Zewt is of course… me… haha! Ok… crap aside, zewt actually evolved from my Chinese name. It was originally yewt. Right… now everyone out there is screaming… what is yewt? Yewt was derived from the following methodology…
Lau Tuck Wah = tuckw
Chow Yuen Fatt = yuenf
Chan Li Lian = lil
Lee Chong Wei = chongw
Tee Bee Ean = beee
Catch the flow? … Yeah, am sure you did. Well done! So yeah, it was derived from my Chinese name.
So how did yewt become zewt? Well, it just evolved that way… thought ‘z’ is more glamour than ‘y’. Besides, someone commented yewt sounds like nude, not very nice.
Have a brilliant weekend…
P/S: Would appreciate those who know me in person do not reveal my Chinese name here. Also, A.Z.A.I.G. refers to As Zewt As It Gets… duhhhh… so now, can cast your vote at the side bar already? Closing the poll next week.
hey hey hey that duhh was for me!!! i know it!!!!!!!! anyway congrats on ur 100th post!!!!! i was kinda expecting to read 100 things about u...... :( that would be interesting!!!
my name would be Zeven!! which sounds really good!! true Z is glamorous
hepi 100 post!!!
y not
I'll be errr... Soom??? Zoom? Soomolution? (sounds like Sumo) Zoomolution? Yerrr, so pukey... no, can't do...
Happy Century Zewtentry! May there be more Zwetings to come!
mm-alution for me. happy 100th post! you're really creative with the name!
Happy Century Posting! :)
Your Chinese name? Could it be Yew T something...
My zewtvolution name will probably be: JeuJA
Happy Centennial Post :)
When will we get one to signal the Millennium of Zewt ? Pax Zewtana ?
Wish I could be as active as you in bloggin' bro :)
Whoa... hApPy 100Th PoSt!! :)
Cool name you have there. Mine doesn't sound nice at all if derived the same way as yours. ;)
yew ting? yew tan? yew ten? yew tua (yew ho!)? wahahahahahahaha! :P
ok ok. stop guessing. happy 100th post. got give-away anot ah?! shyt, im turning into a Singaporean.
anyway, as zewt as it gets, thank u for the zewpinions! where's the quiz for the week?
Wow! 100 posts already! Hope to see more 100 posts!! Keep up the zewtvolution!! HAHA
My chinese name sounds weird too..Xiaot..what's that?? Hehe!
ZongW. I sound almost like some glamour chinese actress with one given name and one last name. Happy 100th.
i think i heard u mentioning to Lydia how u got Zewt, right? but i din manage to catch ur chinese name. Me ears r not so sharp. Haahha....;o)
Happy 100th post, dude!! ^_^
Wah.. so fast 100 posts ah? I have been blogging since 2004 and I think till today, I probably have written over 500 posts of nonsense. Hahahha.
Congratulations in meeting your new year's resolution.
I sudah cast vote dah. Sejak dulu dulu lagi. :)
Keep blogging. You are real good!
Happy 100th post! I was wondering how you came up with such a cool name - Zewtttt! Like a sword flicking across cloth!
happy 100th post!
ahh so that's how it's derived
damn mine sounds so awful! it's not even "pronouncable"
i know ur name i know ur name! erm..but i duno ur surname! hmm
Wow... so fast 100 posts liao! Congratulations on meeting your first century, zewt!
Now I know how you got your cool nickname. I wish my Chinese name when put together would sound as cool, but it ain't. Like huei said above, it's not even pronouncable! So I'll stick to the one I have right now. Hurhurhur.
like that my zewilicious name is zhij? haha sounds gay lar..dont want to use..anywayz another mystery solved..but isnt ur name revealed in ur older posts? T stands for wat..i remember reading it somewhere..n i shall not reveal and keep it on with the suspense..darn u..i have done over 100plus posts..n i get a miserable 7000pls hits..life is unfair lar..
I so like this post of yours because I know weekend is ahead!! Yuhoooo!!!
Yikes! Mine is YeeF. YeeF sounds no good.
Oh wait a minute, maybe I can make YeeF as rabbit's special way of yelling and shouting.
Happy 100th! See, famous jugak!
my chinese name is Zhou Ao Lun. so my zewtvolution name is AoL. hey that's not bad. hehe.
