I can’t accurately recall but it should be middle of the year 2004, past midnight. I was driving back from PJ, heading towards KL via Pusat Bandar Damansara. Those familiar with that route will know that it is an uphill drive as you get on Jalan Semantan (with CIMB on your left) and then, a relatively steep downhill. That’s when it happened.
Just as my car commenced the downhill descend, I heard tyre screeching sound and the next thing I knew, I lost control of my steering and of course, my car. My lack of driving knowledge together with natural instinct led to me pressing the brake which then resulted in the car spinning violently.
I think it spun for a good 3 – 4 seconds before it smashed the divider. The car did not stop. It continued to spin and it took a while more before it came to a complete halt. Now, this is an interesting part…
When I got out of my car, I realised that my car is now located on the other side of the road, i.e. the road heading towards PJ with CIMB now on my right. In fact, the badly damaged bonnet of my car was actually facing towards PJ. Till today, I do not recall my car being flung into the air to get over the divider and land on the other side. Neither did it smashed through the divider. It remains a mystery.
No, I was not drunk or under the influence of any substance. And no, I was not speeding.
Naturally, I was in shock and just as I was about to inspect the damages, a guy was already at the side of my vehicle. I think he appeared within 30 seconds and the very first thing he asked me was…
“Lei meh insurance keh?”
(Which insurance are you with?)
I told him the name of the insurance company and he said his workshop is the panel workshop of that insurance company and will be able to settle the repairs smoothly. He then took out a form and recorded the damages to my car and asked me to sign. I hesitated, as I was still trying to recollect myself.
The next thing I know, a crowd has gathered around the area and our very own police arrived. The police officer grabbed my upper arm and took me aside, as though I am a criminal. He demanded for my driving I.C. and driving licence and asked the following questions:-
Tinggal mana? (Stay where?)
Kerja apa? (Work where?)
Datang dari mana? (Came from where?)
Pergi mana? (Heading where?)
When I told him I was heading to KL from PJ, he looked at my car, which was mysteriously facing PJ on a road heading to PJ, he said this to me in an extremely rude tone, I can recall it clearly…
“Awak ni, pasti dah makan pill”
(You have surely taken some drugs)
“Beritahu saya betul-betul, ada makan pill? Kalau awak beritahu saya sekarang, saya boleh tolong”
(Tell me honestly, did you take drugs? If you tell me know, I can help you)
I told him I took nothing. In fact, I was getting a bit offended with his treatment and tone. And then, he said this…
“Saya nak test kencing kat balai. Kalau positif, terus masuk lokap”
(I want to test your urine. I’ll put you in lock-up if it’s positive) – sounded like a threat, don’t you think?
He drove off with my I.C. and driving license and asked me to meet him at the police station.
Meanwhile, the workshop dude already got my car fastened to a tow truck. He asked me to sign some forms to formalise the engagement. After assessing my options, I realised I was left with no choice and gave him my signature.
He introduced himself as “Tan” and said he will send me to the police station to lodge my report.
The experience at the station was also an eye-opening one. But since this post has gotten a bit too long, guess you will have to wait for Part 2…
P/S: In relation to my previous post on road accidents, I would highly recommend that you read this particular comment from BobSam.

I think it spun for a good 3 – 4 seconds before it smashed the divider. The car did not stop. It continued to spin and it took a while more before it came to a complete halt. Now, this is an interesting part…
When I got out of my car, I realised that my car is now located on the other side of the road, i.e. the road heading towards PJ with CIMB now on my right. In fact, the badly damaged bonnet of my car was actually facing towards PJ. Till today, I do not recall my car being flung into the air to get over the divider and land on the other side. Neither did it smashed through the divider. It remains a mystery.
No, I was not drunk or under the influence of any substance. And no, I was not speeding.
Naturally, I was in shock and just as I was about to inspect the damages, a guy was already at the side of my vehicle. I think he appeared within 30 seconds and the very first thing he asked me was…
“Lei meh insurance keh?”
(Which insurance are you with?)

