We laughed, not openly of course. We all applauded that colleague’s courage and then laughed about it, saying that it’s an indirect message to the management. Everyone who saw that piece of news on the notice board will put on a cheeky smile and walk away. But what was the real intention of putting it up? For us to laugh, or to actually tell us something? We chose the latter. I wonder if you will actually find it funny if such thing actually happen to someone you know, or perhaps even yourself.
Did you find it funny?
A kid was reported dead due to his motorcycle accident with a… ‘pothole’. Me and my friends were talking about it and before you know it, we were sharing our experience with potholes and one thing led to another, we were laughing at each other.
“Caused my rim to bengkok you know!”
(bengkok = crocked)
Did we realise that our roads are poorly maintained due to poor management? Did you laugh at it or see the root of the problem? I wonder… and of course, if you happen to be related to the victim, I am sure you will not find it funny.
Did you find it funny?

Did you find it funny?
Hey… I do!! I am still alive despite being a modern slave so what my colleague did was quite cheeky. It was funny. I drive a car so encounters with potholes are not really fatal. And I have a job, living a comfortable life plus I can afford to repair any damages caused by poor road maintenance. What’s the fuss about poor road maintenance? Maybe 4 wives isn’t such a good idea, economically speaking but hey… I am sure some of us are rich enough to afford such, no?
Yeah, when things have no hit us yet, I guess it’s pretty funny after all.

On a separate note, what was your reaction when you read last Friday’s entry? I am sure most of you found it to be hilarious, no? I am certainly one of them. Some of you probably thought it was stupid to drink and f**k. Yeah, that is probably the lesson from that tale. Nevertheless, you will probably not find it funny if that story hit some nerves in you. You might even find that offensive if you can somehow associate yourself to the victim (not the guy). Of course, if you happen to be the victim, you will certainly be disgusted.
I truly admire those who might have been offended but yet to choose the funny side of it, you know who you are. I guess being to see the funny side of things does have its advantages.
blogging without fear my friend...
Yeah, of course they're funny.
and... I'm already looking at the world map. Gonna pick a spot blindfolded.
There ain't gonna be any place worse than what's gonna happen here.
Funny is less stressful... but if it has to do with death, then it's not that funny anymore lor...
Hey Zewt,
I'm with the 'telling us something' thingy too...
A reminder, I guess...
But somehow or other, we always say, these things won't happen to us lar, bla blah blahh...
Thanks for sharing =) I need a reminder every now and then too...
why does this entry sounds like there's a meaning behind it? hmm.. my mind isn't working very well atm. :P
HAHA..so sad..
4 wives..and you can get free tanah also. but..malaysia later not enuf tanah, how ah? cannot allocate for every1 leh. aih, but i rather have bak kut teh then free tanah :(
Man if that *piece* of news happen..
I'm outta here for good...
WOuld you stay back and have four wives and bak kut teh less?
everything has two sides of it. it really depends on how you see things. if possible, it is better to laugh it off. but when it is time to face reality, then be brave and face it lo.
Am with pookyma..BOH CHOW SI !!!(no run die.. hahaha)
funny meh? how come i'm not tickled one?
reading the news paper everyday makes me sad. sometimes i don't even want to read anymore.
si beh sien...
in psychiatry, humor is considered a mature form of defense mechanism (other forms are immature, neurotic and pathological-- in descending hierarchy). so yeah, choosing to see the lighter side of things would have a better impact on ur emotional health, rather than linger on the frustration if u know that u can't change things ;)
Ahmad Fairuz had said that there was no need to use English common law after 50 years of independence.
So, after 50 years we don't really need mca & bn anymore.
good for them, if mca want to enjoy all the beef rendang & ketupat with their cohorts but to the rest of us it still 'bak kut teh' & 'siew chi'
oh 50 years no need english common law already. they next thing u know they dun even need underwears and oxygen. yeah theyre fucking supermen, NO MESS!!
y live life in such a stressed manner. A little humor spices up life. At least life is more meaningful that way.
Hmm.. if tragic happens, it happen. nth we can do but to live life gratefully. Who noes wad happens tml or the day after tml.
y live life in such a stressed manner. A little humor spices up life. At least life is more meaningful that way.
Hmm.. if tragic happens, it happen. nth we can do but to live life gratefully. Who noes wad happens tml or the day after tml.
did you find it funny?
oh yessss, everytime your pm open his mouth, muah... hahaha!
Wah! Can see the camel toes!...
Sorry..what was the question again?
It's always funny when it didn't happened to us, or someone we know.
But that's how the world works.
