A little not so serious entry…
When I introduced myself the man a.k.a. wingz, he said “oh, you’re the one who can't make up his mind… and I f**k you kau kau to call you to come!”
Yeah, I was in caught in 2 minds on whether I should attend the just ended blogger gathering. You know, though official office hour ends at 5pm on a Friday, but we all know, as a modern slave, we can't just leave sharp at 5pm.
Anyway, I am glad I made a decision to go and me and my gf had an enjoyable time. Besides the food and the prices, I made the following discoveries…
Me and my gf thought we will be in the company of people in their early 20s, we were wrong… so wrong! There are many bloggers who are… well… let’s just say… more matured than you think they are. Matured is good… means they are wise people. Thus, we should read their blogs… those matured people with blogs are…. … on second thought… think it's not wise to name the ‘matured’ blogger.
There’s this guy who is my senior in secondary school, and he is actually the guy who owns arguably one of the nicely titled blog. He is zeroimpact. I remember him as a gangster in school… you know… those ‘hah hah bah bah’ type… zeroimpact, you’re not going to bash me up… are you? Anyway, seems like you’re doing very well now… good la. Don’t bash me up ok?
When I first read this blog… it has quite a heavy Malaysian flavour in it. Never crossed my mind that the blogger behind it is a ‘kwai lo’! Now that I know he is a white guy, I realised he did review his identity in his blog, just that I am oblivious about it. should have been more observant.
And of course, the organising chairman… wingz… didn’t really expect him to look like that. No no no…. that is not an insult ok… I meant never expect him to be so yau ying! And so … commanding!
Basically, one just can't put a face behind a blog for if you try to do that with your own imagination… you are definitely in for a surprise. One thing though… that fella behind kukujiao.com does have a k*k*jiao… that’s for sure.
All in all, it was a nice party to get to know people and an eye opening experience… for me at least… hope the next one will be much more successful. Here are some pics courtesy of wingz and shaolintiger. And for the last time.... Zewt is NOT/bukan/"bu shi" a girl!
When I introduced myself the man a.k.a. wingz, he said “oh, you’re the one who can't make up his mind… and I f**k you kau kau to call you to come!”
Yeah, I was in caught in 2 minds on whether I should attend the just ended blogger gathering. You know, though official office hour ends at 5pm on a Friday, but we all know, as a modern slave, we can't just leave sharp at 5pm.
Anyway, I am glad I made a decision to go and me and my gf had an enjoyable time. Besides the food and the prices, I made the following discoveries…
Me and my gf thought we will be in the company of people in their early 20s, we were wrong… so wrong! There are many bloggers who are… well… let’s just say… more matured than you think they are. Matured is good… means they are wise people. Thus, we should read their blogs… those matured people with blogs are…. … on second thought… think it's not wise to name the ‘matured’ blogger.
There’s this guy who is my senior in secondary school, and he is actually the guy who owns arguably one of the nicely titled blog. He is zeroimpact. I remember him as a gangster in school… you know… those ‘hah hah bah bah’ type… zeroimpact, you’re not going to bash me up… are you? Anyway, seems like you’re doing very well now… good la. Don’t bash me up ok?
When I first read this blog… it has quite a heavy Malaysian flavour in it. Never crossed my mind that the blogger behind it is a ‘kwai lo’! Now that I know he is a white guy, I realised he did review his identity in his blog, just that I am oblivious about it. should have been more observant.
And of course, the organising chairman… wingz… didn’t really expect him to look like that. No no no…. that is not an insult ok… I meant never expect him to be so yau ying! And so … commanding!
Basically, one just can't put a face behind a blog for if you try to do that with your own imagination… you are definitely in for a surprise. One thing though… that fella behind kukujiao.com does have a k*k*jiao… that’s for sure.
All in all, it was a nice party to get to know people and an eye opening experience… for me at least… hope the next one will be much more successful. Here are some pics courtesy of wingz and shaolintiger. And for the last time.... Zewt is NOT/bukan/"bu shi" a girl!

Can u spot my signature?

On a totally non related note… tiuniasing tagged me. But sorry bro, I’ve said I won't do another tag, so I can't honour your tag.
oh wat a gr8 party u hv there! but seems like everyone's soooooo "matured" lol! i think i cudnt find myself fit in that group! KKKK!
and which one is u? which one is angel? which one is cocka? and which one is which one? lol! i'm jus being so curious!
