A new girl just joined your company. Besides having a face of an angel and the figure of the devil, she also knows how to dress to kill. Each time you lay your eyes on her, you’re sent to heaven and back. While she bears a friendly character, you found out that she is particularly friendlier to you. And there are times when you want to take a short tip to heaven by taking a glimpse of her, you caught her catching a glimpse of you too… you think to yourself…
“I think she has got the hots for me…”
There was a company gathering and following that, a bunch of you went to a nearby pub for more drinks. She joined as soon as you asked to go along. At the pub, she sat next to you; you think she did that on purpose. It was then that you realised that her bosom, hidden beneath those lacy black bra were very shapely. You could tell, as her blouse was rather… transparent. Each time the spot light landed on her, you can't help but to catch a guilty glimpse.
It was getting late and everyone began to leave, except for her. Before you know it, there were only you and her. The conversation that followed was really interesting. However, there is a thought which kept popping from the back of your head… “you’re married (or you’re attached, depending)”… it just kept coming to you.
Just as when you were about to maintain a cool head… she placed her hands on your inner thigh and leaned towards you… It’s obvious, she was there for the taking…
What would you do?
Purple~Mushroom asked me this question and then requested that I asked this on my blog cause she said her blog’s traffic is rather low, to which I disagree. Anyway, I took the liberty to ‘enhance’ the post…
It is very difficult to answer hypothetical question, particularly one which test the side of you which you don’t intend to tell the world. Many will say that being a married or attached man, one should not have landed himself in such situation. But purple-mushroom was quite adamant in getting a sincere answer out of us.
“If you wanna fuck her, say you gonna fuck her”… that’s what she implies. So let us put away our it-will-not-happen-to-me thinking and give her a sincere answer…
I am sure many will want to know my sincere answer… well… my sincere answer would be…
I will politely excuse myself and rush to the toilet and immediately Ta-Fei-Kei… Ahhhh… after which, her charm is absolutely powerless…
So what’s your sincere answer? Do not copy my answer!
Have a good weekend. But don’t spend it Ta-Fei-Kei-ing ok?
P/S: Ta-Fei-Kei = masturbate

There was a company gathering and following that, a bunch of you went to a nearby pub for more drinks. She joined as soon as you asked to go along. At the pub, she sat next to you; you think she did that on purpose. It was then that you realised that her bosom, hidden beneath those lacy black bra were very shapely. You could tell, as her blouse was rather… transparent. Each time the spot light landed on her, you can't help but to catch a guilty glimpse.
It was getting late and everyone began to leave, except for her. Before you know it, there were only you and her. The conversation that followed was really interesting. However, there is a thought which kept popping from the back of your head… “you’re married (or you’re attached, depending)”… it just kept coming to you.

What would you do?
Purple~Mushroom asked me this question and then requested that I asked this on my blog cause she said her blog’s traffic is rather low, to which I disagree. Anyway, I took the liberty to ‘enhance’ the post…
It is very difficult to answer hypothetical question, particularly one which test the side of you which you don’t intend to tell the world. Many will say that being a married or attached man, one should not have landed himself in such situation. But purple-mushroom was quite adamant in getting a sincere answer out of us.

I am sure many will want to know my sincere answer… well… my sincere answer would be…
I will politely excuse myself and rush to the toilet and immediately Ta-Fei-Kei… Ahhhh… after which, her charm is absolutely powerless…
So what’s your sincere answer? Do not copy my answer!
Have a good weekend. But don’t spend it Ta-Fei-Kei-ing ok?
P/S: Ta-Fei-Kei = masturbate
First time, prolly the good guys will excuse themselves (like you). But if it happens again, and again... people always say, where got cat don't eat fish wan!!
Happy Weekend!
Ei!!! Copyright post!!!
Haha! Thanks for asking this on my behalf, Zewt. Can't wait to read the comments.
LOL.... ur answer is priceless man !!!! Salute !
call me a prune but somehow i will never be caught in that kind of situation (for obvious reason(s)).
even if that is the case, I would be somewhat turned off simply because:
a) she will appear as a bimbo to me, and/or
b) i have a bad vibe when i first talk to her.
