For some strange reason, this made the MAA building a rather haunted structure.
It was said there is a Chinese talisman (‘fu’) stuck that underneath each and every chairs in this building. Also, nobody in this building work beyond a certain hour. How true is this? I guess only employees there can confirm. Anyone?
While those stories can't be confirmed as it was told from someone friend’s sister’s brother’s one-night-stand partner’s dog’s owner’s friend, there is one which came from someone who worked there before and thus, carries credibility.
This someone is a current colleague of mine who is a former auditor and yes, you guessed it right, she was part of the team who audited MAA. As you know, auditors are the top modern slave species and their hours stretched beyond human-hours. And when you work beyond human-hours in a not so human place, you are bound to encounter some not so human experience.
On one of the night where the audit team had to rush some work, one female team member

Half way relieving herself, she heard someone came into the toilet, entered the cubicle next to hers and also started relieving herself. I understand this is a girl thing where girls like to talk to each other across the cubicle while pee-ing. Yes, the other person who last came into the toilet started talking to the auditor.
“Hello, kerja lewat ke?” (Hello, working late?)
“Ya lah… banyak kerja ni. Tak tahu bila nak siap ni” (Yes, a lot of work. Dunno when it’ll finish)
I was told the conversation went on for quite a while. Gee… she must have held it for a long time for the pee to last this long.

Sensing that something is not quite right, she quickly pulled up her pants, zipped up, flushed and left the cubicle. After washing her hands, she bid farewell to her ‘newly made friend’ out of courtesy…
The reply from ‘that person’ was…
“Kenapa begitu cepat? Sudah tahu ke?”
(What’s with the hurry? You’ve realised already?)
Is this for real?? How come she can bend so down in a public toilet? Doesn't sounds right to me. And still have the guts to say goodbye...
Yerrrrr!!! Gave me goosebumps!!
one of my ex collegues works there, under MAA group. she says nothing strange happened before but she feels abit scary while going to the carpark alone at night. tu jer..
Hey! My ex-bf work with MAA currently and they do work late most of the time, even during the 7th month (lunar calendar). I'd been there to swim and their gym before. Though I'm quite scared at first but nothing happends also.......(luckily I don't go there anymore, ever!) He always park very near to the cementery as they have not enough parking lots for all their staffs. When I went with him to the creepy dark parking lot during night time, (after swim/gym/pub last time) I was scared.........but nothing happends also...... hehehehehe...if my ex-bf is still in contact with me can I send your interesting ghost story to him? ;-)
Aiyah....maybe the girl in the next cubicle is those from the kampung type leh? you know...squatting on the toilet bowl. Of course, the auditor didn't get to see her legs lah.
Why did I have to read this right before I go to bed?
But I like Cocka's reasoning...
haha i've heard the 'you know already?' in other ghost stories before
lolz.. thanks =) nyway i jz came bck from tmn sri ukay... the place where they have one whole block of "apartment" collapse many many years ago.. purposely brought my frens there lolx
So glad there are no Night Ghost Tours over here where I live. Phew.
... That's spooky!!! Ahaha!
How come all ghost stories happen to involve Toilet though? There was this one story told of my old school, St Joseph's, Kuching, and it also involved a locked toilet at the old block...
Better not elaborate, it's already 1am here in Russia. Don't want to spook myself silly.
Ok, my skin turned into chicken skin already. Thanks for the skin job!!
It must be really scary. Most of the time we're scared because our mind is simply too imaginative (but truth is nothing is there). But in this case, that auditor wasn't imagining things and it happened unexpectedly. That must have caught her off guard. I think it was wise to bid 'it' farewell...
Aiyor! You go look under each and every chair for what??? Hahahahaha...I agree with Cocka! Some people cannot sit one...they say cannot come out!!! And hey! Not STP lah!!! STP cannot squat, will tumble over one!!! And didn't u say something about toilets in one of ur UK posts??? Eeeee....you got this thing about toilets kah? ROTFLMAO!!!!
The thing is, must that "person" reply, "Kenapa begitu cepat? Dah tahu ke?" sort of dispel the very notion that "she" is squatting on the toilet bowl.
