It should be about 15 years ago. It was dinner time in a camp. As 10 people filled the table, dinner was served. There was a roasted chicken, some vegetables, a tofu and a soup. With a table full of hungry boys after tiring workouts, food finished in a flash. A piece remain though…
“Zewt, we saved that chicken backside for you…” my friend said…
Imagine the horror in their face when I picked that chicken ass up and stuff my face with the remnant of my rice like there is no tomorrow… I can still make up the look on their face.
Regular AZAIG readers will know that I was not born with a silver spoon. During my pre-teen days, dishes during dinner can be rather scarce.
I remember we used to have a relative who was a hawker and she will collect the chicken ass from her hawker business and give it to my family. My Mom will marinate those arses in 5-spice-powder and lam-yu (some kind of bean paste) and deep fried them. Like I said, dishes are hard to come by. So, deep fried marinated chicken ass is a treat for my family. Honestly, I still remember the taste and it’s pretty yummy!
I guess one can say that I grew up eating chicken ass. By the way, there are also some other strange dishes which I think not many of you will eat. But I ate them all. When you are young, hungry and life is tough, I don’t think one can be picky about food.
And this is probably why I get rather annoyed when I see some people being overly choosy about food. I-don’t-eat-this, I-don’t-eat-that, I-only-eat-breast-meat, I-only-eat-drumsticks… these people just haven’t experience having to eat tofu in soya sauce with rice as dinner.
As for now, I don’t think I will specifically order chicken ass but I will not go… “Ewww…!” at the sight of people eating it. And by blogging about this, I am not ashamed that it was once a treat for my family.
Will I eat it again? Well, if it’s marinated with 5-spice powder and lam-yu and deep fried just like how my Mom did it… why not?
Will you eat chicken ass?
1 year ago… The current hypocritical trend
“Zewt, we saved that chicken backside for you…” my friend said…

Regular AZAIG readers will know that I was not born with a silver spoon. During my pre-teen days, dishes during dinner can be rather scarce.
I remember we used to have a relative who was a hawker and she will collect the chicken ass from her hawker business and give it to my family. My Mom will marinate those arses in 5-spice-powder and lam-yu (some kind of bean paste) and deep fried them. Like I said, dishes are hard to come by. So, deep fried marinated chicken ass is a treat for my family. Honestly, I still remember the taste and it’s pretty yummy!
I guess one can say that I grew up eating chicken ass. By the way, there are also some other strange dishes which I think not many of you will eat. But I ate them all. When you are young, hungry and life is tough, I don’t think one can be picky about food.
And this is probably why I get rather annoyed when I see some people being overly choosy about food. I-don’t-eat-this, I-don’t-eat-that, I-only-eat-breast-meat, I-only-eat-drumsticks… these people just haven’t experience having to eat tofu in soya sauce with rice as dinner.
As for now, I don’t think I will specifically order chicken ass but I will not go… “Ewww…!” at the sight of people eating it. And by blogging about this, I am not ashamed that it was once a treat for my family.

Will you eat chicken ass?
1 year ago… The current hypocritical trend
I don't eat veggies. LOL... but when we think of younger days, it always seems that we're much poorer.
I like chicken ass!! And chicken feet!
I eat (almost) everything, I'm not choosy. I'm sure I'd eat chicken ass, why not. Sorry to hear about your childhood, but mine was similar to yours, maybe not as hard.
It was a fav of my grandma. It's rumoured that those who eat loads of it have nice skin. It was true for several ppl I knew who compulsively ate it.
I tried it b3 and don't like it much. Given a choice, I'd abstain.
Eyew...and besides, it's mostly chicken fat!!! Not healthy at all!
P.S. I was going to comment: "What other backsides do you eat?" but I decided to restrain myself...and behave!!! Hahahahahahaha!!!!!
I like the one deep fried or marinated and barbequed.
I don't eat chicken butt. And that goes for any kind of animal spare parts.
i won't say "ewww" cos i grew up seeing my gramma eating it. it's actually her favourite part of chicken so we would normally save it for her. as for me eating it.. well, i had a bad experience eating it before. imagine smelly chicken ass. bleh.. i won't eat it again tho. but deep fried with 5 spice nam yu sounds delicious!!
and yea.. i hate it when people choose their food too! especially when eating out with a bunch of people. i think they're all very spoilt.
Yes! The ass and the feet! Yummy!
Nope.. on normal circumstances, i wont eat the chicken ass.. However, i think if for survival sake, then ass it is! Hahaha...
Knowing how u had a less fortunate childhood, that brought to what u r today, really amazed me by wat u have achieved. Good on u, zewt! I think we all shud feel blessed for all the fortunate things that we have today. I know i do. :)
Good morning Zewt
They say a person can achieve everything by being simple and humble. You are truly testament to this.
I feel for you when you say, "And this is probably why I get rather annoyed when I see some people being overly choosy about food. I-don’t-eat-this, I-don’t-eat-that, I-only-eat-breast-meat, I-only-eat-drumsticks… these people just haven’t experience having to eat tofu in soya sauce with rice as dinner".
Now you know why this world is in such a mess...
Take care..
y not? i like it. but the special part (i dunno what its name?) had to be removed.
mmm....deep fried meat with lam yu is always the best!
