Thursday 30 August 2007

A quick shout out

Here is a very quick shout all to all visitors of AZAIG... Happy Independence Day... but if you're not that happy... have a well desered break!

Long live the King!


Anonymous said...

I'm just glad I did not get caught in the jam today
So happy independence day and have a break yourself

Jun said...

i thought u deliberately stayed up til midnite to post this up, until i realised i'm 1.5 hrs ahead of u (it's 15 min into aug 31st as i write this-- so happy merdeka day to u too!)

ardy said...

Woohoo! It's a long weekend!

Long live Zewt! ;)

xonar said...

am so fired up with this independence thingy i bought a union jack flag hung in my room...HaHaHa(wonder what will happen if i hang it outside my house)

conan_cat said...

lol zewt is getting ready to go out for partay... so quick shoutout har?? :P newayz happy merdeka to u too!! :D

rainbow angeles said...

No Merdeka poem ah? Yeeee... so patriotic wan you...

Show us your Yellow baju tomolo! Happy Hols!

rainbow angeles said...

Ish!! I meant, so *NOT PATRIOTIC* wan!

But u got a flag on yr car ah? Haha.

rinnah said...

Happy Merdeka to you too, zewt. Got your yellow stuff ready for the parade tomorrow? *grin*

chanraymond said...

Happy National Day =)

Anonymous said...

not satisfied, but at least i got to get wasted haha. go check out my yellow header XD

Anonymous said...

Happy Independence Day to you and fellow Malays.

Enjoy the break ;) I'm sure you will enjoy that bit most!

Anonymous said...

what king? :p

Anonymous said...

okay sorry for the double comments but youve been tagged =P and i think theres a very high probability that youll do it this time!

Trader Max said...

Hmm... disappointed. Why?
Frankly, with all honesty, I think the Gomen has done more than the Royals.
As much as we complain about the gomen, what has the royals done?
Compare the contribution by the gomen.

And say we return to monarchy. Who is to say things wouldnt continue to be what it is now? Or maybe worse? Remember, with all fairness, the gomen has the edge - experience, while for decades (some centuries), the royals has no experience in ruling, only receiving the monthly income for the title.

How can we look upon the royals to save us? We re not solving the problem. In fact, deviating far from it. While some may be desperate for a change, they must still ensure that if change is brought, it is for the better. Not to mention, always nip problem in the bud.

IF there really is any dissatisfaction, then seriously, look for a strong leader, setup or join a political party, then vote.

Anonymous said...

happy merdeka day!

enjoy the holidays..

J.T. said...

Happy Independence Day to you too.

I wonder what colour should I wear tomorrow half the world away. Looking into my cupboard, my yellow shirt seems to be the only one that does not need ironing. hmm... :D

Maverick SM said...

Apa lu buat pada hari Merdeka?

Selamat Mereka.

Doreen said...

NOT for me...I had to work today... (-_-) but still have to say...Happy Merdeka!

Sunshine said...

happy traffic jam day more like it :P

J u n e said...

happy merdeka!

may said...

Selamat Menyambut Hari Merdeka!

Helen said...

Enjoy yourself!

I've always been known as a wong meen poh since I stopped work.. this year yellow is making a comeback so, wong meen pohs finally got our day!! YEAH!!

narrowband said...

On Afraidology - It comes as no surprise because we've been brought up with this 'fear', don't simply question things or you'll be ISA-ed and stuff like that.

Happy fiftieth anniversary, my dear country.

Weig said...

For your Merdeka reading, Zewt, I rewrote history just for you. May we get real independence one day.

Anonymous said...

Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan, zewt.

Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! :P

Angie Tan said...

Happy Merdeka dude..

Hope it was a very yellow one. :-)

Anonymous said...

wow this must b one of yr shortest post on record :)

Horny Ang Moh said...

So far this is ur shortest post! Happy hornyday to u! As for me not need to guss lah! It is hornyday & pokeing day! That is all that is for! All quite on the eastern front!

confessing7girl said...

Long Live Zewt!! hv a great weekend! ;)

MikeM said...

merdeka? we pernah merdeka meh? anyway, since it's holiday, enjoy lar...

zewt said...

Dear all,

Thank you for all your wishes. I had a great weekend and hope you all had a gala time too, wherever you may be.