Anyway, I thought girls usually go to the toilet together? Maybe in her team, she is the only girl.
Well, at least the guys should stand by at the toilet waiting for her la.
Hey if like that all chairs and tables in MBS needs to be stuck with a 'fu' too lol. if you are part of the scouts you would know what happened in our beloved school. hahaha. anyway i saw the lady in red in the t-mori block hahaha.
that sends chills down my spine and indeed, she STILL has the guts to say goodbye?!?!?!
i would have left with my pants unzipped i think LOL
omg!!! now i've got chills down my spine!
the girl sure was brave! she even bid her newly made friend goodbye??
okok..still having goosebumps!
"someone friend’s sister’s brother’s one-night-stand partner’s dog’s owner’s friend"
now THAT's complicating! =P
yayy got malay translation edi!!! ^^
tat's the first tot tat came into my mind when i read the ending..SPOOKED ME UP! luckily i din read it ysterday nite..or not i dun need to sleep dy! lolz...
that's crap. firstly, it's not a girl thing loh. no one talks to anybody else in the toilet. where got call out loud to anybody in the toilet and say 'working late ah?' unconvincing.
second, where can relieve so long. full bladder, also 1 minute cow tim lah.
3rd, empty under partition because that girl stand on seat to poop. she ask sudah tahu because that girl knows she stand on the seat, so dirty. ewwww!
Woot. The ghost stories are back!
Anyway, the prev commenter that said "3rd, empty under partition because that girl stand on seat to poop. she ask sudah tahu because that girl knows she stand on the seat, so dirty. ewwww!" sounds credible :)
geez... if you sense something is wrong don't la bid good bye sumore! cabut la... *goosebumps*
err MAA is on your left la..not right..sg besi is also on the left..
i thought theres a some nite club there?? i am sure cannot be that haunted rite?
eeee... creepy!
hahahah... MBS spooky stories...
never ending la...
school field, t-mori block, scout room, bio lab......
khabar angin, during ww2, da school was a temp prison and da field its da execution ground....
haaa! love it!
WTF!!Is this for real?The last sentence from that 'friend' is creepy!
friend’s sister’s brother’s one-night-stand partner’s dog’s owner’s friend
I don't understand that
Hahah! Funny story! THe next door neighbour should have continue to say: "YOu realised already? I am squatting! Sorry ler... I'm from the kampung"
Pookyma: Best if you draw a diagram and make connecting dots to each of them... then you would understand....Tsk Tsk tsk
If that ever happened to me (touch wood and all that), I'd be pissing my pants again. Even after letting everything out.
Wah lao eh... this is a reporting week for me in office and work till quite late.. after reading this, I think I would have to cabut earlier!
Missed reading your spooky tales! Hahah. :p
The Moral of the Story is... Just cos they ain't alive, don't mean we shouldn't still be polite, eh?
(Bet she didn't expect a final reply though. Tee hee.)
now this is scary....
Talking in the Toilet?
Are you Sure Girls do that? =/
purple mushroom - it' real... it's a toilet in the building.
angeles - sudah takut ke?
sengkor - so... all myth eh?
Lisan - of cos... and ask him is there are anymore interesting stories...
Cocka Doodle - hahahah... maybe... maybe..
giddy tigress - but, there is no one else in the building already...
suanie - ohh... so this not real ah? darn...
joshuaongys - hahahahaha... reminds me of myself when i was very much younge!
twisted heels - aiks... no fun...
aleckii - aiyah...spoil our fun.... share it mah.
narrowband - hahaha... well, at least the stranger didnt offer to escort her out...
suituapui - hehehe.. toilet fetish... kakaka.. but certainly not this one.
myop101 - hmmm... i shall check with my source tomm...
Kel - wahhhh... i never saw anything in our school before, though i have heard many many many stories...
Sharon - hahahahahaha... make sure it's not a prank by your male colleagues.
huei - haha...not so complicating la.... just the dog's owner's friend at the end.
missironic - aiyah... effect not there la....
me - well... maybe it's true... maybe it's squatting, i guess, you have to be there to find out... right?
