But for me and my friends, we had other ideas…
While driving out at night is already quite a challenge, not many parents will allow their children to take the car out till the wee hours of the morning. But so happen, one of our friends had this liberty. And we will all cramped into this dad’s Iswara Aeroback (could be 6 or more) for our night adventure.
One one… well, actually a few nights… we headed to… the cemetery… Now, this cemetery is not the current expensive and modern type where there is vast land and there are proper roads going into its compound. The one we headed too is a typical Chinese cemetery by the hill where tombstones are located just by the driveway.

That’s not all…
In this particular cemetery, the driveway heading into it can only fit 1 car. It means if you drive in, you have to drive all the way into the cemetery before you can come out on the other side of the hill. It’s what you call a … one way ticket.
As a risk control measure and to ensure that we can escape in the event of any “emergency”, we decided to… reverse in. Yes… put the gear to reverse and head into the cemetery with the backside first so if anything is to happen, the driver can switch to 1st gear and accelerate out immediately.

And one more thing… when the car is reversing in, everyone except those sitting at the side were looking towards the back, nobody was looking at what is in front of the car. Halfway through…
“Eh, mo yan mong chin min meh?” (No one looking in front?)
“Lei mong lah..” (You look lah)
“Huh, lei mong lah” (Huh, you look lah)
“Wan go yan mong chin min, fai tit!” (Quickly get someone to look in front!)
No one did. Well, probably there’s nothing in front anyway, right?
Nothing ever happened though it was quite spooky. Looking bad and consider the ‘what ifs’… what if the engine did die and unable to start when we are in the middle of nowhere! That would have been something.

