The driver of the speeding car was apparently drunk, the police were there and tested him on the spot. Was the driver arrested and properly dealt with? Let’s not go there…
The most intriguing element of the saga was the almost instant appearance of tow trucks. My colleague said that these parasites appeared within a minute. Yes, within 60 seconds. I have been in an accident before and looking back, I am also quite perplexed at how these tow trucks can just show up almost immediately. It’s like they know an accident has happened.
The quick arrival of tow trucks and the inability of the perpetrator (an ABS equipped car) to brake despite such a long tyre mark (indicating that he hit the brake quite a while back) prompted another colleague to suggest that “they” could have poured oil on the road. The time of the incident was around midnight.
Following the accident I had a few years ago (which I will blog about), I did hear some quarters suggesting that there are people who pour oil on the roads to “stimulate” accidents, generating revenue for workshops. And after my colleague’s frightening experience last Sunday, this notion was mentioned again.

Knowing that this country, I will not doubt it. My instinct is telling me that it is true. But I am also interested to know your view. Have you heard of such stories?
1 year ago… I am thankful
Question: Was it after rain or slight drizzle?
The roads are naturally slick after a quick downpour (not the extended ones), so that could be a contributing factor.
Not to say I doubt that the workshops pour oil, but another explanation could be that the toll trucks just know which areas are the accident prone ones. It's their job after all.
wow never heard of this...but will curse those who ever pour the oil as that would take away many lives... my 10yrs old cousin just passed away on the road!
well business is slow due to the economic factor. so what to do? they try generate business even when it means to endanger others. some put nails.
ps. yian sin is my wife to be lol
oh yeah. some are actually caused by oil leaks from cars involved in accidents
I have heard of such stories many times and I would never doubt it. Malaysia boleh!
psst, it's tow trucks, not toll trucks ;)
I once had a rock thrown at me on the Sg Besi highway very early in the morning. I still have the small crack (it was more of a chip) on my windshield today.
wah..cant let my mum see this..if not she will stop me from gg out at nite again..
this is a very appalling act by those uncivilized work shop people. how could they endangered people's life to rake in money?? if only the authorities/police could do something about it, or we would have to be extra careful when it comes to driving.
I use that stretch of road VERY often. This reminds me to always be very careful and not speed!
I guess we can only speculate about this... Maybe you should do a research on different blogs and forums to see if this cases occured more often. But that's a tedius work.
I remember reading about this recently.
Dunno whether you guys noticed, but there are always tow trucks waiting at all the major highway exits/entrances. Reason: Easy access to any accidents along the highway/areas around it. Since the place of accident is not too far from the toll house and presuming no heavy traffics at that time, tow trucks can reach pretty quickly. However, I do believe some irresponsible people do pour oil on the roads as I have been in an accident in an industrial area once (where the car brakes don't seem to work even when I tap on the brakes 3 times!) and the tow truck was waiting just in front of my car after the accident zzz..
malaysia boleh.
Klaw - colleague not at work today, will be interested to know. but another person said rain is better for "them" as oil will be have the camouflauge effect.
fufu - hey, sorry to hear about that. yeah, these people should be charged with murder!
Kellaw - so you're saying that it is true?
-eiling- - sigh, sometimes, u just wish it is not true isnt it?
anon @ 1/9 10.59pm - thanks... fixed :)
crankster - the stories about that is the naughty nature of kids locating themselves at the flyover and throwing rocks. or perhaps, they to were trying to cause accidents. anything is possible in this country.
neno - so you're a late night party animal eh?
Cindy Khor - unfortunately, we just cant rely on authorities here.
Diane - yup...perhaps there is a blind spot there. there are many blind spots in KL.
MKL - research... hmmm... how? :) .... most of my friends said it's true. and speaking of which, check this out... http://my-1.themalaysianinsider.com/index.php/malaysia/34123-tow-truck-operators-in-the-spotlight
mumsgather - looks like it's for real, isnt it? sigh...
Ryan - i have had a few friends having similar experience. it would be interesting to share mine too.
Shaun - hip hip... boleh!
This is not new to me. Heard this long long time ago...
This is true (oil on roads) and so is the thing about the scattering of nails on the roads esp on Penang Bridge.
Other thing that u may not know about is - If one spots an accident and calls the 'vulture brigade', the caller gets a cut from the vultures if the 'deal' is successful. This cut can range from RM50 upwards depending.
rumah aku dekat area tu.kawasan tu,especially simpang dari OU nak masuk ke tunnel memang selalu ada eksiden.
I don't know-la, Zewt. But the lanes do seem a bit 'oily' at times, don't they?
I have seen something happen.
Lets say that there is an accident on the road. Everyone slows down to rubberneck.
Then as you have passed the site, u will step on ur accelerator and speed off. I watched this car (Say Driver "A") next to me speed off, then he took off his foot from the accelerator AND LOOKED IN HIS REAR VIEW MIRROR. I too looked back, and I saw the car behind him (say Vehicle "B") had started to gain momentum after the accident and SUDDENLY ("B") Hit his brakes becoz the car in front ("A") was suddenly too close.
