But hey… there is no need to feel guilty as being afraid has always been the tradition of the people…
Bring a migrant; my grandfather was afraid that his citizenship will be stripped if he was to talk too much. That’s what he told my dad, which explains why my dad is very concern about his citizen certificate. Yeah, during those times, they issue such document on top of identity card.
My dad also picked up this trait. He always tells me that he is afraid the dreaded 13 May will repeat itself. As such, he and his peers learnt to stay silent, just like grandfather, though the source of the fear is different.
Hence, this trait has also been passed to me. I am afraid that I will be ISA-ed, and as such, I should learn how to shut up. So you see, if you’re like me, there is no need to feel guilty. “Being afraid” has always been our way of life.
10 years down the road, let us all tell our children that we didn’t do anything because we were afraid. But doesn’t it make us wonder, that if we failed to reach grassy lands, what will our children be afraid of then…?
On a separate note, I will be on the look out for a colour as we commemorate our independence this Friday… a colour of hope. Yes, I will have to say it means nothing; it will most probably achieve nothing. But to me, it’s a matter of whether there is a glimmer of hope… or are we just afraid.
How to not be afraid? Cockroach also I am afraid... how can I not be afraid of something bigger which can threaten me of my EVERYTHING? Scared scared... living in fear. All I can do is to cry in silence, because I still want that piece of me alive.
yeah... i agree being afraid has been our way of life...
my balls shrinked when heard of being ISA-ed. hehe! This fear tactic, works very well... to rule a country swiftly, corruptly, no questions asked, you need to instill fear... Fear the gomen! But the question is, till when? Sampai bila?? Not enough or sick of living in fear?
hello zewt,
I'd just like to leave a quote from the famously-belligerent US General George S. Patton (one of the great generals of WWII). This is the closing statement from his most famous speech to his men. He was talking about the war, of course, but there are many parallels with the civil struggle in Malaysia now:
"There is one great thing that you men will all be able to say after this war is over and you are home once again. You may be thankful that twenty years from now when you are sitting by the fireplace with your grandson on your knee and he asks you what you did in the great World War II, you WON'T have to cough, shift him to the other knee and say, "Well, your Granddaddy shoveled shit in Louisiana." No, Sir, you can look him straight in the eye and say, "Son, your Granddaddy rode with the Great Third Army and a Son-of-a-Goddamned-Bitch named Georgie Patton!"
They say that we eventually regret the things we did not do more than the things we did. I'm beginning to find that's true. So... want to ride with the Third Army?
yellow means much more than supporting the royals. its whether if we give a shit or not
Of course afraid..say something wrong and then suddenly sent to jail. So, better just keep quiet..What to do???
ISA-ed? What did you do? There are so many other things more that needs to be attended. Bloggers? Give them a rest, we kan democratic country? moreover, our words are accounted for Zewt as Zewt represents Zewt, not Mr./Mrs./Ms. Ching Chong (hehe). hmm.. It's like Thailand. Thou shall not talk explicitly about the royal family... and the Thais actually follow.. Funny right? If we do not even have the freedom of speech(and this is typing on the computer!), better perang saja... parang as way of speech... BOSAN la!
"Fear doesn't exist anywhere except in the mind" and i have to admit the gomen did hell of a good job at it.
We should be terrified by the small men that governed us..No??
;) who not afraid? there's ISA for you to be afraid of, but of course, I'm looking forward for "yellow".
Agree, wont bring much difference, but I would like to see if Malaysians actually care for their country.
If only all Malaysians would be bold to come as one and go against the G, that time it is them who are gonna be in fear... true?
Just need someone in the G to be willing and brave enough to start bocoring some big shot's secret...
Can wear yellow underwear ah on that day?
bensiu: "...them a rest, we kan democratic country? "
actually what i wanted to say here is, we are NOT a democratic country. what is the meaning of calling ourselves a democratic country when we do not have freedom of speech, freedom of expressing our beliefs and religions and freedom of choice?
whenever we 'type & post' something, we are constantly be guarded and are afraid of being ISA-ed. when we are at mamak having our very own PRIVATE opinion 'sessions' relating from anything to everything relating to the gohmen, we are afraid of eavesdroppers who happen/might/maybe/most probably from/going-to-report-us-to-gohmen-peeps/kepoh-chi people, whom we are constantly very scared of.
so tell me. honestly. how 'democratic' are we?
Maybe, just maybe Malaysian should watch more movie like "V for Vendetta"! Only, then we are brave enough to stand up for what we had been wanted all these years.
