Someone asked me am I slowly phasing myself out of Malaysia news. My answer is definitely not. To proof that I keep myself very much abreast with what is happening in Malaysia, let me tell the news that I have been reading…
I read about a headmistress in Johor called Siti Inshah asking her Chinese students to “Balik China” and the Indians looked like “dogs” when they wear prayer strings, but no action was taken against her.
I read about Namawee wrote a new song condemning this Siti Inshah’s action and he instead, will be charged for sedition.
I read about a police report being lodged against a church and the pastor because the church staged a church play during Ramadhan.
Just as my friends were joking about whether a police report will be lodged against them for eating during Ramadhan, a principal up north advised Chinese pupils in her school to go back to China because AirAsia flight is cheap – after the Chinese pupils were “caught” eating in the canteen during Ramadhan. And of course, no action was taken.
See, I didn’t lie… I am still reading Malaysian news.
And the crown jewel has to be this news about 2 guys who were on their way to watch “merdeka” celebration fireworks ended up being bashed by a bunch of kids and after dispensing their punches and flying kicks… they wrapped their adventure by telling the 2 guys to “Balik ke negara asal” (Go back to your country of origin).
This piece of news got hot with people from different quarters claiming that the victim is a liar and only wanted to seek attention.
I found out on Friday that they victim, the one who needed stitched on his head is an ex-classmate of my church-mate. What a small world eh?
But most importantly, the bashing is real.
People said Australians are very racist and if you are not careful, the whites there will bash you up for being Asian. They say such things will not happen in Malaysia.
Well, I don’t read Australian news so I don’t know anything about that. But as I am still reading Malaysian news and those are the news I read.
See… I am still reading Malaysian news… are you?
1 year ago… The unforgettable accident experience Part 1 … Part 2
3 years ago… Grass thoughts… The reason evolution

I read about Namawee wrote a new song condemning this Siti Inshah’s action and he instead, will be charged for sedition.
I read about a police report being lodged against a church and the pastor because the church staged a church play during Ramadhan.
Just as my friends were joking about whether a police report will be lodged against them for eating during Ramadhan, a principal up north advised Chinese pupils in her school to go back to China because AirAsia flight is cheap – after the Chinese pupils were “caught” eating in the canteen during Ramadhan. And of course, no action was taken.
See, I didn’t lie… I am still reading Malaysian news.
And the crown jewel has to be this news about 2 guys who were on their way to watch “merdeka” celebration fireworks ended up being bashed by a bunch of kids and after dispensing their punches and flying kicks… they wrapped their adventure by telling the 2 guys to “Balik ke negara asal” (Go back to your country of origin).
This piece of news got hot with people from different quarters claiming that the victim is a liar and only wanted to seek attention.
I found out on Friday that they victim, the one who needed stitched on his head is an ex-classmate of my church-mate. What a small world eh?
But most importantly, the bashing is real.
People said Australians are very racist and if you are not careful, the whites there will bash you up for being Asian. They say such things will not happen in Malaysia.
Well, I don’t read Australian news so I don’t know anything about that. But as I am still reading Malaysian news and those are the news I read.
See… I am still reading Malaysian news… are you?
1 year ago… The unforgettable accident experience Part 1 … Part 2
3 years ago… Grass thoughts… The reason evolution
Yes I am and I read all the above that you've mentioned. When I read crap like that, it irks me. It makes my blood boil. It brings out racist sentiment towards a certain race.
It makes me feel sad to be a Malaysian. Why? Cos my NEGARA ASAL is Malaysia and even if I were to obtain Australia PR in the future, Malaysia will always be my home-my country.
And these smart people in Malaysia are asking why there's a brain drain etc.
Well, everywhere there will always be racism. In Australia, we hear of many cases but sometimes, I think we should just not dwell on it and some cases are just more of pranks then an act of racism towards Asians.
When I was walking to the nearby mall once, this angmoh teenager was saying "Ni hao ma" from afar and I wanted to retort back that I can speak fluent English but decided to let it slide.
