Up to 35% increase in salary and double in living allowance! That is on top of well known perks such as boleh-pergi-minum-sesuka-hati, boleh-pergi-kursus-tiap-tiap-hari, boleh-kerja-sambil-jalan-sana-sini and boleh-tutup-kaunter-walaupun-orang-sudah-mari, just to name a few. After all, we don’t shout Malaysia Boleh for nothing.
The last time I worked like a dog till I never got to see sunlight and got double-promoted, I only managed a mere 31% increment. And that includes having to endure the world most misleading document, an absolute opposite compared to those boleh-perks. Aren’t you depressed?
But the most depressing (and scary) part is when I read… “Abdullah said the pay rise could be given because of the economic growth of 5.6%, the effect of fuel prices, positive trends of Bursa Malaysia and improved tax collection.” Quoted from here.
“Effect of fuel prices”… “improved tax collection”… sound very scary…
But towards the end of the day, the comics brought back some cheer… just a bit. That’s when I read the caption below:
But then again… will there be any result?... sam jiu ler…
In any case, a rise is timely. What with all that price hike and stuff in recent times. The comic book also harga naik already for weekends. Sigh.
it's god willing. semuanya god. ini tuhan punya pasal lah.. just quoting from a 'respectable' politician
Hahaha! I like your "boleh-boleh-puisi"!
how come they dont do the KPI /evaluation thingy and can simply get payrise one!
Has anyone noticed that all these leaks, roof & wall collapsing are only happening to those govt buildings and schools?
Has anybody wondered why? The answer lies in the root cause.
They must be using some cheap stuff for their roofs. :P
life is soo unfair sometimes!! i think everyones is underpayed!! its how governments work except for politicians!!
A payrise should be tagged to increase in productivity even in the public sector. The question is anyone measuring them based on KPIs (like what winns is saying)? Or is there one?
If it is 'bagi aje', we will feel the effect soon with inflation rising. Yet, the roofs continue to leak, etc, etc.
Am not against pay rise but the way its done is not right. It seems obvious that it is done to butter the civil servants for the impending GE.
fingers crossed...my increment is coming in end of july..sigh..will it be as much as the govt? sam jiu la..
shit..i m so glad someone finally told samu bulu off..its about time tat bugger go do somethin instead of calculating how much to "liok" us (chop)
Higher stockmarket = higher pay
Lower stockmarket = lower pay?
it's not act of God.....but more to human ACT
Wow, that is extremely good :"I only managed a mere 31% increment. "
three exclamation marks somemore! hahaha. for reason of prudence and fear of defamation suits, i shall not say more. *grins*
And with all these happening, I am even more looking forward for the Altantuya court hearing. :)
Oh yes, rumours are that election is in the pipeline, so these are 'temptations' for the rakyat.
narrowband - timely eh? well, i have heard of a few ppl in the private sector whose salary has remained stagnant. life is getting tougher for many... while the rich continue to prosper.
bongkersz - it's so easy mah... cos God will never deny that... God will just keep quiet.
angel - haha... sengaja wan...
winn - do u really want me to answer that? C'mon... sam jiu la...
cocka doodle - haha... suddenly comment so serious from you. didnt u read the news? cos they have this big plan to maintain it... like spending more millions of our money.
cindy - u know the highway that you use everyday... u think they are not cheap?
confessing7girl - hahaha... looks like things are the same in portugal eh?
Now can go minum kopitiam lah! twice a day.Makcik2 can go SOGO lah! Mid or end of month.Kursus also got allowance what? and kaunter people? You want my service or not? so dun complaint,just Q!
Sam jiu!
when i saw that i was also wondering if they read ur blog!! hehehe
daily nibbler - yup, cerrtainly smells like goodies before the great X exercise. X means pangkah at the right box lah. well... that's how it works here. had lunch with a friend yest and we all agreed, time to migrate.
constant craver joe - wah... your comments, i am wondering is i should delete. hmmm... all the best in your increment.
Tunku Halim - if that is the case, our salary will probably fluctuates every month eh? :)
jaezrel - which part?
kayatan - compared to the amount of work i put in... yeah... ;)
me - why so scared? give some ppl some of your flying kick la.