To me, nothing wrong with injecting some humor in worst case scenarios
(of course, we need to be sensitive at times too)
Michael Song - hey there! welcome to AZAIG. cant agree with that though... there's a certain amount of fear no matter what.
Jonny - hahaha... yeah, that's not a bad idea. But i think there are a few preferred destinations la.
angel - well, u will be amazed some ppl can find humour in almost everything.
Daphne Ling - yeah, we all suffer from the it-wont-happen-to-me-so-i-dont-care syndromme. it's actually a very bad attitude.
ehon - dont all my entries have meanings behind them? :P
wuching - indeed.
Alvin - hahaha... got free tanah meh? i think tanah at discount la. wow... u pork fan eh?
pookyma - i think i am getting outta here whether it happen or not.
Soulblade - some things, even if you're brave... u just cant face it that easily.
penang-kia - let's run together. brain drain getting worse.
Sunshine - that's like running away from reality right?
Jun - now... that i have to listen... since it's coming from an expert :)... i do agree... laughter is indeed the best medicine.
Anon @ 10.49pm - hahaha... definitely siew g for me man! good point on the needs of those components, never thought of it.
tingtitlei - hahahaha... what's camel toe alert though?.. ahh... after seeing cocka's comment... i know already.
annna - good point, i wouldnt disagree. but then again, if something is serious and deserves a little more attention than laughter... i think we should give it a thought.
anon 11.07pm - isnt it your pm too?
cocka doodle - ahhh... coming from u... now i know what is camel toe.
ardy - i dont ming laughing at all of them too... as long as it doesnt happen to me... BUT... if it ever happen... i think it will be very tragic indeed.
I guess there is a time and place to find humour in things.
As for that person who died from work exhaustion, putting up the article about her is a good reminder for everyone, not just "hey management, look at this". The cheeky smile put on was probably a reaction of satisfaction that someone spoke up about it.
Now, some powers-that-be behaving stupidly - that is funny. :)
I guess some people just can't take a bit of humour. Somehow, it becomes personal and the ugly scenes begin.
If we can't laugh at ourselves sometimes, we are certainly very boring people.
Do u think my blog is funny? Like u I can say live a 'comfortable'ie Eat Not Full,Hunger Not Died life! I am sure u know what I meant, that is why I am pokeing & try to be funny in my sie only. If I do that in real life I will be something like that no name fellow! Oh erection is near so do u get an erection?
zewt, i agree with u that when the incident did not happen to us, we can laugh about it, but if it happens to us, then it's always easier said than done.
I also agree that little humour sometimes can spice up our lives, but when it's a tragedy, there's no way u can see or find or dig out the funny side of it...simply bcoz IT IS a tragedy!
So I guess we shud really live life simpler, more positive & with that lil humour when we still can!
Err..... you want us to joke about something the constitution tells us we must never joke about? Treading on thin ice, my fried. Caution.
*slaps forehead*
I meant friend. Though, you could be my fried friend if the comments swing the wrong way.
hmmm..i think it's ok wad, since u din mean any harm or to offend watsoever.. =)
actuali, im glad u blogged abt the topic..serve as a reminder to us u noe =) =)
monday blues...
I guess everything is funny at the beginning until it happens to us or to someone we are close with.
yah.. that news really stunt me.. thinking of that, i guess if you work long hours, better take a walk from time to time.. helps blood to circulate..
and bout your colleague putting up the news on the board, I guess he/she is trying to deliver a message to the bosses..
Potholes!! This is a never ending story.. The moment they improve the road condition, sure enough they will be a digging job on that road and it comes back to the same. The best part is that they will not patch it back in the same way before they start digging.. Guess, we have to live with it then.. But poor soul.. Pray for him..
I think that no matter how awful or bad a situation is, and though we may not find it humorous at that time, a lighter side of looking at things keeps the soul younger. and the heart more forgiving. kan? hahaha... don't mind me if you think that's crap... ;-)
bak kut teh is good..u see..those of us who eat bkt will find the funny side..those who doesn't eat bkt..will feel provoked by things like this! =D
ahh now that pothole has caused a fatal accident..it will be fixed! maybe the attitudes of having 4 wives is, only to take action when death is involved!
its funny if u hav the funny bug in u lar..but some ppl can get offended lor..oh yeah i m on leave the whole of this week lar.. so not sure can do lunch..
though i seriously don't find anything funny abt the girl dying or the potholes, i agree....a sense of humour is important to help u deal with the insanities of life. besides, personally, i think having a sense of humour is very sexy. it means u hv a brain.
sorry for going off topic.
just drop by to thank u for the encouraging words in my bloggie.
nice blog u hv here. will be a regular visitor from now on.
thank u.
