A 5-year-old boy went to his father and asked…
“Dad, are you organising a party for my coming birthday?”
“Sure son, you know I love you very much”
“Dad, may I invite my ex-girlfriend to the party?”
5-year-old… not girlfriend but… EX-girlfriend…
“Sure. But first, tell me what is ex-girlfriend?”
“Ex-girlfriend is the girl I used to like and take care of her. But now, I don’t like her anymore”
“Why don’t you like her anymore?”
“Because I like another girl now”
This boy has for talent I’m telling you…
Anyone out there asked whether your daughter has got an ex-boyfriend?
2 years ago… You pee I pee he pees she pees
3 years ago… Beyond the smashes… Modern Slavery
“Dad, are you organising a party for my coming birthday?”
“Sure son, you know I love you very much”
“Dad, may I invite my ex-girlfriend to the party?”
5-year-old… not girlfriend but… EX-girlfriend…

“Ex-girlfriend is the girl I used to like and take care of her. But now, I don’t like her anymore”
“Why don’t you like her anymore?”
“Because I like another girl now”
This boy has for talent I’m telling you…
Anyone out there asked whether your daughter has got an ex-boyfriend?
2 years ago… You pee I pee he pees she pees
3 years ago… Beyond the smashes… Modern Slavery
smart kid hehe...but that picture is just wrong on so many levels! :p
and this is a true story??
Zewt, this was so random. You just wanted to post this pic here :P If Malaysia ever censors your blog, this would be the reason :P
friday already? :)
Wonder what kind of an exposure has this kid been getting... ;)
HAHAHAHAHAHAh interesting topic n picture! i wouldn't want my future daughter to go near that boy!!
but aren't they suppose to hate girls at this age?!
eerrrr this is so out of the blue!
Starting at the young age. Wow! Hahaha..
Is it just me or do dis kid look like edison chen in a glance.......
What father would not be proud of tat???? hahahahha.....i m so sexist, but its ok, we live in a racist country, so its ok to be a sexist too
U not happy? sue me
niQue_naQ - hello there... haha... it's reality!
deusXmachina - :)
j_yenn - as true as it gets.
MKL - hahahaha... yeah, that pic would be too offensive here i think :P
j or ji - belum... today is :P
pinknpurplelizard - not just this kid... a lot of other kids.
huei - how can you make sure of that?
Amanda Christine Wong - Oh how times have changed...
eiling lim - hahaha... the bliss of lunch crap.
missironic - yup... like i said.. they hump younger and younger.
InjusticeSistem - no worries mate... no worries at all :P
Haha, this is hillarious! Kids these days have an abnormal rate of maturity! :p
petite_lass - hmmm... maturity? :P
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