Klaw - well... which one would you believe in? squatting? really?
_Butt - farewell is good... at least there is a clean cut-off....
constant craver joe - well... who knows... aiks... got the direction wrong there.
tulipspeaks - hehehehe....
Aleks - always remember the japanese soldier planning war strategy story...
kyh - suka eh?
pookyma - hahaha... complicated leh...
frostee - hahahaha... why all also think it's kampung girl... it's the 'kenapa begitu cepat' that made it spooky.
Tine - hahahaha... aust no ghost eh?
gina - looks like i have done you a big favour!
supergirlfriend - it's not always spooky all the time...
kennymah - after the 'susah tahu' reply... she ran for her life.
Michael Song - nice leh...
lynnwei - in the name of Jesus, we have the victory... let's sing it.
Sam - well... only you know... :)
"friend’s sister’s brother’s one-night-stand partner’s dog’s owner’s friend,"
Eh it is true? Girls talk to each other while doing their business at their cubicles? Why guys never do that? :P
The story is really creepy dude. Especially the part 'Sudah tau ke?' I shivered and all the hairs were standing when I read that part!!!!! Meremang bulu roma!!!! Cis....
hahahaha..lucky for me! ;)
i get this visions after i lost memories. i always see them now. i dont know why. sigh. guess its gonna be worse tonight
Zewt, i also heard something similar, got it from a friend, not too sure if it was from MAA building... but it's for real, yeah, the gal fled for life
Hey all, ex-MAA guy here. Story is false, methinks:
1) Most of the cubicle walls reach down to ground. Those that don't are so low you need to lie down to see someone's feet.
2) The chairs are swivel-type - no place really to stick on most of them, and on the small space that is there, well, the only sticker is either stock code or sirim label.
3) Girls don't really like to talk in the toilet there (my floor at least... but the guys are very happy to discuss business while doing business it seems).
4) I'm IT and I work till all kinds of hours, including until next day. Nothing happens la. Car park is a little dark, yes, but "that one children also know how to scared".
5) Actually, if her 'friend' wanted to squat, MAA also provides those kinds of toilets for their employees.
Sorry to spoil the story ;)
I worked in menara MAA for 2 years, never encounter anything strange.
"While those stories can't be confirmed as it was told from someone friend’s sister’s brother’s one-night-stand partner’s dog’s owner’s friend.."
Story sure will get lost in translation..:P
bongkersz - complicated relationship there eh? hahahaha.... well, seems like talking in toilet is a girl thing really...
missironic - :) hope luck remains.
Kel - your virus...totally gone yet?
anon @ 4/4 1.32pm - yup... heard she left for home immediately. so did the team.
J - hahahahaha... no worries. i heard it from my colleague... i shall confirm the story with her again on monday. thanks for all the tips!
Kun - looks like that building is clean eh?
ngy - hahahaha.... yup... added a lot of spice i am sure.
woah! dun la say until like tat..hahahahaa...
virus gone but the damage is already done. cant do anything to fix it la
omg....that's so scary..n yaya...auditors always have to go to client's place without knowing anything...but sometimes it's better not to know anything than to know the truth.
missironic - hehe... i am sure it will... remains i mean.
kel - do not underestimate the power of the human brain... who knows... everything might just come back one day.
kyliemc - there was a story truth got a girl a few slashes... auitors... quite a dangerous job eh?
I hope not. Something are better left behind and i believe that if its given to you then it must serve some purpose. maybe it's better left that way. ever heard of knowing more is actually a burden?
kel - that is true... well, if that is what you want... then so be it.
in life we always wanted everything that is good to us without realizing good comes with the bad. that is when i stopped asking.
this is definitely creepy!
kel - sounds like you have gained much wisdom...
bengbeng - not quite... try the other 'super-natural' entries...
creepy...!!! Luckily I'm not one of those who make small talks in public toilets hehehe ... and gutsy lady she was to bid farewell to the "new" friend ... *goose bumps*
melbie - well... courtesy... u dont want to... offend them... do u?
Thanks so much for this post, really helpful material.
I believe one and all must glance at it.
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