I wanna get out of here too man...maybe open a restaurant in anew place or wat so ever...i still can't think of a place to go to...A country where bak kut teh is available man!!!!
So where do you plan to go?
Zewt, I guess it goes both ways for the offensive matter.
For the blogger,
you are responsible for what you blog about and you also need to be able to accept criticism & rejoyce for praises (this one sap sap sui lar).
For the readers,
you have the right to read or not to read. If you feel offended, you can choose not to read the blog anymore; if you feel connected to the reader, bookmark to your favourites or linked the blogger up!
My 2 cents worth :)
JT - well, powers to be behaving such is not new ist it? it's happening all over the world. hey... heard you've left for the states?
anon @ 9am - your last sentence, well said. i like that, will certainly remember that.
hor ny - hahaha... oh yeah.. erection is definitely near... i am certainly going to have one.. i mean, going for one. haha!
sharlydia - i think most of us here have been living a simple life. unfortunately, it's not that easy to live one anymore. for example... find a job, travel to work, find a decent place to stay... all these basic necessities of a simple life... are getting so ever difficult.
cirnelle - which part? hmmm....
HC Tan - monday reflection... very tough eh? hehe..
changeiam - my sentiments exactly...
Funny is good, funny makes life a lot happier but when it involves lost of lives, I feel bad making fun of it. You have a nice day zewt!
McMercedez - speaking about patching and then diging it... damn, i really hate that. sometimes, the roads are so nice.. they just have to dig to do some wiring and then patch it up again... leaving the road in a terrible condition.
may - hahaha...you have the secret to a happy life... not crap.
Huei - wah... so deep la your comment hah!
constant craver joe - aiyah... then next week or something la.
me - hahaha... i dont think laughter is a sigh of brain... though one cant go without another.
tulipspeaks - hi! you're welcome and u keep blogging too.
pookyma - land of the down under.
Princess Eileen - you've said it all lor... no need for me to say already :)
Doreen - same to u.
I think a little sense of humour in face of hopelessness do make life more bearable.
If we can't change anything, at least we can get a good laugh out of it. lol
I'm the one who always cry over sad & touching news in the papers. Geez - I'm so messed up!!
Nitrous oxide is a laughing gas...shud put that in dewan rakyat so everyone comes out laughing with each other regardless of the disparaging or simply different political views.....
Thats a sexy panty u got there (looking at the 3rd pic innocently). Good photo to motivate a man and woman to shed some weight.
There are "funny" incidents but it gives us something to think about behind the funniness.
I am defnitely one with a good sense of humour, but unfortunately the news that your pointed to is far from a laughing matter.. it represents a total fuck you to the constitution , the fact that it is even being considered is frightening indeed and shows hows much the other races in Malaysia have become willing to accept erosion of their own rights..If it really happens, will the last person to leave Malaysia please turn the lights out?!
I registered as a voter, are u?
There is always a funnier side of things, in almost everything. It takes little effort to steer our mind away from the depressing/unpleasant truth. In most of our conversations, as long as a person takes the initiative to crack something up despite the bad news, we could laugh it off with end it with a sigh. My friends and I always do that during our Mamak stall outings. And that's probably the most/best we could do, anyway. Can you do anything to change something? This country's pretty much done, man.
if that was posted up, there will b chilling silence and the boss will go on a rampage, loud voices raised n he will never forget it ever :)
Helen - hahaha... well, i dont think we can laugh much if we read the news consistently.
anak merdeka - on shows you're human my friend.
manal - those dewans already enough funny acts, need no laughing gas. shed some weight? no need la... just shed the clothes can already la.
day dreamer - precisely my friend.
friendfromtaiwan - i am sure i wont be the last. hehe...
guaisaujai - OF COS !
narrowband - yeah, i guess all we can do is to continue to laugh at it... but lest we forget... when the effects begin to sink in... we wont be laughing much.
bengbeng - now... let us all challenge that colleague again.
alan zed - 7 days a week... how to be adil? hehe...
I actually heard about of it before from someone long ago about the syariah law to be carried out full fledged in Malaysia..it's scary the thought of no bak kut teh's!!!
no its not far-nee! I'm glad I live in Australia.
alan zed - 7 days a week... how to be adil? hehe...
MeLiSsA - i hope to live there one day :)
yep. someone posted that same article on our message board about the dead overworked employee.
we just saw it, read it and went on our way, laughing synically to ourselves.
anyway, have to find the "humour" no matter how black it is in these things today. with all the nasty things happening around, we have to find some humour to "brighten" our days. ;-)
angie tan - admist our humour... we should still see what is the message behind it... dont u think? that's what i believe la...
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