Something happened at the place I work today, and I must blog about it…
It is a high security building. The guards will ask for your staff ID before they let you into the lift lobby. Visitors must register and obtain a visitor pass, not negotiable.
A despatch boy came and wanted to go up the building. The guard on duty stopped him, probably the despatch boy failed to register. No one knows what transpired between them, but the despatch boy left the building.
After a while, the despatch boy then returned with 2 friends. He also brought with him a weapon, alleged to be a dagger. They attacked the guard. An eyewitness said the guard’s head was slashed from the back his head (near the neck), up all the way to the top of his head and the wound ends near his eyes. I didn’t see it, but I was told it was bloody.
The attackers managed to escape, and the guard was rushed to the hospital. The next logical course of action would be to call the police. The building management did that. 2 policemen arrived. My colleague who deals with the building management told me that they (i.e. the police) “refuse” to enter the building.
Now, this is classic… they said that the incident took place “inside a building” and hence, they can't do anything. If the building wants the police to investigate, they have to go and make a report at the police station. Wow, “IF” the building wants the police to investigate. You mean the police themselves are not interested in arresting the attackers? They have been identified by the way.
Oh, I forgot. The police are rather busy arresting more dangerous criminals, such as those who light candles. They are a threat, not those who carry daggers slashing the shit of you.
Lastly, there is a need to think from the attackers’ perspective. There are only 2 reasons why they will act in such a manner. Either they are brainless… or… they know that they can get away with it. Isn’t the latter a worrying point.
But then again, we should not worry because… yes… the nasi-lemak, char-kuey-teow and bak-kut-teh still taste good in this country.
1 year ago… hypocrites aplenty
It is a high security building. The guards will ask for your staff ID before they let you into the lift lobby. Visitors must register and obtain a visitor pass, not negotiable.
A despatch boy came and wanted to go up the building. The guard on duty stopped him, probably the despatch boy failed to register. No one knows what transpired between them, but the despatch boy left the building.
After a while, the despatch boy then returned with 2 friends. He also brought with him a weapon, alleged to be a dagger. They attacked the guard. An eyewitness said the guard’s head was slashed from the back his head (near the neck), up all the way to the top of his head and the wound ends near his eyes. I didn’t see it, but I was told it was bloody.

Now, this is classic… they said that the incident took place “inside a building” and hence, they can't do anything. If the building wants the police to investigate, they have to go and make a report at the police station. Wow, “IF” the building wants the police to investigate. You mean the police themselves are not interested in arresting the attackers? They have been identified by the way.
Oh, I forgot. The police are rather busy arresting more dangerous criminals, such as those who light candles. They are a threat, not those who carry daggers slashing the shit of you.
Lastly, there is a need to think from the attackers’ perspective. There are only 2 reasons why they will act in such a manner. Either they are brainless… or… they know that they can get away with it. Isn’t the latter a worrying point.
But then again, we should not worry because… yes… the nasi-lemak, char-kuey-teow and bak-kut-teh still taste good in this country.
1 year ago… hypocrites aplenty
malaysia, truly boleh
this is the sorry state of mind....i would think we should call in the airforce ..maybe we should legalised gun
Dear Zewt
Thanks for another 'joke' about our 'men' in blue because i just read this morning that they (again) can't take any actions because 'theres no visible injuries'. Shishhhh....
Zewt, you always find your solace in the Malaysian food :P That's funny :)
The management of the building have to leave it to make a complaint at a police station before the police can enter the building, because this serious offence did not happen in a public thoroughfare, down an alley or up a street. Heaven help us!
well you complain abt it but you still can "put up" with it...
didnt you just buy a new car??
it's not about the buying a new car that is the problem...
it's the fact that if you think that this country is so wrong... and you've got PR in another country... the logical thing would be to start moving asap?
i pray that those senseless criminals will get the pay back from god one day. they deserve it much.
From me to you, suejean =)
"or… they know that they can get away with it."
And that is truly scary. Thing is, though, everytime I raise this issue of security and safety with my friends... They remind the grass isn't always greener on the other side. And it's true too.
Guess we just have to keep watching our backs for now.
Hey lighting candles is a very dangerous activity. Even more dangerous than this security guard attack ok?!! because it affects the whole country! Lol... Like I've always say, our police is capable of doing the unimaginable!
Lots of excuses not to do work. We can enter the Guinness Book of records for such a record. any takers?
maybe the way they put the msg across is wrong? definitely a report needs to be made......and then they can act accordingly...anyway how can those buggers run? since they have been identified?.......but to just come back n slash the guys is scary.
Another day in Buli-land
Which building is this? Scary... like a gangster's paradise.
And that is why my area now has private guard systems everywhere. My area looks like a military base =.=
And the fact that this nation is filled with bureaucratic rules, all kinds of forms just for a legal action to be taken. You'd think by taking away that few extra steps it'll make things faster and that people's lives are more urgent than a couple of papers.
