My mind brings me to the life of this person, this doctor. I wonder what goes through his mind that day. It was probably just another day… waking up next to his loved ones, brushed his teeth and had his breakfast. Maybe he then waved goodbye to his loved ones and then head to work.
It was probably just another day of work for this doctor. However, that day was different. That day probably changed his life. That day, a young man came with a complaint about his asshole. Did the young man choose to arrive at this doctor’s examination room? Probably not. Some will call it fate, some will call it God’s will.
It was not a special asshole. In fact, it’s just an ordinary asshole, one that you and I have… eerrrrr…

Though it was an ordinary asshole, that particular one made a big difference in this doctor’s life. Suddenly, his name was printed all over the place. Suddenly, his report was circulating all over the place. Suddenly, police were all over him. And now, he has gone into hiding.
For that, I am disturbed. Why?… because it was just an ordinary day for him. Unlike the other infamous personality who has also gone hiding, he did not choose to get involve. And again, the asshole did not choose to be seen by him. But things happen. Life as they say, took a twist. And for that, lives are changed.
I am not a doctor but yet, I am fearful. What if it was also just an ordinary day for me but someone came and asked me to certify on something just because I happened to be there? And somehow, this certification is part of something big? Will I need to go into hiding too? And could it also happen to you, or your bf, or your gf, or your neighbour's dog's breeding partner's owner, or your friend's friend's one night stand partner's bf's sister's husband? Who knows?

I am very disturbed. Are you?
Yes, it is indeed very disturbing. Malaysia's government once again tested and proven the phrase "Malaysia Boleh"
Very fresh perspective on the issue, and you're right!
When things of this scale happen, lifes changed forever, willingly or unwillingly. It's just unfortunate that the innocent ones are usually the ones who suffer. Very disturbing indeed.
Man proposes, God disposes; we are all part of His pre-destined plan! Just pray that He is kind to us, undeserving though we may be...
Yepp...that's the same feeling I have when his name (The Good Doctor) has surfaced and unintentionally linked with DSAI case.
Maybe we should start focusing on what could go wrong & start focusing on what will go right..
Easier said than done, I know!
Have a Blessed Weekend!
It's getting more and more like a joke. =x
Wait, do you know the doctor?
Because there are no claims as to why did he ran. No one knew, and no one could find out.
Yea and I agree. If you just happen to be there and you did not know that what you did, and then, shit happens. And no matter whether are you innocent or not, you just have to run away.
Sigh. Things just twist in many weird ways huh?
Noble - indeed... we are the land of the impossible... not US.
cc - yeah.. and ppl should come into realisation already.
suituapui - Amen to that.
Nang - poor doc... my well wishes to him and his family.
Jemima - better if we can focus on the right thing to do.
day-dreamer - i dont find it funny though.
CiNDi - did u read the stat declaration? sounds like you havent. go read...
The police has to work for the people.
The judiciary has to work for the people.
The anti-corruption agency has to work for the people.
I believe once we fix the institutions, we as the people can then depend on these institutions to do the right thing by us, the common folk.
And people like the doctor can then depend on these institutions to defend his safety and his life.
Right now, I don't see the present administration doing anything to move towards this.
many people choose not to be involved in many things but life is never as simple as we look at it. there are causes and effects that ripple slowly through the chains of society.
we can choose to live in isolation, shut out our links to the rest of the world but the very things we want to avoid will someday, somehow come to haunt us.
what is my response? i just pray and look into my life and hope that i have dealt with others fairly and righteously. if i didn't, the consequences of my actions are deserving.
btw, i think there is a typo...
"Some will call it fate, some will *fall* it God’s will."
perhaps fall should be call?
i was speechless when i read bout that news.. what is going to happen next ?? Will that good doc change his statement ? Who knows..
wrong place, at the wrong time? dunno la wat will happen next...sounds very drama..
That's quite a fresh perspective to this sordid affair, Zewt. This good doctor has probably gone through a lot in life (being from Myanmar...get what I mean?). Now his routine has been broken again. We pray his courage and principles would see him through this tribulation and hope he emerges from this in one piece.
wat to do.had to get involved with an asshole..nxt time doctor also need to do identify checks already..u ar..no no no..i no wan see asshole..hahahaha...
Hm... All i can say is that all those assholes are causing innocent people to be in their shit.. Agree??
In this case, the doctor is just so happened to be bad luck and kena this shit.. I bet now all doctors are very very careful in which patient they want to see..
You're disturbed all right. Might wanna see someone for that.
i like the relationship linking part!
sigh..assholes have been causing lots of problems lah..seriously..i mean it in anyway that can be intepreted as!
