Many teased me about how I kept praising this new land I am in. Perhaps I was a bit over-board there hence I paused and try to keep a lookout for things that I do not like about Singapore.
Finally found it…
The other day, Jules went to purchase something from the supermarket and had to “insist” that she doesn’t want a plastic bag. Apparently, the cashier was puzzled as to why she doesn’t want to take plastic bag.
Packing food for lunch is a culture, the amount of plastic and styrofoam containers used during lunchtime is mind-boggling. If you buy coffee, it will come in styrofoam cup and on top of that, you will be given a little plastic holder to carry it.
Heck! I was out for lunch yesterday and I ate at the restaurant… they gave me plastic cutleries. The drinks and desserts came in plastic containers.
I have to say, Singapore is terribly un-environmental friendly. Usage of plastic bags, plastic cups, styrofoam containers, disposable plastic cutleries are as rampant as corruption in Malaysia. When I told them I used to bring my own container to pack food, they were astonished.
I suppose Singapore is such a fast pace country, washing kitchenware or cutleries would be a waste of time. Time, which can better used to generate more money. It is a bit sad. I am glad Malaysia is a few steps ahead of Singapore in this department.
And being a country with limited source of land, I do wonder… where do all these non-biodegradable thrash go? Being recycled?... Have yet to find out…
1 year ago… 1 of the 50 facts… Sex 101: Basics are essential
2 years ago… More struggles… A time travelling twist… Do you have sweaty chest?
Finally found it…
The other day, Jules went to purchase something from the supermarket and had to “insist” that she doesn’t want a plastic bag. Apparently, the cashier was puzzled as to why she doesn’t want to take plastic bag.

Heck! I was out for lunch yesterday and I ate at the restaurant… they gave me plastic cutleries. The drinks and desserts came in plastic containers.
I have to say, Singapore is terribly un-environmental friendly. Usage of plastic bags, plastic cups, styrofoam containers, disposable plastic cutleries are as rampant as corruption in Malaysia. When I told them I used to bring my own container to pack food, they were astonished.
I suppose Singapore is such a fast pace country, washing kitchenware or cutleries would be a waste of time. Time, which can better used to generate more money. It is a bit sad. I am glad Malaysia is a few steps ahead of Singapore in this department.
And being a country with limited source of land, I do wonder… where do all these non-biodegradable thrash go? Being recycled?... Have yet to find out…
1 year ago… 1 of the 50 facts… Sex 101: Basics are essential
2 years ago… More struggles… A time travelling twist… Do you have sweaty chest?
people do bring their own container la...just a little un-glam.
you never complain about the culture of using tissue to chop seats?
anyways, welcome.
oops you bad
i would think all that plastics & styrofoam end up as land-fill to expand their land area. either that or they incinerate them & generate new form of energy.
what do you expect - after all, they recycle toilet water & call it NeWater?
Those trash go to fill the land so that Singapore can expand larger to earn more $$$.
Hahaha... just kidding. I don't know where the rubbish go. :P
I suspect they go to Malaysia... ;)
Patronize mamak stalls..they encourage you to eat food served on banana leaves with your fingers. :D
JB perhaps?
I would agree with MKL.
Sporeans are guilty of using all dis environmental harmful product. Dump dem into Msia.
Spore maintain their environmental friendly index while Msia environmental friendly index plummets. But den it is ok, we r thrash anyway, country is run by thrash, voted in to office by thrash.
So no big deal, like u said, da char kuey teow nasi lemak stl da same, made by thrash consume by thrash....
that i have to agree with you. they tend to use lots of polystyrene and plastic! I'll be down in singapore quite often now!! Started my new job and reporting to Singapore office! Maybe can see you one fine day eh?
The trash will be put in a lorry and get droved and dumped at the JB land???
They change the trash with sand from Malaysia?
Or maybe they use it as a landfill to expand the country and to generate methane in the future?
oh dear ... u r fast becoming like 1 classic stinkaporean ... their top national hobbies are food & complain, complain & complain ...
They should start charging for plastic bags like what Penang has done. Guan Eng is going to get the hawkers to stop using so much disposable items as well esp polystyrene food boxes. I think it'd be a good move.
Plastic? LOL, you are not a bubblegum chewer obviously! :D
hi zewt,
Speaking of stuff being recycled, is the drinking water in Singapore recycled from sewage or waste water?
Is America doing this too?
Wish you speedy recovery.
I'm glad you like Singapore but there will always be things people don't like.
It's actually cheaper to use disposable utencils. Save labour and hawkers charge you for it.
yeah and then they claim they have a psychic bird that can predict the worldcup result! HAHAHAH and well of course it's not true! ;P
Ah Siang - well, i shall try to be unglam soon... :)
doc - i am begining to think... they all end up in malaysia.
day-dreamer - nope... certainly not here.
MKL - i agree mate.
Jemima - hahaha.. have not been to one... yet...
Amanda Christine Wong - spot on!
InjusticeSistem - hmmm... i think malaysia will not achieve any good environmental index even if singapore is not dumping there...
eiling lim - one fine day... sure thing.
Elizebeth D.L. - hahaha... :)
Tipu Tapi Benar - dont think they use that to fill land... exchange for sand can be quite real.
pinsysu - oh man... u have no idea about malaysians...
pinknpurplelizard - i wont be surprise if singaporeans just pay.
Anak Merdeka - hmmm... meaning?
zewtreader - i think it is... but not tap water, only certain brand of bottled water.
T(H)(B) - absolutely... humans are chronic complainer. well, cheap is one thing... damaging the environment is another.
Huei - the octopus more psychic apparently.
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