Then, when he walked past me, he shouted "AAAAHHHHHH" at me. Well, I could take it that he was being racist and targeted me but I was thinking that he was just being silly and ridiculous and laughed him off.
Who is to know that if it was an ang moh girl walking past that he wouldn't have done the same?
And even if it was an act of racism, this case and the guy in Malaysia getting bashed on Merdeka eve has a huge difference. I came out unscathed, the most, perhaps with my ears ringing but the guy that got bashed had to have stitches and probably post-bashing pains.
forgot to mention the surau attacks,don't be selective!
Australian bashing Asians? Come on...
Hardly ever... yea they have a small group of white supremacists there... as if Malaysia doesn't have racist groups?
But at least in Aus, if such things happen and if the perpetrators are captured, they will at least be prosecuted and sentenced...
Instead of some cover up in Msia which we know happens...
But yeah, zewt, start reading Aussie news.. they might be more interesting ( and relevant) to you :P
@goingkookies: I'd not say that was racism. A teenager said "Ni hao" to my Taiwanese girlfriend in Amsterdam and smiled. It's nothing. Some people are curious or silly. Same happened to me (angmoh) in Malaysia many times. I walk near the main road in Penang and people on motorcycles say or scream something at me and laugh. I just smiled and walked on. Once walking around Tampines in Singapore and an old Chinese man started to shout at me in Chinese. He was so angry, but for what? I didn't do anything. So yeah, stuff like this happens in the East and in the West. And I think both sides, Asians and Westerners, tend to dramatize these events. We need to put things into perspective. Assholes are everywhere around the world. But it's more important how society deals with them. How the majority reacts to the actions that are wrong. I'm sorry to say, but Malaysia is really going backwards. Maybe I should read some other blogs except zewt's, but most Malaysians blog about food, travel and bimbotic topics. Maybe that's their way to deal with the issues... to just ignore and lie to themselves. I feel somewhat amazed how many Malaysian Chinese recently wrote posts about how they love Malaysia and proudly say Merdeka. Looks like many Chinese in Malaysia are proud of the country that only exists as an idea and the reality is far from that. As far as I know, Merdeka means freedom, right? Then what kind of freedom is that, if you are punished for eating? Seriously, these stories saddened me. Yes, they seem to be single incidents, since Malaysia is huge with over 23 million people. But why are there so many of these single incidents every day?
yeah i heard aussies do it here too, prob those drunk ones in the middle of the nite scenario, but fingers crossed, so far so good for me!
Racism in Australia?
7 years here la, nothing also.
ALL orang Asli very happy to hear :
'GO back to your original countries !'
Been here for 7 yrs as well ( 8 months in Adelaide, and the rest in Melbourne but due to work - I travel all over Oz) and to be honest - I feel worse off in Malaysia than here. Admittingly, I dont get as much stick in Malaysia as my look is mixed enough as it is but with a Caucasian hub in tow - I get heckled quite frequently for being a SPG!
The 1Malaysia motto is not going to work as long as it is written in our constitution that only a a Muslim leader is permitted as head of the country, when there is a quota system for anything from schooling (boarding school to varsity) to unit shares to holding of directorships in company. Where one is thought fairly young in school to "balik ke negara sendiri" - Ooit mabuk! Awak tu dulu keturunan Jawa, Bugis etc -balik sendiri ke negara awak. Aku nie seperti engkau - lahir kat sini, belajar kat sini - pandai jer engkau mengaku negara nie negara awak. Tak sedar diri!
Just another normal day in Malaysia.
My form 1 teacher who taught my class sejarah & BM, told us that Msia belonged to Malays and other races should go back to their country of origin. If that was the case, Malays should go back to Indonesia and wherever else their ancestors came from (as most had mixed ancestry with Middle Eastern, Indian, Thai, Portuguese or even Japanese, etc).