"The gomen should fear their's citizen not citizen should fear their's gomen."
cocka's gonna flash his underwear everywhere he goes on that day! lol! :P
i just read the article. hmm.. i duno wad to say actually. hmm.. nvm. :P
yes, fear and guilt is what stops human from progressing and it's a great inhibitor of life, or progress, or improvements. kudos!
Blameology and Afraidology... Hmmmm...
Courses which are "core" in our development as a child handed down by our parents.
Of course, if you have integrity, you naturally will fail blameology. hehehe (Going off on a tangent)
Yeap, Yellow is a colour of hope.
Fear is part and parcel of life. If we have no fear, we would ended up doing a whole lot of crazy things which is self-destructive. Yet, we should not let unreasonable fear to overwhelm us.
There will come a time when we are called to face our fears. It is not for USD50K contest, but rather, to make a stand that makes the difference between right and wrong. I agree with ghostline. I have enough what ifs in my life. I think one must forget about what ifs for once and just do the right thing.
Yes, one may wear yellow. One may even fly the flag with the yellow cloth on top. We just prepare for the worst and hope for the best.
One more thing, the colour of hope (aka yellow) is not just about supporting HRHs, standing up for your rights and signalling the gomen.
It is a also a number game as I believe HRHs would want to see the real support they are getting.
Your post brings the these lyrics to mind:
"Heard ten thousand whisperin' and nobody listenin',
Heard one person starve, I heard many people laughin',
Heard the song of a poet who died in the gutter,
Heard the sound of a clown who cried in the alley,
And it's a hard, and it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard,
And it's a hard rain's a-gonna fall."
Hope not!
Personally I think the older generation that went through those events trembles and we would never understand why cos we never went thru it
Just food for thought, if our voice causes an outbreak like the gulf war within the country, do you think we will be telling our kids the same thing that silence would be better, better for we don't want them to be hurt
Being afraid? Well, i'm quite agree with you that we've been living in that way since the old days.. It's more of like running in our blood..
13 May was really a nasty one but hey.. we've survived right?
ISA-ed? You know why they love to ISA people? Because they cannot face the fact... If they have someting solid against me, then bring it on!! hahah...
i shall await to see u parade in that digi yellow costume..hahaha
what to do, they threaten us so bad..they call us goblok..they call us liars..so the least we can do is go along..and be afraid
that's wut they want ma! ;P
ISA huh? Fear them?? I'm not too sure about that. I believe that if it's for the right cause, where our rights are being taken away (you know what I mean regarding the article you sent earlier) I'll definitely fight. Call it living on the edge or being reckless but I won't sit down and be a puppet.
Anyway, have a great long weekend.
bro ..
"Ketakutan itu datang dari bisikan syaitan yang mengingatkan kita tentang keluarga,isteri,anak,rumah dan kesenangan"
Lalu kita berundur dari medan perjuangan!
Selamat Hari Merdeka
No use lah! Afraid or not afraid just remember to do what u r suppose to do cum erection time! Talking is cheap & useless! Action speak lounder then work! BTW Zewt can u teach me how u put up 'Zewt top 10'. I wan to put up 'hor ny top 10'! Tq tq in advance for ur help & advice! Have a nice hornyday!
yellow tmrw, anyone?
I guess we've all been taught it's not wise to stick our heads and necks out too far for fear of getting it whacked off by they-who-cannot-be-named.
But will the people who claim they are yellow stand up and be counted tomorrow?
Well, being afraid is a normal human trait. who wouldn't be if we are always being pressured cook by the I-S-A? I am so feeling for you.
Being afraid is totally normal for all of us... everywhere we go, everything we do, we feel afraid.
Afraid of what!!? That, only U & I will know ;p
halo! u'r just as "normalEST" as ALL OF US lar...who are all kiasi pple whut...haha!
wei... call me a katak di bawah tempurung... but... wat the heck happened on May 13???
sorry la... dis gurl really clueless... >_<
so will someone pls explain? pretty please? (numerous times i've explained i dun read papers or listen to news)
Afraidology... deep...
comes back to comfort zone i guess... we so fear the unknown that anything is better that risking our necks to find out if indeed the grass is greener on the other side. go figure.
but from where i'm standing... whether or not we stand together as one or don't... it looks pretty bleak from either way... so why not opt for the other path none hv trod on??? ... food for thought perhaps???
to b honest, i don't rightfully know wat i'll do personally wen that call comes... will i do the right thing? or will i shy away and b a coward?
it's true wen u say wen at the end of the day it's wat we did or didn't do that will reflect on us... so, my fellow malaysians... do we finally do the right thing and stand up for wat we love?... or the latter?.. your pick guys...
Don't be afraid of enjoying the long weekend without a flag in your hand, 'k Zewt?? lol
haha.......cocka's yellow underwear!!!!!!
