Have you ever had a slip of the tongue? Sometimes, such situation can make you blush almost immediately. I have had such moments before but no, I am not going to talk about myself today.
My cell members are really lovely people and they took me out for a birthday lunch after church 2 weeks ago. We were also celebrating the birthday of another guy whose birthday was 2 weeks after mine. Oh, by the way, cell here means a group of Christians who meet on a weekly basis, not the 12ft x 12ft cell.
After we had our meal, came the cake cutting and birthday song ceremony. So the cake was brought up and we, the birthday boys were asked to sit at one end of the table while the rest of the people moved to the other end and people began to take pictures.
They placed 2 candles on the cake for both of us. So after the birthday song has been sung, the other birthday boy told me that I am to blow only one candle and leave the other for him. Let me tell you one thing, I am just not good at this blowing act. So when you have 2 candles lit closely together, how am I going to only blow off one?
Naturally, I blew off both the candles. A loud ‘sigh’ of disappointment came from the other end of the table and just as that happened… one girl shouted across the table… and I mean shouted… across the table…
“Ok now you two can blow each other”
My cell members are really lovely people and they took me out for a birthday lunch after church 2 weeks ago. We were also celebrating the birthday of another guy whose birthday was 2 weeks after mine. Oh, by the way, cell here means a group of Christians who meet on a weekly basis, not the 12ft x 12ft cell.

They placed 2 candles on the cake for both of us. So after the birthday song has been sung, the other birthday boy told me that I am to blow only one candle and leave the other for him. Let me tell you one thing, I am just not good at this blowing act. So when you have 2 candles lit closely together, how am I going to only blow off one?
Naturally, I blew off both the candles. A loud ‘sigh’ of disappointment came from the other end of the table and just as that happened… one girl shouted across the table… and I mean shouted… across the table…
“Ok now you two can blow each other”
LOL. :x
hahaha.. now i'm rolling on the floor laughing like mad.
so, did you guys do it? hehe sorry, sorry. too personal a question to ask ;p
My mind boggles at the thought of you & him blowing each other. :p
ahh, yesss....
what better proof of brotherhood than to have each other blow candles than blow each other...
in a 12x12 cell, in front of a crowd.
what is this? mardi gras?!
Omgg... in CG somemore!! Hahaha, she's either too horny or too young!You didn't mention the reaction of the people in CG then! I want to know their respond :P
Btw are you from DUMC?
that was so.... *speechless*
Gee! Never knew you can blow so well!!! TWO at one go!!! Hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!
Question is, did she even realize her delicious lil faux pas after she said it? Lagi funny kan, if she was still oblivious and wondering why everyone's laughing? LOL
That day, I was in the elevator with 3 other chinese gals. Malaysians are so used to the word 'fong fei kei' fly aeroplane, but the chinese here used 'fang-ke-chi' (fly pigeons, something like that) which meant the same.
I told them that we used 'fang-fei-ji'. Another girl (this is a very quiet girl who seldom speaks) unintentionally said: "Tar-fei-ji" (Tar-fei-kei / masturbate)
Then she was like.. oppss!! And we all starred at her!! She was lucky no other male colleagues was there with us.
so, did you blow? :p
You can't leave the story hanging there. Continue and tell what happened.
tsk! tsk! tsk! now i wonder what other activities you guys do on a weekly basis.
What do people learn in Church nowadys? Tsk tsk...;)
i thought all christians r naive and innocent..laugh wat?? WAHAHAHAHA...
cant wait to hear the 2md half
of the story...
u ah... so greedy for wat??!!!
blow one mai enough lor....
I wonder what she meant by that.
Oh, and by the way, when we are asked to blow one candle and leave the rest for the other birthday ppl to blow, I try to be the last one :)
LOL she must be mortified!!!
p/s: Thanks for the birthday wishes, I really appreciate that. :)
hmm...happy blowing? hahaha...
Definitely didn't expect THAT coming..
wahh i'm underage Zewt.. how could you?! hehe
day-dreamer - hahahah... speechless eh?
hopefulpessimist - of cos not :P
Jemima - ... at the restaurant!
Aput - blow each other's candles hahahaha..!!
Aoki - she isnt young... i wonder if she is horny hahaha... yeah, in CG summore. I am not from DUMC but i attend a DUMC CG and i do attend the fast and prayer. i drop by DUMC's celebration once a month or more.
BossCat - i just burst out laughing instantly.
suituapui - hahahaha... now, that is something new.
life for beginners - she didnt, until i asked... did you realise what you just said?????
purple mushroom - that's quite ok lah... not that bad as this one i think.
MiSsY FaRaH - hello there.... :)
Krystal - the candle... yes.
Seaqueen - dont wanna tell u...
Siew - oh... you really wanna know? :P
Daphne Ling - dont worry... not much blowing.
constant craver joe - hahaha.... well, dont underestimate Christians. more often that not, we comes from very dark background :P
Aleks - i guess i am just too good hahahahahahaha....
giddy tigress - hahaha... do they successfully leave one for u?
cc - oh yes... she did. and you're welcome.
missironic - no no no!!
mar - hahahahahaha.... good eh?
drumsticks - where got underage... you're working already.
69 position... Missionary style won't do, even though you are a very devout Christian...
I can feel for you... guess wat was my blow?
Just 2 days back, I had a serious session of portfolio review. Gruelling one with my 2 bosses. One immediate boss, the other the Country Risk Head. Everything was ok.
When we finished, the Head asked me how I keep fit as a matter of making some conversation to break the monotony of work.
So I shared with him the stuff I do early mornings and weekends.
Guess what my immediate boss told him too?
"Boss, she does not only enjoy just these, do you know how else she keeps fit? She enjoys sex!"
I wish the floor can open and swallow me up at that point or I could wrap my face with a BIG paper bag!!!
i was officially "zwet" dou.. (jah dou).. by this post XD
next time, don't blow first! ;P
Happy Belated B'day... ;-)
HAHAAHAHAHAA!!! Gosh, my best pal and I share nearly the same b'day and we both shared a cake but we never were asked "to blow each other out"... LOL!!!!
khengsiong - hahahaha... !!!
wee-leng - so... i guess they are right, right?
Jason Geek - good eh? :)
huei - blow what? what what?
Angie Tan - thanks :)
blow each other!!! -_-"
u-jean - sigh...
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