What's more is that this Merdeka was suppose to be about eliminating racism. If that were to be, all laws which instill privilege and prestige to a certain group. Abolish all that and make it a level playing ground.
The other piece of news of today is Koh Tsu Khoon apologising for not doing enough for Pg during his terms. He cited that he was bound by laws and limitations. Majority in Pg would like to pelt him with garbage and crap from Sg Pinang. We'll throw in a swim in that river too after that load of garbage from his mouth.
Racism in Australia does exist and we Asians or Chinese Chinks do get the brunt of it for just existing. My sister's friends, 2 Singaporean students, were just walking home when they were splashed with a bucket of urine and shit by a bunch of WHITE red-necks. The red-necks stopped their car on purpose just to commit this act. They were seen to be driving around the area several times just looking for Asians.
Haven't you read the news about Indians getting bashed for naught? Was Pauline Hanson and her party's motives a figment of our imaginations? Don't be a frog in the well
not all malays are like that la.. i'm a malay and i wish that one day the govt would scrap its 'bumiputera kuota' and all.. and i realize that the only way that wish would come true is when we change the govt! and when the govt of the day is changed, so does the mindset of the ppl..
so what we need now is to have patience and then in the next general election we vote BN out ok?
PinkPurpleLizard - I am curious to know exactly where are you exactly in Oz? Dont get me(us) wrong, racism is everywhere - be it in China/HK (have you heard of the China bashing HK tour guide that killed a China-tourist), India (caste system anyone) to the US, UK. However, these racism never goes to the extent of asking any fellow born and bred countryman to leave their own country surely.
The racism felt in Aussie is more towards the "visitors" and not the locals. There is a big diff. It is a sad day indeed when a citizen is deemed a 2nd class citizen.
@ MKL: Good comment, as always.
I don't know how people say there is racism in Australia or whatever western country... but the most blatant racism in Malaysia we can just roll it over like it never happened.
The so-called racism in Australia, are probably due to young punks (in some rare cases some drunken slight-white-supremacist tendency) will shout "You chinks go back home" that sorta thing.
But by and large, when we look at the constitutional level, ALL Australians ( or whatever country you want it to be, e.g UK, US, NZ etc) can achieve the same things as any other citizens achieve.
If you have the good grades, you can get into university. If you have good performance (and please, might I add the good personality) you can get a good job.
The problem is many Malaysian migrants to these countries complain of racism. When they go for job interviews, they expect that the employer will hire you just because you are a newcomer. And if they get rejection one after the other, then they will immediately point to the fact that it's racism. What they fail to see is that they didn't get the job is simply because they either don't have the right qualification or the right personality for it.
There are so many Malaysians who are doing well abroad, look at the Malaysians Abroad section in The Star and you cringe that what the heck are all these talents doing over there. If only Malaysia was such a great country, all these talents combined, if they make it back to Malaysia would have surely enriched the country into a nation better than Singapore.
This goes to show that at a constitutional level, countries like Australia, UK, US, NZ etc do not discriminate when it comes to equal opportunities.
While back in our home country, only now there are certain small changes in the country, but even so that is still not enough. There is still the race card in the public and government sectors. And every now and then there are racial sentiments stirred up.
Doesn't matter if you are 2nd or 3rd generation non-bumi, there will still be echoes that "You guys better tow the line, or else..."
So before you say racism, let's just open our eyes and acknowledge what's really going on. Let's just call a spade a spade.
this world alot of problem. life is problem. hahaha
firstly, welcome back zewt. it has been a while since you last put forward your sarcasm, in your usual zewt way.
countrymen, both in and out of the country alike, are following news at home closely. i am sure some are waiting for the right moment to return to our motherland. however, things are not getting better, only worse.
i guess the brain drain is just going to get bigger.
one brain drain in malaysia means one brain gain somewhere else, means malaysia will continue to do down scale.
only a miracle can save malaysia.
