Seems like only yesterday when I wrote my first century entry and how the zewt mystery was revealed then. My daily blogging affairs have now brought me to my 200th entry, which means quite a lot to me. And in dedication to my TWO-HUNDREDTH…

... Thankful… I am thankful for having started this blog; it is a good feeling to actually have people reading what I wrote. I am also thankful to have made so many friends through my blog and as corny as it may sound, it is something money could not buy.
… Weary… I am weary from my blogging affairs, I will not deny that. Being a full fledge modern slave, it is difficult to juggle between work and blog. Further, as my wedding preparation intensifies, I will certainly be putting more energy into that. So blog hopping will probably needs to slow down.
… Overwhelmed… that is the only word I can use to describe the support for AZAIG. While I can't compare myself with all the celebrity bloggers out there, I am truly overwhelmed by the support from all of you, particularly during my mother’s passing and the course of last week.
… Hunger… that is still in me about blogging despite feeling weary. So it will be interesting to see how I am going to get through my next few months.
… Unchanged… AZAIG will remain as a thinking blog, for most of its entries at least. After all, I would like to believe I am a thinking blogger… hehe…
… Naughtiness… is what I would like to incorporate more into AZAIG despite it being a thinking blog still. I am sure many of you would like to read more about further gym experiences; not about gays but about girls… no?
… Determined… to not allow money creep into AZAIG. I have been tempted many times to do paid post but I think I shall hold on to my belief that when money is involved, the beauty intended will be affected. It could be anything, not just blogs… even human relationship.
… Respect… is what I have for all the socio-political bloggers out there. It doesn’t matter whether they are making a big impact or otherwise, the energy and the courage put in to bring forth news to us deserve not just mine, but your respect as well. I also respect some of us bloggers who occasionally speak your mind in some of your entries, you know who you are.
… Experience… a tremendous one. If anyone is to say blogging is a waste of time, they probably don’t know what they are missing on. Do I get 3 cheers for that?
… Diversify… is what I am thinking to do, from the usual modern slavery and modern colonisation focused entries to other notion, environment for example. But it will still remained unchanged, thinking entries. Maybe it is also interesting to talk about prophecies and fortune telling, I am sure many are intrigued by such topics.

… Trivia… Do you know that my real name is actually hidden somewhere in this blog? I have actually blogged about this before.
… Hope… that AZAIG will reach the landmark of 300; and also hope for this nation. While I am already looking at greener grass, I do hope this nation will see better days. Also hope that my book project sparked by AZAIG will actually make it.
Thank God for AZAIG and many thanks to you all too… (wow… I sound like a columnist… a self proclaimed version… hehe…)
Yes... I totally agree with your "Determination" ;)
Here's to more 200 entries!
I bring champagne :)
Congrats, Zewt!!!
What you hope for, you'll achieve 'coz all the strength you need to achieve anything is within you.
God Bless!!!
i'll always be your reader till the sun don't shine...
cheers for your 200th post!
Congrats dude! ;-)
I don't blog that often and I'm still in my late 100's. ;-)
Hope to see you reach the 500th post!
G A M B A T E!!!!!!
let's TOAST ~!! for the 200th ~!! congratez~!!
cheers!!! cheers!!! cheers!!! :D 3 times eh? haha!
"Maybe it is also interesting to talk about prophecies and fortune telling"
Looking forward for that dude.. Maybe can beat Lilian Too and Joey in the future. kekeke!
Congrats. :-)
May the force be with
long time no comment again. im trying really hard to avoid stressing myself haha
congratulations man. looking forward to more posts by you
Way to go, Zewt!
And glad that u are alright too. =)
Reminder: next time got any pain, go seek medical advice immediately!
as i have said before, in one form or other, i am unlike you simply because of your tenacity and creativity to write blogs. so, hats off to you for your efforts.
i enjoyed reading your articles and i believe there will be more coming your way.
take care and God bless...
Congrats to you mate...
Keep up the spirit and hope to see more interesting story by you...
God Speed..
Congratulation! Good I look forward to ur 'nice' lady post! Wedding day when? I know very busy wan. So busy & tired that on wedding night no pokeing is done! So have u get ready a kid ( actually a vir*gin guy will do ) to pee on ur wedding pee pot or lay on ur wedding bed?
Have a nice day!
congrats on ur 200th entry! definitely will give u 3 cheers! Hip Hip Hooray to zewt x3! lolz...neway, gud luck in ur preparation for ur big day!..really ah? ur name is sumwhere hidden..quite a mystery, ya? :P
HAPPY 200th post!!!!!! =D
So, u r getting married eh? Congratulations... wonder once you have made that transition in your life, you can maintain this as a thinking blog... or perhaps you'd create another blog dedicated solely for that journey you take with your (future) wife and perhaps your (future) child(ren)?
Anyway, where did you get all these relevant photos to accompany your writing entries anyway, tho' obviously the latest one is taken from that movie 300 lah....haha.
Congratulations on your 200th post! :) Keep 'em coming!
Happy 200th Post!!
Yes, You've been on fast u have excuse to slow down man, else jules 'merajuk'... coz big day approaching !!!
And yes, would love to see u incorporating the 'naughtiness' side of u !!!!
Whats not to like about your writings, zewt? u expressed them clearly but without too much of a prejudice or emotional for nothing.
Enjoyed your thoughts and enjoyed having u as one of the prolific bloggers. And so, here's wishing u gong xi gong xi and keep it going, dude!
Cheers for the living vicious one!
Congratulations on the milestone, Zewt. I agree with almost all your points raised. Yes, on the three-cheers, I'm with you on that. Yours is a good blog, you're anytime a celebrity now Zewt. I've recommended my friends to read AZAIG.
may they will be 300th pulak. ;)
counting to your 300th...(^_^) Keep it up!
