Oh… speaking of gym… what happened to all my muscles!!!!! Heh heh… not to say I have much of it but I have certainly lost quite a few chunks. Well, I have not been to the gym since the passing of my mom and with the excessive intake of carbo during my vege diet days… I’ve certainly lost plenty of
I think I need to have the motivation to be discipline again, like how I mentioned it here.
By the way… the gym is getting more and more infested with … well… people who have lost a sense of direction… ya’ know… those who were supposed to be looking for holes but end up looking for poles… know what I mean?

The other Newton 3 laws of motion number 1…
“The in and out motion, will usually produce a white lotion”
The other Newton 3 laws of motion number 2…
“When a pole is put into a hole, the result is a new soul of either a pole, or a hole”
And… The other Newton 3 laws of motion number 3…
“With continuous rubbing of the bosom, the heat of the stick will be constant”
This one is a lil tough to comprehend… but go figure…
Ah… I guess the blogger-mental block ain’t that serious eh? Oh… by the way… did you contribute to the population of criminal yesterday?
P/S: I’ve installed a poll at the sidebar… do vote honestly… thanks ya!
:):) @ people who've lost their sense of direction.. keep it going..
LOL LOL! so did u get infested by the supposedly looking-for-holes-yet-turned-poles guys? and how did u know leh? can see just like dat meh (unless some obvious ones la of cos)!?
and the newton laws! haa! i oso forgot wat i've learnt in physics liao!
pss...u might be interested in read ing my latest post. throw in ur zewtpinions there! ;)
Zewt, hilarious cartoon there!
What a posting... still trying to comprehend the third law but I believe I have an idea. Wish it could be more direct like the first two laws. haha
The gym that I use has a 'don't ask, don't tell' rule. So, I can't tell if anyone has 'lost his way'. haha
Bwahahahaha!!!! Yes! You are good at it! :p
I shall wait for cocka to sexplain Law No. 3... haha!
ps: Did you get *ahem* at the gym?? Faster tell! Haha :p
LOL at the Other Newton Three Laws!
Going to the gym is great. I kinda miss it now. Haha.
By the way, does your OBS refer to Outward Bound School?
p.s. Thanks for dropping by my blog. ;)
Errr...I did not see any pole at the sidebar. Oops...it's poll **banging the head** How could I be so careless...LOL
P/s Forgot to tell you earlier. I have one 10yrs 9mths and one 10yrs 11mths record for the game. Need show proof ar? :P
What the hole and pole doctrine? I did not find it in Newton's law?
Is it some discussions in our parliament?
Gee man, speaking gym.. I've been absent for the whole month! Next month I gotta pay one-shot two months' fees... Aiyoooooo... Gotta make it a point to go tonite...
u know wad?! LOL! u wouldn't believe this. just as i was searching for pics for my post, i found that SAME pic as well!! how cool is that? lol!
Darn! The gym. I think I haven't gone to one since.... memory block.
Barely passed physics. Maybe Hor ny Ang Moh can decipher the third law.
So the holes are now going around looking for poles ya? Who says things are getting badder and badder. I like this new development. Do they do it elsewhere too?
u bkt for lunchhhhhhhhhh eeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww so f*ttening
OBS = Old Bull Shit
U kam my blog i teach u Nelson 3 laws
1.The in from mouth and out at back position,its called past motion.
2.u manage to put ur stick in the hole,u strike the goal.
3.unstop rubbing and the bosom,end up ur thing wil b broken.
hahahah very nice 3 laws!!!
vote liao!! =D
really lar..it's not only my daily dose of drug..it's a twice a day type of drug! =P
LOL, where did you get that cartoon? It's hilarious.
lost of plenty of muscles eh?? i think i m gaining abit..which contributed to my increase of weight..darnit.. which gym u visit..i dont see any guys seeking poles in mine.. great law!..yes i think i sort of get the 3 motions
lol... the 3 laws sure boh XD sounds kinda erm obscene lor.. but i like!!!
and about more ppl looking for poles than holes... erm... well... don't know, i'm one of them who's looking for poles also haha.
but of course, you can always look for holes as much as you want, there are more holes in the world than poles to supply the holes.
A twist of humour to some facts of life I would say
You horny ah?
LOL, love your 3 laws.
the number 3 is quite interesting tho... hehe... i went back 1 hour after i supposed so... so i guess i contributed a little... :(
Haha.. That was really funny! Did you make it up or was it really from OBS? Haha.. =P
Hahaha... I like the way you have put it - "people who have lost sense of direction". Muahahaha.
I understand that there's a lot of it going on in gyms in urban centres nowadays. Oh, the stories I hear... *grin*
Ni apa lobang ni??
Opinionis like an asshole,everybody got one.so,holes or poles,as long as not my hole then its ok.
The cartoon is damn funny!
Rashikaps - dont you agree? that they have lost sense of direction?
kyh - yes! i have had one very horrific experience! shall be discussed...
JT - anyone lost 'her' way in your gym?
angel - what ahem ahem? cocka nowhere to be seen ler...
day dreamer - hi, welcome to you too. yeah, it's outward bound school. as for gym... let's hit it! got hip hop class tonight!
criz lai - hah! no need la... i trust you. and please differentiate poll and poles properly ya... it's dangerous if you cant... else you will be one of those who lost their sense of direction.
