Oh, I know I owe all of you the answer for this riddle. Haha… did you read all the comments to find out? Anyway, the question was supposedly used by CIA to see whether a suspect has got a mind of a psychotic killer. If you answer Jane killer Joanne because of jealousy, then you’re normal, cause that’s what a normal person will think. But if you answer Jane killed Joanne so that she can see the hunk again in the funeral… well… you have mentality of a psychotic killer. And judging by the amount of such answers, I think I need to watch my back here. Haha!
A lil on the ‘sam jiu’ front… did you read the
Well, it’s Friday so I will have to leave you with a riddle. What? What again? Ok la… since you all think I spoil your weekends, I shall ask something and provide the answer immediately.
Do you have any ‘chindian’ friends? Chindian refers to one who’s got Chinese and Indian parentage. Well, what if the father is a Chinese and the mother is a Sikh? Now, in Malaysia, a Sikh is sometimes refers to as a “baii”. Yeah, you guess it right… some people has the audacity to actually put ‘that word’ as the race of this person…

Have a nice weekend!
P/S: Has anyone beaten my “sell house game” record yet? I am still waiting! Hehe…
Psssttt! You doing a kennysia? Neh... you trying to please everybodies wor... kakakaka :p
Weekend again? Gee, that's fast! Have a good one.
his bangsa no wrong ler coz his mom got it worr!!!
how petty.. sad! but you're funny. you have a very engaging style of writing.
wow. i have the mentality of a psychotic killer. now now, dyu still dare not to come to my go kart competition?
hahaha.. highway also can retak.. why cant a building bocor...
Eh... Lorong Belakang Mati, says a PAS daily, is a "kawasan maksiat" full of "perniagaan-perniagaan seks".
It'd be hilarious if it wasn't true!
hahahha cb* hahahahahah
i wonder if it's even authentic? he stays at.....lorong belakang mati???? who names roads like that?
muaahahhaha.. i read that off somewhere in the forwarded mails.. damn funny...
if u have that kinda parentage, i would say to u that, :
'Hey u cibai, how are u doing?'
actually that is wat we tease our fren sometimes..shes exactly that parentage hahahaah...she gets real pissed..so we do it sparingly..and also keeps the joke fresh..
the form is fake la.. where got place called Lorong Belakang Mati one..?
LOL!!! So politically incorrect to find the CB "joke" hilarious but you got me in the right mood for the weekend, Zewt! Where'd u get such gems?
hahaha..it can be funny and can be rude.. just dun over use those word in front of those ppl have these kind of parentage
Modern slavery huh? Oh well, it happens to all of us. Keep your chin up and keep on posting though!
Your Friday joke is funny! But it don't look real leh... like made up one.
Its no good laughing over other people's predicament. Hope the relevant authority picks this up and make immediate correction. And apologies.
omg! i was confused too! lol!
i'm not one of those who said jane was the killer to see the guy again!!! =P hehehe i actually scrolled up ur comments to search for the answer!
sell house game..how on earth did u manage that 10yrs 2mths?? mine best was 11yrs9mths! >.<
hehe.. did u photoshop that form or what?? If u did, very good job.. as for baii jokes, heres another one, what do u call a baii prostitue?
.. hardkaur.
have a nice weekend.. :)
Hahaha!!! Ci-bai huh?
Cool joke. I think I am the normal one
would chi-singh make any difference?
Hahahah! Is this for real!!???? Seriously, is there such bangsa in our society???? Pls tell me this is a joke.
Talking abt the mentality of a killer or whatsoever, i gave an interesting answer too, right? What type of mentality do i have.
angel - me kennysia? hahaha... no way.... my words are always more than my pics. i just wanna balance the level of seriousness and fun in my blog... that's my perspective to life too!
ah nel - so u really think he is cibai? hahaha...
Rashikaps - hello there. welcome again. thanks for your compliment.
TTL - yeah la... later i beat you then u will kill me hahaha... only in malaysia... indeed indeed.
cirnelle - gee... i didnt even notice that...
Tunku Halim - got that as a forwarded mail, perhaps someone edited it. but i wouldnt be too surprise if it's true. i have seen some really funny boo boo in some birth cert before.
jaezrel - why u so bad laugh at ppl?
me - you're observant too. well, it could be fake but i have seen enough boo boo in birth cert to realise that such things do happen in malaysia.
acrelaine - so damn bad la u. luckily i am not.
constant craver joe - hahahaha... no kidding, you are nasty. imagine how she feels... she must have felt like one cibai indeed.
sengkor - why not? hahaha... this is malaysia after all.
anak merdeka - i get tonnes of junks everyday. decided only to post up gems... heh heh... have a lovely weekend ya.
ritchie - ya... some kinda respect is needed. so only do it once a day. :P
rinnah - yeah, a lil fake eh? but then again... still worth a laugh. right.... modern slavery entries will soon come up again.
daily nibbler - indeed. in fact, i was actually laughing at the fella who filled up the receipt. he/she should be the one responsible.
huei - so you will have a tendency to turn into a killer and kill all your housemates eh? hahaha... try harder la. i wait for u to beat my record.
russ - didnt photoshop it... got it from a mail. hahaha... yours even worse!!
dangerous variable - where have you been bro? haha... do u have some cib** friends?
cosmic freak - haha... u do know what that means right? cheeky u...
purple mushroom - like i said, you have very good imagination, should have written a novel. what kinda mentality you have? maybe you have a secret desire to be a lesbo... :P
and of cos no such race la... maybe it was a boo boo from the receipt issuer.