May you continue not to reach 300, but up til 400 yea ^^
Congrats!!! =)
Been reading your blog since your 100th posting and enjoyed wasting my time here.
Damn,you are good.Cheers!!and keep them coming.
Kudos on reaching your 200th! 'determination'... earns you my respect...
money is the root of all evil... but without it, can one trully be happy?
Paul Scholes dah main lebih 500 game dengan Man Utd..lagi penat tau!
woo.....200th post...Damn dulan MU drew with Arsenal the other day!
happy 200. may there be many more to come.
ding! ding! ding!
Well done dude! And happy planning for the wedding. It only happens once in a lifetime (it better be!) Hahah!
No 300 for me...
except the nice build body of those men.. hehe
No mention. Your blog has always been informational.
zewt, happy 200th postings... and keep the bloggin spirit alive... enjoy every single bit of ur writings...
Congrats. I have learnt a lot from your blog. Keep up the good work.
I am glad that you are ok. Sorry for not writing earlier.
I pray that God will continue to give you the vision to blog for a different purpose than $.Keep up the good work.
I just wrote a post on US Vs Malaysian system. You might like to contribute your valued insight.
If I were you, I would do a regular blood work if your insurance permit. Sorry to say I do not have a whole lot of confidence on M. health care system. Always ask for 2nd or 3rd opinion. Don't take 1 doctor opinion.
For a brain tumor, the docs there can misdiagnose as skin disease. If it is in US, it will be a big malpractice case. I won't name the doctor name neither will I name the clinic or hospital name.
Your prayer sister.
Congrats on reaching 200 posts, zewt! Here's to many more!
Now I know... Congratulations!!
angel - i wanna drink the champagne now... !
Jemima - and in Him... God be with you too.
iamikel - hi and welcome. thanks for the support. i am truly over-whelmed.
Angie Tan - 500th! wow... that's really a challenge :)
maegen - cheers!
bongkersz - haha... mine is based on experience and also the bible ler... nothing compared to those.
Helen - and you!
tingtitlei - haha... seldom put up stressful post ... slow down a bit.
cocka doodle - thanks uncle cocka...
littlepolaris - will certainly do. wouldnt want to go thru that again.
anon @ 7.27am - well, you're too kind with your words. those who know you will know you can be better than me.
Mcmercedez - thanks... will keep it up... will try.
Hor Ny - hahaha... that tradition is gone la.
missironic - hehe... can u solve the mystery?
Huei - thanks huei.
the pisces man - i think my wife will kill me if i start another blog.. haha... she is already complaining that i spend too much time on 1 blog.
beetrice - hi there... sure will.
Jacss - yeah ler... too fast... warp speed perhaps. naughtiness... need to think think...
Manal - prolific? i like it :)... and wow... i like being called the vicious one... haha!
narrowband - thanks narrowband, i am very honoured to have you letting your friend know about AZAIG. celebrity? well... i think i am still far from it. we are all fellow bloggers... same stature.
alan zed - hopefully bro.
Doreen - thanks doreen.
water_angel - and 500? :)
penang-kia - your words are too kind. i hope i can still keep it up.
rachel - thanks rachel.
SLACKER - well... money is not the root... it's the love for money that is the root... agree?
j or ji - pasti... pasti akan terus berusaha.
ClaudiaMom - thanks :)
pookyma - me too... got money... almost won... then lose it. cilaka.
me - thanks... taking it slowly though.
F.O.N @ frostee - definitely, wouldnt wanna miss the fun, would i?
keeyit - hahaha... you dont like all the killing huh...
jam - and i am glad it is.
Michael Song - thanks bro... thanks for the support.
Bee Ean - very nice to have heard that :)
kayatan - what? skin disease!!! that doc should be nailed to the cross!! well, that's malaysia for you i guess. the one i went too is one of the best in town and i saw him twice, i guess i will trust him and trust God for now. thanks for being my prayer sister. by the way, heard citigroup went real bad with the subprime thingy.
rinnah - many many many more... hopefully.
purple mushroom - hehe... indeed. thanks for helping.
rocks on!
Praise God Zewt that all is well...and Kudos on 200!!! :) Keep it up bro.
still cant! quite bad at finding for tis sort of kinda slowwww..hahahaaa...
:) So nice.... i hope you could come.... and meet the rest before you go off to somewhere where the grass is greener :P...
Happy 200th post... wah now only 200 meh? it seems like u wrote quite a lot liao... I tot maybe 300-400 dee.. wakakaka...
hey Zewt! I've been visiting your blog for some time already, and you write interesting stuffs. Congratulations on your 200th entries! *light up 200 candles* and hope you'll never stop blogging. :) Cheers!
whisperingshout - most definitely my friend.
mar - Praise God indeed... we dont praise Him enough.
missironic - hahaha... okay, maybe later i drop u a mail. do remind me.
calvin's wife - no ler... i limite 1 post a day... so it will be very long before i can hit 300 hehe... i will try to make it.
drumsticks - hi there and welcome and thanks for visiting. thanks for the wishes... hope i can keep up the energy.
Happy 200th post! I'm enjoying every single post from you! Hope to see more!!!
Cool! Zewt, mail pls! ok..reminded u dy..hahahaa...
congrats! Both on your 200 ++ entries as well as a toast to end your "single -low cheng " life! Gambate , dude!
seok thong - thanks... really touched.
missironic - haha... okies okies...
y.e@eevet - single low cheng life... haha... that's something new.
congratulations on 200! can't wait to see it reach the "real" 300... harruuuummmpppphhhhhhh!!
may - i think i will b very close to aussie then hehe...
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