The unforgettable accident experience (Part 1)
Along the journey to the police station, Tan shared with me his experience in dealing with the police and the cases he has handled. He told me what is in store for me at the station and gave me pointers on how to handle them. He said I have nothing to worry if I am “clean”. He also said mentioned that the most important thing is that I am not hurt. The damage to the car is secondary. Overall, he appeared to be a nice guy.
Upon reaching the station (the one near Petaling Street), the officer who took my I.C. and driving license was already waiting for me. He said my case will be handled by a senior officer because he was adamant that I was high on drugs. Read Part 1 if you don’t know what I am talking about.
I was then led to a different floor, with Tan accompanying me. Along the way, I noticed Tan taking something from his pocket and discreetly giving this something to every single officer that he met along the way. That “something” resembled a RM10 note.
I think the time was about 2 a.m.
I was asked to enter a dark room. It was dark because the investigating officer (“I.O.”) turned off the light and was sleeping on the floor when we entered the room. The officer who thought I was high on drugs whispered something to the I.O. while he steadied himself from his slumber. He then asked everyone to leave the room and directed me to sit in front of him. It was then that I realised… I was being interrogated!
The usual name, occupation and how the accident happened were asked. As expected, “interrogation” centred upon what substance I took. He was pressuring me into tell him that I was drunk or high on drugs. Unfortunately for him, I have nothing to tell or admit to. His trump card was that he wanted to take my urine and blood to which I agreed. I think he was puzzled that I showed no fear.
He then turned to his computer and started drafting his report. I wanted to know what he was saying in his report and so I leaned forward and looked at his screen. It was then that I realised he made some grammar mistake in his report and me being me… I corrected him…
He turned and stared at me… I looked at him and said…
“Sorry tuan, tadi tatabahasa tuan kurang tepat. Saya risau syarikat insurans tak terime laporan nanti”
(Sorry sir, your grammar is inaccurate. I am afraid the insurance company will not accept the report)
I think at that moment, the I.O. was fully convinced that I was neither drunk nor high on drugs.
“Kamu kata kamu kerja apa tadi? BM bagus.”
(What did you say you work as again? Your Malay language is good)
I gave him a smile and it was then that the I.O. smiled at me for the very first time.
He then called Tan into the room and told him that he wanted to withhold my car as he suspected that I did not maintain my car properly, causing the accident. The I.O. wanted to send my car for Puspakom inspection which according to him, will take up to 3 months.
Tan pulled me aside and told me that they just want to make things difficult but he can “settle” the issue if I can confirm that I will let his workshop handle the repair. Apparently, the earlier form I signed was just to allow him to tow my car away. Either I let the police hold my car for 3 months (or perhaps more) or let Tan do the repairs. I guess I have no choice.
By the way, I was asked to pay RM300 as summon because hitting the divider is an offence under “merosakkan harta awam” (damaging public property). I was told that if you hit lamp post, it may cost you as much as RM1,000.
I took out RM300 and Tan also took out “something” for the I.O. Finally, a friendly aura radiated from the I.O. He began to smile and joked with me and Tan. Then another officer came in and whispered something to the I.O.
“Ada satu kes baru, sudah confirm makan pill. Dia susah. Bukan macam you”
(There’s a new case, confirm taken pill. He’s in trouble, unlike you)
I bid the I.O. farewell and as I got out of his room, I saw a teenager sitting on the floor with his hair all messed up. He did not look like he was in a position to correct the grammar of the I.O.
Should I blog about my experience with the workshop people as Part 3?
1 year ago… Selfishness aplenty… Guess the 6th
Along the journey to the police station, Tan shared with me his experience in dealing with the police and the cases he has handled. He told me what is in store for me at the station and gave me pointers on how to handle them. He said I have nothing to worry if I am “clean”. He also said mentioned that the most important thing is that I am not hurt. The damage to the car is secondary. Overall, he appeared to be a nice guy.

I was then led to a different floor, with Tan accompanying me. Along the way, I noticed Tan taking something from his pocket and discreetly giving this something to every single officer that he met along the way. That “something” resembled a RM10 note.
I think the time was about 2 a.m.
I was asked to enter a dark room. It was dark because the investigating officer (“I.O.”) turned off the light and was sleeping on the floor when we entered the room. The officer who thought I was high on drugs whispered something to the I.O. while he steadied himself from his slumber. He then asked everyone to leave the room and directed me to sit in front of him. It was then that I realised… I was being interrogated!

He then turned to his computer and started drafting his report. I wanted to know what he was saying in his report and so I leaned forward and looked at his screen. It was then that I realised he made some grammar mistake in his report and me being me… I corrected him…
He turned and stared at me… I looked at him and said…
“Sorry tuan, tadi tatabahasa tuan kurang tepat. Saya risau syarikat insurans tak terime laporan nanti”
(Sorry sir, your grammar is inaccurate. I am afraid the insurance company will not accept the report)
I think at that moment, the I.O. was fully convinced that I was neither drunk nor high on drugs.
“Kamu kata kamu kerja apa tadi? BM bagus.”
(What did you say you work as again? Your Malay language is good)
I gave him a smile and it was then that the I.O. smiled at me for the very first time.
He then called Tan into the room and told him that he wanted to withhold my car as he suspected that I did not maintain my car properly, causing the accident. The I.O. wanted to send my car for Puspakom inspection which according to him, will take up to 3 months.
Tan pulled me aside and told me that they just want to make things difficult but he can “settle” the issue if I can confirm that I will let his workshop handle the repair. Apparently, the earlier form I signed was just to allow him to tow my car away. Either I let the police hold my car for 3 months (or perhaps more) or let Tan do the repairs. I guess I have no choice.
By the way, I was asked to pay RM300 as summon because hitting the divider is an offence under “merosakkan harta awam” (damaging public property). I was told that if you hit lamp post, it may cost you as much as RM1,000.

