The govt called it an illegal gathering.
The organisers called it a peaceful march.
International news called it a rally for a fair election.
Some local news called it a riot.
Some blogs called it ‘people power’.
What do you call it?
The comics mainstream news said there were 4,000.
The information minister said there were hundreds.
Blogs said there were 45,000.
Which do you believe?
The historic event made its way to Al-Jazeera news…
Despite such an event, I am still meeting Malaysians who are totally unaware of it. Really, it makes me wonder how ignorant people can get.
Anyway, no matter what you call it and how many turned up, I think the whole thing will mean nothing if the Agong does nothing about the memorandum submitted to him that day. Will he fulfil the call of the rakyat? It will be interesting to see…
I just went over to the mainstream website and the rally is now said to be inciting racial disharmony.
And I must say… the above statement worries me. Friends, I think we are living in interesting times… and trust me… ignorance, is no longer bliss.
P/S: Pictures courtesy of Mr.Anonymous.
The organisers called it a peaceful march.
International news called it a rally for a fair election.
Some local news called it a riot.
Some blogs called it ‘people power’.
What do you call it?

The information minister said there were hundreds.
Blogs said there were 45,000.
Which do you believe?

Despite such an event, I am still meeting Malaysians who are totally unaware of it. Really, it makes me wonder how ignorant people can get.
Anyway, no matter what you call it and how many turned up, I think the whole thing will mean nothing if the Agong does nothing about the memorandum submitted to him that day. Will he fulfil the call of the rakyat? It will be interesting to see…
I just went over to the mainstream website and the rally is now said to be inciting racial disharmony.

P/S: Pictures courtesy of Mr.Anonymous.
yeah BN can gather more people by paying RM100 each...
yes, i'm waiting anxiously for the Agong's reaction/response regarding the memorandum. They only managed to pass it to his secretary at the Istana gate. Who knows, the secretary use it to wipe his ass? Hehe..
Yeah, Najib said BN can easily gather 100,000 people if they want. Well, judging from the number of Urukhais on the streets I guess that's very possible. So, Najib said it was 10k? The Star and NST 4k? And fark Najib to conclude all the rally participants are from opposition parties. They are Malaysians, irrelevant of what political beliefs, and they are people who cares.
Spare those ignorant brats lah dude. They too busy cari makan to aware that they are being screwed left center up backside by the people they elected. Yeah, cari makan, earn more money, pay more tax so we can send more monkeys to space. Thanks to these ignorant Malaysians :)
what the fuck.. like fucking small kids saying "no! my daddy is richer than your daddy!"
mca managed to get 50000 by organising a free concert. *note, it was an entertainment event though. i don't think mca can pull more than 10000 for political rally
umno managed to gather 10,000 every year without fail for its perhimpunan "agong". that's nearly rm10000 per delegate though. If they just pay rm100, they might get over a million "supporters".
MIC has its fair share of gangsters ...just look at ijok.
Yea...ignorant is not a bliss.
Let's hope this is a first step, of many towards political awareness. People Power.
He sounds like he is in a school fight telling his enemy that he has more gangs.How did he get to be a DPM really amazed me.
Did you listened to the interview Al Jazeera gave to our Minister of No-Information?LMAO.He should be ISA-ed for embarrassing the country.
Its better to go back to colonial time if allowed rather than been ruled by people who are stupid than us.
btw, it was more than 50K attendance. when i was making my exit after the memo was submitted (and taking down some pics and videos), i noticed more came to join the 40K patriots outside ther palace grounds. i believe these group of people were from masjid jamek, sogo and such area as they were the ones delayed by the police & FRU.
the ruling party should know that despite their best efforts in preventing people from coming i.e. by creating roadblocks (along with that a massive traffic jam which staled everyone from entering the city during that crucial hours leading to the march) since deepavali, detaining 200+ people wearing anything yellow, not giving a permit for this peaceful assembly and blasting fellow patriots with acid waters, many still made it. incidentally, KTM kommuter had technical problems on the same day plus LRT services were practically disabled during that crucial hours. also, one must not discount the heavy downpour (which turned into a drizzle around 3 pm). imagine seeing a sea of yellow patriots willing to face all these and still managed to gather more than 50K!
whatever it was called, ALL agreed that this assembly was dispersed PEACEFULLY from outside the palace grounds. i believe someone was saying they were worried about issuing a permit as these sort of gathering usually lead to rioting and damage of private properties.
hmmm... so much for their worries and doubt of Malaysian mentality.
even peaceful demonstrations r not allowed. so much so for democracy.
I do wonder too if the Agong will act on the memo. Nevertheless, the show of 40K odd people simply implies that many are unhappy with the way things are. This itself sends a strong message to the govt.