Hm.... hm.... I think I'll just get down to business with her, and then again I'm not sure if I'm ever in that situation. If you ask me if I want to, surely NOT, I wouldn't wanna hurt my wife/gf. But the temptation maybe too strong, and I would love someone to throw cold water to me. I might "regret" and keep thinking to myself "damn, damn, damn" if I managed to resist. But then again, would you hav time to "hit the plane" meh? Me ah, my head will be to busy thinking "to do or not to do" that I forgot about the effective preventive technique. Hm... Maybe I should remember Ta-fei-kei as 101-preventive-first-aid technique, should I ever run into this kind of "trouble", if ever ;)
But I'm sure purple-mushroom would want a straight answer, wouldn't you gal? Oh that's hard to answer, on one hand, I would not wanna fuck her 'cause it's damn wrong, on the other I might be desperate, hungry to lay hands on such a WOO-hooo woman. If I were to choose between the two, and since it's a question of "want or not", I'll say NO ---- provided God help me :P
bang kao her until her mother also canot recognize her la wait what?
haha jk.
no. coz i no money =P
You have known of my thoughts which I had said at Purple~Mushroom's place. I won't repeat it here. However, what I had said was my upheld belief and I will do it as I said, right or wrong, it doesn't matter.
angel - and the saying didnt specify whether the cat is male or female.
purple mushroom - well, only the brave will give you interesting answer.
freethinker - hahaha... and that's original ok... dont pway pway.
myop101 - well, the first para did say you're also quite like her... it seems la.
dan-yel - so you wanna sin there or not? i read your comment a lil confuse... cos in the end you said God help you... haha.
tingtitlei - i fear for your kei.
Maverick SM - fair enough.
Wild flowers also smelt better! (Yeh fah tarp pit hiong)
Yes, I agree with angel.
Which cat don't eat fish wan??
Cocka cat will be the 1st to eat this fish. :P
I'm adamant that I wont eat this fish no matter how. I'll only think, geezzz, this girl is such a cheap slut!
Interesting post! I've got myself into similar position before, and this is my reply:
start it young. though the gratifying prospects are not as "syok" as what was depicted in this scenario (come on, we all know that the bigger the risk involved, the bigger the turn on), I gave her what she wanted but at the same time, I wanted to be the one to take control of the situation. That way, I can put a stop to it after that, that is, after thinking through the possible outcomes that might happen, which all leads to more problems. That's thinking with your brains, not your penis anymore. (you hardly know her, there's no love involved)
Now at least you've done it all and you can say "I've done it. I don't need things like this anymore". As for the girl, it is very important to make her not regret what happened, and the secret to that of course, is to know how to talk things through. It's a fragile line between making the girl still like you for your composed way in settling issues and hating you, which you do not want lest you'd want to invite trouble.
My reasoning is simple. Take it the first time because the feeling of regret you have later will ultimately destroy you in the future. Another chance like this comes by, and this time you'll have less reasons to stop yourself, the topmost on your head being "I missed the chance the last time and regretted so much, I should do it now before there's no other chances!". So now that you're married or have other complications involved, you can tell yourself that you've been through this scenario, you know the trouble it brings and you don't need it. The curiosity is no longer there (apart from not being able to have sex with this lady of course, but like I said I think it's ultimately the scenario that was presented to you, not the girl).
Of course everything will be fine and dandy if such a situation doesn't occur. But if you're confident that you will be someone of decent status one day in the future, things like this happens all the time. You've got to prepare.
And that, my friends, is my honest, logical, realistic and unmoralistic point of view. All thoughts that went through my head do not necessarily reflect on most people's, but I think I've got the general concept here :)
actually i din realise today is friday until i saw this post. it's an indicator for horny friday. HAHAAA
Angel said it - Why will a cat refuse a fish?
Not to say it would be acceptable to anyone but I guess men think differently and some of those thoughts could be..
Some things money can't buy; for all else there's master card. ;)
People have been been pounding us with 'Live for the moment' kind of e-mails so..
Don't a lot of men cheat until they get caught? Until they get caught that is ..
Fess up guys.. :)
I would not 'hit' it no matter how hot she is cos' seeing her at work after that, it's basically like having an affair even if it's a one off thing.
This has happen to my ex-boss (who was married) when he was 'hitting' the PR manager (she was married too). I know it's like an episode of 'Days of our lives' but I was on the reality tv version. All these weird vibe was so evident to everyone when they were around.
One or multiple night stands in the workplace, where some are attached, are not rare here and if you're in the right circle, word usually gets out on who's done/doing who. If you can live with that, fine. But I personally can't.
Oh, I think Mr Anonymous up there hit it square on the head.