I dun have any
lewt or
in my name.Just call me
Nway..100post n 30K hits? Thats a lot!! Creative...Rajin...and POPULAR!!
Viva La Zewtvolution!
mine would be, well .. I already used the name before - "cibolution" but i tot it was not so cool, i revert back to just cibol, nice and easy. :)
ok ok .. the p/s felt like pointed out at me .. :p :p
mine, huiy = zuiy? Sounds weird! Anyway, Happy century post. Keep it up! (^_^)
Oh well, Happy 100th post!
zewtvolution is as great as it gets. could it be greater? of course it can!
congratulations on your 100th post!
wuah eksyen 100th post. Nanti celebrate 1000th post or one year anniversary, which ever that comes first.
happy 100th post.
LOL at ehon, i was abt to guess the same thing too...but Yew Ting sounds girlish...Yew Turn perhaps? LOL!
ahah, my zewt name is a twisted Sooi! ;-)
I find your name very special. Like your posts so keep posting and thanks for doing it.
happy 100th post anniversary.
zewtvolution name huh...
phaiky...not nice*pout*
confessing7girl - hahaha... meant for you i guess... duhhhh.... i wanted to do that but i cant think of 100 things about me... and i reckon it will be too long and... not very original, since you're the pioneer in it. zeven is indeed... very cool...
ah nel - kewt... damn corny. dewt...hahaha... quite ok la... lewt... wanna pewt!
angel - haha... guess zewtvolution didnt quite work for you. ok... more zewtings to come for sure.
marsha - thanks, i will take that compliment :)
JT - yeah... it's Yew T... yours should be jeuj? zeuj... sounds like zewt too! haha!
sinergy.starfall - well, i wish i can keep the momentum, have to say it's not easy. millennium... that would be quite a feat.
day dreamer - yeah, i know, some are just out of pronounciation. i am glad mine didnt. guess it's meant to be ;)
ehon - yew ting????? u ting i am a girl ah???? hahahahaha... give away.... wooaahh, u think i am making tonnes of money like 5xmom meh... ;)... quiz of the week... what the hell is ehon?
seok thong - shouldnt it be seokt? turn it to zeokt... zeot... quite cool too.
cirnelle - as discussed... zwei is ok... a different kinda zewtvolution.
jaezrel - and u know why i deleted your comment la...
grace - yeah, told her it evolved from my chinese name and it's now been explained. you can ask her to come have a look :)
Anigma - i am sure those are not nonsense. your 'trust no one' was quite ok mah... thanks for you compliment.
pink elle - sword flicking across cloth...that sounds like a tongue twister... ;)
huei - shhhhh.... dont tell anyone ok...
rinnah - i guess not everyone can have the zewtvolution experience eh... don worry... both your nick are also unique... honestly.
constant craver joe - zhij... change it to zhiz... ok wat... where got gay? yeah, revealed in older post but dont need to tell everyone la. well... work harder lor...
rabbit - change it to zeef or u can also use the other glamour letter 'x'... xeef... okay mah...
alan zed - hahaha... AoL... that's like... total coolness man!
jorji - dude? how about zorji? or zorzi... ok ok... i shall not make fun of your nick :P
cibol - cibolution... twist it a bit... can be vulgar in the chinese sense...
doreen - how about ... huiz... or huix? quite ok, dont u think?
terra shield - thanks!
may - thanks may... no zewtvolution name for u?
sasha - wahh... hot mama... so long never hear you comment. where got eksyen... humble 100 only. thanks for your wishes.
sooi2 - yew ting certainly sounds girlish la... sooi! turn it to zooi la... or further... zooiz... ok mah.
Bee - thanks bee... hope i got your name correct there.
baby sa - zhaikz? ok mah...
I just realised this morning (suddenly out of the blue) that... I know your full name! Haha... ;)
Have a good weekend!
lol..mine will be "ail"..i still prefer to b known as neno..
congratulations btw =)
niasing i 108 posts already only 4000 hits. im starting to hate you grr! haha
yay @ 100! that's an achievement!! :):) we all know your name .. :P can't hide now.. :)
I'm happy being rashikaps. BTW, you haven't stopped by to read my rambling. have a good w'end.
