Did you feel it today? I did… for a good 40 seconds or more. It was much worse than the previous one. I actually felt giddy and had to sit down.
The relevant people kept calling building management, asking for instructions. But my gut feelings tell me building management has got absolutely no idea on what to tell us. In the end, we were told to stay put. Most of us left…
Sand storm in Sydney… Typhoon in Taiwan… Typhoon and tsunami in South East Asia --- Vietnam, Cambodia… earthquake and tsunami in Samoa and Tonga… and just a while ago… earthquake in Indonesia which sent tremors to Singapore and here… Perhaps mother nature was screaming at us. But I wonder who will hear her…
Lastly, certain quarters will be collecting donations for the victims. As generous as we should be, let us be mindful on who we donate to. Let us not forget that in the last tsunami, “certain people” collected a huge amount of donation and it went missing.
Be generous and yet wise, we want our generosity to reach the victims. And now, let’s say a prayer for those who lost their lives…
Picture taken from CNN.
1 year ago… Why I prefer it to fail
The relevant people kept calling building management, asking for instructions. But my gut feelings tell me building management has got absolutely no idea on what to tell us. In the end, we were told to stay put. Most of us left…

Lastly, certain quarters will be collecting donations for the victims. As generous as we should be, let us be mindful on who we donate to. Let us not forget that in the last tsunami, “certain people” collected a huge amount of donation and it went missing.
Be generous and yet wise, we want our generosity to reach the victims. And now, let’s say a prayer for those who lost their lives…
Picture taken from CNN.
1 year ago… Why I prefer it to fail
There are always those who will take advantage whenever some natural disaster strike. We just have to be more careful, is all, and direct our generosity to proper channels.
I know.. too many natural disasters happening for us to ignore.
It felt like a tremor in my world, when I saw you changed Zewt to Zéwt. Why did you do that??? O_o
Mother Nature is probably retaliating for the harms we human beings are generating...!
During the dust storm in Syd, Qld had floods...!
Let's enjoy our veedub cars...
Dear zewt,
as a student of earthquake and statistics of extreme events - i would say, it is actually common occurence frequency, and there's nothing Doomsday about it. Of course, Mother Nature is screaming to us, but She has been doign so since the Industrial Revolution.
But natural hazards like this would remind us of our punity, and perhaps the need of more engineers to accountants! :D
I din feel nuthing... prolly cos I was stuck in traffic ard that time... onie realised it happened wen i opened my FB n read all the status msg... guess subang wasn't affected cos wen i went there for gym none of the aunties mentioned it...
God is not happy... Me thinks.
Large amounts of Donations for these causes never reach their intended destination. All incorporated into 'Administration fees', 'Handing charges', 'Postages and stationaries', 'disbursements', etc. I, myself, try to hand it to ppl who are headed to the affected areas to help. Crazy ppl they may be but we need them for situations like these. ;)
that's so true. many times we were cheated of our donations for charities because we don't know whether it reached the victims or not!
Mother nature is really terribly angry at us. Sighs...
The signs are all there..as stated in the Bible.
guess god/mother nature was angry at the dinosours too....
u are a genius...
Feel a little worried now. I started to think that 2012 is really gonna be the end of the world.
i think i still prefer Malaysia to continue reporting it's currently boring domestic news about politicians beating up each other rather than that of freaky natural disasters occurring in the country :P
Zewt, you forgot to list my country (the Philippines)... =) I agree, relief goods and cash donations (now in millions of pesos) are pouring in from here and abroad for the victims of Typhoon Ondoy, and my concern is also that these goods and money be distributed fairly to where they should really be.
but i guess no matter how much mother nature screams at us..nobody can hear
Well, we can't deny that there are people out there cheating money using these kind of disasters as an agent.. Even without these disasters happening, there are also people using old folks home and unfortunate children to get what they want.. Its just sad.. Hope these kind of people will be burn in hell..
Because of these incidents, it makes those really genuine ones can't achieve their objectives..
By the way, I didn't felt it this time but the last tsunami one, I felt the aftershock.. I was sitting in my office and suddenly felt giddy and swinging left and right.. But for a few seconds only..
Mother Nature is sending out signals. She is real angry on what we have done to her over the centuries.
Life for beginners - i already saw one channel opening up, which i think is not trustworthy.
Terra Shield - may we learn our lesson.
MKL - hahaha... just for kicks... switched back to zewt.
whoalse - hehehe... i am not complaining about jams so much...
tomatoinc - oh yes, my breed has certainly cost more damage than anyone :P hehe...
~aSstHa~ - hmmm... some ppl driving felt it too... thought someone bang their car.
pinknpurplelizard - yeah, if there are any religious groups heading there, i will definitely contribute. but that too, we have to be vigilant.
eiling lim - particularly in this country.
missironic - she needs saving... from us.
Jemima - the end is nigh?
Neek - hmmm... she still needs saving from us right?
littlepolaris - that is a bit too far fetched lah.
j_yenn - hahahahahaha... aiyooo... no lah.
melisa - sorry about that. let us all pray that the funds will reach their intended destination.
huei - we hear, but we do nothing.
McMercedez - this time was really bad, lasted for almost a minute. as we were talking about it... it was still shaking... u on low rise building maybe.
jam - ... and what we are going to do regardless of the warnings.
Mother Earth is actually screaming on Earthling's inhabitants as earth still have violence, warring, in others places killing each other for control, manipulation, financial gain, greed, various viewpoints, religious or skin color differences, still kill animals for our food, polluting the forest, soil, rivers, ocean n so forth.. Earth is also a great being who have make a great sacrifice for us to stay. So we really have to respect Mother Earth ... And we can do that is by being virtuous, compassion n leading a benevolent life by making peace on our table that is being vegetarian/vegan. Then there will be peace on Earth. Vegetarian or vegan diet is a sustainable diet that can help to solve climate change, global warming, prevention to diseases n are able to subside the disaster that happened on earth as meat/livestock industry/meat consumptions have bring a lot of destruction to earth. Vegan diet is the fastest/quickest/easier n safest way to save yourself n earth.
FOC 24-hours non-stop ONLINE POSITIVE & CONSTRUCTIVE TV channel
: www.suprememastertv.com
The latest infos is about "The Secrets of Venus". Pls watch this movie so that you will have a more understanding of global warming that had happened on Venus before and how meat had cause destructive to venus n others planet as well eg Mars.
For a more scientific proof, you may refer to this website:
As time is running out very quickly in this critical time of climate change, pls try to consider being a vegetarian or vegan to save yourself, others n our Mother Earth. Please believe us as we have nothing to gain from telling you this.
stella - thanks for dropping by and leaving all the info. indeed, we must be taking drastic action before it's too late.
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