Even a strong-willed man got to be a eunuch to say no.. if the temptation continues.
Have a Blessed Weekend.
Let's put it in another way.. You want her bad.. you don't believe in pre-marital SXX, So,
You whisper into her ears..
"Let's get married.."
The girl quickly runs out and stop a taxi. LOL
Yeah right! Ta-fei-kei! I always tell my guy friends, if the girls are basically throwing themselves on you - please do them a big favor by giving them what they want. Ensure you use a condom and do it at some random place and not her house, to avoid kena recorded in video and sold to Japan. (I heard the Japanese prefer natural consensus sex porn than "scripted" ones).
I bet 98% of the guys under this scenario will take advantage of the situation and touch the girl la! Sex or no sex... thats another story.
umm..if u change the scenario abit..meaning if a guy was flirting with me..and that was ron ng..WHY NOT!??!?! hahahha =P
i bet most guys will go for it lor..purple mushroom's right..98% will touch her eventhough they dun wana fark her! =P
Ahh office romance can be the greatest turn on to lots of people because of its risks and taboo (like dat oni more exciting mah for some) but not only does it destroy your relationships it can also destroy your career so anyone who does not have the self control to say NO to such a situation wears his pants on his head IMO. If you're not involved its not so bad but if you are you may get into something you can't so easily get out of. You think touch one time enuf meh? Soon it'll be touch behind the photostat machine, in the pantry, under the conference table etc etc.
First ting..the gal is a damn bitch..no wait..slut....lolz..
2nd ting...temptation is right on the guy's lap..i figure..during tat time guys will tink wif their 'lil bro' rather than their brains...
however zewt, ur answer is rather unique..lolz...seriously u will do tat, ya? is gud is gud..dun give in to her devilish tempt...u might feel like heaven for 1 nite..but when ur partner knows abt it..it will bcome a life long hell! lolz...
neway..its juz my 2cents tots..hope i din offend anybody..peace ppl....happy weekend! :D
i'll asked, "ur place or mine?" rugi loh ta-fe-kei. hehe.
a handjob is pretty safe thing to do... might not know she could turn out to be a shim.
One more thing Zewt. You modified the storyline and made the girl sound like a slut or bitch.
My original story of this girl is that she is just a normal gal, intelligent, sweet looking and not at all sluty. There is a pure attraction between you and her. But you are attached.
At the time when she has her hands on you, what will you do?
Why everyone started to think about sex??? You can't be having sex there and then!
This only proves that my friend is right. All guys are sex animals!
I think purple mushroom is right, fuck no fuck, sure the guy will take advantage of her by touching her then...
infact i've asked my hubby this same question b4 and politically he told me NO...not sure if it really happens, he will fuck her or not, but i think he wont lar...
Purple - story's might change but the result is still the same. Hahaha!
Guys might be sex maniacs but I still wonder why most girls go for the bad boys or the ones with money.
Let's change the scenario and make it for the gals this time. We'll take the plot from the movie 'Indecent Proposal'. Would a decent girl spend the night with a guy for a million bucks?
We all know what the answer is if there was a role reversal seeing that guys are sex maniacs. The cash is just a bonus...well, if the chick looks like Jabba the Hut anyway.
^Hahaha. Just realised my mistake in the last sentence but you get the drift.
WAHAHAHAHAH, actually this u have to ask my hubby... I once asked him, if Angelina Jolie or Jessica Alba look-a-likes stripped in front of him, what would he do, he said "do nuthing".
Wukakak I say he is a bluffer. Tsk, just admit it la that he will kasi buat project with them...LOL Oh come on!! Guys, just say you want it... *grins*
If I, ambik sajer... FOC wukakaka... but of course, you would never know what she demands from you later on. Sooooo, be extra careful before stepping into this kind of shites. You might never know she got disease or what sort ever larh, wukakaka. She might turn out to be a tranny kahkahkah...
Worst, she is someone hired by your gf or wife to see how faithful you are to her WAKAKAKAKKAKAKA... you'd never know.. so BEWARE LOL...
zewt...i only trust one guy...he's my x-bf..my first bf... :-)
Swallow that lump in the throat. Think about your grandma naked. Shift in your seat, trying to hold the erection down. Try to remember that your other half will chop your nads off if you even contemplate tring anything funny.
Then look deep into her eyes.
"Sorry luv, I'm gay".