I'm disturbed that the government disregard the ethics of profesional people. 1 or 2 of the semester in uni, we were reminded again and again about our code of ethics in our own occupation.
The government is corrupted to the bone as if they are above the law. Above than any code of ethics that we have been educated.
This doctor do as any professional doctor suppose to do.
A life that have been challenged is more worthwhile than living a life filled with guilt.
Poor doctor. Now I'm slightly disturbed too. How unfair!
I happen to be eating while reading your entry, urm.. i mean post.
opinions are like assholes,everybody has one.
except for that motherfucking asshole! just bcuz of his asshole,everybody's life is ruin.
collectively, we are responsible to allow such things to happen. the word is "apathy" and the descend to a lawless society is not too far in the distant.
imagine there is an ongoing petition to the King for an independent judiciary. the petition requires an identificaion of the signatories which is the IC number. you know why the response has been relatively poor. simple, the word identification scares them off. and so many are griping for more freedom, more democratic space, more..but when it comes for them to do their little bit, they withdrew to their shell. Gosh.
Yes.. same thing happened to $addam also.. he was probably happily went to bed the night before, only wake up in the morning of September 11 when O$ama decided to crash planes into World trade centre. Then, he's screwed.. whether or not he's involved. And till today, they cannot the dude in white turban.
Okay I've just read the SD by that doctor. Sorry for posting such a noob comment before knowing the bigger picture.
I'm seriously dumbfounded by the discovery that they made an ordinary man's life so miserable. Never have I seen that somebody is so scared of the police. Are they now supposed to provide fear for the criminals, or imposing fear towards ordinary citizens like us?
That question will never be answered.
This country has so many assholes and if they're not assholes then they're looking up assholes... Sigh
This is a country where everyday I get more and more worried/disturbed by the 'activities' that are happening. This country needs a LOT of HELP! R they willing to receive it?
Hey there Zewt:) was directed here by minishorts. thank you for giving me your extra ticket. :) see you tmr!
and yes, it's very sad about the doctor. :( :( poor guy.
I'm Jolene by the way! Nice to meet you. :)
You know this exact thing has been on my mind these past few months...what with everyone getting arrested for speaking out against the 'establishment' (read : the motherfuckers up there!). And while it is indeed frightening that it can happen to ANY ONE of us at any time, i have decided that i won't let that fear shut me down/up. Cos that is exactly what they want.
I believe God gave me a voice and a brain for a reason and i will try to use it to speak out against any injustice. I have sorta accepted the fact that i might just end up in jail...it will prob be inevitable. But i am just focusing on mentally preparing myself for that
Perhaps we all should
A prayer for the man and his family. May they not have to keep running.
A prayer of thanks for our own good fortune and good health. May we have this always.
There are Hero inside every one of us.
Doing the right things change the world!
Klaw - right now, nothing works. this is a land which has almost everything, but nothing works.
myop101 - yes, i sincerely hope we will all be treated equally in the eyes of law. amended the typo ;)
amanda - i dont think so. sounds like a tough nut to crack this one.
missironic - yes, wrong place wrong time, and totally how his fault.
LC Teh - yes, not only him but this whole nation needs our prayer.
constant craver joe - hahah... i wonder how doctors feel now when they encounter such case.
hereiamtodayatey - hahaha... for that kinda disturbed, no need to see anyone.
huei - assholes in general, are quite an irritating thing.
Kimmy - well, everyone just want to protect their own turf. we have to see who will hold on that principle long enough.
Just Jasmine - we all should be.
HuntressMoon - errr... didnt affect your appetite right? haha...
j or ji - yeah man... and i just see a video on his uncle. incredible lah these ppl.
anon @ 8/8 @ 3.32pm - you are absolutely right, like i said, we all just want to protect our own turf and wants others to do the dirty work for us. we only got ourselves to blame.
gina - hahaha... i think that is a whole different case. after all, it's saddam. that doctor is really innocent.
CiNDi - who do we fear most? criminals or police?
pinknpurplelizard - in the first place, are we willing to give it?
Jayelle - hello, nice meeting u too.
sabrina - you're very brave indeed. not everyone is prepared to go to jail. well, we need more ppl like u.
life for beginners - Amen to that brother.
Edi - we need more heroes.
pauline yap was here. :)
Over an asshole???
U damn right I am!!
pauline yap - :)
ngy - hahaha... damn right!
very interesting take.
i bet if you send this to chris carter, he'll come up with an x-file episode!!
doc - good, i can then charge him royalty.
I have no idea what you are talking about. I think must be the fact that I havent read newspapers in a long time! =.=
princess shin - hahaha... it's in a way... a good thing.
Oh my god, there's a lot of worthwhile info here!
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