Heh. Such is life, we are dominated by forms. Now, future, and in death.
I think the attackers think they can get away with it, and that's the scary part!
If the police are like this , the politicians must be worst than this !!!
Ah yes, I'm obviously much more dangerous than knife-wielding gangsters because I've been for "anti-govt" rallies.
Of course, I've been called selfish and stupid for "causing traffic jams" because that is evidently of far more supreme importance than trying to change this government.
actually i like the foreign taste in this country. neh the 'fist and cheap' quite nice maaa...;p
Raya fever still and hoping for more kopi duit aka extended raya duit!
what's PDRM's motto again? can someone remind the residents and citizens of Malaysia?
Amen to your last statement! =)
Maybe the security guard had a sharp tongue. Pierced and stabbed the assailiant mentally. Not many people in this world can do that.
Well, cases in malaysia are always solved. Fail hilang. Case close.
blackjack - indeed.
wong - hello there. guns? we will lose in the end still.
fi-sha - isnt it clear that they are not there to protect us?
MKL - in a sarcastic way :P
ZACL - hello there. heaven... or God... anyone.
anon @ 24/9 5.08am - everything has a plan... if i just pack and go, it would be impulse. the plan is already in place.
SJ - God... hmmm...
Life for Beginners - when it comes to safety, i think there is really no comparison.
eiling lim - what happened to good 'ol -eiling-?
Shaun - and we should be proud of it!
j_yenn - hip hip... boleh!
purple mushroom - where i work lor... u should know.
CiNDi - they just make it difficult and troublesome for you to do something... such is the system here.
economist - nah, form the way my colleague relayed to me, they are just not bothered. they got away, but i understand for witness recognised who they are and which vendor they belong to.
jam - yup... that's the whole point.
Unicorn Girl - what do you think?
Crankster - oooo... i should stay away from you... you're a dangerous threat :P
Winn - hahahahaha... veli nice indeed.
whoalse - they have a motto?
Neek - welcome to AZAIG. if one day we accidentally offended someone and they stab us... i dont think we will want any fail hiland case.
There goes our so damn blardy efficient police force.. Now we know.. Or should I say, we already knew that they are useless.. Other than being efficient in giving speed trap tickets and other 'kepoh' matters, what else they know..
Did you all read about the comments on yesterday's newspaper on the upcoming Beyonce concert??
changed template so must change name also! Lol...
sad zewt but the fact remains... it's the same if u get into an accident say, inside a parking lot of a shopping mall... the police is not legible to summon u for that... or something along that line... my memory fails me...
If the assailant was mentioned to be Malay, they will not investigate anything.
True story: My neighbour had her car windows smashed as she drove into her house. The assailant were 2 Malay men (witnessed by her mother) who tried to snatch her handbag (unsuccessfully). When she went to make a police report, they pressured her to say that it was indian, bangladeshi or indon. My neighbour refused and lodged it as 2 malays anyway. The next day, another inspector called her and again tried to coax her to change her report. Her case was not investigated as they did not even come to her house which was the crime scene.
The boys in blue have been too busy stuffing themselves with 'free' nasi khandar that all other 'work' has become bothersome. Sometimes I wonder if there are additives in the Nasi Khandar and their tea/coffee to make them so moronic.
Woohoo! 1MALAYsia!
FYI: Did you know that many policemen in Msia have bad typing skills?
I dunno bout u, zewt.
But for me, when I go to the police, it's cause I'd want to claim the insurance. Nothing else.
Police force in Malaysia does nothing, the taxpayers' money feeding them fat and slow.
Not only that, when I went to report for my stolen hp (claim SIM card num), I was told to type my own report (cos it was faster) and pay for it. And I heard them telling other victims (that nite had 3 ppl reporting same case, must got operation goin on) to just forget it. They didnt even do the courtesy of saying "We'll look into it.", just blatantly telling us to forget it.
Another time went to report car accident, and we had to wait for an hr before served. That time was 2pm. Lunch already long over.
Tell me, zewt, when do we ever count on the police to do anything at all?
Mcmercedez - reading all the comments and experiences from friend... i am really worried.
eiling lim - i see... nothing else changed eh?
~aSstHa~ - it is really somethign we should be worried about.
pinknpurplelizard - have heard of similar stories. still wanna call this country our home?
angie - yeah, making claims or a need to have a report are the only reasons why we lodge one, there is absolutely no expectation that things will be done. unless, you are a threat for "some".
hahhaha tsk..not time to worry yet la...maybe when the nasilemak..bkt n char kuay teow sellers kena killed n these ppl no more good food..then they will care!
Huei - hahahahaha... well said !!!!!
i find it amusing that there're actually bolehans who, not only can put up with these jokers, but also tell others to leave the country if they cannot tolerate it. Am I right to say that these bolehans actually support the way of the jokers?
narrowband - what else can these bolehans do? if they have already casted their vote...
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