Heading to Melaka this weekend and probably going to eat myself silly in Jonkers Street Bazaar.
Have a good break all of you and to all AZAIG Hindu readers… Happy Deepavali!
My friends and I did tried that before. and it is of course in the afternoon. so we headed into the cemetery by the hill like you did. in a mini kelisa with 4 person in it. we just drive and drive and then we later found out that the path we took was actually a dead end with 3 tombs staring at us.
masa muda2,semua boleh buat.
skrg je banyak sangat pikir.
kami dulu,siap turun kereta dan masuk ke kawasan kubur utk bergambar.
gothic konon2nya.
mine was in a jungle of Gunung Nuang at 8pm where my hiker buddy saw a langsyur.. aka vampire following us from behind. the one i saw was two mist spirits trying to confused us, with one pointing to the right and the other to the left. I told my partner to stop and let the mist die down.. imagine at 4pm.. sudden thick mist and you are blinded to follow the correct path.. =).. owh yah try driving to Juru highway at 2am.. u see a lady in hospital robe standing at the side of the road by the lamp post. the next day all 5 of us had fever.
owh yah.. forgot to add something,
my best friend and I went into Kampung Tungku Cemetary, the chinese ones and tried sell salts while siting underneath the tree.. cant believe that psycho is the chief editor now.. huhu. we were both 17 years old that time..
sadly, no one bought any of our salt. damm
Hahaha.. if u bring me along, I think i will close my eyes all the way through and say "mou wan ngo ah, you wan, wan kui dei ah". =P
Have a great time in Melaka. Watch what u eat!
Ah.. the last time I went Malacca, I came back a fattie piggie.. eheheh, but food was good.
i was in glasgow scotland 2 years back and had the opportunity to visit a very famous burial ground called necropolis. it's amazing that there are actually tour guides to take you around the place. sadly they only offer day trips. lol.the place is filled with interesting yet eerie monuments with victorian architecture and the dead buried consists of notable people from the earlier century.the tombstones are engraved with names and also occupations of the dead (i.e. merchant, blacksmith). certainly worth a visit if you guys ever drop by glasgow..lol..anyway check it out at http://www.glasgownecropolis.org/index.php?id=55
LOL~! That was indeed something crazy... haha.
Happy holidays, have fun eating! ;)
I haven't done it myself and some of my friends did it. They went a little bit further by having a few sitting on bonnet, roof and boot while driving through the cemetery!
well, i once walked with a bunch of scouts on foot at the middle of the night to the graveyard. it was scary but i was tired. i actually slept in the graveyard while the others deliberated on how to find the clues (oh yeah, forgot to mention, it was a walk round town treasure hunt crap).
seriously, i know my grand uncle was buried there so i am somewhat less afraid (though none of us want to be the last behind the line...:P). yes, it is creepy since it looked poorly planned and maintained. but you know what? when you are dead tired, you just can't be bothered anymore.
i enjoyed my nap though...:P
another thing... i am quite scared of driving. so i delayed and delayed and i only gotten my ticket around 19 years old.
can't say the same about my fear of driving nowadays...:P
adventurous eh~ dont dare to try...
my imagination is so wild...
maybe i will scare others instead of someone "mong chin min" and see "something" non-human-alike...
why go to Melaka alone?
Totally scary! Though I've never done anything like that before... the closest was walking in school at around midnight with a few friends and nobody else around...
Never tried that before. But I think it is certainly not a good idea to 'disturb others' there.
haha this is insane. i tried something like this before but a bit different.
started with a friend of mine dare another two of us to go to and old wooden house. rumors had been spread about it was a haunted house. so me and another friend took the challenge to show him that we weren't coward! ok. i drove there and when reached there i didn't dare to go in. so i told them to keep going and i will take care of the car in case there are some drug addicts around. well, old wooden house and no one could dare to go, drug addicts love it. so they agreed and both of them walked into that house. all in sudden they ran out and i purposely locked the door and pretend that i couldn't open the door haha. and they were panic! very panic! and i open the door after 15 minutes drama. lol. then they were so quiet and i drove home safely. i smiled.
haha cool isn't it?
Yes, I was stupid enough to do that when I was 18. Had a friend who lived in the vicinity of a chinese cemetery. He suggested we go visit him late one night, and he took us to jalan-jalan around the area. Spooky, man!!
BossCat - afternoon? that's a totally different perspective... heh...
j or ji - bergambar? ada tangkap gambar benda lain? :)
huntressmoon - what juru highway? and why try to sell salt?
littlepolaris - hahahaha... u close your eyes, my friends will kick u out of the car.
suituapui - i did :)
lynnx01 - not me though, didnt have chance to eat much. too crowded.
anon @ 25/10 2.06pm - occupation? hmm... think i missed that when i was there. i had the edinburgh walk though.
day-dreamer - go try it some day :)
whoalse - hahahaha.... anyone... disappeared?
myop101 - you SLEPT there????? i salute u!
TRACE - not alone... with friends :)...
Poseidon - school... ahh... plenty of stories.
jam - well, try not to disturb them then :)
faisal admar - why did they run out? hmmm.... and you are so evil hahahaha
king's wife - but still... nothing happen mah! long time no hear from u.
chinese cemeteries r the creepiest in the world. they're the only ones with this eerie feeling, and not to mention the smiling portraits! yikes!
but that's one hell of an experience tho'!
Then I can try those 'stunts' myself before I leave!!!
ahaha.. silly you. Fright yourselves only.
Too free nothing to do! =P
Happy Halloween!
yeah well... what to do? i am tired (seriously, it is tiring to walk so many kms)... i needed my nap... some idiot actually took a photo of me napping and call it a candid shot... sigh...talk about having a life...:P
i wonder why don't they randomly take pictures of the graveyard. i am sure there are lots of "candidates" willing to "model" for them..:P
u went to jonker street? so how? nice? pack like sardine right? hahahha..so wat kind of feast do u have there?
somehow this entry is funny to me. thanks for making me laugh Zewt... it's been quite a long while since i had a good laugh. thanks... ;o)
ok how did the driver drive out without looking front eventually? =P
hahahhah ok la..i damn scared wan..never tried things like these b4..the most was ghost stories..cos that was already enough to freak me out! ;P
You guys a bunch of DareDevils.
kyh - you should try it then... haha...
poseidon - hahaha... my school though.
-princess shin- - that time right... really nothing better to do... :P
myop101 - hahahahaha... wouldnt that be more interesting than snapping you. unless... they saw something with u?
missironic - sigh... missed out on a lot of things. but at least i get to try the chicken rice ball.
grace - hey, it's supposed to make ppl eerie... :P
huei - camping would be very exciting for you. didnt drive out... reverse alllllll the way in... :)
alex yap - more like young and foolish.
im sure is the famous corner shop which have to wait in long queues! :P
those were da days!
missironic - well, worth the wait though :)
Aleks - damn... i do feel old now hahaha!
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