Doncha dare tell kyh which one is angel!!
Zewt is not a girl.
Zewt is a cute looking lengjai! ;)
With a chun looking gf! :D
tell me which one is ANGEL!!!! *dun listen to ANGEL*
tell me tell me pls................
LOL! Don't tell him!!!
BTW, I came back to ask... Zeroimpact a gangster??? I'll be damn... LOL! How can?? He's sucha sweet guy! :P
Bloggers Together Gathering?! how come i wasn't invited? sigh.........
Wei..never take pikture with me ar....sked yr gf twist twist yr ear ka? hahahha
haiyah, 'matured' already, cannot see the small little faces properly lah. should post magnified picture for the courtesy of your ahem! 'matured' visitors. matured, konon! making u.....'immature', issit?!?! rofl. ok, which one is zewt and his beautiful gf? *peering with bifocal hanging on nose* what does 'zewt' means anyway?
glad you made it to the party! =D
I remember it was the other way round
Anyway let the past be the past, unless you want to go home with a windscreen less... aik cannot change old habit hor
Nice to have met you and ahem, your chun gf got other chun friend ah???
Such a sweet party. Maybe I can join the next year one, if I am back to Malaysia. I will be the "naive & childish" one then. hahaha.... if we judged that by the "matured" category :P
Glad u made it. Tank Q for the sappot ! ;-)
hahaha nice to meet u! nx time dun ffk la!!!
kyh - wah... u r saying you damn 'fresh' issit? cant tell u who i am la. as for angel, she also doesnt want to be seen. as for cocka... haha... he is the guy with a moustache... take your pick.
angel - my gf... of cos chun la! hahaha. as for zeroimpact... yah la... i think he turned over a new leaf already...
nicole - it was all over the blogosphere woh...
me - not immatured... just... less matured... anyway, have to say i am heading towards full blown maturity soon. as for zewt and hig gf... dont worry, our pictures will be posted up soon enough. zewt... it's an evolution from my chinese name.
huei - yeah... luckily no last minute conference call or meeting.
zeroimpact - where got the other way round? i was a nerd in school la! haha... gf's chun friend all in australia woh... haha
princess eileen - i have a feeling there will be more gathering after this one... so better book your tickets soon...
Lin Peh - the pleasure is all mine. still regret never get to shake your hands.
wingz - i also didnt ffk this time.... i wont ffk next time la. but ... try to make it on a saturday evening or something. anyway, still a splendid job.
ALL over? darn.. i really need my reading glasses.. getting old already! lol..
anyway, would someone pls kindly inform me IF there's any more future gatherings for bloggers as i'd like to meet them in person! :)
Ok, who's the real gangster? lol!
It was indeed quite a surprise to find out that you knew Zero, cos just before that, we were all wondering which one was Zewt!
A good laugh anyway...Nice meeting you!
Hey... how come i wasn't invited to the party?
How come you got to go for great parties while I rot at home wanking all day long?
Woow... got chicks!
hmmm dont recall shaking ur hands ...
hahaha sorry man ...
nicole - you have to get to know wingz...
king's wife - both not gangster... me and zero both good guys! haha...oh... i was actually part of the conversation? wow! yeah, it was a good gathering, looking forward to the next one. nice meeting u too!
purple mushroom - you all the way in shanghai woh...
dangerous variable - bro, next time you gotta come up and socialise a bit mer...
earl-ku - no worries, there will be next time i am sure. cool blog name my friend... haha!
nice to meet u man..
earl-ku - what la u..he's sitting on the same table with me..
How come you didnt introduce your gf to cocka geh?
It was indeed a pleasure meeting you, zewt!
kakaka. cocka, u think zewt stooopid ah? introduce gf 2 u, 'chung yau tak cheng ker'?! :-p
yatz - yo, thanks for dropping by. that earl fella too busy with 'other' things ler
cocka doodle - hahaha, like what 'me' said... i gotta protect the prey from the predator. haha! nice meeting you too.
me - thanks for the tips! haha... you had bad experience with cocka before? :P
Ooh.. wish i could go. Mayb next time I would really attend one of these.
So which one is you? =)
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