The roadblocks,the ministers' response to the rally and not to mention the memo issued to all govt institutions to warn their employees from joining the rally simply indicates that the govt are feeling the heat.
Yup,,,..interesting times ahead.
i'm just glad there was a peaceful ending to this chapter. as a unbiased observer, not taking any sides, i can't help wonder if there is a correct or wrong side to this. standing on the side of the govt, they will be convinced the ppl are all pawns of the opposition. it's not a very nice feeling, to know that u may be a puppet executing what someone has planned all along, right down to the smallest details. no doubt that the ppl have an agenda, they want reform and clean election, but it's precisely this point that the opposition has recognised and used as a tool in their own agenda.
standing on the side of the ppl, the govt has it's weakness, which could do with a reminder, lest they take it all for granted and abuse us further.
there are always two sides to a coin. as i said, i'm just glad no one was fatally harmed. but will this give courage to future, and perhaps even more serious, rallying in the future. i fear, for the country, for the ppl, for the peace.
I'm very glad that this rally happen, and was made up of all races! It reminded me of the march for civil rights of the African Americans. It just shows me that not all Malaysians are that apathetic.
they can gather those stupid mat rempits who so worship them because THEY were the ones who fed those mat rempits!
Oh my god.. What the hell am I missing? Thanks for blogging about this! Argh.. Is everyone all right?
Take care ya!
Just exactly the opposite of what Najib claimed today (in MCA paper) - this event united the people of all race and religion. Bersih or the opposition did not stir racial disharmony.
Spin doctors are spinning.
We are not unaware of their schemes.
anthraxxxx - hahaha... money is the reason for everything eh?
bongkersz - actually, i am also not sure what is the real number. but i am sure it's not hundreds. and i also understand that many were denied their participation when their transport were stopped. yeah... we malaysians are an ignorant bunch.
tingtitlei - hahaha... your anger will lead you to the... dark side... the right side.
rational thinker - i think numbers is not important. what is more important is the heart of the people. besides, we didnt include those who demonstrated in front of malaysian embassies in other countries? can someone confirm whether it happened or not?
penang-kia - someone said he should have spoken BM and get someone to translate for him. incredible english he has.
anon @ 7.53am - yeah, i think the whole obstacle thing made it even more meaningful. and i think the rain was a blessing in disguise. they used water cannon... God water cannon-ed them too hahahah!!
anon @ 7.58am - but TV3 news show police chasing some ppl and arresting ppl? that part i missed really.
some UMNO members of the higher echelon commented
"the participants of the illegal gathering last saturday were mostly made up of malays. obviously the malays are easily influenced by the opposition and this may weaken the malay unity and will allow people of other races to take opportunity of this situation."
now i wonder who is playing racial hatred card here?
thanks for spreading the word. more people need to know about this ...
I wish I could have participated though.
Najis is playing the race card again! Damn!
kyh - democracy? i think we must wake up from it.
Babbles - really? instructions issued by govt agencies? hahaha... now, that is what i call fear. indeed, fear is a powerful thing.
me - i think i dont want to see this rally as an opposition tool, though many who came are opposition members. i will see it as a gathering of the people, the rakyat. indeed... the laywers' walk inspired many things... we will be looking at more things at the future. i guess those are afraid... time to leave perhaps? i think many are stuck in between.
messy christian - hi there. i think malaysians are evolving... not all malaysians though.
huei - beware... those are urukhais... they will do the bidding.
princess shin - you're missing much eh? hehe...
Josh - hi there and welcome to AZAIG. indeed... the mainstream is like in a competition to see who can spin it the best... truly amazing.
lucius maximus - that has always been the case isnt it. whenever they need something to count on... that is the best card to play... racial card... the trump card.
jason phoon - you're welcome... now, for you to spread it.
chicken ball - racial cards are played by everyone unfortunately.
It's really unfortunate that most Malaysians remain uninformed and ignorant about the ongoings in their own homecountry. On the other hand, those who're more concerned are only those in the urban areas - regardless of race.
Anyway, so the BN can gather even more people. At the end of the day, what's gonna come out of all these 'I-have-more-people-than-you' games? A clash? To retaliate by saying you can gather even more people is just plain childish. "My lollipop is bigger than yours, my colour pencil has more colours than yours...~". What a joke.
We're living in interesting times, indeed. Malaysians have come of age and more and more are matured enough to understand what's happening in the country, and the games the powers-that-be are playing. And I must say that the internet has been a great catalyst in bringing about such a change.