I get depressed just reading about all these nonsense going on in Malaysia.
goingkookies - well, just like MKL, i have to say i dont think they kid was acting anything racist... maybe we have to be there to feel it but at the moment. perhaps not, let's give them the benefit of the doubt. as for that guy in malaysia, for real he got bashed so, definitely something serious there.
anon @ 5/9 10.10pm - i am, on purpose, else i have to highlight the church burning too.
pavlova - there are, if you are not careful and venture into the wrong area. malaysia is following closely. the difference is, you can get justice in australia... in malaysia.... and all the points you have highlighted in your second comment, that's exactly why ppl leave, because i am sure chinese can take all the shit and name calling, but when welfare is significantly affected, that's why we leave. like how i blogged about in migration -- a case of running away and running to.
MKL - hahaha... funny you mention all the other blogs mostly talk about food and travel. well, there are some quality blogs around. but i guess reading all these heavy stuff may not be entertaining :)
constantly craving joe - yup... drunk ones, those are the stories i heard.
nutty - there are... you just havent met them. as for malaysia, the new breed has arrived.
anon @ 6/9 10.13am - unfortunatley, they are powerless.
Mirebella - mixed?... with a caucasian husband? wow... your children will be super mixed? :) actually, all these racist antics are just a fragment of bigger things. i believe something bad is going to happen soon.
Amanda Christine Wong - friend... you have to make a difference ok?
Pinknpurplelizard - wow... she said that to you? form 1? so... it is really happening huh... i think malaysia has truly reached a point of no return. with all these teachers... yeah, they are producing the people who will soon bashed up chinese ala aussie style. as for asians getting bashed in australia, i have certainly heard about it. the thing is... you can get justice there... do you think you can get justice in malaysia?
papaseedTorres - well, like what i told another person who shares your view... there are not enough of you to make a difference. worse, there are a multitude of your race who thinks opposite of your.
anon @ 6/9 5.55pm - well, it's a big world, so we focus on malaysia for now.
blackjack - no miracle, a revolution will do.
anak merdeka - so do i...
i realize the only 1 Malaysia state in Malaysia is Kelantan. do you realize they can live in harmony without racism at all?
kelantanese is like a race in malaysia. if you realize whenever they meet anyone among their 'race' doesn't matter the skin color and the original race, they will be so close like a family.
i wonder what kelantanese has done to their state until can achieve such a harmony and a real 1 malaysia?
i also wonder why other states can take kelantan, i mean in term of no racism and harmony... as example?
i really hope there is no more racism in malaysia. honestly, i have more chinese friends than malay friend. i never have a problem with them... not at all :)
malaysia today kept me updated while in kiasuland... ;)
btw rmbr that infamous violence in singapore video that posted on youtube been deleted...i had 3 part of that video since 2008 n wen got the time i wil post... :)
ah nel
In response to PinknPurpleLizard:
"Haven't you read the news about Indians getting bashed for naught?"
It was a moral panic blown out proportion by the Indian media. One particular incident stands out: a student was physically roughed up and his car was set on fire. However, it later emerged that he had purposely set his car on fire in order to scam the insurance company.
In other cases, students were targeted by criminals not because of their ethnicity, but for the simple fact that they were naive enough to walk around at night, brandishing expensive jewelery and laptops.
"Was Pauline Hanson and her party's motives a figment of our imaginations? Don't be a frog in the well."
Pauline Hanson has been convicted of fraud and her ideology has been wholly rejected by Australians. She has now high-tailed it to the UK and has announced plans to dissolve her party.
So your comments come about 10 years too late. Even at the height of Hanson's so-called popularity, she could only claim 12% of the popular vote in Queensland. One Nation went into rapid decline soon after.
The difference between Australia and Malaysia is that institutionalised racism is not only accepted, but celebrated.
Take, for instance, Malaysia's dual-track legal system. There are secular courts for non-Muslims and Sharia courts for Muslims.
Will Pakatan endeavour to abolish this unwieldy system and replace it with a more wholesome one that eliminates racism? They can't and they won't.
