I am sure many of you are suffering from politics overdose recently, particularly stuff about the BERSIH rally. I just finished watching 101 East on Al-Jazeera news with nazri, khairy and Malik Imtiaz as the panel. I must say nazri’s English is no matter than that, that, that, that, that information minister. I am sure the video will be up in youtube in no time.
Since Friday is on the way, no more political stuff.
You guys still remember the steamy encounter with the third kind story last week? Some of the comments really made me laughed like an idiot in front of the screen. One thing for sure, ghost or not ghost, most of you will band him/her regardless. If there is anything that can overcome fear, it’s definitely lust.
Here are 5 top reasons why many of you will bang a ghost:-
5) One must fulfil one’s dying wish.
4) One must not deny a gift from God. (you better pray the gift is not permanent)
3) Horniness tends to overcome fear. (think opposition should take up this idea)
2) No condoms needed. (I actually never thought of this)
And the best reason of all is…
1) Can ask for 4D after banging ‘it’. (you guys’ money making mind is incredible)
So ghost sex is good sex to many huh? Also, I should also seriously consider writing romantic novels eh? Haha…
Have a good weekend…
Since Friday is on the way, no more political stuff.
You guys still remember the steamy encounter with the third kind story last week? Some of the comments really made me laughed like an idiot in front of the screen. One thing for sure, ghost or not ghost, most of you will band him/her regardless. If there is anything that can overcome fear, it’s definitely lust.

5) One must fulfil one’s dying wish.
4) One must not deny a gift from God. (you better pray the gift is not permanent)
3) Horniness tends to overcome fear. (think opposition should take up this idea)
2) No condoms needed. (I actually never thought of this)
And the best reason of all is…
1) Can ask for 4D after banging ‘it’. (you guys’ money making mind is incredible)
So ghost sex is good sex to many huh? Also, I should also seriously consider writing romantic novels eh? Haha…
Have a good weekend…
May I say that it only (or majority) applies to men??
I wouldn't even dare dream of it ler... nanti cannot 'feel'anything then how??
Happy weekend!
oh damn i missed that post.. was in blog hiatus haha.
6) it will never say "not today, headache/migraine"
Oh man, i cracked at every reasons, the most being the first, finally crack from end to end, and LOL. Thanks for starting off our weekend on the light note.
(Interesting: Horniness beats fear. Maybe I should think of that whenever I need to overcome my fear) ;)
lol :D
Correction - You shouldn't just consider writing romantic novels .. but 'hot' romantic novels.
maybe one can elevate while doing it and save energy..
im pretty sure in reality, when one see a ghost, their champion will shrink so small that he can't even bang the ghost!
any sex is good sex! hahahaha
well, it takes both hands to clap...:)
ahahha..man some ppl r creative!
Hello, you din specifically say the girl is a ghost..
The hospital could just mess up the ID. The fact is, how can one believe a voice over the phone over somebody standing right in front of you? lol
No, thanks.
make sure u share share ur 4D tips once u're done okies? =P
hmm, isnt some ghost supposed to be "invisible"?
what if the sex is SO GOOD IT decided to stick with you foreveR? then u're doomed :P
Zewt, I was also laughing mad at the comments. You should post more of these fun stuffs.
sighh, about that info mins-ter or monster, i wish he had more info before talking. i dun care if his english is poor, but didnt our PM just mention to all mins-ter to be more of a listener and able to take critics?
he is not even listening to a reporter, he just blareeee....yeah like the black sheep! FYI, this is the 3rd time we have a mins-ter talking like this over the past 2 years. remember bout the one who said, "if you dun like, you can leave this country"...
idiots....idiotsssss....bucnh of morons.
about ghost, errr.... i met one in my stay in jakarta. i am still in jakarta by the wya
somehow missed the earlier post. just read it moments ago and i must its creepy in the end!
have a wonderful weekend.
err...really so desperate meh? u sure u dare to bang a ghost??? bare in mind, u may not know what comes in the "package" dude!
Ahem ghost sex = safe sex???
LOL!! Happy Weekend, dude. :-)
So ghost sex means no condoms needed? Eh, which of your commentors came up with that? ROTFL!
wah, if the ghost give hp number, how leh? hehe.
Could it be a shok sendiri case, this ghost banging? Another definition of masturbation perhaps?
