scammers"...!!!! What the fcuk man!!! an organisation that deals with billions of rm on daily basis has "no procedures to deal with scammers". what the fuck!!!!!!!!!!!

H.C. Tan said...

tsk. sigh, few days ago hung out with a few ppl which practices some seriously unethical stuffs. make me so disappointed to realize that "YES, WE ARE IN SUCH SHIT"...

SamSeiko said...

to be honest, because of this kind of scammers made our world worst place ever...and i hope the scam emails can be an evidence to catch those scammers!

Anonymous said...

i wrote to public bank immediately after reading tat article yesterday lor

so tell me
compliant to injustice
compliant to law n orders

which sound smart?

SG do have scam, but action will sure be taken, else the non-compliant to injustice sgporean will complain to so many channels makesure av1 knows abt it, the gvt will take the noises seriously n take preventive measures

take the chikugunya 4 example, they will alarm u if they found even 1 case of infection thru news headline, compare to the total ignorance of disease outbreak in so many areas in southern part of potato island

myop101 said...

don't know what to say except this country is going to the dogs (this is an expression by the way, not a literal sense)...

Choonie, the Guru said...

So sad to read it. That is why my hubby never trust the bank institution. He claimed that they are the Ah Long authorised by the Garmen. The police pulak is the friend of Ah Long and not the friend of Rakyat.

Crankster said...

The rot is so deep. From the government to our public institutions like banks.

I never knew it could get so bad. We work and travel around the world and somehow delude ourselves into thinking we are like the developed nations because of our infrastructure etc.

We are in such sorry shape. When will we be able to clean ourselves out?

khengsiong said...

Singapore is not all good. Censorship is worse there...

zewt said...

Klaw - so damn true.

sooi2 - yeah... i was also shocked. i tot BNM is one of the few good institutions around. perhaps everyone is in it. how sad it is.

HC Tan - hmmm... what are those stuff?

elitevillain - now we all know how come there is a suddenl influx of africans. we are sitting ducks.

anon @ 3/10 3.44pm - what did public bank say? and that is why, regardless of all the censorship and all... singapore is way better.

myop101 - haha... are u sure u didnt mean it literally?

i'm choonie - thus... we must really do something.

crankster - even the best clorox around will not be able to bleach our dirt away for another century.

khengsiong - compared to malaysia... i prefer there.

Huei said...

well eventhough sg claims how good their security..they DID let a terrorist escape soooo....

anyway i'm not here to condemn them..but i will not like them either =P

n poor thing..with msian working attitude..apa pun tak boleh lahhh!!

myop101 said...

haha...afraid of getting sued for disrespecting dogs...:P

Anonymous said...

Though the Sporeans are really living in a controlled environment, I guess they benefit more than us... safer to walk in streets without fear of snatch thief, cleaner environment, efficient public transport.. Those who detest Spore, think about this-which environment offer better benefit to its occupants? Though I agree that their community is more superficial and materialistic, but that is matter of internal values, there will be bad and good apples. I am sure there are still nice, down to earth Sporeans...

zewt said...

huei - well... they may let a terrorist escape... but what about us? we have the unimaginable robing us...

myop101 - HAHAHAHAHAHA... yeah, dont risk it.

ivy - indeed, counldnt agree more. and when u look at their social composition, they certainly beat us hands down.