Darn..I'm be kaiy.. what the heck man
wow, 100 post, you are a true blogger inside out.. hehehe, congrats.
And oh does my chinese derived name sound like JohnW?? :P
gratz on ur 100th post!
so ada belanja makan? kikiki.. grab smth zewtlicious ler. XD
angel - shhh... dont let anyone know ya...
neno - i guess your name is ailing? :P
TTL - WRONG!!! hahahaha....
Rashikaps - i have been floating around, trust me on that :)
freethinker - zaiy la... better mah...
russ - hmmm... yours really difficult... thanks mate.
a n n n a - i am hungry now cos havent taken dinner... so i am the one who needs to makan first :P
Happy Century Posting...Do I get to eat free century eggs? hehe :P
Anyway, keep up the good work. Thanks for supporting my blog too :)
Happi 100th Post day, got party or not, I can bring pood for you :P
Oooh.. Congrats! And to be able to reach 30000 hits is no simple thing! Congrats! Keep up the good work! =)
How come everyone know your name wan? 0.0
I see you have been busy giving zewtvolution names to your commenters. I like mine! Zeuj. Definitely sounds like Zewt. hehe
By the way, I agree with you about Constant Craver Joe's name. Zhiz certainly does not sound gay. Unique.
azaig sounds like..........muahahha u evil my comment went missing!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heya Zewt!
Congrats on your 100th posting! Before you know it, you'd on your 1000th! :D
Just began catching up on reading a month's worth of AZAIG. The post on why you're against OT is especially poignant. Not many blogs can make me laugh, cry and think... Keep going, bro!
criz lai - no worries criz... it's all about supporting each other. your entries are all getting very deep...
firehorse - pood for me? sounds like poo... :P
princess shin - hahaha... cos they read all my old posts i guess. thanks for your wishes. looking forward to the next 100 posts.
JT - haha... that's the intention of the entry. i think zhij is really cool too, dont u think?
jaezrel - cos i already said font disclose my name! :P... ah..are u working today as well?
kenny mah - yo! thanks for your support bro... and hope the apartment thingy is settling well. and yea, i still owe u a big meal for that banner up there!
trade a 'z' for the first alphabet and add the first alphabet of the last word? hmmmmm.........i can't quite decide whether i like my evolution or not. then again, since you don't know my name ... :-p
ha ha ha .. thanks for pointing it out .. I never thought of it that way ..
congrats for the 100th post! Come kita makan makan celebrate :D Haha! Hmm.. my zewtvolution name will be Chans.. So boring.. kah kah kah!
zewt zewt..congrats on ur 100th post with 30k hits.
now that you've mentioned it...I REMEMBER your chinese name.. ehehhee...
anyways...30k hits is a lot. congrats :D
congrats on your 100 posts and more than 30k hits!
zhiz or zhij (for constant craver joe) ... both are cool. Yeah, but zhij has a nicer ring to it. Something about combining that j and z. Which is why I like mine - zeuj woo hoo
For people with name like Shi Ting, think better forget about shitvolution. :D :D :D
i hv a fren with that ShiT name! KKKK... and we used to jeer the poor girl by calling her SHIT-ting, which apparently means 'pangsai'. LOL!
ok..mine's not working well. sounds so weird! guess i'll be better of with my very own evolution, no?
and i think i know ur name! u mentioned it somewhere in ur previous post.
i don't know u and you definitely don't know me too but i already figured out your chinese name that forms your creative name coz one of your posts shed some lights already. :-) captivating blog you have, btw.
Zewt,100 posts oledi?Wah!Congrats!!!and 30k hits...*salute*
Keep blogging dude...u know we all love ya...see,so many hits...hehe.
BTW,I think I know ur name too.LOL.
Ooooohhh....liddat. Thks for pointing it out.
Happy 100th post!!
To KYH,ya right,'pangsai' is shitting. Normally at home we are very polite and refer to 'PS' for big one and 'PJ' for small one. The latter is 'pangjeo'.