Worse case scenario: the ghost kept haunting u till your dying days and your (future) wife and kids can never understand why daddy screams "Oh God!" when he's all alone in the bathroom or even in bed.
Foremost, make sure you can still find your willie outside your body, literally speaking :D
dying wish? banging a ghost??? SERIOUSLY???!!! ok. maybe i shud ask my dying patients if they've had this thought before, although i'm pretty sure most of them wud prefer smoking over banging a ghost-- unless it's the apparition of jessica alba ;p
angel - well, it would be quite an experience, no?
tingtitlei - HAHAHAHAHA... that is some good shit, should really include that!
dan-yel - hahaha... yeah, it is the best remedy. proven here.
rashikaps - erotic is a bette word eh?
penang-kia - sex in the air?now, tat is a whole new meaning to mile high club.
ehon - hahahahahaha... that is quite true. unless the level of horniness is that high.
wuching - errr... gay sex?
myop101 - one hand is invisible.
constant craver joe - tell me about it.
Helen - hhhaah.... maybe wrong number eh? bang away then...
arth akal - seriously? i tot you might do it :)
Huei - hahaha... hmmm...
Sharon - that's why i said... if the gift is permanent... we're doomed.
purple mushroom - such post once in a while is good eh?
ahjohn - makes us wonder whether SPM english is even a requirement to become one eh? happy ghosting in jakarta... haha!
tulipspeaks - creepy yet nice... :P
sharlydia - oh yeah... since no condom will be used.
Angie Tan - AAHAHAHAHAHAHA... that is so true!
rinnah - go and read there... i think sharina is one of them.
alan zed - call lor.
Manal - if the ghost remains the same age all the while, i am sure the oh god part is good. ewwwww....
whisperingshout - hehe... that is the most important thing.
Jun - well... maybe they would like you xxxx you instead? :)
What?? All reasons side men.
LOL~ watch BEOWULF~ lol~ then u'll see~
sometimes.. Lust just takes over~ lol.. but sometimes it's scary~ I"m sure I won't do that~
haha not unless i look even like one-tenth of jessica alba ;p (altho i think angelina jolie is waaay hotter)
The ghost is not some fortune/money deities. Where can give 4D one? Unless those super evil ones who ask for your soul in return. Ngek ngek. Nothing comes for free in this world rite?
er, it's a good sex, provided you finished it without knowing you are doing it with ghost. haha! mind over matters... oh yeah!
hey zewt, sorry ive been M.I.A for the past few days due to my SPM. :) Interesting post you've got here. lol. Asking a ghost for 4D num is such a brilliant idea. hahah. btw, ive kind of got 2 blog awards and im sharing them with you. enjoy your weekend! :)
lol... so many ghost sex advocates here ah... macam tu also can hahaha XD depends on the ghost leng chai or leng lui anot lor... later not leng one sex liao also no appetitie to ask for 4d already... lol
oh god zewt....i cant bear with just the thought
Hi Zewt,
Wah lau...This must take the cake on the most creative post, ever! Haha...Nombor 1 sounds very cool though!
PS: Hope you're fully better from the whole kidney-stone scare =)
lynnx01 - hey... the person who gave the condom idea was from a girl.
~*Mindy*~ - hahaha... oh yeah... angelina jolie... i think no king can defy her... lol!
Jun - BEOWOLF movie mania again huh...
kyh - maybe she will ask for lifetime 'payment' after that.
bongkersz - else... we will be scarred forever haha!
SWei - hey there... take your time with SPM... and thanks for the award... will certainly check them out.
conan_cat - hmmm... my other post states that the ghost is hot la... haha...
SuLee - why not? hehe...
Daphne Ling - thanks... yeah, kidneys feel good now. long may it last.
LOL~ when she's done with it.. she return u the "Dragon Horn Cup"~ and there, your nightmare will start~ yeee... scary~ i can't believe i just typed tat~
4D as in nombor ekor ke?...???
gotta admire ur guts man :P
bang a ghost??? geee...you are running out of topics..ahha. Have you ever fantasize being banged by one during one of your 'happy' times?
Mindy - what is a dragon horn cup?
pamina - hahaha... all from the readers.
Daphstar - nope... not in my lifetime... hehe.
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