Yes, I do. My late grandma introduced me to it and I love eating it, only when it's deep-fried though! In fact, in my recent trip back to Penang, I specifically went to Gurney drive to hunt it down. :P
Hi Zewt,
I really love this post of yours! :)
Not being rich myself when I was growing up, I had to make do with whatever we had back then. Life was tough and food was scarce. And I haven't even start on those fancy notebooks, pens, pencil colours, 'branded' school bags and school uniforms, expensive school shoes, etc. All which I did without and I grew up fine, even better than most of my rich school friends - I scored in all my exams (pure hard work) and passed all major exams with flying colours.
And today I don't waste (food, money, anything), I don't brag and I'm not arrogant. I worked my way up to where I am today, and I'm really proud of my parents and myself.
Heck, sometimes being poor teach us many more values than being rich in the monetary sense!
I don't see anything wrong with eating the Chicken ass. Some people love the tenderness and oilyness of it. Like my dad. I used to eat it like it's a snack but discontinued because it seems fattening!
aku makan apa saja.
kepala ayam kampung also aku makan.telur kambing or lembu-sangat sedap.
apa saja.
Selamat Hari Natal, dude!
I do eat chicken backside. There is nothing wrong with it. Only part cannot be eaten is the lymph node.
I don't choose my dishes especially when I came from a poor family.
So what other strange food that you eat? That must be interesting since chicken ass is a treat. lol!
I don't think I've tried it before... but if it's cooked well (and cleaned well too!), I'm game.
haha... my mom used to tell me that eating chicken ass would result in me turning stupid and fail in my exams.
guess who ate it after that? my mom!
such big sucker huh?
I will, when things gets tough. My worst case scenario would be:
Fried egg with soya sauce with rice.
But i love it! Esp the yolk is raw. Then mix with hot rice and soya sauce, yummy!!
Merry Xmas babe!
No, i don't eat chicken ass, as well as other animals parts, like legs, stomach etc.
i eww-ed one time when my dad was eating his favorite fish's eyes. He was very angry with me and since then i never dare to eww anymore. Hehe!
I was very choosy when i was a child. I hated to eat vegetables. But as i grow up now, i'm not that choosy anymore BUT there's still certain food that i won't eat.
So, don't scold me ah..
Merry Christmas to you!
so do u have nice smooth skin? well nothing wrong with eating it i guess..although i've never tried. >.< i got no silver spoon..probably a bronze one
when young my mom used to say face will smooth if ate chicken ass but cant get me to it...
now i loveddd chicken asss especially after fried while stil crunchy...LOL
i like this story:)
i m not a fan of chicken ass becoz ppl always make fun of it..and when i grow up i started to make fun of it too...
i'll never look at chicken ass the same again. :P ..must appreciate food
i like this story:)
i m not a fan of chicken ass becoz ppl always make fun of it..and when i grow up i started to make fun of it too...
i'll never look at chicken ass the same again. :P ..must appreciate food
i would if you don't specifically remind me it's the ass!
dun forget the neck. it's yummy too. but someone mentioned that too much eating these stuffs may make the boobs grow bigger. for girls, that's okie. but guys, hold on to that quota.
my mom will order 'chicken ass' from 'chicken wing/ drumstick' hawker stall in Penang. It is delicious.
Jerine - wooaah... that's not very healthy leh.
Theodwyn - hi there, where have you been?
MKL - hey... you said farmers did what to chicken ass again? :P
pinknpurplelizard - hmmm... my face is free from pimples if you wanna know...
suituapui - beside chicken ass... i also... hmmm...
tieroflife - hello there. haha... you have taste :P
Mei Teng - health reason?
dy - your grandma got taste hahaha... have to clean properly, then the smell will be gone.
Clare - hahaha... yeah!
missironic - i think all of us here have a story to tell. those growing up in the 80s and 90s certainly lived in a different planet.
Fi-sha - complacency... and riches... spoilt us all... including me.
CK - hmmm... which part?
Amanda Christine Wong - chicken ass too!
gracieq - there is a place specially selling it? wow!
Lai Heng - your nick sounds familiar... yes, adversity has certainly mould us into a gem. which is why, i wonder how all the new generation of pampered ppl will survive the real world.
Yvonne Foong - it's fattening indeed. but when u have nothing to eat, it's a different story.
j or ji - thanks dude.
Ai Shiang - it's a good trait. must inculcate that to our children.
Terra Shield - hehe... try that recipe!
myop101 - maybe your mom dont need to take exam anymore? hahaha...
Acute Critique - that's not too bad. good food. egg is protein lor :P
sabrina - cheers!
seokthong - well, if you honestly dont like certain food due to certain reason, i guess that's perfectly fine...
huei - you've seen me before so u can be the judge.
anon aka nel - hahaha... i heard that a lot. i think my sister's face is smooth. mine, ok ler.
winn - yes, dont look at it as an ass... it's still food :P
eiling lim - backside?
chicken little - cos they inject hormones through there. wings as well.
hikazew - wow!... that's a new!
while i do admire the values in you, i just can't force the ass down my throat...eww...sorry, hehe!!
jacss - awww... it tastes good... believe me ;P
I dun eat chicken ass, but I think I am not choosy toward foods.
jam - that's good enough mate.
I've eaten locusts and a guinea pig before, chicken ass, but not human ass.
i dunno why, but you just made ass eating sounds pretty yummy :D
happy new year!
The Envoy - hopefully you wont save the human ass for kissing... :)
Lisalicious - hahaha... they do... trust me... the do.
What namely you're saying is a terrible blunder.
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