Happy weekend!
hmm...helen's response was kinda wicked on the marriage proposal on the dot thingy....not just indecent proposal, it cudve been worse like "fatal attraction". U'd be stalked over by a bunny boiler and u will definitely end up harbouring guilt for many years to come everytime u look into ur wife's and children's eyes. But i knew quite a few people (loaded ones) who get it done and skipped woteva hassles on the account of mutual consent.
*I do get funny , almost a bit of sexual innuendo remarks/jokes by my male colleagues and i take them as a complimentary harmless flirts, but the ladies preferred to "remind" me once in a while on when i wanna get married*.
In that awkward situation where it is a fine line between temptation and disaster (for a married man), I'd say be a gentleman and be brotherly to her as polite as possible. She'd cry knowing that she was embarrassing herself and all, but the guy shud convince her that woteva happened here stays in the pub. As proud and horny as the man can be, better not get drunk to have a clear conscience. U may think that life's too short to be wasted on such a golden opportunity, but the effect stays longer than u may ever think of.
If both the man and the woman are unattached, the risk cudve been lower on the basis of that mutual consent thing. Yet, knowing that they both work in the same place, it might not end up that rosy after all unless both of them are mentally prepared come what may!
if that were a guy and he's trying to put his 'charms' on me by reaching for my thigh, i'll slap him right across the face.
honestly. it's sexual harassment, no matter how you look at it 0_o
but maybe it's bcuz im not a touchy feely person. and i dont appreciate people im not close to to touch me whether or not im attracted to them. ESPECIALLY down there. i'd feel insulted.
What do you think? Do you think I would cry, and shout out for help or call the police and report that I was nearly raped? I would say, What took you you so long?
wah liao...
Hmmmm... "Lust of the Flesh". (^^)
Personally, I'll have to reject. This is because I remind myself that I'm in a committed relationship. If I'm married, even thinking of this can constitute as adultery liao. :-S
This type of girl is so cheapskate.
Thanks Flaminglambo, I don't know how many others read my about my experience, but it was certainly how it was done for me.
I know I have sinned, but at least the temptation is now chained to a previous experience I had, the nightmares (in terms of possible chronic issues that may arise and abstainance from more sex after the first) will judge my decisions now rather then leaving it to my primal instincts based on fantasy and taking risks.
I wonder what does Zewt and purple-mushroom have to say about my story, and whether they think if I ever come across this situation again I'd be a sitting duck. lol
LOL~ I have answered it at the purple mushroom blog~ ^^ very interesting question though~
^^ again.. I would be loyal if I'm committed~ so.. no chance for her.. yea.. there might be something behind.. hehe.. mayb she'll blackmail u if u take the deal.. and your future is.. *ahem* ruin~
cocka doodle - a dead cat... or an impotent one lor... haha...
kyh - sure or not? and cocka... of cos la... and yeah, it's friday la.
anon @ 2.51am - very well said. i guess a person will only know the consequences when one has done it. i guess you're right... once you reach the been-there-done-that stage... a lot of things can be immaterial. now... how many of us have not done it yet?
rashikaps - hahaha... suddenly the 'sieze the day for life is short' way of life comes in huh. well, there are good men out there... like me :)
flaminglambo - looks liks aust modern slavery life is quite interesting eh? i guess it's an ang-moh culture. as for why girls only wanna do bad boys... that's like a rule of thumb isnt it. good guys finish last. and...jabba the hut?
Jemima - which is why one must stop the temptation. i found the remedy.. :)
Those are the kind of situations where our principles and values are being challenged with our own emotions and inner voice..
If I happen to be there, my mind might say, go on with it and my heart would say, stay away from her and get your dirty thoughts out of my way! Mind speaks, but heart denies!
So.. I'll listen to my mind, but follow my heart :)
p/s: I like your answer man. lolz
Helen - hahahahaha.... eh, you're already attached or married la. that's the catch 22.
gina - so supposed to TFK or F the girl ah? a bit confused with your comments :P
purple mushroom - well, if you want to portray the girl as a nice sweet girl where interest and attraction is involved, then it's a whole different scenario. this is pure lust, and that is what you want to know isnt it? whether guys are sex maniac. when matters of the heart comes in, then it's a whole different playground. once the heart is changed, whether the guy is married or not is longer relevant.