LOL~ Cibai race -__-
What a bummer.
Who'd make such a mistake.
Freaking cuntfusing~
ok... the person that issued it is not chinese. or just a very innocent person. have a good weekend zewt!
Gosh...what other races will they think of next? This is definitely an insult to the child if this is the real case. How would he fill in his application form under the race section? You tell me :P
hahhaa! u have a good wkend!
Now thats the 1st time i heard a ci-baii combo....i just generalise by identifying whomsoever with mixed-race origin: mixed-blood. Sopan-santun kan saya ni? Some say half-caste but this word is quite downgrading as well.
Ksian kavita kaur...oo btw, i met her in flesh for the 1st time about 3 years ago during free-screening of the 1st Pontianak Harum Sundal Malam at SOAS, london.
Sekian dari saya, another mixed-blood person and campuran mak-bapak genes.
Good cibai joke for the weekend!
Have a good one!! :)
Imagine if they ask this guy whats his race.
"I am a cibai, sir!"
Okay okay, i havent beaten ur record yet. I shall go try again later. -_-
No wander my off comp ban ur sites (have to use home 56k ) got restrict word!! Funny post!!Have a nice weekend. Don't overwork uself.
lmao.. if sex: cb, still acceptable lar.. but bangsa.. = =
have a wonderful weekend..
sangat men-chee-buy-kan this entry :D what tong ah kan and kavita kaur.. wey..kavita sidhu is my idol.. she's hawt! bwahaha.. no lah.. joking meh :D
Staying at home with very strict parents..so just say 'yew nar sing ' when things don't go your way..and of course no english swearing words allowed at all ..
say wtf.. also not in front of them.
lol... cibai plak!! darn farnee lar oso dunno how they get the idea de XD and ungh the best i get is 11yrs 3 months... = ="" no luck!! sad
He he he......did you see 5 'Cerdik'?
I guess not so Cerdik after all....
CiBai....he he he,.....
Oh, one more thing....what do you call a Bai Girl with an X-Rated mind?
COme to think of it, this may sound racist.....sorry, but it was told to me by a Bai, who knows humor is the best medicine!
Oh goodness.. haha.. got such thing?! Haha.. So bad la! Terrible terrible terrible!
Btw, is it just me or is blogger having problems with the comment system again? I have been trying for over a week now!!! >.<
Have a nice weekend!
KKKK!!! now i only know sikhs are called baiii... we here normally call them bengali, though in fact they're not, i mean not from Bengal or Bangladesh.
i learnt something new:
chinese+bai = cibai........i fast fast go tell d "joke" to huby & everyone !!!
have a good weekend! continue wedding shopping.....???
That's fun,Zewt!
ur sell house game record is impossible to beat!!!
goodness, didnt know they make horrid mistakes like that for the race section as well!
i heard numerous stories of decent names ruined thanks to excellent phonetics.
Didn't beat your record but close. Showed my hubby this post,he got a good laff for his weekend.
i once called a friend who's dad is indian and mum chinese an inchi. HE was offended.
Aaron Chua - hi! well, certainly that boo boo was made by some cuntfusing fella. thanks for visitin!
bubbly soda - u know... i have really seen some stupid mistake made to chinese name in birth cert by some moron... anything is possible.
Criz Lai - hmmm... i think a chindian would still fit the bill... or chinsingh? hehe... very bad la us.
winn - hey! thanks.
manal - hello... holiday best tak? yeah la... sopan sungguh. ohhh... mixed blood ppl... i better not say much... :)
king's wife - thanks! hope you had a good one too.
rabbit - imagine he just say cibai... the person asking would think he wanna start a fight... hehe...
hor ny - what restrict word ah?
a n n n a - hahaha.... how can cibai classify as sex? u need a LJ + a CB before sex can happen... ok... that sounded corny.
bongkersz - hot meh? i am not that into indians though...
oz - that's restrictive? well... some of my friends will say fudge instead of fuck.
conan-cat - try harder lor, i am sure one of u all can do it.
jaezrel - i know... cos u have to work hahahaha...
alliedmaster - hmmm... i dunno, please enlighten me.
princess shin - hmmm... i do have problems sometimes but lately have been ok. how is it now for u?
kyh - bengali... means mixed will be ... cili? aiyah... not funny wan.
Jacss - yeah... got a gown! how did yor hubby take the joke? hah!
Maverick SM - thanks mave..
mimi psycho - haha... try harder. i actually got that time when i was on MC.
BoNdI - hello... welcome! well, like i said, i have seen some really stupid mistakes made on birth cert... our way of doing things. thanks for visitin...
vivianz - hah... maybe your hubby can also try to beat the record?
what a lulu - maybe chindian would be better? or just try cibai? :P....
good joke, er.. i mean bad joke.. LOL!
So, I am a psychotic killer. Watch your back! :D
You know I always thought that 'cibai' joke was a joke. I did not know someone had the audacity to put it down on record. ... blardy bugger whoever wrote it.
A four day break and I missed out on a lot of postings. Now, I have to go back and read all of them. That is okay... I'm a blog addict now.
mistipurple - as long as it's a joke.. it's ok right? :)
JT - well, if you have the time... why not? i wish i can be like u... just enjoy blogs all day :)... hmmm... if i do visit germany, i will certainly watch my back :P
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