The next thing I know, a crowd has gathered around the area and our very own police arrived. The police officer grabbed my upper arm and took me aside, as though I am a criminal. He demanded for my driving I.C. and driving licence and asked the following questions:-
Tinggal mana? (Stay where?)
Kerja apa? (Work where?)
Datang dari mana? (Came from where?)
Pergi mana? (Heading where?)
When I told him I was heading to KL from PJ, he looked at my car, which was mysteriously facing PJ on a road heading to PJ, he said this to me in an extremely rude tone, I can recall it clearly…
“Awak ni, pasti dah makan pill”
(You have surely taken some drugs)
“Beritahu saya betul-betul, ada makan pill? Kalau awak beritahu saya sekarang, saya boleh tolong”
(Tell me honestly, did you take drugs? If you tell me know, I can help you)
I told him I took nothing. In fact, I was getting a bit offended with his treatment and tone. And then, he said this…
“Saya nak test kencing kat balai. Kalau positif, terus masuk lokap”
(I want to test your urine. I’ll put you in lock-up if it’s positive) – sounded like a threat, don’t you think?

Meanwhile, the workshop dude already got my car fastened to a tow truck. He asked me to sign some forms to formalise the engagement. After assessing my options, I realised I was left with no choice and gave him my signature.
He introduced himself as “Tan” and said he will send me to the police station to lodge my report.
The experience at the station was also an eye-opening one. But since this post has gotten a bit too long, guess you will have to wait for Part 2…
P/S: In relation to my previous post on road accidents, I would highly recommend that you read this particular comment from BobSam.
cant wait for part 2..wonder if ur experience is similar to wat i heard..lol..
wow... cant wait to read part 2 XD
OMG! This is scary! How the hell did your car ended up on the other side of the road? Can't wait for Pt 2!!
post part 2 now la before i hold the banner up
our policemen here freak me out all the time. there's a name for it: fearingpoliceissmartaphobia. go google it up.
That's creepy, man...
this is a very dangerous cuntree... sigh...
did it occur to u that u might hv cheated death that time? scary huh... but thank god u are alive to tell the tale today :-) thx for sharing... sometimes being paranoid is a 'good' thing, huh?
neno - hahaha... i dont think so.
fufu - patience my friend.
foongpc - like i said, it's still a mystery today. I can only thank God.
kellaw - what banner ah?
j_yenn - hey there... martaphobia... hahaha...
terra shield - the mystery landing part?
rainbow angeles - indeed, i had cheated death. very thankful for it actually. of course, wouldnt want it to happen again.
They always do this act don't they... Hoping to scare the shits outta u so you'd make their job easier.
Other thing they always do is pin the cause on the non-bumi driver. I have gone thru this. Even the Indian sergeant in charge of my case disgustedly said that he had no choice as it was orders from the top to protect Bumi citizens as he let me know the verdict of the case.
i crashed my car once also, when i was turning a bend, and a friend said, 'do you know u can accelerate while turning a bend?'. i was young. and dumb. so i did. and no tow truck appeared. i guess life was more innocent back then.
a banner that says "POST NEXT EPISODE NOW!"
I hope you came around the whole ordeal alright. It is so scary to hear these kind of things happen to people you know.
I can't believe that the man asked you which insurance you were with instead of asking if you were okay and needed to sit down or something! And that policeman! How rude!
Will be here for part two :)
what a nightmare for you :(
part 2, fai tit !!
OMG!!!!!How horrifying!!!!!
yoquickly blog on Part 2 la.....nail-biting la!!!!!!! I sooo curious!!!
harh so suey. Zewt faster finish off ur story pls. =D
Very interesting. I am just waiting to hear what happened at the Balai?!! Lol..
wow, what a horrifying experience.
can't wait to read part 2!
pinknpurplelizard - and ... 1Malaysia eh?
me - you? young? must be darn long ago.
Kellaw - hahaha... it's out already lah.
nikki - that's how things are in this country...
jacss - nightmare was far from over.
sabrina - it has been published :P
littlepolaris - didnt know it's so high on demand :P
-eiling- - one helluvan experience.
jlshyang - hot... right from the oven! :)
hahahah wrong pic la...lokap here where got so nice wan? =P
n wtf is wrong with that idiotic towtruck guy!?! probably those a**holes who pour oil on the road..n probably how ur accident happened!
huei - hahaha... how u know lockup doesnt look like that?
This won't actually have success, I think so.
This cannot truly work, I believe so.
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