Monday 14 September 2009

Are you racist?

Real life story…

“Are you racist?”
“Of course not!”
“Hmmm… Will you allow your children to be in a relationship with someone from another race?”
“Will you?”
“Err… like that different lah…”

So, are you racist?


Unknown said...

Truth is, YES sadly. But can we do something to counter this?

charlemagne said...

i m totally NOT racist. coz my ex-gf wasnt a pure chinese. my ONS isnt a chinese. few of my crush were not chinese. and,i don't mind wat race of frens i date with as long as we can have fun. so,i got multi-racial frens. :)

Jerine said...

To a certain extent everyone is racist. My mom is Indian-Portuguese, my dad is Chinese, my bf is Indian, but I'm still racist. Yes, I admit!

bosscat said...

my sister married a malay.... so does that make my family and I non racist?


TG said...

I am not racist.

I respect every person no matter the race, my children can date and marry African, Indian, Malay, White, Chinese, whoever. Most important is that they are happy. I have friends from all races and when I hear words like 'nigger' or 'chink' or other racial slurs, I get upset and I tell the person off, even if it's someone from my family or friends: I will complain. Racist jokes are not funny to me. Becuse race is not your choice, you are what you are, you can't change that. Everything else, like political ideology, religion, behavior and actions are choices and can therefore be open to criticism. (I believe being gay is not a choice either, so I'm also against discrimination of gays.)

That's why I believe I am not racist.

day-dreamer said...

I admit, I am.

But I still make friends with people of other racist.

Though I can't help from being a teeny little bit... or maybe not that teeny. :P

jemima said...

I am not. My parents are of different races. So is my sis-in-law. :D

Shaun said...

In view of 1 Malaysia, you should test relationships with people from many other races also.

Seems everyone is a racist, even those who claim that they are not.

Same thing about religion and all. People would be biased.

Zuraida said...

Can anyone ever define pure racism?What's the measure of being non-racist?

I believe in social harmony. Put race aside and everyone should respect and value each other's difference. We might bicker and fight but that, even siblings there's no harm in constructive debate or momentary bitching...just dont do it because you're different.

Does that make me racist? perhaps no, but then I can't lie and say that I am not, at times, unbiased.

I maintain solace in knowing that despite all, I respect others and their differences and treat others like I treat my own people. I don't discriminate and I am open to new possibilities, new friends, new people....

Ice said...

Haha! I had this conversation with my friends many times. I think nobody in this world is not a racist. Everyone has some sort of racism within herself/himself. Either mild or serious. That's human being.

j_yenn said...

ethnocentrism and stereotyping- very much part of human nature :P

pinknpurplelizard said...

I shall refrain from participating as it may ensue to become a heated 'discussion' on the topic. I'm 95% liberal 5% orthodox/dogmatic.

fufu said...

lol.... interesting topic :) i think i could accept but not Malay... i strongly disagree why marriage with a Malay, one needs to change his/her name and religion??

pablopabla said...

I am a racist and full of prejudice. So help me God to overcome this.

Kenny Mah said...

I already have an assortment of different races, nationalities and religions in my immediate and extended family. So, I guess the reality may be tough for some, but in the end we get over the differences if the relationships are built on solid ground. :)

Donna said...

I can accept.. .. maybe..
ok lah.. a few exception..
Muslim --> God.. so sorry to all Muslimah, but if engage with a Malay needs turn to Muslim leh...

Typical black African --> God.. Some unknown mystery fear would consume me when they come near me... I meant those REALLY REALLY black one...

God... forgive my sin..

Fine.. I am a racist... T.T

Anonymous said...

Everyone is capable of being a racist or having prejudices towards other races.

Ninja said...

I dont know whether you call it being racist or prejudced...or perhaps that's just a tomayto/tomato case. I am slightly racist towards certain antics of all races (mine espcially!) but i would date anyone regardless of race.

Only size matters! Hahahahahhahahahahahahahah!

Mcmercedez said...

