On the way to the cinema, we bumped into some of guests and when I saw them, I turned to Jules and I had the “are-we-going-to-be-the-only-young-punks-in-the-outing?” plastered on my face. I don’t mean to be rude but… they are after all, my MIL’s golf club friends.
When we reached the reception area where finger-food, wine and champagne were served, it was good to see some other faces from my generation. Some are even younger. Not that many but enough to make not feel out of age.
Ya’ know, there were times when colleagues were talking about which babysitter is taking care of their baby and all the baby stuff and I feel out of frequency. Have you ever had that before? Well, if you think that was bad, think again. A guy came and talked to me while I was enjoying the finger-food and he was talking about where his children were… working!!!
After taking our seats in the cinema, the host gave a short speech telling the guests that we can all be crazy since we were among friends and when the songs are played, we were asked to stand on our feet and … shake-a-boom-boom.

The movie started and there were people screaming. And when the song came on… wow… some people just went wild. There were people standing to clap and hands waving and people singing to the tune of the song. It’s really quite hilarious watching the movie-goers, and I mean hilarious in a good way. I repeat, they are my MIL’s friends and their reaction was like how some of us boys go… “OoooOOoooo” when we saw Transformers last year.
When the finale came on after the movie, the climax set in and so many of them got to their feet and start shake-a-boom-boom. After the movie was over, I could see many ladies (not men though) were pretty tipsy due to the smuggled wine. All these people made the saying “age is catching up” redundant.
I wonder if there will be any shake-the-bed-boom-boom tonight. I know… I know, they are my MIL’s friends… but still…
But you know what is the morale of the story?

Do you need to wait till something like that before you have some fun and not neglect your friends?
How many of you are working this weekend?
hehe..i will be working... unofficially....
i will not be working...but will be worrying abt if i will have any work next week. hehe. wahhh so "exciting" one ur MIL's gang. made me try to imagine my mom and her friends shaking their whatever. but yeah, we must celebrate life lo! cheers have a nice weekend...so when u telling us WHERE you going ar?
Let's have fun while we're still young! I have life!
Hey dude, how you? Glad you're having fun. It's been a challenging year and that's part of the reason why I haven't updated. Mum passed away about a month ago after 7 months of being ill. A blessing in disguise. But just to let you know also that I'm updating dotmyhome.wordpress.com again and also changed the settings so you don't have to register to comment. Take care. :-)
we should celebrate our life any time. of course, in any way we want.
life goes on and hey... let's celebrate!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This host is really a person who knows how to enjoy life. Not everyone can do it. Btw, you really have a very open-minded MIL. I wish mine is like yours. hahaha...
Unfortunately, it is such misfortune and during such crisis in life that we discover the true meaning of life and how we should have valued life.
I am will be doing working all weekend, day and night. I have no choice, I chose this career path and that's the price I have to pay. It is fair, my bank account is fatter than all my friends. Though I have no life and becoming unhealthy, I have no regrets.
hey discriminate 'older' ppl ahh u??
one day, all of us will reach that stage, that age. i hope that i'll still remember to celebrate life and hv some fun along the way ;-) dun 4get to invite me if u r gonna hv a private screening ya! :p
started working on friday and saturday full.. aihz typical.
"Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional"
have a nice weekend
That's a very touching piece Zewt. Indeed we all should enjoy life as it goes on. Like enjoying a piece of music, and not to worry about getting to the last note.
ask friends to pick me up at my office...then eat somewhere close by....2 hours later...i;m back in the office
where did i go?....client client client
i believe u have true friends...
enjoy ur weekend! =)
So, did you get it? LoL
I was working but not my weekday's job! LoL......
Hope you have a great one
great post. one of your very best =)
if everyone can think like you, malaysia would be a much happier place
I am on call over the weekend. No choice, all my co-workers in the same team are Muslims.
my dad parties in zouk with his friends.... sigh...
phew! i din work tat weekend..hahaha..sometimes, the old generation has more fun! when i go bck to hometown..imagine my mum is more busy than her daughter who stays home and just watch tv while she goes out through the nite... sometimes older generation do noe how to have fun eh? lolz...
myop101 - hmmm... what do u mean by unofficially? from home?
HC Tan - if you dont mind the pay, i am sure u can get a job soon enough. me ah... the preferred destination is australia lor.
Just jasmine - kudos! let us all do that together.
Allan Yap & Nigel A. Skelchy - hey!! good to hear from you. yes, i heard about the passing of your mom. my condolence. good to see that you're back at writing about social issues again.
CK - celebrate... everyday!
Maverick SM - that's the unfortunate truth of human nature isnt it?
2x2 Matrix - i hate to say it but... you do not know your regrets yet... just not yet.
rainbow angeles - hahaha... sure thang!
-=Sin=- - brilliant quote.
Dan-yel - let the music flow... let there be no last note :)
erm - take a break break break...
TRACE - hey there. welcome to AZAIG. thanks... i do indeed.
i'm choonie - hahaha... i guess a good and open minded MIL is a gem isnt it... :)
whoalse - hmmm... photogprahy i presume.
pavlova - the world... not just malaysia. and i am honoured to be made a comparison.
khengsiong - well, if it's not all the time, then it's ok lah.
evelynholic - woooaaah.... no wonder so many 'old' ppl there... hehe...
missironic - cos they have seen enough and know that we are all making our mistakes here... hehe....
woah! hard to imagine..i'm trying to picture my mum
working? hell noooo!!! i need to catch up on some pigging business...SLEEP!
Oh man that sounds like sooo much fun!
I was just telling a buddy of mine yesterday that no matter how old we are, no matter how many kids everyone has, we must ALWAYS make sure we go for trips and do spontaneous crazy things together!
Ageing doesn't have to mean the end of all that!
You planning on going or the Musical in December?
Life is short... Time to enjoy life to the maximum!!
yeah...from home...:)
Erh, letting loose by intoxicating oneselves with alcohol is not my idea of celebrating life and enjoying the best things in life.
huei - too much hat yai-ing ler... hahaha...
sabrina - most definitely... but still thinking how much i should spend. the prices are pretty steep dont u think?
angie tan - amen to tat!
myop101 - no wonder u wanna change your job hehe...
anon @ 7/10 11.59am - well, who are we to judge?
i am slowing down now la...since i know about the new budget...it is crazy.... besides, in my team, other than my boss, i am the only one left!...:P
myop101 - hahahaha... well, means you might just have to get more 'near rape' experience.
Yeah, great post. Liked how you ended the story about the host fighting against cancer. It's never too late to celebrat life..
One of my favourite quote: Life is short, make it sweet...
I've added my own version: Life's short, make it COUNT...
As Christian, live a life of significant (as per what Rick Warren, Purpose Driven Life talked about)....
I really like this post, despite the funny front part of the story...
As i always remind myself & hubby, family & friends should really be the BIG part of our lives, instead of work...and work!
yr MIL gang is so cool... i'll be glad if i'm lucky to have such gang of frens at my retiring age!! am glad that d host r still healthy to enjoy the night!!
me...no way i'll be working on weekend/holiday, blek!!
ivy - rick warren... have yet to finish that book :)
sharlydia - now that you've got 2 kids... i am sure he cant slow down ler.
jacss - when we're old... we go out and party ok?
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