“Ada satu kes baru, sudah confirm makan pill. Dia susah. Bukan macam you”
(There’s a new case, confirm taken pill. He’s in trouble, unlike you)
I bid the I.O. farewell and as I got out of his room, I saw a teenager sitting on the floor with his hair all messed up. He did not look like he was in a position to correct the grammar of the I.O.
Should I blog about my experience with the workshop people as Part 3?
1 year ago… Selfishness aplenty… Guess the 6th
Well, I'm glad they didn't give you trouble... but the whole thing just makes me sick to my stomach. I mean the way things are handled, etc...
now you can report to macc as the offer to give or receive a bribe is deemed to be a corruption offence.
Stories about Malaysian police always sound like this. I guess things really aren't good there and lucky those who don't have to deal with them. I read that the problem of bribing is because policemen are payed so little, like 1500rm or even less. Is that true?
And yes, I want to read part 3! :)
Yeah, you should have a Part 3. :D
And I couldn't help but to LOL at the part where you corrected the IO's grammatical error. Hahaha. You got guts man!
Jesus... I think a friend of mine also did the same thing. He bribed all the way.. in and out of police station. It's really sickening. Also, please be careful these days when you are on the road. I saw a lot of police today - blocking this and that. "Time" to cari makan.
please do
dear zewt,
something similar happened to me, but i never got to writing about it. It pissed me off tremendously, and it is something that drove me to the edge of quitting this stupid country. I finally wrote it on my blog here:
(too long to cut n paste here)
hahaha... my bahasa used to be very good... i got A2 =p but well... back to the topic... the policemen are almost all useless >.< and lucky i still havent met anyone of them XD
It's beyond disgusting la, dude. None of my experiences with the Malaysian police have been good. I've usually come out hoping they rot in hell.
YESSS part 3 pls! i hate these people! bloody conman!
fyi my bf not conman ha! =P these ppl go pouring engine oil on roads to cause accidents then drive like mad cow on the road...trying to cause more accidents i guess!
Welcome to the world of dealing with PDRM...if its any consolation graft cases within PDRM have come down as per a report in the star yday =P
pls share part 3 with us...cheers
Wow.. what a night for you eh? Not to mention experience in being interrogated! Luckily u was let go in the end.. Truth prevails!
Pls continue wif Pt 3? :)
wow, what an experience.
yes, part 3 please. :)
I think you should post Part 3. Once I was stopped by a police too when I was driving home at nite after some drinks. When I spoke to him in BM (in malay slang), he was surprised and impressed. Then He let me go! I was lucky! I guess a person whom is high on drugs wouldn't be able top correct any grammar! Smart one! Lol...
My dad met with an accident (nothing of his fault at all because his car was being hit by another car) in 2007. Everything... from the moment he stepped into the balai up till final insurance claim... everything involved duit kopi for the police officers.
Very interesting story Zewt. And PLEASE do share with us the Part 3! :)
yes i wanna know part 3. =D
ah bribe again!
hmm. please continue to the next episode :) i want to know.
i didn't know that hit the divider will be compounded rm300! this is new.
terra shield - yeah, we the innocent always get squeezed, eh?
Shaun - and get my asshole punctured?
MKL - actually, much less. sometimes, i do understand their predicament... sigh.
day-dreamer - impulse... impulse :P
gina - it's a malaysian culture.
Thevan - :) will do.
tomatoinc - we are not alone. there are many out there who have experienced pretty much the same thing. i need to link your piece.
fufu - and may you not deal with them for the longest time.
crankster - this reason is enough to drive me out of this country.
huei - oh yeah hor... your bf is a mechanic... sure got a lot of stories...
economist - our PDRM is the best in the world. hip hip... boleh!
missironic - truth prevails... not in this country. there were some form of settlement done by the tow truck ppl.
pauline yap - will be a short one :)
-eiling- - oh yeah, that works. and really... you were truly lucky.
purple mushroom - soon, it will be a certified malaysian culture.... heritage... needs protection.
i am the witch - sure thing...
little polaris - take a break first? :P
faisal admar - if you hit a lamp post in putrajaya... you will have to pay through your ass man. and the insurance company aint gonna cover for it.
pls, dont blog abt part 3. keep it to yourself....
workshop sucks bla bla bla...give u your money...bla bla bla....we already know.
Technically the interrogation was false imprisonment. They have certain procedure for interrogation: Ie, police must list down all your rights. It must be video recorded, bla bla bla... If not you can sue them. But looking at our country, sue them also waste of time only. Government is really a big mafia.
Haha! You correct his grammar? That's funny! But a good thing also at least the police knows you are not high on drugs.
But I just don't like all the corruption! Well, I guess this is Malaysia after all!
Pls post Part 3! : )
Owh.. aihh, nothing can come clean eh.. definitely got some dirty tricks somewhere.. sigh! that's sucks...
Yes please! Go ahead and tell us all the ugly side of workshop people. Malaysians terrible lah!
And the saga continues...
And the saga continues...
wuah....the so-called interrogation process must be hell of a scare man...thk god u were so calm :)
pandai betul zewt :D
wakakakkaa..realli nt wat i heard bout..when is part 3 coming?
anon @ 8/9 6.01pm - that's not the point...
Jerine - i read from MT, when you're being arrested for questioning, you will be asked to sign something to give up your right.
foongpc - yeah, this is malaysia. the super excuse to do things the malaysian way.
missironic - clean is not a thing here.
jam - ugly indeed.
pinknpurplelizard - continued.
jacss - have to remain calm. once you panic, they will eat you alive! haha!
neno - out already lor...
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