Huei - if it's ron, i think you're the one farking him... not him farking u... lol!
mumsgather - that's very true and thus the saying, dont eat and shit in the same place. but then again, sometimes, the thrill supercedes everything.
missironic - yup... my technique is tried and tested haahahahahahah....
alan zed - lan, dah kahwin tau... macam mana? messy.
anon @ 10.45am - hahahaha... now, that's taking it too far la.
sharlydia - of cos he wont la. i trust your man. he is a man of God.
Calvin's wife - if it's angelina jolie or jess alba... after humping them, i think it's the man who will ask for compensation ok! hahahahahahaha.... calv said do nothing? i know why.. cos he wants the girls to do everything. kakakakakakakaakakaka.
shopaholicfern - let me guess... u stripped in front of him and he walked out?
Tine - hahahaaa... now, tha is what i call a wicked answer. purple mushroom... are u reading this?
Manal - yup, if both are single and available, then by all means... F till kingdom comes. if otherwise, better exercise some discernment. but not many souls can do it. by the way, can i join some of those ladies to remind u of... ok ok... dont hate me.
lol...as a normal guy...sure wont/cant resist wan...hahaa...if sumore lenglui wor...luckily got ur blog abt usual happenings in msia to teman me..miss msia a lot!
u have a nice weekend too!
Zaty - hahaha... especially down there... ok, we get the point. it's a good thing. there are too many cases of those skodeng fellas going around doing u-know-what.
Kata Tak Nak - salam cikgu. hahahahha... i guess you've been keeping it too long eh. another sincere answer.
Angie Tan - if one is married, one shouldnt even land oneself in such situation to begin with, no?
lynnx01 - all about lust. by the way, there are such ppl out there.
§pinzer - hi there and welcome to AZAIG. so you're the infamous ex-boss of flaming who had the time of your life with the PR manager huh. how was it? hahahahahahaha... well, what got to say... i am sure you've had your fun and learnt your lesson. being the expert... you wont be the sitting duck. the girl will.
~*Mindy*~ - but that's from a girl's perspective... guy may think differently.
puvanan - hahaha... the main question is... which part of you follow your mind, which part follow your heart? heh heh.
HC Tan - hahaha... i am sure u know you can always count on AZAIG.
I'd say to her:
I only have the hots for men.
Funny how I never meant to post as myself but replying in the wee hours of the morning really fogged up my head! But ah what the heck, what's done is done, no point deleting and commenting again =P
I think you've got the wrong person lol! Flaminglambo's ex bos eh? I'll just leave it to the benefit of doubt ;)
You're welcome Zewt. Came across your nick quite a bit and visited before, but this post got me nailed; just felt the need to reply! Looking forward to more comments :)
office romance is a disaster..dont do it la, tho u have safe sex and what not...for once, may be try to think what's being faithful got to do with being with someone in the first place...
but zewt..if a little bathroom trip works, its ok la...haha!
Are you sure you do that?? I thought you'd hyperventilate and .....you fill in the blanks there. Hahahha!!!
Hahaha, a nice read indeed.
Have a nice weekend. :)
If she's being that forward, it probably doesn't matter to her if she's attached or not.
how many times can a guy tfk? today dont cheat tmrw will cheat also ma...
i asked my ex le~ he say if he's attached, he won't do it~ lol~ and he was steady abt it.. but i know.. guys are always guys.. and.. they do stray off abit~ hehe~
but.. i do believe tat there will be guys who would flirt around but wouldn't hurt thier gf/wife even they have the "wanting" feel lor.. ^^
F... around is nothing to boast about esp. if it means defiling your marriage bed. Nowsaday, not many care about moral, value and standard anymore. I think for the sake of the company situation, if want to f... around better go to pickup pub or bar :) and make sure you used condom, the AIDs statistics is more scary than you would have imagine. Safe sex if you feel like f... around.
The situation can be the other way. Hunky man who has body women die for.
Lol. Some comments are so funny. When I was with my ex, I did asked him once if he was caught in such a similiar situation. His answer was exactly like yours!
all cats eat fish wanlaa...
can eat dun waste (LOL)
hv a good weekend !!
ethel - well, i am sure u have the hots for men... :)
§pinzer - alright... for a while i tot so too, wouldn be so small a world we live in. comments are getting a lil predictable... dont u think>
pamina - well, if it's emergency... the bathroom act can be performed anywhere.
Seaqueen - what? u fill in the blanks la.
day-dreamer - thanks, u too.
Kelly Mahoney - but what if the guy is attached. that' the spirit behind this quesion.
Winn - many times... many times...