Fear will take the life out of living. I think the important thing is to understand there is nothing to fear about fearing. It's natural. I bet heroes of yesteryears were not immuned to fear. Brave people are not those without fear... they are people who still do the right thing despite their fear.
OK, I mulut besar only... will see how I fare myself..:-P
All of us are afraid of too many things all the time. We thought it is security that we are afraid of losing but honestly, it all comes back to our selfishness and greediness that lead us to that path.
it's a conspiracy theory. fearless citizen will crumble the government. trust me. hehe. ;)
cant wait for the yellow colour thing! xD
wud our children be even too ignorant to be afraid?
Yellow doesn't show well with white background. Hmmmm... shall have to think of something else.
purple mushroom - at least you cry. some dont even cry. well, it's just too ironic.
sunshine - do u want it still?
bongkersz - i think the ppl will not be sick of it. honestly...
ghostline - hi there, welcome to AZAIG. well, as long as it is peaceful... i think ppl will not mind... those that have got balls that is... :) thanks for dropping by.
tingtitlei - that's exactly what i am trying to say.
seok thong - yeah la... agree. it's the reality.
bensiu - ben... we dont really have it la... freedom of speech. or should i say... it's a controlled freedom. bosan.. hehe...
penang-kia - they controlled the power .... unfortunately. sigh...
calvin's wife - wahh... all the G .. G.. u not scared ah? hehe...
cocka doodle - wear it like superman, can?
soulblade - our previous PM has always reiterated.... we are living in a 'guided democracy'... whatever that means... what do u think?
jun - hahahaha.... we will only watch and... watch... and that's it. trust me...
ehon - you cant do anything ler... you're not here. but it's good to know nonetheless.
Angie Tan - hahaha... going off the tangent is good sometimes.
anon @ 8.22 + 8.25 - i like what tingtitlei said... it's not a matter of anything... it's to show whether we give a shit.
tunku halim - hmmm... wat song is that? hope not indeed.
zeroimpact - that is a very good point. yeah, i think some of us actually fear that. i guess it's a matter of which over-rides which...
McMercedez - haha... we didnt survive lor... cos we are not there. have to give respect to those who actually went thru it. the mental scar is still there. wahh... so power ah... your wife support u or not?
constant craver joe - me too.
Huei - go along? i tot u dont wanna go along? we go yellow... not along... kaka...
seaqueen - looks like you're on the same page with your husband.
j or ji - Selamat Hari Merdeka to u too...
Hor Ny - it's one of the side bar option... links... u can link ppl... u can also link to your own post mah...
ken - let's see how many there will be.
rinnah - well... those may not stand up and be counted... but i still think it will be a nice feeling.
bubbly soda - yeah... we all feel it. sigh.
the pooch with an attitude - hi there!, welcome to AZAIG! hahaha... i think we are afraid of the wrong things.
sharlydia - kiasi indeed... cant blame us ler.. survival mah... right?
aSstHa - wahhh... go wikipedia it lor... haha... it's a long story u know. good comment again... let's see how many malaysians will respond to u. we certainly owe it to ourselves.
Anak merdeka - hahahaha... sure will.
pookyma - wear it outside hopefully.
Helen - hahaha.. come on... make the power of your mulut counts!
hcfoo - to give us the benefit of the doubt... it's just a matter of survival.
alan zed - the problem is... fearless citizen doesnt exist.
AngryYoungChild - are u going to be one of them?
Jun - (there is another jun here)... well... only they will know.
cinelle - as long as it is along the yellow line... :)
10 years down the road, let us all tell our children that we didn’t do anything because we were afraid.
Going at this pace, I don't even think they will know how to question us & others.
Selamat Hari Merdeka.
Hope DIGIMAN ads dun clash with any of the "yellow" days.. things may go wild.. for some ppl
tulipspeaks - well... i am quite impressed by some teens who at a young age... are already speaking up. put us to shame.
freethinker - i just went out... i see no hope.
Well said.
i guess everyone is afraid of something in their lives! its only human to be afraid and if u r not afraid of anything, u r not an hero, u r death!!! fears keep us alive, makes us want to fight for more, fight to get over that barrel!!
ps- in Portugal our color for hope is green!! :D hehe
i guess there is a difference between being afraid and being paranoid eh?
John Ling - thanks...
confessing7girl - well... not many are willing to fight. thinking about it... me neither.
sulee - here... i think it's both.
We live in a democratic country and yet fear is used to ruled over the people. Isn't it just wonderful. Yes I am afraid, afraid that our future generation don't know the meaning of freedom of choice and speech
changeiam - wonder if it is our fault... dont u think?
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