Now, I am sure all of us have got a wonderful generous heart and are all eager to contribute one way or another to help the victims of the recently occurred disasters both in China and Myanmar. However, I just want to say that we should be mindful of the channels to which we are contributing to.
Reports are saying that the Junta govt, ya’ know, the one who killed all the marching monks recently, remember?… They are refusing international aid. But of course, some organisations are still trying to go in regardless.
Therefore, if you wish to contribute to any form of Myanmar relief fund, make sure the organisation you are contributing to goes directly into the country to aid the victims and not just handing the money to the Junta govt. If the money is handed to the Juntas, it’s as good aspaying tax in this country gone.
I think funds heading into China are fine, but one can never be too careful. After all, this is Malaysia; remember the alleged disappearance of the tsunami donations? Again, it is best that you contribute to organisations that will personally go into the country to provide aid to the victim.
Let us all have a heart and contribute generously and wisely.
Reports are saying that the Junta govt, ya’ know, the one who killed all the marching monks recently, remember?… They are refusing international aid. But of course, some organisations are still trying to go in regardless.
Therefore, if you wish to contribute to any form of Myanmar relief fund, make sure the organisation you are contributing to goes directly into the country to aid the victims and not just handing the money to the Junta govt. If the money is handed to the Juntas, it’s as good as
I think funds heading into China are fine, but one can never be too careful. After all, this is Malaysia; remember the alleged disappearance of the tsunami donations? Again, it is best that you contribute to organisations that will personally go into the country to provide aid to the victim.

Yes, that's ever the conundrum, isn't it? To be charitable yet not be conned. These days it's harder to tell the difference between the genuine article and the fakes...
sad. The picture and the words in it made me sad. :(
Yeah, that picture is really touching.
you can contribute via worldvision or red cross. these kind of international agencies are often accountable and transparent concerning the money trail. that story about the's so sad
n about donating funds..well i've always been skeptical..can we donate goods instead? like food..clothes?
I have contributed my part through the Good Shepherd Convent where I work as a volunteer tutor. I'm sure my contribution although not much is in good hands. I'm also skeptical towards those asking for donation, not sure where will the money goes.
I have even signed up for adopting the orphans from the China quake. Both me and my hubby are qualified for adopting. Thousands signed up, not sure if i can really get one to be my child.
^Props purple~mushroom. Love is the ultimate gift.
Pinch your picture with the baby that survived for my blog ok?
My favorite charity is Tsu Chi. I heard they somehow always get there first.... Not wait for ministers, TV crews etc, to show up first for the colgate ads.
Pls do something. We should do something.
it is really sad...alot of ppl are homeless, for weeks d....and some lost their limbs becoz of the crush...
Kenny Mah - just have to be careful. we cannot just satisfy our needs to give not knowing if it is fruitful or not.
jun - we are all emotional creatures after all.
flaminglambo - i added the text! hehe.
myop101 - also, another one is mercy malaysia.
huei - i think some churches are organising that. but that would be for myanmar. have to make an effort to go find out.
Jennifer - hey there. Good Shepherd, is the one in hulu kelang? very near where i am staying now. 3 minutes walk away. yeah, i think giving goods is much better.
purple mushroom - are u sure u r ready to adopt one though?
LC Teh - sure, go ahead :)
Angel Eyes - not only to china but to myanmar.
Lynnwei - yeah, ppl do wonder if this is God's wrath. We can only pray for His mercy.
honestly, i didnt donate a penny to china..but Myanmar..i didnt know the moneyi gave out reach the victims or get ito someone's pocket..but i just want to say..nowadays is hard to differentiate...the only thing i could do is donate with my heart..if the money really dont reach to the victims...god will punish those people who set the trap....karma will come by then..
Whats your bank account number ? I shall trust u with all the funds that im donating !
arhhhhh... damn sad... sobsss.....~
Some clarification required:
The Myanmar junta wants aid, just not aid workers...
My contribution goes to a Myanmar monastery, so I think it is safe.
Zewt, of course I am sure and ready. No doubt.
A mother's love knows no bounds.
Just thinking a little bit more about fathers and suddenly, i remember watching a documentary about the male grasshopper's head being eaten off right after mating with the female partner. fathers are often forgotten about their role as breadwinners;)
alcoholic - you made a wise choice there. i personally think myanmar need more help than china.
stephanie - hahaha... i will just give it to the right organisation on your behalf.
andrew - remember to have a heart...
purple mushroom - i am proud of u, really.
susu kacang - somehow, fathers' love is often seen a the provider rather than the emotional support. probably that's why.
come on, although china sichuan earthquake has been public widely throughout the world...but when u look at the figure of victims who are injurned or even dead...myanmar is count by most 200k...can anyone tell me...who should be getting the donation to rebuild their homes? or should i say myanmar is a poor country...isnt it? china is emerging to be the largest world factory venue...middle class people are moving toward upper middle or even upper class group...tell me? who needs the help most?
well, this fact is myanmar gov is blocking the aids initially..couldnt blame any@@"
Did you realise all the charity organisation in Malaysia are not active at all?
Even Russia and singapore sent medical team to China. Where is our medical team? I wish I could join the medical team to go there to help but I'm not qualified yet.
not that they are not active..instead i guess maybe the mediums dont widespread their activities, if not mistaken..last sunday the sunday had published the info about the mercy charity organization bla bla bla..forgot wat was that...they did have activities..but not actively been acknowledge only~ medical team, a friend of mine used to tell me about this...we hv it..just not been publish bah~
should be the star newspaper...>_<"
alcoholic - myanmar has opened up recently. but not many are going there... there are economic reasons behind it. i may blog about it on monday.
littlepolaris - malaysia are active... just that the papers do not publish. the general public is very generous.
i knew it..coz i read news, and too...haha~ :)
i said cant blame any becoz the aids should be distribute IMMEDIATELY in order to rescue as many people as possible...but their gov blocked it in first place..slowly openned up..seem too slow ady...too many people sacrified since the aids do not given when the disaster china, today the earthquake happened, the next few hours, donation, charity, army, rescue team..medical team all came up for it...china earthquake had been published widely also becoz they drew together and COOPERATE together...this is the thing myanmar lack of..i knew there is eco-pro is hiding behind but is a precious thing, once it lost, nothing can help to pull it back... right? the problem should be put aside and help people first....@@"
My fund goes to Tsu Chi Foundation.
That baby is so cute! Sad to know that he/she's become an orphan in just one night. A sacrifice by a mum for her child... How great is that?
sugarbaby - yeah, in such times, we should just put away our petty differences and make an effort to save everyone in the name of mankind.
kyh - their sacrifices are priceless.
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