KGC - hahaha... i shall not speculate on that. but i am sure the truth is in all our hearts already.
jorji - hahaha... marahnya... janganlah bengang... baik kumpul tenaga, malam ni sokong milan... siapa akan menang? sam jui la... hahahahahaha...
huei - which they you refering to? hehe...
i like the 2nd part of the comics..... padan muka itu sammi!! finally 'kena' shoot.......!!!
Hahahahaha! Well, it's about time someone stand up against Samy Vellu and his roadkill toupee!
I think you must be member member of those accountants association right? try to raise a strike for a raise lah :)
It will always work, coz then other profession will start supporting too! Economy might not be good but After Badawi taken over i heard corruptions really going down, no?
But ringgit is getting stronger now...
oops!..did i just step on somethin abit too sensitive..my apologies..well can delete if you want to..dun wan zewt blog closing down the day after because of me..
another thought just appeared..increase in pay = introduction of GST?? hahaha
well, bodovellu actually need to be slapped and get his rudy pooh candy ass kicked. ha ha ha .. i mean, it's only words, it won't hurt that much for him.
dat day i read at the sun say indians are angry because flour price increase...
means more expensive roti canai and thosai lor!
and salary increase so much, wah lao eh... means more hardworking or more lazier gov department? sam jiu lor...
really zha dou badawi scold sammy XD i oso laugh when i got the news yesterday lmao
haiz...me havent start working but after comparing d increment in salary n increase in prices(tolls,fuel,etc), i'm gonna b so broke :(
btw, can i link u? :) ur blog is really good..at least a wake up call 2 students like me who think tht working world is a beautiful playground. n erm,wat's d meaning of sam jiu? *blush*
Witness the power of editing:
the answer to this is being a professioanl gamer.. you dont have a boss and the pay is good... =P
Haiihs... here comes the boleh power and sam jiuness... When will this end?
relax, think about the poor guys who earn RM450 or RM600 to feed their family. If those people got salary increase maybe they won't threaten you for "coffee".
Do you know in France the young people's is to become a civil servant? Civl servant here means fat pension and fat retirement and long life contract (they can't be sacked). It's like golden bowl for them.
I too am depressed... like that so easy to get payrise ah... might as well I become govt servant... easy job, short hours, tidak-apa attitude... sounds like a good deal to me.
haha i am not working yet!
Well, finally someone shot samy vellu down. sort of.
Jacss - but today... the news revealed the truth. pak lah was only telling the press... not him... hmmm...
gallivanter - apparently not, read my reply to jacss above.
SuLee - ya... MIA, malaysian institute of accountants, but they all dont fight for salary la. i am sure they wanna protect the reputation, professional, not some cheap factory-workerlike union...i am quoting actual words. SuLee... u have been in canada for tooooooo loooooooooong.
Constant craver joe - haha... no worries, i try to promote freedom of speech as much as possible. well... it's G... but not GST... but GE....
cibol - well, read my reply to jacss above... apparently no ler...
conan-cat - i have a feeling a lot of things will increase in price in days to come. then ppl will complain and gomen will step in... then they will look good... just a thought... keep a lookout.
kyliemc - haha... you will know how broke you are when you finally come to the real world. yeah, sure u can link me. i will be very happy to be able to reach out to all you ppl who's gonna come join me in this slavery kingdom :) .... sam jiu? there's an entry on that with the same title... it simply means "duhhh".... example...
Can malaysia qualify for world cup? duuuuhhhhhhhh.... sam jiu ler... same meaning.
cirnelle - yeah, i read that. daily comics dosage indeed.
TTL - starcraft 2 coming out... yahoo!!!! hehehe...
Bee Ean Tee - i am still trying hard to understand and accept such fact. i guess it's everywhere huh... but how is their work ethics?
rinnah - i was given the chance u know... but i turned it down. it was a job that offers about RM9k.... and i turned it down... cos i thought working in foreign bank more glamour....STUPID ME!!!!
Bena - yeah, i know long way for you to go ... good for you ;) .... as for uncle sam... apparently there's a twist... read my reply to Jacss above.
those pix @ my blog..all real dude :) i dunno how to use photoshop... hahah
btw..great article..interesting
Woah! Encik samivilu kena gosok!
unnecessary waste of tax-payers' $$$!
Great pantun, btw! LOL!
Precisely my point, i.e "spending millions more on maintenance."