Also, the Malaysian Constitution enshrines the special position of the Malays and the special position of Islam.
Will Pakatan endeavour to abolish this absurdity and draft a new secular constitution giving equal status to all races and all religions? They can't and they won't.
Australia may have many faults -- the plight of the Stolen Generation, in particular -- but citizens is well and truly equal under the law.
Only a ignoramus would claim that individual acts of racism by white trash in Australia is somehow worse than the systematic racism in Malaysia.
1Malaysia? What is that? Just another useless thing by our so-called PM.
it's NATO - No Action Talk Only
Anyway, here is one interesting article/news. There is no special rights noted in the constitution.
Faisal Admar - well, i think it's in the heart of many malaysians. but these many malaysians are not position of power to make a difference. while at the bottom, they are being forced to think otherwise.
anon @ 7/9 1.13am - let me know... i wanna see.
John Ling - hi John... good to have such an intellect visiting my blog, it's my honour. indeed, it's the institutionalised racism that drove us away. and that institutionalised racism is being worshipped.
whoalse - malaysia always talk cock lah... i am sitting down with my pop corn to see when the repurcussions will come.
No, Zewt. The honour is mine. Keep up the good work you are doing on your blog. =)
"Anyway, here is one interesting article/news. There is no special rights noted in the constitution."
Special rights, special positions, special privileges -- it doesn't matter what you call it. It all boils down to the same thing -- Islam is the official religion of the country, the Malays are specifically granted political patronage, and everyone has to toe the line.
Barisan and Pakatan may argue about semantics, but they have done nothing to change the balance of power. Neither have made any moves whatsoever to eliminate ambiguity by striking out all mention of religion and ethnicity in the Constitution.
Fact: throughout the entire Constitution, the Malays are specifically singled out and named. But if you happen to be Chinese, Indian, Aborigine, Iban, Kadazan, Eurasian and so on, there is no specific mention of you. You just get lumped into the 'Lain-Lain' or 'Non-Muslim' categories.
This is how little -- or how much -- Malaysia actually thinks of you. You are an afterthought.
What is the difference between a special right and a special position, really? Both are opposite sides of the same coin.
Justice doesn't really prevail in Msia or in most countries for a fact. If you connections, you can get off and scoot to the hole you came from. The red-necks who attacked my sister's friends got off lightly so where's the justice there? Justice may soon become a meaningless word if it hasn't already.
Btw, when my teacher said that to me, it was more than 15 years ago. She went unpunished but never taught our class ever again even as a relief teacher. The effect has been building-up and snowball until the lynching starts.
In response to the above comment:
"Justice doesn't really prevail in Msia or in most countries for a fact."
One person's definition of justice is different from another's. There have been instances where we complain that the criminal didn't get enough, didn't get a fair sentence. But at least the criminal went through a proper proceeding. He/she has been charged. He/she has been arrested in the first place, instead of some sandiwara up and about in the courtroom like a certain idiotic DPP "hanging" himself.
"If you connections, you can get off and scoot to the hole you came from. The red-necks who attacked my sister's friends got off lightly so where's the justice there?"
Well first of all, was there a police report made? Were there charges? If after all avenues of "justice" has been exhausted and there is still no outcome, then yeah I can safely say there wasn't justice in the first place.
But if until such things have been tried, I'm sorry, I can't say that there wasn't justice in that situation.
Yes we do have connections in most countries. Who hasn't encountered a situation where-- you know someone in the company, he/she recommends you to the HR about a certain position...
But the big difference is, a 'connection' only ends at the recommendation at most properly managed workplaces. Whether or not he or she is hired is up to the boss.
The big hoo-haa comes when the person is hired because of a certain 'bribe' that has been dished out. The connection has hired the candidate because a certain 'incentive' has been promised.
So let's not blur the line about connections and corruption.
