Wednesday 1 September 2010

Those videos shouldn’t make you laugh

By now, I am sure many would have watched the now famous video clips of how the MACC lawyer questioned Dr. Porntip in court. If you have haven’t watched, go have a good laugh here.

I am not going to make any jokes about the clips, as I think there are already a multitude of jokes cracked in respect of the lawyer who represents the MACC, who represents the govt.

If you are a Malaysian, and having watched that video… besides laughing your ass off, I am of the zewtpinion that you should be very afraid.

Such is not the only quality of lawyers in the country; such is also the quality of teachers, nurse, doctors and probably a host of other professionals produced by the current Malaysian administration.

Hence, you should be very afraid because…

Such is the quality of the teachers that are teaching or going to teach your children…

Such is the quality of doctors who are going to treat you or your family…

Such is the quality of the engineers who are going to build your home…

Such is the quality…I have personally attended a conference in Malaysia where the Minister (he is still at his post) pronounced “property development” as… I kid you not… “poverty development”… he repeated that again and again… “poverty development”, till giggles started getting obvious. On hindsight, perhaps that’s the secret agenda of the ministry.

Of course, if you are rich and able to afford private services, you can escape from the system. But how many of people out there who are rich enough to afford that? Remember, it’s “poverty development”.

I have previously blogged in a subtle manner that the Malaysian public healthcare system is near collapsed or is already collapsed (safe for a few quality doctors still available). The education system is heading there, if not already there.

So after laughing at that moron, and Malaysians really like to laugh at such things at mamak while eating that nice roti-canai and nasi-lemak, you might want to think of the quality that you are going to get in Malaysia If the country doesn’t change.

I seriously do think… “poverty development” is going full blast.

1 year ago…
What a timely reflectionDid they pour oil on it?


eiling lim said...

if you want quality, be prepared to pay a high price. That's the m'sian way. It's rather sad that our people always make a fool of themselves to the world.

Anonymous said...

Even the malay ministers have mixed up 'kami' with 'kita' !

"omamee" said...

The first reaction I had when I watched the video was WTF, WTF and then WTF all the way! Don't quite understand how he could make it to be a lawyer!!! No wonder more and more of my frens chose to leave for good! And honestly, at the rate we're going, that may not be a bad idea afterall!!!

TG said...

OMG, this is hilarious. It's like a funny Malaysian movie. The funniest part is, when the witness asks the lawyer: Are you a lawyer? Haha.. OMG. But if that was a Slovenian court, I would not laugh at all =.=

fufu said...

i have read the news... what a shame... "but my university is top 5 in asia...UM is 10 in or not???"

modernlifeisrubbish said...

Hi Zewt,

Sad state of affair in this land. But you already know that all these we brought upon ourselves. No one is to blame.

Maybe we should all tell ourselves this: "I wish I didn’t know now, what I didn’t know then. Then maybe, just maybe, this world will be a better place, no?

Have a good day :)

Anonymous said...

Dear Zewt, 4 words for you - stay on in Singapore....

pavlova said...

good post. aptly written. can only wish many more malaysians can see what you see. many are still holding on to blind faith.

Joanne Khoo said...

I cringed while watching part 1 of 8 of the video on youtube. I couldn't watch anymore. It's too humiliating!

Btw, post more entries. I miss your frequent entries.

Z said...

zewt, it's quite unfair to say teachers will generally be like that. sure there are some bad apples, but as a future teacher, i do want m'sia to change for the better...

economist said...

after 25 years proton is going to sell a rebadged model again..what does that tell you?

zewt said...

eiling lim - but how many malaysians working in malaysia can afford to pay?

anon @ 1/9 11.22pm - sigh...

"maemee" - so... when you leaving? :)

MKL - sigh... it's such a disgrace showing this to a foreigner...

fufu - UM? the last i heard... not even top 200.

zewt said...

joshua wong - indeed, no one is to blame. yeah, ignorance is indeed bliss. i guess coming to age has a price to pay.

anon @ 3/9 5.20pm - certainly no plans to return at the moment.

pavlova - sigh... sometimes, we do hope there is still some... though remote... some hope.

Joanne Khoo - will be forthcoming once again... no worries.

z - yeah, there are good teachers... but there are not enough of good teachers to make a difference. and you an i know that there is a hidden effort to keep education at a low level. keep the population stupid so that they can continue to rule.

economist - last i heard, the waja replacement model is a lancer-look-alike.

Anonymous said...

watch carefully : 'part 1 of 8 at 1.46-1.48 ....someone signals the judge - be QUIET ' !!

Arena Green said...

You know Zewt, I have been feeling depressed for a while and it's getting worse just realizing the reality of what is happening in Malaysia. Is there no end to how low our ruling government can take this country down the pits? Sigh

zewt said...

anon @ 6/9 - holy cow... you're right!!! so confirm lah... who will win the case.

Anak Merdeka - taking it down the pits? i thought it's already down?...:P

Anonymous said...

Saya talok sama lu ....i'm younger than u....your degree NOT recognized by us ...u NOT qualified to ....u NO experience jumping down ...I talok sama lu ... your evidence 'does not supported' by others ...u macam
fortune-teller !!

Anonymous said...

Are u a lawyer !?

O yes ! i have worked for 24 long years ...though i'm younger than u.
...(1/3 minute later) ...i have to take 72 hours ( 3 days ma !) to understand your report ...( 1/2 minute later)...i put it to u ... u have set up your mind to ...if u agree then ? never mind ... ...(1/4 minute later) I can strangle myself ...see ...see ... like this ...!
...wen unconscious the body is heavier mind !
...( 1/5 minute later )... Why your opinion is different one ?'s 4 to 1 and we vote on majority !

Spectators jeering : @#$%^&*&^%@ !

whoalse said...

Come to think of it, what you brought up are true.

Quality / Standard of those services and systems have dropped significantly. This itself is a joke.

I guess you and I and a whole lot have to seek char koay teow, asam laksa, hokkien mee, etc elsewhere in overseas of which may be of abundance.

zewt said...

anon @ 7/9 8.03am - itu loyar... memang burok lor ...

anon @ 7/9 5.40pm - and when ppl jeered him... he said... "ok, nevermind"

whoalse - not just that... they are quite good too!

narrowband said...

I was apprehensive about posting and sharing this video with my Singaporean friends because it's fucking embarrassing.

zewt said...

narrowband - for us who are living abroad, we truly feel the embarassment... that's for sure.