I didn't know the details on this since I was away for a week. But friends sms me to let me know of this news. Hahaha. Guess it's a big thing. It's time for Malaysians to think, who they going to vote next. I already have in mind what to do.
this is certainly interesting times.
i was caught in a nasty jam in PJ and i nearly forgot about the Nov 10th gathering.
anyway, a lot of my friends are still oblivious to what is happening around them. perhaps they have their plan b ready?
certainly, i hope that this coming election, we will vote wisely.
however, my gut feel is that there will be some feel-good measures since our politicians like to take advantage of the Malaysian Short Term Memory... ;-)
even we oversea also knows about this on the day (I know this from purple mushroom though, hehe), how can the locals you met still do not know about this?
yup, BN can mobilise more people with their machinery. but in line with their monetary culture, there must be freebies. look, in their recent campaign, UMNO has to give up prizes of more than RM5.0 million to get their members registered as voters.
and that come from a ruling party members. can you beat that as far as monettary culture is concerned. like it is being said, "monkey see monkey do" and "the rot starts from the head"
a very irresponsible statement by that racist who want to bathe his keris with chinese blood.
from a same mould, a family full of racists
his father did a 13/5, guess this guy thinking of one too...
WoW! The youtube video! Very power!!!
Now i know whats going on in msia
the sad thing about malaysians in general are most people are either 1. too ignorant to give a damn, 2. empty cans - they make tons of noises but when election comes, they gossip at nearby mamak stall 3. those who really want a change.
the great news is, malaysians are starting to speak up.
R u the Mr "Anonymous" ?
i saw the aljazeera interviews and read the blogs....and what makes me irritated is the totally different story that is being told by the mainstream media! the world will be laughing at how ridiculous this is!
but yes, we are living in very interesting times and i am waiting in anticipation to see the agong's reaction to this.
i am happy that so many ppl turned up and that they are safe. i am glad that they are ppl who are not afraid.
Malaysia is a sorry doomed state , slipping downwards each day. Uneducated people gets elected and becomes rich beyond their wildest dreams. Islam or something sounding like it is used as a ploy to deceive people in the kampongs. the Chinese only care about money, whether from the devil or god ( who cares !). and so life goes on , afterall they can always watch tv and read the papers 2moro.
My European friend says the Indians and Chinese in Malaysia better wake up before 2 late , damn the MCA damn the MIC for they have slept with the enemy. May the force be with the rest. Its no wonder people flock to the Pavilion and Pyramid 2 why shud they be flushed with tear gas ? politics and change is for other people one , cheers ! burrrrrpppp...
All I can say is I thank God I've not been buying the newspaper for the past year. Waste money only.
4,000? My foot. They can't even count.
I dun doubt UMNO can draw in more people. Of course they fail to mention compensating the crowd....
To me personally, what the agong does is secondary. The primary objective is to show that there are many who are unhappy and are willing to take to the streets to march.
Remember Nazri who very arrogantly commented regarding the lawyers march to Putrajaya, "It's only a small number of lawyers who marched. What's the big deal!".
Now it's 40-50k who marched. How many will march next? That's what the govt fears.
Just my two cents.
judging from the pictures, definitely more than hundreds. newspapers are trying to cover up as usual, oh yeah trying to be smart ass again.
if agong don't do anything about it, i guess some real big thing is gonna happen real soon... get ur instant noodles guys., you don't want to go out for the next few months.
What can I say? I'm proud of the people! Way to go BERSIH.
Just a bit of advert: --> it's a game, for each word right, 10 grains of rice will be donated to help end world hunger. Why not give it a try eh? It's even in the news
i really like the comment from true!
so zewt, were u there as well?
I think 50K is not a small number, and i really hope Agong will do something about this...
Don't thin the 'ahgong' will do anything. Woi! Tat is also an important date to me leh - my wedding anniversary mah.......... hahahaha
sad isnt it? something big gonna happen soon... hopefully... *cross fingers*
very introspective, zewt! were u there at the rally? gosh they just keep playing up the racial card EVERY FREAKING TIME!!!
and there they go playing tai chi again putting the blame on racism
I don't know what to call it, but most of my friends called it gathering of the yellow T-shirts. I don't really like the term tho, it kinda remind me of that fat, ugly fella from that phone network company. :-P
Despite having to cancel my shopping trip to KLCC because of the march last Sat, I'm eager to see what the outcome would be.
PS: You don't happen to be in the march, do you? :-P
narrowband - some are not only uninformed... they have the guts to curse the rally simply becos they missed their shopping trip... i shall blog about this tonight!
gina - and that is to... leave? :)
Angie Tan - your friends who are living in dreamland...wish them luck for me.
Elizebeth DL - there are... trust me there are... purple mushroom got to know it from me ler...
anon @ 1150am - yeah man... that 5.35m is quite incredible. well, when money talks... bullshit walks. just look at our local newscaster.
anon @ 12.58pm - well, whatever he said there sure is not very nice.