Maverick SM - hmmm... let's not give them any idea... anyway, dont think they can comprehend it.
narrowband - next time you flush your toilet... picture all your money going down the drain, then u will make an effort to go.
ehon - no shit! that sperm pic? hahaha!!
cirnelle - hor ny ang moh busy stalking your blog... think he has not lost his direction, he prefer holes.
kata tak nak - holes and poles both looking for poles. maybe there will be a war soon... holes vs poles. would be interesting to see one.
jaezrel - u r so off topic.
ah nel - hahahaha... you're good! but then... i dont understand the last one. thing broken?
huei - woooahh... you will be the top fansi la like that :P
jonzz - the beauty of internet...
constant craver joe - wahhh... then i wanna go your gym la. i have not heard any non-pole-seeking-poles free gym before. errr... i think your weight is from all the yummy-licious food ler hah!
conan-cat - yeah... based on research, poles will continue to depreciates... so... better grab the poles while we are still around.
zeroimpact - humour is always good... throw in some facts... even better... hah!
daily nibbler - mental block la... where got horny? you horny?
firehorse - do they apply to you? :P
alan zed - it's ok, at least it's a good start hehe...
princess shin - someone told me in OBS. he ended up in cambridge.
rinnah - oh yeah... i have had a personal horrific experience!
jorji - you've got a damn good point... i think those poles looking for poles are actually going after the hole of the poles. get it? haha!
Oi encik Zewt,
What are all that leading to haa? U are sooo wanted to get married very very soon eh...? physical preparations la ape2 laa...but it's good to know that u r taking it very seriously just to look right for the wedding photography session that meant to be for life (those gym workouts).
Speaking of those tadpoles, i once got some fwded emails with many comic strips on those little ones and their specific channels/ passages a while ago. Poor things....Do u know that these protein-based creatures are very sensitive to temperature changes?
NOw u've reminded me of SexnDacT samantha jones gym lessons....
Oh ya.. all straight people feel like that.. :) I had huge crush on George Michael of the Wham group.. *drool drool* and when I learned he was .. well... ummm sweet .. I was so.. disappointed. :)
Good question Zewt, has anyone 'lost' her way?
As far as I can tell, the 'holes' in my gym are very much into 'poles'. There have been cases where some 'holes' keep one 'pole' erected at home and then go "dancing around other poles" outside. A rare case, though. Most of the time, 'holes' looking for new shiny 'poles' happen when the previously erected 'pole' has been uprooted and planted on a foreign soil for many months in a year. hehe (Confusing? I think not)
rupa2nya got stoli one! faster tell!!! :P
Ah-ha! At last I found u! PHEW!
Haha..U once dropped a line in my blog.. It was some time ago 'tho... I was wonderin who's this... Now I know.
Guess you got to my blog through Abraham.
Anyway, nice seeing your blog =)
u sure or not..normally all of them look quite straight haha..i m at true fitness by the way...haha if you thinkin of switchin gym, u can come n join me and dont worry..i dont seek for poles
Manal - sensitive to temperature change? well, i know they are produced at half a degree below body temperature. so the bag below the pole is always... cooler...
Rashikaps - hahaha... boy, you certainly sound disappointed.
JT - yeah... i kinda get the idea. althought i have to make up the "uprooted and planted on a foreign soil" part...
kyh - u crazy ah... cannot tell... haha
kexiou - hi there. welcome to AZAIG. oh... i did? i cant remember then. anyway, thanks for dropping by.
constant craver joe - well.. actually... the dont seek for poles... they seek the holes which belongs to poles. know what i mean?
Omgoodness..all the poles holes..confusing me..*-* But i get it..lol..
"uprooted and planted on a foreign soil' - the husbands/boyfriends who are never around because of their job. :)
waiting to hear your 'horrific' experience. bwahahahahahaa! em, takut lah i want to go gym like that, some more after you commented that i look like 'toottt' :D :D
*runs to mom*
"Ma! now i know why bro always go to gym already! He has got no girl friends at all! No holes find poles already! Zewt teach one!"
AngryYoungChild - i am sure you're a smart hole.
JT - ahhh... now i get the idea. so besides contributing to the criminal population... they are also contributing to a lot of pole seeking holes.
bongkersz - hahaha... with your kinda look like that... your hole will be in danger... yeah... your hole... hahhahahaha...
rabbit - find poles nevermind... later he find poles and play the hole of the pole... that's the worse.
i fend myself with my pole.. my mighty pole!!!!!!!!!!!! bwahahhahaha! damn you zewt :Pi really look like 'that' meh.. cis cis...
lol lol @ ur readers!
eh u said will discuss later one ma... wat crazy??? :(
ah ah !!! i hv never heard of those 3 new newton laws!!! as everything in science we would hv to prove it by experiencing!! oh whateverrrrrrrrrrr........
hey i would vote but i hv no clue what azaig is!!
bongkersz - hahaha... maybe only in that post la. you wanna defend yourself with your mighty pole? hahahaha... i think they will be damn happy to see your pole!
kyh - hmmm... i will think about it.
confessing7girl - AZAIG is As Zewt As It Gets... :)
oooh which gym do you go to? im in true fitness hartamas haha near to my house
TTL - for me... it's california fitness... cos jackie chan my idol mah... sifu! hahahahaha.... so u stay in hartamas... damn rich la u!
Just a few days I didn't drop by, I've missed so many dunwanna blog about it incidents!
Keep it going :)
Hi!I can only acess ur sites today (my off ban it due to restrict word). My science is a bit rusty, the first & second law I know. But third law meant what arrr??? Have a nice day.
oh oh i feel stupid about azaig!!!!! :D damn!!!!!!!!
Twisted Heel - thanks :)... i certainly will...
Hor Ny - the third one... the stick... is the pole lor... understand?
confessing7girl - haha... dont need to be.. i just didnt say it properly.
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