Over the last 3 nights, I have been attending revival meetings at a church I once despised and perhaps, even made an unconscious effort to condemn it. Guess this is another work of God… making me go back to the place I so hate to seek Him. That is irony at its highest level and this is why I have not been blogging that much this week.
Anyway, it has been a long while since I experienced the presence of God and on the first night… true enough, I was not sensitive enough to feel His presence.
The second night, I tried to be more open and I felt a bit… during worship.

But I have to say, one of the most liberating feeling is to tell that friend who prayed for me that I am not angry at him anymore. Truly liberating indeed. Also, I felt a lot of things were taken away from my heart, particularly worries, something which many of us live with.
He may not have healed my body (I may not know it yet)… but He hath truly healed my soul. To God be all glory.
P/S: Since Friday is on the way… might as well throw in some laughter material… on the second night, when I was kneeling down with my head facing the floor, the pastor said something about releasing something… and immediately… you know what happened? The person kneeling in front of me farted… right... in front… of my face…
and your reaction?? haha.. *can't imagine* ewwwww... haha..
To my brother in Christ:
God is the real healer.. I wasn't a christian and I used to question so much to those christian about the truth of christianity.I used to only believe in myself and thought that christianity is only for those naive people..
Once I went through a very tough time... I was all alone, stayed under fear..depress, mostly was hurt, heartache..One night, I could feel Jesus came to me and touched my heart.. I cant describe that kind of feeling.. it was strong and real ..so I prayed to God and asked God to show me the truth and eventually he did..God helped me pass through that critical period in my life, healed me from that and now I become stronger.. I became a christian after that night and told myself that I will follow God no matter what.I have also tried to share to some closer friends about how I found God but the reactions that I got back are always like 'you must be kidding me!'.Anyway, I am sure God is always with me, with us, with those who believe in him... I pray everyday, pray for everything and I like the peace that God have brought into my life.. So here, I am praying for you, may God keep you, bless you and watch over you..Amen and Amen..
P.s.. its my first time to leave a comment here.. hope you dont mind.:)
i had the exact experience years ago and never quite forgot that liberating feeling, where all ego was lost in a pool of calm water and all I could do was remember everything good that has happened to me and how lucky i've ever been, and never once thanking God for it...
luckily though, i was spared the fart. `haha!
i am so encouraged by ur testimony! praise the lord!
thank you!
Not a pious person in general..but today I got liberated too after such long time… I should pray more often now too.
Hope it doesn't stink~
I pass air frequently too…silent and odourless… wahahaha.. :x
i wud've fainted at the site. hahaha!
That fart could be a 'blessing' / sign from God that you're forgiven.
Have a Blessed weekend, Zewt.
Glad to know you're getting better.
Take care. :)
Oh wow. That's a real good spiritual story. Really inspiring, except the releasing part. Hhahaha!!!
Lol!! There was once a girl in mini skirt was slained by the holy spirit. She was lying on the floor and rolling around laughing....
It's a miracle that she didn't expose herself too much.
was it a silent or a loud "release"? =P
it's nice to cry sometimes isn't it? just lets you release all the stress, and be able to continue fighting =)
Yikes! Face Fart! I feel for you, brother... Just glad I wasn't you at that point. LOL.
God is indeed humourous at times eh?
would you go back to that church?
No wonder it didn't work so well the second night.
Always count your blessings! No matter what they are...hehehe...
sai lei! glooory
Amen brother...amen!...:)
When Pastor challenged us to go for the session, I really felt the urge to go, but as usual.. the transport problem and all.. excuses, I know. I am missing something so good!
Anyway, didn't know you used to despise the church. Is it because of the charismatic thingy? Or just the big and grand status?
Hey zewt!
I am glad God healed you. Keep it up. God Bless.
Hi Zewt
It has been awhile, hasn't it? :)
I've been to those revival kind of gatherings (some Catholic churches conduct it). I found that when one gives oneself to the power of the Holy Spirit, one becomes enlightened and a sense of peace takes over. One's soul feels refreshed.
Sorry to know that you had toxic gas spewed on you. :D
rainbow angeles - i cant smell it so i didnt react :P
anon @ 20/6 12.32am - i am glad God has touched you in a special way. Continue to believe in HIm, I will do the same...
Spinzer - let's continue to thank HIm for the experience, maybe the fart too.
