I was having lunch with my colleagues when a colleague of mine was talking about her experience in the gym. She is rather plum fleshy and she said that when she works out in the gym, she always sweat a lot in her tummy.
I was a bit puzzled because biologically speaking, your stomach is the first organ to shut down in order to provide more blood to parts of your body which are working out, e.g. hands and legs. If you don’t believe me, try placing your hand on your tummy just bellow your belly button after a good work-out, it’s ice cold as there is no more blood there.
So made my point but she still insisted that her sweat mostly concentrates on her tummy. For me, I generally start to sweat from the chest area and again I made my point. That’s when she gave all of us in the lunch group a very profound statement…
“Aiya, if you sweat at your chest means you’re flat!”
That statement drew a big stare from another colleague… hmmm… I presume she sweats a lot at the chest are during her work out.
To test authenticity of that theory, a bunch of us decided to go to gym a few days later for a good work out and while I can't really confirm whether only the flat ones sweat at the chest… the… well… bumpy ones surely ended up with dry chest… very dry chest.
Further lunch discussions suggest another reason why the bumpy ones are able to maintain a dry chest during work out. That is… it must be due to a very good central irrigation system. And probably that is why my colleague said she only sweats in her tummy.
So… do you have a sweaty chest? Or sweaty tummy?
I was a bit puzzled because biologically speaking, your stomach is the first organ to shut down in order to provide more blood to parts of your body which are working out, e.g. hands and legs. If you don’t believe me, try placing your hand on your tummy just bellow your belly button after a good work-out, it’s ice cold as there is no more blood there.

“Aiya, if you sweat at your chest means you’re flat!”
That statement drew a big stare from another colleague… hmmm… I presume she sweats a lot at the chest are during her work out.
To test authenticity of that theory, a bunch of us decided to go to gym a few days later for a good work out and while I can't really confirm whether only the flat ones sweat at the chest… the… well… bumpy ones surely ended up with dry chest… very dry chest.
Further lunch discussions suggest another reason why the bumpy ones are able to maintain a dry chest during work out. That is… it must be due to a very good central irrigation system. And probably that is why my colleague said she only sweats in her tummy.
So… do you have a sweaty chest? Or sweaty tummy?
er.. i dun work out tat much but when i do, i did not observe my own chest?!
the bumpy ones don't sweat at chest. don't bluff zewt. you take video or pics of bumpy chested ones exercising, only i believe...:P
Preferably video.....
"it must be due to a very good central irrigation system"
ROFLMAOWLKITA!!! (Borrow from bongkersz) hahahaha...
sweaty chest lar...mana ada sweaty tummy...lol~
didn't notice much of chest but definitely lots and lots of sweat in the tummy..
if i have a sweaty tummy & chest & back, does that means i have BIG balls? i will show u during sunday footballs ok? =P
I guess for "bumpy ones" the sweat from the chest flew onto the tummy through the canal in between bumps where it collects at the clothes around the tummy, especially if the tummy if more protruding than the bumps.Just my theory.
Eh, dunno about the ladies but I sweat all over... Good circulation ma...
methinks maybe she's well endowed, and ur right, it forms a perfect central irrigation system whereby sweat collected connects and flows freely through the valley of two peaks down to the stomach, thus creating a pool there.
I have man tits, but my chest is still wet. obviously my central irrigation system is faulty :/
suituapui via hp says....Gee! I was going to post on hairy armpits but l changed my mind in case people think l'm fetish! As for sweat, l'm like a monsoon drain, sweating all over! LOL! And btw, re. earlier comment, do u show one another ur balls at football? Good grief! LMAO!!!
i dun sweat so easily..even if i sweat..i'll start sweating face first then downwards..most prominent area..under the eyes..sure sweat one..lolz...
tummy and chest..hmmm..never observe..will observe from now on...;)
ermmmm..errr...geez i never notice my sweat! i know i sweat alot on the back la..n neck..n head..i start dripping all over!
eh chest la..try after workout..u ask the girls to show u the "longkang area"..it's probably filled with sweat droplets! ;P
yup my chest sweats alot but not the tummy. i dont think i have ever heard of a sweaty tummy though. maybe the sweat must have dribbed there and then have the misconception that tummy sweats.. senang aje.. google beb
Hey Zewt,
Nice to see you back in your more jovial self...
I sweat like hell around the neck, and shoulder-blades. Oh, and the head...My head is not flat, by the way ;)
i sweat all over wor. how ah like tat?
Here is one thing. With my deafness I can't talk funny stuffs like this in person!
When I DO workout, I sweat at the area high up on my chest, where the doctor listens to our heartbeat. Fair enough?
I don't sweat at the tummyeither.
sweaty chest haha..tummy is freezing which i nvr found out why..thats why i usually jump into the steamer to warm it up haha..