PS: If one is truly comfortable with the way things are in Malaysia, sure go ahead. Continue to live and praise Malaysia if you want. That's your opinion, I respect it. But what I find uncomfortable is when people start dishing out the bad things about other countries, just to elevate Malaysia as a much better country. Sure there are flaws within a country, but let's just be clear about it. There is a reason why these countries are not classified as "third world" or "developing".
So until Malaysia has achieved that certain standard, I don't think Malaysia has the right to dish out the flaws about other countries.
"The red-necks who attacked my sister's friends got off lightly so where's the justice there? Justice may soon become a meaningless word if it hasn't already."
This is about as factual as Pauline Hanson dominating Australian politics and of Indian students being attacked just for being Indian.
My uncle has lived in Australia for close to 20 years now. He has never heard of or encountered anything remotely close to what you are claiming.
Surely you're not confusing Australia with Malaysia?
In neurolinguistics, there's something called the 'two degrees of separation'. It happens when you subconsciously realise that you have told a lie, and you want to distance yourself from that lie. So rather than saying, 'I was victimised' or 'My sister was victimised', you opt for someone two degrees removed.
'My sister's friend.'
'My cousin's wife.'
'A friend of my friend.'
Those relationships are distant enough for you to disassociate yourself from your lie, yet close enough for you to claim outrage. 'This happened to someone I know who knows someone!'
Another symptom of a lie is when a person lacks confidence in the story and feels compelled to bring in other so-called facts to butter it up. 'My sister's friends were attacked by rednecks, and by the way, so were Indian students just for being Indian. Plus, don't forget the appalling influence of Pauline Hanson.'
This is in sharp contrast with your earlier statement about your Form One teacher. There's no waffling. No excessive description. No degrees of separation. In that instance, you were telling the truth.
So what exactly are you trying to achieve by mixing truth and lies? Well, on a subconscious level, you're making the following case: 'There's racism in Malaysia and there's racism in Australia. Hence Australia is not a better place compared to Malaysia. I implore you not to live or work in Australia.'
Uh-uh. This is a very very weak way to go about it. If you want to make the case that Australia is a bad place to live and work, then by all means do so. But stick with the truth for a change.
And here's an inconvenient truth -- Australians treat Malaysians with far more hospitality and decency than Malaysians do in regards to Australians. This case is merely one of many:
what?! i've been to aus (perth to be precise) so many times n most of the time random ppl off the streets will smile at me and the rest will ask how my day was!
the bashing is true alright, i believe it. my excolleague's brother n sister just got chased by a bunch of rempits not too long ago n before the rempits attacked..they asked
"melayu ke?"
not only am i reading msian news..i'm LIVING i din't even celebrate to celebrate? we're being regarded as OUTSIDERS/PENDATANG!
MKL & Zewt:
haha.. that's why i say it's more of a prank then racism.. but some ppl might get sensitive n straight away start saying it's an act of racism..
For the aussies, generally, they're a very friendly bunch! Ive had all kinds of ppl coming up to my bf and i and striking random conversations may it be the beach or the mall!
in fact, it feels safer and cleaner and friendlier than malaysia. it's sad cos most of us actually WANT to be proud to call ourselves MALAYSIANS but it's not very possible at this current point.
and as for indians in australia, er, most migrants tend to bring their good and the bad culture..
and i tell u this, most aussies drive really civilisely on the road.. it's usually the cabbies and when u look in the car, it's usually the indian cabbies n not the whites that drive recklessly.. n rudely.
i ve heard some colleagues stories in aussie where some young kids ask them to go back to china or as them to f-off.. but it's usually guys that get it.. and like all that's been said, it's usually the ignorant ie kampung mentality ppl who do it..
everywhere, there will always be extremist n juveniles, we just have to take it in stride and laugh it off at times.. =)
Having lived in New Zealand for close to 10 years now, I'm sad to say that the rudest and most inconsiderate people I have encountered are almost always Asians.