~*Mindy*~ - now... that is also a sincere comment. knowing what's the limit is everything.
kayatan - yup... AIDs is the deterent for a lot of men i am sure. well... so what if it's the other way round?
Twisted Heels - hmmm... i dont remember dating u... :P
dreamie - yeah... think about all the starvation in africa.... dont waste food ya... kakakaka!
After.... woooooohooooooooooooo!!!!
Now, miss you lah!!
wahahahahahaha!! i will hold her hand........ and then take it off my lap.. and give her the most charming smile.. :P
Zewt, while u r thinking another TFK, I would like u to know that I'm looking at that free counter and am hoping to see it hitting 100,000 very, very soon!
Btw, that 3rd photo on the bottom left corner is rather sensual indeed....gentle yet tantalizing all the nerves.
I'd do it .. then explain later ...
Being in an open relationship is sweet ^__^
hehehe .... she might not turn out to be 'girl'. you know...those that has gone thru a few operations? :p I guess that would surely be a turn off for most, if not all, guys :P
Bugger all.. if this truly happened, I would not hesitate. Because first of all, in the particular setting of a pub, with kacang and cigarettes, I would probably already be 'under the influence'. Then again, I must be dreaming. Because this if every hot-blooded males' rampant fantasy...
So my short answer is, 'let's go to your place' (because mine would contain a significant other), and an hotel would be out of the question because that would invite RELA goons The dilating of her pupils, coupled with an imperceptible flicker of her tongue.. a would confirm EVERYTHING. Man, how do you come out with such a post? ;)
i'll get myself intoxicated and they i do what an intoxicated and horny man will do. go to sleep. muahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! hmm, honestly? in that kind of situation, i think my kkc rule my head over my brain.. not that it's a really bad thing in that situation. hehe.. damn you, you made me thinking hard for answers.. when it's not that hard afterall :P ta fei kei will be a good choice, i did think of that when i read your post, but since you said cannot copy your answer.. how? I help her TFK lah :) (lol that will make her and me more hornier.. haha!)
p/s: lol.. you aim to be the next hustler dude? :P
Victor Tan - hey mate... dont quite get you...
Ehon - hmmm... what if she put her hand there again?
Manal - hahaha... my attempt to tempt the guys... see if they will give an honest answer. 100k... yeah, thanks to you guys.
mr jp - hahaha... oh yeah, i read about that in your blog... i guess it's a whole different situation.
Kitty - well, for the spirit for this post... let's just take it as she is a genuine 100% female...
Mat Salo - heylo mat salo, salam. hahaha... someone asked me that question, i just spiced things up. well, it's her place for u then. it might just happen.
bongkersz - hahahahahaha... help her tfk... i think that's consider a breach of the marriage vow already lor. i am sure u dont mind doing that too right? maybe she then tfk u in return! wow.....
Same answer as what I put on my wife's blog.. tell her since her hand is down there, ask if she can rubba my private part.. hehe.
kayatan - yup... AIDs is the deterent for a lot of men i am sure. well... so what if it's the other way round?
Yup, AIDs is truly scarily though it is not commonly reported. According to CDC (Central Disease Control), there are more people who has STD (sex transmitted disease) than reported and that is more so in 3rd world countries (if you think Malaysia is 3rd world then before you put your little fellow in, think twice or 3 times, you never know and before you know you get Clamydia, the fastest growing STD world wide :):).
All the fun screwing around :):) be it man or woman :).
I won't want to get AIDs if I have a choice. The pains and the amount of drugs that you need to take to kill that virus is more painful than having cancer.
From a health care provider point of view, if you want to die don't choose AIDs lah :):).
If we're both unattached then I'd dive down into business with her.. hahaha! Otherwise, I think I go with you Zewt.. hahaha.. truly a classic.
russ - hahaha... nicole will tear your ears off.
kayatan - well, when i die... i wont wanna die of AIDs nor cancer. i wanna die of old age and a normal death. though that is very difficult to achieve nowadays.
narrowband - hahaha... ok lah, for your sake... u can go my way.
Wow. More comments here. Haha.
This really is an interesting post. =D
lovie - hi there... welcome to AZAIG. i supposed you came from purple mushroom?
i'll tell the girl, hey, do you have a hot sexy friend who would like to join us? lol!
who knows, maybe its my lucky day after all :D
shiver - hahaha.... you bastard...!!
fuck her like she's never been fucked before!!!!!!!
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