10 reasons why I will fly the Jalur Gemilang in conjunction with Merdeka Day.
1. When Lee Chong Wei lost, I felt sad. I do wish for the best for this country. It’s my home.
2. When people talk bad about Malaysia, I do feel angry. I do love this country. It’s my home.
3. When I am out of the country, I converse in BM with other Malaysians and it’s good fun. I am proud of the national language. This country is my home.
4. Each time I eat ‘Bak Kut Teh’, I am proud that it is an authentic Malaysian dish. I am proud of this country. It’s my home.
5. When I ponder upon my childhood days, I realised no other country could have given me such wonderful memories. This country is my home.
6. When I see how much money have been wasted, I wonder what could have been. I want the best for this country. It’s my home.
7. When I see the good things in other country, I wish it could happen here. I wish this country would progress well. It’s my home.
8. When I read and hear about shameful news about this country, I wish things could have changed for the better. This country is my home.
9. When I think about the chances that I might leave this country for good, I have a heavy heart. This country is still my home.
10. No matter how shitty things have become, no matter how bad things might be in the future, I still hope for the best for this country. This country, no matter what, is still my home.
1 reason why I will not fly the Jalur Gemilang
1. Because this would happen…

erhhhh?! this is a newspaper cutting? see the 'Crap News' there? is this photo-shopped? ehehe
hahahaha! crap news indeed!!
"5. When I ponder upon my childhood days, I realised no other country could have given me such wonderful memories. This country is my home."
How you know no other country could have given you such memories when you weren't there in the first place to experience it? =/
it just take ONE to beat ALL down. LOL
Malaysia BOLEH!
Yes, i love this country too. It's the place where me, my sibling and my parents were born. We are part of it just as any other people in this country.
go to this site to get a banner - http://www.skthew.com/2007/08/06/saya-anak-bangsa-malaysia/
PS: it hurts when i hear people say "cina balik China"
Though I've been living overseas all these year, when anything remotely related to my country comes up, my eyes still brighten up. It is my home, no matter how long I've been away. It will always be.
Forgot to say. You're tagged! ;)
Sounds nice... rythm as well..hehe
but really ahh? those 10 reasons? ;)
Home will always be where your heart is.
So will you still fly the Jalur Gemilang, Zewt?
See, I'm studying in Australia and hope to get a PR here. I'm sad to hear a lot of my friends complaining about Malaysia all the time. It's not that bad isn't it ?
I do hope things would change, but as of now, I wouldn't want my kids to grow up there.
The person who gave such comment in the paper must be very ignorant to his surroundings.
whether you love your country or not is not defined by flying a flag on national day.
also, whether this country is my home or not is not defined by flying a flag.
on the administration, i think they have not been reading the Merdeka Center polls on people's sentiment.
ahahaha...very valid reason to NOT fly the jalur gemilang..*thumbs up!*
i love the way you worded it... great thinking there zewt :)
that's it. no fly jalur gemilang this year.
The same reason I will have. Good post!
i love the 10 reasons that u have posted. exactly my sentiments. yes this yr i have yet to see jalur gemilangs around...
"It shows that we have done a good job and everyone believes in us"
Funny, I can't put up my flag...
Because it's too damn dark.
I believe I have no streetlights.
We all like this country, it's just that we do not quite agree with some of the government policies. I had transferred my blog to this new domain, http://lifeislikethat.com. Please update the link if had added me to your blogroll. My new feed is http://feeds.feedburner.com/lifeislikethat/AHNd. Thanks.
well, like u said...malaysia is still my home. But there's a difference between a good home and a screwed up home. So malaysia might be my home..but not to the extend that i would love and die for it.
Its just a place where i reside in.
Furthermore, my "home" also banned Avril from performing in Malaysia.. Why? Because she is too sexy for our "innocent" teens.
Sounds like bullcrap but then again.. its still my home.
its abit like shooting ur left leg or ur right leg..
Failures to see those wishes and hopes materialise will eventually end in "flight to quality & equality"?
sorry maybe my english is poor because I can't catch what you mean won't fly the Jalur Gemilang by the reason in the newspaper....can you explain more?
Jeezz.. that someone must be sleeping all the time to have said this.. probably muttering this WHILE he's sleeping. LOL!!
Seriously, so far, I saw only one person in my office flying the flag.
Fuck that loser Chong Wei.
Now the Chinese government of P. Pinang have given the loser the datoship.
What is Chong Wei without Misbun.
Who deserve recognition more.
We should give Lin Dan the citizenship instead of losers chinese like Chong Wei...
Hey, nice entry zewt:)
Pretty soon everybody in Penang will be a datuk...but of course, nicole deserves it!!!...I never fly the flag! I dunno why people tend to attach so much significance to inanimate things. It's what in their hearts and what they do in their everyday lives that's more important!
Good one!! :)But migration is still in my head all the time despite how many times pastor D drills into our head about serving in our home country :)
my sentiments exactly.
drumsticks - hehehe... nice eh? it's a secret...
sooi sooi - and we see it almost everyday.
day-dreamer - i strong believe no other place will ever give the same experience.
BossCat - indeed... indeed.
NoBle - and it hurts more when we realise we cant balik cina. we are stuck.
cc - well, maybe one day, you should consider returning home.
Carmen - yup... true from the heart.
Just Jasmine - i dont want to die of high blood pressure.
mr jp - me too...
Kimmy - and we see that almost everyday, dont we?
myop101 - unfortunately, ppl's sentiments count for nothing if the poll says differently.
missironic - what about u? :)
Spinzer - doesnt take a genius really...
_butt - hahahaha... i am not surprise.
purple mushroom - thanks :)
HC Tan - do u like the other 1 reason then?
Sam - hahahahahaha... complain to your MP lah... apa lagi?
jam - ok, will do.
vegemaster - good point... a home... but a bad home, for now. hopefully it will be a good home soon. but no matter what, still home.
constant craving joe - that is quite right.
anomaly - hahahaha... damn true... and the flights are getting full really.
EliteVillain - difficult to explain.... but in a nutshell, those in power will take the ppl flying the flag as a reason to tell the public that ... semuanya ok.
gina - i saw none.
anon @ 21/8 12.08am - i am very tempted to delete your comment but then...
pauline yap - thanks :)
suituapui - nicole deserves it really... but the other one...
aoki - hahaha... well, i tot ppl from dumc listen to what pastor D says all the time?
Jun - :)
oh...i get what u mean...now i know the pain XD
Complain- done
Newspaper Article- done
Dunno lah, they don't like our area or something.
me? hmm...neva tot of flying the flag at all! haahhaa.. =P
EliteVillain - now only u know?
Sam - let me go check.
missironic - hahaha... so much for patriotism in this country.
I seriously would not want to fly that blardy flag anywhere near me man.. There's nothing to be good about this place..
Of course also got good memories but when we get to know more about this country, i guess memories is just memories.. Future is pitch black..
hahah damn good alright!
oh well..i love this country..but not those who erm..made it into crap!
mcmercedez - dont worry... we all see a dim light somewhere now.
huei - dont we all :)
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