Was talking to someone about childhood today. It’s always good to talk about childhood regardless of whether it was good or bad, the reminiscent of our early days always bring a smile.
Talking about it reminded me of one lie I told my parents, a lie that changed my life forever.
When I was in primary school, I wanted to join scouts. But my parents never agree. They just refuse to let me join. I think they believe that I was just looking for reasons to get out of the house. And probably, they were worried that it will be a financial burden.
When I reached secondary school, I just couldn’t take it anymore. I wanted to join an organisation called Boys’ Brigade. And so, I leveraged on the one fear my parents had… the authorities.
I told them that in order for me to stay in school, it is a rule that I join a uniform organisation. If I don’t, I will be kicked out of school. And if I am kicked out of school, it will be against the law and they will be in trouble.
My parents are not educated people, they bought it; and I joined the Boys’ Brigade.
It was there that I learned how to play sports, sing, dance, learned about God, swim, be in a band, camp, leadership, how to be independent… It made me who I am today, which isn’t exactly a bad thing. I also made some really good friends who are now my close buddies.
Yeah, I lied… and I am not exactly proud that I did that to my parents. But then again, that was probably the best lie ever told. I am sure my parents wouldn’t mind.
Ever told such lie(s)?
3 years ago… Some of Mom’s wishes
Talking about it reminded me of one lie I told my parents, a lie that changed my life forever.
When I was in primary school, I wanted to join scouts. But my parents never agree. They just refuse to let me join. I think they believe that I was just looking for reasons to get out of the house. And probably, they were worried that it will be a financial burden.
When I reached secondary school, I just couldn’t take it anymore. I wanted to join an organisation called Boys’ Brigade. And so, I leveraged on the one fear my parents had… the authorities.

My parents are not educated people, they bought it; and I joined the Boys’ Brigade.
It was there that I learned how to play sports, sing, dance, learned about God, swim, be in a band, camp, leadership, how to be independent… It made me who I am today, which isn’t exactly a bad thing. I also made some really good friends who are now my close buddies.
Yeah, I lied… and I am not exactly proud that I did that to my parents. But then again, that was probably the best lie ever told. I am sure my parents wouldn’t mind.
Ever told such lie(s)?
3 years ago… Some of Mom’s wishes
well... i told quite a number of lies so that my parent wouldn't get worried while I do stupid stuff. Though not all have good outcome >.>
Does that count? XD
Hi Zewt...how you doing! its been a while
That, I would think, is a white lie. Yeah, we all do it once in a blue moon, I think. :)
Hehe, that's what you called a white lie. Harmless ;) I think everyone would have at least told white lie once.
yeah lies are not always all bad ya... i tell lies with no intention to hurt anyone :)
I remember how someone told me if I stare at a girl's tits for too long my eyes will go red. Let me tell you, I'm making up for lost time now.
Your lie turned out to be a requirement for every national school now. LOL
Hahaha.. actually joining uniform bodies also quite nice. I enjoyed being in girl guides and rangers last time in school. If only my school got girl scouts. I prefer their uniform. :P Good that u enjoyed ur time in the Boys' Brigade. Wonderful memories eh? I think this kind of lie, ur parents will let it pass. It's pretty harmless. Cant remember wat kind of lies i told my mum. I don't think i tell much lies.. mum always says she knows all my tricks in her pocket! Hahaha..
I was always the alibi for a some of my school and uni friends. This is usually when they wanna go scandal with some guy or go places they weren't allowed to go to at their age. Unfortunately, I was very trusted by their parents and these ppl abused my reputation. =_= So sad...
You lied, which made you learn about the God you believe in. But this God says: Don't lie.
So how did you solve this moral issue? :)
I think lie(s) with good intention aren't that bad after all.
it was a necessary lie :)
well, that's a white lie and harmless lies are kinda forgivable right? But you did that for your future so I guess it's ok.
Stormsea7 - hahaha... what's the outcome though?
SuLee - hello there... yeah, it's been a while. i've been good. hope mommy's life is good for u.
day-dreamer - and it's good, isnt it?
Petite Lass - i wish i told more :P
fufu - hahaha... i think most lies are like that too.
flaminglambo - HAHAHAHAHAH... that's the worst lie ever.
CiNDi - really? it's really a requirement now?
missironic - well, it's sad that being in an uniform organisation is no longer a cool thing now. it's all about what gadgets you have and where have you been for holiday that makes a teen cool now.
pinknpurplelizard - hahaha... u can always ask them to return the favour.
MKL - i got confused by your statement there... hah!
jam - well, i dont think my intention was good or bad then. just that the outcome turned out well.
sinlady - now, that's the best way of explaining it.
eiling lim - best is that it turned out superbly well.
When i was 6 ,i started catching 'fighting-fish' & to day , 60 years
later, I'm still having the urge & thrill BUT where ...WHERE to catch them !?
anon @ 1/4 4.53am - you're 66! :) .... aiyooo... nowadays, catch grasshopper pun susah... how lah catch fighting fish. if you can find a place, bring me along.
I can afford to buy any colored Beta fighting fish be it half-moon, full-moon or butterfly-fan-tail , BUT it's MORE thrilling to see bubbles on the shallow pond or flooded field then use both palms slowly to scope up a beautiful black-blue male or if u are lucky, a pair of courting mates...WOW ...but be careful it may be a couple of BIG fat black leeches !! (iwc)
Hey, believe me , in Ipoh , i saw a Chinese shop named 'Cheap Lie & Co' badly translated from good meaningful
Chinese words ! (iwc)
anon @ 2/4 11.27pm - oh well, i think all the ponds are so polluted, u wont even find leech there! cheap lie and co? what's that?
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