I actually tried not to be.. Yet again, depending on what race.. If you know what I mean..

littlepolaris said...

I always wanted my kids to look like japanese..... so am I racist?

flaminglambo said...

I only hate blue smurfs. Is that so bad?

Terra Shield said...

I get along with everyone most of the time and overlook certain racist comments thrown my way. But I think there is definitely a small part inside of me which could be racist...

Jerrenn said...

Someone told me that we're all racists to some point and I think I agree.

Besides, with the way the country's run, how can we not be?

Kellaw said...


Anonymous said...

I have friends of other races and I do respect them. I mix with other races but my comfort zone is with my own kind :P I am a racist and I believe in 'pure-breed' when it comes to marriage and having children.

Anonymous said...


hope your children come out black. hehe...then u can show the world that you are not racist and love ur children like your parents loved u.

Anonymous said...

you are worse than a racist! pure breed indeed my arse!

zewt said...

Guat Khim - hello there. welcome! we can, and it has to start from us. tough though.

charlemagne - your ONS eh? hmmm... interesting haha...

Jerine - wah, so well blended and still racist eh?

bosscat - that will depend on you mate... hehe.

MKL - good on ya mate, and i do believe you are not. and based on your love preferrece.... hehe...

day-dreamer - hahaha... thanks for being honest.

zewt said...

jemima - i think one should not use that as a justification though.

Shaun - couldnt agree more. there is still a bit of evil within us... that wanting to stay within the familiar territory.

Zuraida - based on what you said, the line is indeed pretty grey. like the question being posed in the story, perhaps the person answering the question truly believe he/she is not a racist... but when being asked to made a decision, being put to the test... it becomes difficult.

Ai Shiang - indeed... and we only admit it within our close circle of friends :P

j_yenn - i guess there is a reason why we are all made different :P

pinknpurplelizard - hahahaha... 5%...

fufu - now that is one very very very honest answer... and straight to the point haha!

zewt said...

pablopabla - may God answer your prayers :P

life for beginners - well, extended family is one thing, your direct family is another... i think.

~dolly~ - hahahahaha... yes, you are. but thanks for being honest.

Mei Teng - that's probably because everyone is one...

sabrina - hahahahaha... ok, you're not racist... only sizecist... hahahahah...

Mcmercedez - hahaha... i know exactly what you mean.

littlepolaris - yes!

zewt said...

flaminglambo - that is sooooo racist :P

Terra shield - true... i think it's in our gene.

Fassus - precisely... we are programmed to be racist.

Kellaw - you!??

Lifong - hahahaha... pure breed... ok lah... racist :P

anon @ 15/9 9.42pm - since when i said i am not racist? confused you are.

anon @ 15/9 10.14pm - so you're not racist?

Ken Wooi said...

haha.. why relate racism to the child's relationship? lol..

jam said...

Everyone is racist. We all look at other races differently. Even we have favoritism among our own race. That's human nature.

neno said...

who cares wat colour the guy is money can ad

eiling lim said...

Friends no but when it comes to marriages - YES!

Anonymous said...

"Friends no but when it comes to marriages - YES!"

an oxymoron statement.small minds sure bloom here .

Anonymous said...

when u overly emphasie on race or over categorised ppl as racist / non....i think tats racist

wait wat im talking? lol~

zewt said...

kenwooi - cause it reveals darkest secrets :P

jam - truly...

neno - hahahaha... that's also an honest answer.

-eiling- - hahaha... so, racist or no racist? :P

anon @ 17/7 9.19pm - to each its own.

anon @ 18/9 10.33am - racism lor hahah :P

eiling lim said...

Racist when it comes to marriages! Lol... Ok lah... racist la..

zewt said...

-eiling- - i think we all are :P

Hendrix said...

Does the Malaysian Government still continue its racist "Bumiputera" policy, giving Malays privileges over Chinese, Tamils & other ethnic groups? Or do the Malays now feel able to compete unaided?

zewt said...

Vincent - hello there. yes to both the former and latter ... :)