3POINT8 - hey there and welcome to AZAIG. you've been away for too long eh? there are more interesting videos in youtube.
Ehon - yeah... and this rally is beginning to fuel some fire in some malaysians.
freethinker - unfortunately.. no. will the real mr. anonymous please own up? hahaha....
lingzie - yeah... our local media is total fiasco. i dunno how those ppl sleep at night.
team bsg - damn right about the statement on chinese... we only care about money. hahaha... pavillion vs the walk... some ppl are just too rich to give a damn.
Helen - the sad part is... it's our money they are using... sigh.
adrian - that is quite a good point. like i said... this certainly fueled some fire in the people.
conan-cat - yeah... that is something many are afraid of... and it cripples us. but anyway, stocking up is always good.
anon @ 3.18pm - hmm... 10 grains only? geee....
sharlydia - i wasnt there unfortunately. but i was the contact point hahaha...
erinalaw - awwwww.... happy annivesary.
Michael Song - let's wait and see...
June - becos that is the best card to play to gain support. i wasnt there unfortunately.
Sharon - hi and welcome to AZAIG. yup... the best card to play... the trump card.
ethel - nope... unfortunately...due to some PR issues, i cant. hahahaha... yeah, we are all eager to know the outcome.
I agree with Adrian - the POINT has been made. Malaysians have come out in full force to demand for changes.
That said, I can imagine how Malaysians will feel if His Majesty decided not to respond to the memo.
Like you've already mentioned it Zewt, handling the memorandum to our Dear King is one thing. But whether or not there is action taken, is another. We'll just have to see.
That comment somehow generate an understanding to me that these people are just like 5 year old, tak mau kalah one saying I can do better than you when actually that is not the issue there. Really good at not adressing the right point. Retards
"The govt called it an illegal gathering.
The organisers called it a peaceful march.
International news called it a rally for a fair election.
Some local news called it a riot.
Some blogs called it ‘people power’.
What do you call it?"
I call it the biggest hypocritical event of the year.
The comics mainstream news said there were 4,000.
The information minister said there were hundreds.
Blogs said there were 45,000.
Which do you believe?
Rule of thumb:
(Figure from The Star + figure from Malaysiakini)/2
= (5000 + 40000) / 2
= 22 500 people
Local comic (link below) says that zakar-ia's open house attracted 60,000 hungry 'ghosts'. And only 4,000 people marched? HAHAHAHA
These clowns really need to relearn kindergarten math!
i hope something can really happen from it.. something good of coz!
I am glad such thing happen in Boleh land. Yes, ignorance is not bliss. Knowledge is power.It is interesting time we live in. All the above are themes of my blog.
Pro-truth and pro-freedom.
We in the West are watching.
Internet is a power tool.
hey zewt,
read this blog entry to find out what happened to those who were at masjid jamek...
i call it kewl-ness..and i don't believe anything that's mainstream or got something to do with the government..
they're just plain bullshit..and what crap to say they can gather more people..haha..funny it is to me..and no..even if they pay me a hundred i'll never rally for's over my dead body.
stop comparing who's better. stop judging. if there's nothing wrong with u bn people, others wont go against u all. duh!!
so damn childish. so immature. so so sickening. and irritating. and i wont let myself get high blood pressure becoz of them. not worth it at all. they dont worth a thang. (trying to calm down~)
Anak Merdeka - yeah... i think it will all be back to square one... memo sent, no action.
purple mushroom - wait we shall...
cibol - they are licking their wounds really...
vincent - whether it is hypocritical... to each its own. 22500 is still more than 4k or 10k.
whisperingshout - i read about that. i think it's not that possible to house 60k ppl in his mansion...wait... is that possible? it must be one freaking big mansion then.
cbenc12 - let's just wait and see... and hope.
kayatan - yes, ppl needs to be more vocal. and internet is making known of everything.
anon @ 11.15pm - i read that already... been running around blogs talking about the walk. think i overdose already haha.
sugarplumpz - hahaha... calm down calm down. i am sure many agree with u. and yes, if things are truly well... then i am sure many will not be walking.
There's almost nothing in the newspaper that's worth reading now. I have saved quite a lot for not subscribing anymore...even before the price increased. What happened to the freedom of speech and honest news in Malaysia now? I hope the Agong will look deeper into the actual mission and vision of this rally. Again,how sure are we that there won't be any external influences?
it's election time here too. politicians are digging up so-called dirt on each other a-la broken promises from old campaign days, but otherwise it's a healthy election. I'm pretty glad I'm on this side of the fence...
CRIZ LAI - freedom of speech... we might as well live on trees...
may - yeah, i heard someone attacking john howard... hehe...
wow.. so many digi yellow man.
jace - hey there... yeah... they should send an invoice to digi.
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