I recall many years ago when I was giving a presentation on a rugged and durable industrial product in Indonesia when someone stopped me and said; "Hold cocka, this is not what we want. We want something that don't last long so that we get repeat orders". I guess now we have degenerated to that level too.
It is not a matter of lack of maintenance as proclaimed, but rather the shoddy workmanship was 'engineered' that way so as to secure more maintenance contracts from the govt.
Bear in mind these contractors are those registered with the various statutory bodies such as PKK, Kementrian Kewangan etc.
So in my opinion, PM should just shut up and swallow humble pie as the whole damn govt machinery is to take responsibility!
Wah...today I sound like I had gunpowder for dinner! Hahahahahaha!!
hey zealous explorer and friends,
May 13th declassified can still be bought at MPH stores but you guys would have to ask for it over the counter. apparently ministry officials told them not to display it while they go through the process of banning the book.
Get it fast because stocks are running low....
wah youre pretty well informed in games ah.. where dyu check for game updates haha
im better in cnc =P
9k and u turned it down??????? Why??????? Now that was a Professional Mistake!! Haha!
*shocked @ cocka's decent commentsss*
y no new entry for the day? it's like logging into the pc without reading the star....online....muahahaha
p.s: pls dont kembang r....
hahaha..GE after tat mah GST lor..
weeks - then i must say you've got good photography skills. keep it up. can be a full time photograher one day, and it's good money. trust me on this.
rabbit - haha... yeah woh. gosok bersih bersih.
king's wife - yeah ler... all will be the same... sam jiu ler. thanks thanks for the pantun compliment hehe...
cocke doodle - wah wah wahhhh.... yah, you ate gun powder for lunch and dinner ah? calm down, we all know what's going on by heart. but then again, we arent really allowed to talk about it so we just have to 'sam jiu'.... go release your anger on some chick or something... kakakaka...but good point indeed.
democratic junkie - thanks for the tips. i will go and have a look.
TTL - haha... i still prefer starcraft. definitely better. c&c.... let me learn up first. damn, i feel so old.
angel - yeah, i feel so stupid now. it's like professional mistake on top of another professional mistake!! sigh... I AM SO STUPID!
jaezrel - yesterday sleep early to watch football mah... liverfool lost yay!!
ah nel - eh, not nice to say ppl pig la... have to delete your comment... to protect you and me. wouldnt want my blog to kena chopped right?
constant craver joe - you certainly got the flow... heh heh...
zewt : The Pm's trying to cover. it's actually at him. sapa makan cili rasa pedas la .. ha ha ha. :p
sam jiu-ness.. haihzz..
u pay peanuts, u get monkey..
I think Samy Vellu has been doing his job recently. At least I can see his people everywhere in PJ patching potholes and putting new layer of tar along the highway.
ok...linked u...hehe...ohh,now i knoe sam jiu=duhh... anyway,take care n hv a nice day!
cibol - u think he will rasa pedas... dont think so ler.
a n n n a - now they are getting much higher pay... u think we wont get monkey?
hcfoo - that's becos the great thing that starts with G is coming...
kyliemc - ahhh... now u know... you have a nice week ahead too!
I... almost... miss... how silly Malaysian politicians are.
i nvr sked weiii!!!
anyhow its ur blog so u hv the right... ;)
Regardless of how angered citizens , I believe Malaysia will remain as a corrupted country, as much as I refused to believe so. Well, who knows, perhaps, in 10, 20 yrs time, it will be different.
I'd love to see M'sia turning into a corruption-free country, where everything's fair, but maybe I might get bored of it. :P Lol!
Oh, GET YOUR VOTES RIGHT, ALL THOSE 21 YRS OLD AND OLDER! Don't ever ever waste your voice to help yourself. :)
However, I have no complaints. I'd rather Malaysia stay as a developing country than a first world country; comparing the different problems both nations face (btwn first world and developing). :)
Whatever it is, I still love Sarawak / Kuching best! Simple, laid-back, and just the way I want it. Corruption happens but not to the max.
may - you've been away for too long. i am sure aussie is much better... glad that you're away.
ah nel - hahaha.... we need more ppl like you. but do dare to put that in your blog or not? haha!
ehon - well, i think there's no such thing as a corruption free country. as long it is being kept at a considerably tolerable state, i think it's fine. i guess those who cant stand here will leave anyway, and we are already seeing a lot of departure already... haha... i guess i must visit kuching one day.
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