I have seen them do everything from cutting queues to spitting in public to tossing rubbish. Even worse, Asians have come to monopolize the methamphetamine drug trade, damaging Australia to the tune of billions of dollars and destroying so many lives.
The hypocritical thing is is that many of these folks (Malaysians included) have the cheek to expect Mat Sallehs to behave 'respectfully' and 'decently' when they visit Asian countries. But the same rules apparently don't apply but Asians come as guests to Western countries. They are incredibly arrogant and go about their business without a care in the world.
Australia is a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural society. You have everyone from Pacific Islanders to Greeks to Slavs to Indians to Chinese. Dare I say, it's a far more diverse society than Malaysia is or ever will be.
Yes, Australians are a very warm and open people. Without exception, they will accept immigrants who are honest, hardworking and come with good intentions.
But make no mistake about it, Australians have a proud national identity and they will not bend over backwards to accommodate you if you choose to behave like an lout or seek to undermine their society.
Yes, I realize that many Malaysians will have a grudge against Australia, and they will find nothing good to say about the country. They must wonder, with some measure of bitterness, how can be that this largely barren island, boasting few natural resources and populated by descendants of convicts, has managed to develop an economy almost 10 times the size of Malaysia.
Well, in all honesty, don't expect Australians to apologize for their success. They have worked hard, managed their country well, and that's why they are where they are today.
If anything, Malaysians should take a page from their book and humbly learn instead of blindly criticizing. But Malaysians being Malaysians are not likely to change.
Case in point, a certain Malaysian prime minister blasted Australia not long ago for being racist. An Australian newspaper columnist blasted the prime minister back, saying such comments are idiotic, seeing as how Australia has long been a haven for Malaysian students who have been shortchanged and shut out of their own education system.
How true.
So if you happen to be one of those people who don't appreciate what Australasia has to offer, then please don't come and sully the waters on this side of the Pacific. We don't want you, and we don't need you. By all means, stay in Malaysia, be an Anak Malaysia and wave the Malaysian flag. But be warned, chances are, your blind loyalty will be rewarded in this manner:
@John Ling: You should guest post on this blog, I find your thoughts very intelligent and interesting. Hope to here more from you.
MKL: I'm just a humble writer expressing my views. Don't take me too seriously. I just feel it's unfair for Asians to apply certain standards to Westerners when they themselves refuse to follow them. =)
Case in point, one of my best friends in college was the Nigerian diplomat's son. His family had resided in America, Australia and throughout Europe before being posted to Malaysia.
I'm sad to report that his stay in Malaysia was nothing short of a living hell. He encountered racism on a level that he had never previously encountered anywhere else. Taxis refused to pick him up, restaurants didn't serve him, and he was abused on the streets at least once a week. It didn't matter how nicely he dressed or how well he carried himself. Malaysians just saw him as black, and black is bad. I was even tongue-lashed constantly just for being his friend.
It's nauseating and appalling, and it's only getting worse.
Malaysians ought to take a good, honest look at themselves in the mirror and sort out their own backyards before making misinformed and dishonest comments about others.
John Ling - agreed, no matter how we fight, unless the constitution is amended, we will always be the 'lain-lain'.
pinknpurplelizard - when i was in form 4, my BM teacher (who was a chinese) told us to write our malay essay as though we are malays... i never understand why, i guess things started long ago. and malaysia is reaping the rewards. and LOL at your comment regarding confusing between malaysia and australia...
pavlova - hmmmm.... i like this ongoing debate :)
huei - hmmm... i should blog about my melayu experience too...
goingkookies - i think the aussies will start to hate you when you go into a country and starts create trouble. i am not saying the indians are creating trouble but i think that is the general perception.
MKL - john is actually writing a book! :) ... John, you should use MKL as an agent to sell it in Slovenia :)
hey john ling ,
don't simply say asian runs the drug trade in aus.It's the chinese triads,just like in malaysia .they control the drug trade.Remember the kids who killed the korean actor in,quite a lot of these triads "general" tend to retire in new zealand.notice any "ceremony" to wash their sins....