He avoided hitting the car in front ("A"), but the car behind him ("C") hit him ("B").
This guy ("A") smiled and spoke into his walkie talkie and turned and saw me watching. So he swerved into me, I avoided hitting him and the lady next to me who gave me a vicious look. But I believe this syndicate is active on bz stretches of the highway.
This occurred just after Sg. Besi air force base on the way to KL-Seremban h'way (just before Cheras and PJ turnoff's and ERL route).
it is true..my friend got into an accident just like that. furthermore they r linked to the p*lice.
they demand that u use their services and when rejected, they cornered the tow truck of my friend's insurance agent.
they went off after getting paid.
i believe in karma...
hah.. i have heard of such incident before but never knew anyone who can confirm it.
however, if only our "wonderful" policment can also be as efficient and be on the scene as fast..
then again, they re probably in for the kopi o duit.. that is a story i ve heard of before..
I heard abt it before. My friend also kind of experienced it once.. She suddenly lost control of the wheel and crash. Luckily, she was still in one piece. Then, came the tow truck almost immediately. They came before the help she called. Her brother suspected that there was oil on the road.. and worst still, it was drizzling at that time. But, whether there was really oil or not.. hard to say. *shrugs*
What has our country become?
Oh, I'm sure they do pour oil on the roads to cause these accidents. They're a bunch of unscrupulous people these two truck morons!
Zewt, it was related to me last night that oil is also poured on the road leading towards the smart tunnel or its vicinity. His driver lost control of the car but no accident occurred.
I saw a pack of nails being thrown out of the window from a truck once. so your guess is as good as mine. It could have been an accident thou.
who know's - mayb this is done on purpose ...??? Poison ' emels' explains it all ......
no la..sleep is very important to me..kekeke..jus sometimes go out at nite la..
hmmm.. maybe we can enter this into the Guinness book of records?
purple mushroom - and so it's very true then.
pinknpurplelizard - wow... penang bridge????
j or ji - careful mate... be safe this Ramadhan.
Terra Shield - they do actually, particularly when it rains.
BobSam - fucking hell!!!! these people should be hung! thanks for the info.
constantly craving joe - sigh... this country is just unbelievable.
Sharon - might be too late already.
goingkookies - more reasons to hate this country isnt it?
missironics - when it's raining, it's easier to hide the oil traces...
iamthewitch - a pile of shite.
Nick Phillips - hello, welcome to AZAIG. very true there...
zorro - damn these ppl!!
Kellaw - blardy hell!!! these fu**ers!!!!
UnicornGirl - welcome to AZAIG. poison emels?
neno - hahaha... so good girl.
Shaun - we are already there for many wrong reasons.
This is ridiculous! How can they risk human life just to get business! Again, like you said, this is typical Malaysian. Shame on us!
I'm not sure if they actually do this but over in Penang I've heard of them throwing large nails to puncture vehicle tyres.
Workshop runners are also stationed all over busy and accident prone highways that's why they appear next to you within a minute of an accident.
No kidding. I heard of this similar stories too. I think it's on the way from LDP to Sg. Buloh. A family of 4 + maid were traveling on a kenari and they hit some nails on the road, not oil. and the car went out of control, windscreen smashed, hit divider, the 4 year old daughter flung out of the window. Within seconds, a man turned up and carried the little daughter to the dad with injuries on his head. Imagine - now the daughter is living with some screws on her prosthetic leg. All these people causing harm should bloody go to hell!
jam - shame? malaysians have no shame.
jlshyang - such is the state of this pathetic country.
gina - looking at the whole picture, we must not blame these people. they are able to do such things because "WE" are not daring enough to make a change.
eh! i just read this entry after commenting on the other 2. i've heard about it b4 too...n i believe it IS true!
huei - sigh... this country is truly hopeless... and vicious... and (unable to find word to describe this wretched land)...
Last week my husband and my son met in an accident and we beleive it was due to the tow trucks poaring oil on the roads of Malaysia !!! I have looked on google and I can find nothing or nobody talking about it :( does that mean that people are accepting their loved ones put in dangers by this son of bitches !!! (sorry if I offended anyone on my comments but I am really cheesed off)What can we do ?? is anybody we can contact to make a change :(
Last week my husband and my son met in an accident and we beleive it was due to the tow trucks poaring oil on the roads of Malaysia !!! I have looked on google and I can find nothing or nobody talking about it :( does that mean that people are accepting their loved ones put in dangers by this son of bitches !!! (sorry if I offended anyone on my comments but I am really cheesed off)What can we do ?? is anybody we can contact to make a change :(
Last week my husband and my son met in an accident and we beleive it was due to the tow trucks poaring oil on the roads of Malaysia !!! I have looked on google and I can find nothing or nobody talking about it :( does that mean that people are accepting their loved ones put in dangers by this son of bitches !!! (sorry if I offended anyone on my comments but I am really cheesed off)What can we do ?? is anybody we can contact to make a change :(
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