She prolly wears that iZap around her waist?
sememangnya betul dari sudut biologi,
perut, pinggang dan pankrea akan tutup kedai sementara sewaktu paru paru dan jantung sedang aktif.
kalau basah kat perut pun, kemungkinan besar, peluh tertakung sebab bahagian perut lebih besar... kekekekke...
Adrian... tunjuk tunjuk yur big balls on sunday ya... kakakakkaka
I cant stop laughing when i went thru some of those comments above lar! hahaha...
anyway i think i sweat alot on my chest, back & head area...never notice about sweaty tummy though!
Acute Critique - maybe it's time u do...
Klaw - that's before i get arrested for any misconduct.
mar - hehehehe.... legs kicking in the air!
sugarbaby - opppss... so means u...?
drumsticks - good irrigation u have eh?
adrianlee - no, dont show me your balls... i am not interested.
chip-pea - very detailed interesting theory you have hahaha....
Kenny Mah - hahahahaha... i tot you have irrigation everywhere!
Spinzer - okies... i think no one needs to know you have man tits... :P
suituapui via hp - no no... we play balls... we dont show balls hahahahaha...
missironic - dont need to observe... based on the theory, u should know already.
huei - based on your complains... your chest should be soaking wet too! hahaha...
huntressmoon - precisely... so it's a matter of whether you have a good central irrigation system. and in order to have that... you have to be bumpy.
Daphne Ling - hahahaha... so u have a bumpy head eh?
Victor - hey! means you bumpy all over lor... could be true eh?
Yvonne Foong - well... humour can be found in the heart :)
constant craver joe - so now u know why your tummy is freezing... no more blood.
Manal - hahaha... could be... could be.
Aleks - awak nak tengok bola dia? no thanks... i'll rather kick it.
sharlydia - yes... we all know you will sweat at the chest hahahahahahaha....
I sweat a lot on my chest and neck... So it's normal hor?
if we girls cud sweat the most at the tummy, bet we dun hafta work so hard in the gym.
hmm..makes sense ya? lolz...
I just finish jogging when i read this! Sweaty tummy definitely..lol
kyh - for a guy... i guess so :)
nikz - hahahahahahahaha.... good point!!
missironic - so the theory is true i guess...
AngryYoungChild - hahahahaha... okies... good irrigation then.
i am just smelly when i exercise.
okay, we're not talking about the same thing here.
dear zewt,
i am fat and i sweat all over. sigh...
in the big scheme of things, this is probably not relevant but you might win a prize in a radio quiz if you knew this:
in a "shock" state, eg.severe blood loss, the 1st organ to shut down is the skin followed by all the organs related to the gastrointestinal tract, including the kidneys.
there is some similarity to exercising - now you know why you don't feel hungry nor pee DURING strenous exercise.
oh yes, i sweat at the chest, too.
You know what I think, Zewt? I think that was an invitation for you to check out her belly button. Most definitely! :p
Sweaty under the breast... does that mean anything different?
What kind of theory does your friend has???
mistipurple - hahaha... maybe it has to do with something else...
myop101 - time to sweat more... sweat till u sweat no more...
doc - hi there... welcome to AZAIG. thanks for the tips... i will certainly remember that. i like this kinda stuff.
Happysurfer - errr... whose?
Purple mushroom - you ah... i think yours really... a pool at your stomach eh? dunno why my friend came up with it lah. all you women...
I have sweaty hands. Lol. How means I have Fat boobs n fat tummy?
shhhhhhhh ;P
actually, the colleague who said she was sweating mostly on the tummy was cos all her sweat from her chest flow thru the valley to the tummy, thus sweaty tummy.
logic rite?
such a serious discussion :p
i don't know about bumpy chest being dry but i think that's a bad generalisation.
i mean, i think i'm bumpy enough, and i do sweat on the chest. (i think)
HAHAHAHHAH man you sure have a way of calling ppl FAT~!!
littlepolaris - hahahahaha... u certainly have a flat hands... as for boobs and tummy... only u know.
Huei - ok ok... secret...
ngy - definitely... the good irrigation system :)
HopefulPessimist - hahaha... maybe you're just not as bumpy as my colleague.
SuLee - hahaha... hey... bumpy aint fat... bumpy means... bumpy! oh wait... were you refering to the fleshy bit?
i have sweaty balls.. he he he..
oh yeah, the photo damn erotic eh.. i love seeing women from behind.
LOL your central irrigation system explanation rocks! it was exactly my sentiments when I read your post!
bongkersz - aiyoo.... got fetish ah? hahaha...
giddy tigress - guess that is a valid explanation then.
My feet stink I sweat so much I have had a severe problem since my early teens and my feet are rotting they are green and have fungus all over them they really pong like fishy cheesy stunks. Stop Sweating Start Living secrets
No doubt, the chap is totally fair.
So, I do not actually believe it is likely to work.
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