I'm sorry, but what you have just said is inaccurate. The triad is not a seamless criminal fraternity like the Italian Cosa Nostra. Rather it's a multinational and multiethnic cartel comprising of Asians coming not only from mainland China, but also from Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, and so on.
Unlike the Cosa Nostra, they do not restrict their membership strictly to those of Chinese descent. On the contrary, they are surprisingly open and will cooperate with anyone who will help them achieve their goals.
Likewise, it's equally inaccurate of you to say that these criminals make their money in Australia and then 'retire' to NZ. Untrue. They treat both Australia and New Zealand as a single, contiguous market, and as a result, their drug trafficking extends across both countries without any recognition of borders. Asian criminals from Australia have been observed operating in New Zealand, and vice versa.
Finally, the drugs trade in Malaysia is NOT controlled by the Chinese. It operates in a co-op fashion, the same as anywhere else in South-East Asia. You have Malay politicians providing logistical support, Chinese traders providing business acumen, and Indian lawyers providing legal grease.
Zewt: The problem is, Malaysia is not a democracy. It's an plutocratic oligarchy disguised as one and has been so since the country's inception. Wealth, connections and privilege count for far more than actual democratic process. That's why Malaysians -- regardless of whether they belong to Pakatan or Barisan -- can't seem to let go of their feudal obsession with titles. Datuks, Tuns, Tan Sris, Rajas, Puteras, Puteris -- everyone gives them a free pass and kisses up to them.
Yes, Malaysians may be able to replace the top 10 leading elected officials in Malaysia. But, no, they will never be able to displace the top 10 richest oligarchs. Quite simply, these folks don't stand for election, and most Malaysians wouldn't even recognise them if they saw them on the streets. Yet they hold an disproportionate amount of influence over Malaysian life, and that's not going to change anytime soon.
Just look at how quickly and how easily Pakatan has snuggled up to the rich and the powerful. Despite all the talk of reform, observe how Pakatan has been unable to take a hard and consistent line against oligarchs. They can't and they won't -- the idea of 'royalty' is too much entrenched in Malaysian culture.
So regardless of who holds the reins of power, regardless of what constitution is in play, plutocratic entities like YTL, Proton, Hicom and Petronas -- the ones that are really destroying the country's well-being and sense of worth -- are here to stay.
Will the rakyat rally and fight against them? Tear them down? Come on. Chances are, the rakyat will only end up working for them, thereby increasing their profits and strengthening their influence.
Malaysians, by and large, don't really want change. They just want to be comfortable so they can go about their business and enjoy life with as little fuss as possible. Which is exactly and precisely how Malaysia ended up becoming a plutocratic oligarchy in the first place.
Here is something everyone should pay close attention to before they get all defensive and go into pro-Malaysia mode: every single piece of legislation pushed forward in Parliament since Malaysia was founded, either by Opposition or Government MPs, has ultimately only served to give more and more power to the business elite.
That's how little (or how much) your beloved elected representatives actually think of you, the common man or woman toiling hard to make an living in a country where the economic pie is shrinking, not growing.
Think about it.
john ling - wow... so we are going into social issues and traid analysis in new zealand now :).... anyway, i think many are painfully aware that the current govt never sincerely wanted change. they just want to stay in power and plunder the nation dry. i really dun understand, they are already so rich, and yet they will want more... there is no end to greed i guess. as for power to business elite... well, i think malaysia has a looooooooong way to go before maturity appears within the mentality of leaders.
Zewt: A society organised around the weakest qualities of its individuals will produce those same qualities within its leaders. =)
prejudice sure bites the dust !
No wonder malaysian's all over the world are doing extremely well in those countries that they have made their home now instead of their own ' tanah tumpah darah-ku land ' .
John Ling - absolutely... and it's already happening.
Unicorn Girl - well, are you sure your darah is right to tumpah there?
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