Lynnwei - :) Praise the Lord indeed.
-=Sin=- - silent ones are the killer... haha
kyh - i cant smell it... so... hehe...
Jemima - Thanks... well, I was just totally distracted hehe...
seaqueen - hahaha... forget about that part lor.
gina - hahahahaha.... arent you ppl supposed to concentrate on God and not her?
Huei - a loud one... VERY LOUD!
Kenny Mah - hahaha... i forgive her.
frostee - very... else He wouldnt have created me.
k.h. - i am beginning to suspect you know me... would i? not sure.
Yvonne Foong - hahaha... hey, you should really go for it... and experience God's healing!
Jennifer - maybe my nose needs some healing :P
Edi - thanks mate!
myop101 - amen!
lynnx01 - it's complicated ... :)... maybe it's just the rebellious nature in me. that transport problem?
Melyong - Thanks Mel... Glad bless...
J.T. - i will take all the blessings... in all form, including toxic gas :P
Hi Zewt,
My cousin introduced me to your blog and i've been an avid reader of your daily thought-provoking entries. =) I applaud your courage to open your life to the world's scrutiny and i hope that you will remain candid and honest to the readers.
Having said that, I read your entry where your reminisce about your mom and even considered validating those thoughts in paper and ink. After reading the feedbacks from your readers, i do believe that the book could potentially end up as popular as Mitch Albom's "Tuesdays with Morrie".
As the good folks at ChangeThis.com famously quoted,"If an idea is a good one, it'll spread, because people like you will send it to their friends."
With that in mind, may i point you to a few links which you may find useful if you are indeed thinking of writing a book on your mom (or etc):
1) Seth Godin's Blog at http://sethgodin.typepad.com/seths_blog/2008/06/what-dave-just.html.
FYI: Seth Godin is a famous blogger who is both an expert in the marketing field and his books has ended up in bestseller's listings.
2) Guy Kawasaki's Blog at http://blog.guykawasaki.com/2008/06/the-inside-word.html.
FYI: Guy is a famous technopreneur who blogs on anything that could potentially have huge impact on the world-at-large.
3) ChangeThis at changethis.com.
FYI:another potentially ground-breaking website whose founders believe in free media. i believe this website acts as a proxy for amateur writers who may want to consider a non-traditional way of 'publishing their books'.
With this, i wish you all the best in the book-writing. Keep up the good blogging work and may the good Lord bless you.
From a fellow modern slave ^^
this is a lovely entry.. including the farting part..sorry to hear that. but not too sorry coz you didn't smell it. :) you remind that i've been away from God too long.
Haha..God can be a joker at times...
A friend of mine was kneeling and praying for the Holy Spirit to come down and touch him...he didn't feel anything...he prayed and prayed and kept saying to God to come and pour His graces on him...and at that time a loud thunder outside and he felt water on his head...drip drip drip...
Know what happened? It suddenly started raining and in the exact spot he knelt, the roof leaked...and only He got those "showers"... :)
Who said God was all you-do-wrong-and-I'll-smite-you-with-thunder? He's got a sense of humour too, dontcha agree? LOL.
Have a Blessed weekend Zewt...
Glad to see you in church that day and praise the Lord for working deep in your life and touching your soul :) I cried like a bb too on the 1st day and pastor always mention that it's ok for men to cry :)
anon @ 22/6 12.46am - hey... thanks for all the info. the thought is still in me and i truly wonder if i will have the time to sit down and write it. perhaps the time when i will resign and wait for my new job... then i can think seriously about this.
drumsticks - time to go back home... :)
mar - oh yes... trust me He is... otherwise, He wouldnt have created me right? :P oh... waht happened to your friend then?
Krystal - it's good to be back... i have been consistently going and seeking God. Missed a few days but still... have been trememdously blessed.
Hahaha...Needless to say he felt really "special" to be soaking wet when it was all over...LOL.But we all believed it was God's grace. :)
loud = "odorless" no? =P
mar - well... felt cleansed eh? :)
huei - that is universally known :)
I had my doubts about the validity of Christianity in the past 30+ years. But recently I experienced the power of the Holy Spirit and I just knew that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Its something I cannot explain intellectually. No amount of reading was able to convince me like this. I just knew and I cried. Jesus is real and he lives.
Andrew - Amen to that and PRAISE THE LORD!!!
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