Sorry zewt, topic out abit.. :)
lol i know that.
and oh yeah zewt, forgot to wish u a happy 100th!!! (if in terms of age, aint that good to be able to live till such a high age?)
congrats zewt! hahaha... u r an awesome blogger so u deserve your fame. Heh. what about Newt. That's cool too. lol. ciaoz!
hey zewt... kudos on your 100th post. interesting blog, i'd say. plus a very special nick. it's fun the way u did it. if i do it the "zewt way", i think my boring chinese name actually sounds cool! "zeis"... maybe i could use it as my middle name since i did not choose any on my confirmation day. hehe!!
me - you can reveal it and we can all decide if it's nice...
cibol - it's ok, better not know... haha...
bongkersz - makan ah... KL la... haha... wah... if u turn it to zhans... damn cool! or ... ZHANZ!!!
Mayau Chelum - thanks, your blog still renovating..?
BlueApple - shhh... dont reveal it ok... keep it a secret.
hcfoo - thanks hcfoo... dream final tonight ya.
JT - maybe you can turn yours to ... zuex? sounds like the ancient greek god already... hah!
Shak-ee - hi there and welcome to AZAIG! hah... i guess your name is not made for zewtvolution... hehe. even zhit doesnt sound quite right. so you and kyh are friends i supposed?
kyh - are you refering to shak-ee? haha... tell me your zewtvolution name and we all decide whether it's nice or not... haha... and shhh... dont reveal my name ok! hehe...
pokemon - hello... think i have seen your comment before. yeah, some of my earlier posts have shed some light... i guess you've read them before. thanks for your compliment... it's very encouraging indeed.
mar - aiyoooo really a lot of ppl know my name eh... so i guess not so secret anymore. dont tell anyone oK!
king's wife - you're welcome. and thanks for your well wishes..
Bena - newt is so totally like nude... haha... a bit porno... porno nick not so good la... haha... what's your zewtvolution name?
Cyanide - hey... zeis is quite nice... to me at least. you can certainly use that zewtvolution name as your middle name... anywhere... anytime. now... that sounded corny...
Wah! your brains ah... always spinning. Another good one zeux (very close to zeus). Or did you mean zuex? Very good one also.
In the future, if I ever decide to start another blog (depending on my mission in that blog), I might use one of your suggestions. Thanks!
Congratulations to hit 100 posts! Keep on with it, we want to see more... :)
Hello zewt,salah faham lah u :), i was just quoting a name by example only, my name more glamour than that lah!:) No,dont know KYH, just happen to chat on your blog. Btw,kudos to your 100th posts,lookin forwd to more of your jokes n anecdotes...i'd to be crudely honest, i read less than 5 entries of your posts, just discovered your blog only last week,but i guess i hang around abit though...:D
JT - use it... i wont charge royalty for helping u coming out with such cool nick.
Kenny Ng - thanks bro... will keep the pace.
Shak-ee - oh... now i know. but yeah... i think there will be someone somewhere out there whose name will be the unfortunate shi-ting... hah! anyway, my blog is not always about joke. only once a week perhaps. but if you're one who wanna read about life, i guess this is the place. speaking of which, think my blog is a bit rojak-ed lately...
Will let her know...;o)
hehe .... I guess Yew Tuck. Congratulations!!
ei... zhanz is the way to pronounce abdullah's wife lah.. in french 'jeanne - zhanz' :D haha!
gRaCe - thanks... and u didnt tell me what's your zewtvolution name...
SyinMah - well done. welcome to my space. but i reckon this is not your first time here.
bongkersz - hahahahahaha.... sure? oh man... then better not.
zewt u r the best!!! and of course u can find 100 things about u if u really get ur mind to it!!!!! :D
kekeke..nope..not ai ling..kekeke..keep trying..
confessing7girl - ahh... yeah, actually that's true... :P... wow... that's self praise eh?
neno - ai lian, ai lan, ai leng, ai lim, ai loon, ai loo, ai ai lun... ai lulululu?
i know your last name i know your last name! i know what T stands for!! hahah! >p
er.. mine would be chiac. zhiac. hmm.. chic sounds good! heh!
koffee - woooaaahhh... how come how come? !!! how about zhix? sounds like sex though.
lol..somewhere u got it right..my name not tat hard to guess la..unlike urs..
neno - i will go for ai lian.
someone commented yewt sounds like nude, not very nice
sorry. couldnt help myself.
zewt's a cool name =D
Zaty - hehe... no worries...
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