Sudden traffic and what say you?
When I checked my traffic this morning, I was shocked to see that it has hit thousands! As early as 10am in the morning! A quick check and I realised that there was a huge traffic flowing from this particular site. It appears my last post was featured Malaysia Today. (Noticed that the link is difficult to access, bypass firewall here).
I am letting you know in advice in case I suddenly disappear. And if anything happens, do light a candle for me ok? :)
Alright, gotta keep this short as I need to sleep early today…
If… you are hired into this position where you will be leading a team. You, being the boss, naturally get much higher salary compared to them and you have to lead them. But you found out that they are all possess a MBA, all more quailed than you. Experience is unknown.
Would you feel damn proud?
Would you feel in adequate and feel needy to get a MBA yourself?
What say you? By the way, I am not referring to myself in case you're wondering.
1 year ago… Singapore snippets
A lot of big boss earning big bucks out there have no university degree, but have graduates or MBA working for u should be PROUD....
An MBA is meaningless without the man (or woman) behind that piece of paper. :)
no point going back to school. many of the most successful people in the world dropped out :P
wah.. u're famous now.. ^-^
oh.. i am not ambitious type, so, i would freak out..
Hahahaha... Last time I kena before and I forgot what you said. Now you pulak kena. I wonder who are those people who scout around people's blog and start posting it up on MT. At least give us notice before lah.
ooooppps... haven't finish commenting and I accidently click enter.
Simply post up people's blogpost on MT like as if they own them. If you kena anything, counter sue them for infringement of copyright
Dear Zewt,
Congrats on the high traffic :)
On the q, i'd feel damn proud :)))
wheee.. direct them to my blog pls!! hehe.. kidding!!
well, the fact that u're(NOT you... you.. but the person you were talking about) the boss.. that speaks volume.
MBA is just another paper to add to your CV.
Zewt, my candles are ready :P
And a short note for those who take someone's post: DO NOT TAKE SOMEONE'S POST without consent of the author! You can link to it, but not take. And now people comment there instead of coming here.
And if there's someone from the officials reading this post, please
CUT ZEWT SOME SLACK! He may be critical, but he wants things to get better in your country. He's a true patriot, not those who abuse their power and sweep problems under the rug. Malaysia needs more people like Zewt and yay to freedom of speech.
And my last wish: Don't make Zewt disappear, censor, block, cane or replace with a fake Zewt. I need unfiltered info from Malaysia!
Leave Zewt alone! :)
I would have to say that nowadays most of the MBA holders if they are in their late 20s, they basically know stuff in theory but not in experience. So I had bad experiences with some of them :S when they were on board.
and, most of the bosses nowadays doesnt have any master degree nor some even have degree at all.
Maybe a mixture of both... haha.
You will be fine la, Zewt, but I have candles, so don't worry.
Anyway, they should have asked you first before taking your article.
*haih*... shudn't they hv at least ask for ur consent b4 copying ur content... *shakes head n walks off*...
*walks back*... candles ready... but i hope i dun hv a need to use it... *hugs*
*tsk tsk* zewt... a typo... u really need to sleep... at 9pm??? o.O
if i was in dat position i wud neither feel proud nor inadequate... no sense of pride bcos there's much i can learn from the team n hv to keep up with the changes and challenges the job ensues... no need to feel inadequate bcos somebody saw the potential and thought that i hv wat it takes to get the job done... (^^)
believe in urself but dun let it get 2 ur head...
saya pakai lilin nanti kerajaan BN marah..:P
nway..justincase, let me take care yr car while u r 'out there'.
last time bila i blog pasal mamat angkasawan nak buka bistro teh tarik sampai ke langit,ada satu blog political ni link cerita tu.
Linda - haha... i would think so too... but that's not me. if it is... i will definitely feel proud.
life for beginners - well said my friend!
j_yenn - like bill gates!
donna - freak? now, that is a new reaction :)
jerine - yeah, i dont mind actually, but should at least inform us. mentally prepared us... right?
Fi-sha - that would be my reaction too.
goingkookies - yeah, i really dont understand why ppl are so bothered about paper qualification. it's a big thing in the UK u know...
MKL - hahahaha... that portal is the hottest political portal of the country... and they did quote me... no worries mate.
Lisalicious - yeah, i just have a lowly degree. i am so not qualified.
day-dreamer - cannot be fence sitter la.
terra shield - agreed, think that's courtesy.
~aSstHa~ - yes, i need to... i woke up at 5.30am today... no kidding.
j or ji - rupanya, ada juga perisik perisik PR yang meninjau blog blog kita...
Hm.. I thought your post here is protected one?? Hm.. I think they should not copy your post and paste it in theirs as it might cause unnecessary trouble..
To me, I dun think that will cause any trouble.. Its just a general remark in overall things.. If they really do something to you.. Another item to be added to the DISGRACE list.. hehehe.. which will be in-line with my remark's conclusion.. the 110% side of it..
Back to MBA.. Hm.. I just watched back an old movie 'Money Not Enough'.. In this current living, I can't deny the fact that 'paper' quali is more important than experience.. You actually can see some idiots with high qualification but dunno how to do the work and yet get higher position and salary.. Sounds unfair right??
neither la. as long as i'm satisfied with my work and i feel i can live up to the title 'boss' with quality leadership and knowledge- my subordinates background wont bother me.
I think they r coming for u... looking for a cellmate for RPK
o maybe saiful bukhari see u sexy!
I will be feeling proud and at the same time do my MBA.
MBA would just be another piece of useless paper if you don't use what you've learnt. Many degree holders have gone straight to MBA without having any prior working experience and I'm sure they will be no better than those whom have worked before and yet not an MBA holder. It all depends of situation and environment. However, it would be a good choice if the leader takes up MBA to further improve and equip himself. The world is competitive and no one ever stopped learning.
i will feel nothing, as long as you can do the job and task under hand, its all good.
Having an MBA or without does not serve any purpose but the experience in the field and the way they think matters.
i tot those who realli can earn money din go to skool tat much??sigh..shud haf ponteng more classes..wakakaka..
Mcmercedez - haha... do something to me and it's a disgrace... lol! yeah, paper qualification does get you somewhere but at the end of the day, competence will show.
sc - exactly, there is no need to feel inadequate.
Edi - get your candles ready.
jam - wooaah... 2 at a go!
eiling lim - i have asked so many MBA ppl, and they all tell me that MBA is predominantly for networking purposes. if you have more than 10 years experience, that's MBA already.
HuntressMoon - well said.
neno - in the old days yes... now, tak boleh lor.
*light candleeeeee* :-p
shall get the candle rdy for you...
I tink can b proud if you're leading a bunch of MBAs given u have so much experience to hold the position of the boss.. sometimes, getting all those high qualifications doesnt mean u r so competent in the work field. I find street smart can lead better than book smart sometimes.. tats my opinion. :)
me - thank you for your gung ho-ness
missironic - exactly... one should not feel in adequate...
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