So traditionally, the groom, with the help of his comrades were often asked to do things like… write a poem… sing a song… do a dance… shout “I love you” on the top of their lungs. Over time, such sentimental acts evolved into more torturous exercises such as eating fear-factor-like stuff (which the girls will literally stuff it into your mouth and shout “eat, eat, eat!!”), climbing stairs when the bride lives in an apartment (I have done this before) and getting our legs waxed.
Lo and behold, these acts have again evolved. There are no more poem writings and song singing. While the groom and his comrades are still required to endeavour torturous encounters, there is now a new breed of ‘performance’ that needs to put up… new things to do as a ‘reflection and sincerity’ of the groom.
What are they…?
During my “jip san leong” ceremony, I was asked to lie down on the floor and a few of my comrades were asked to do push up… on top of me. This may appear to be an endurance test, as only the ‘prosperous’ guys were chosen. But as most of you may know, when one is tired during push-ups and wants to cheat, one will tend to only push with one’s hip while the hands remain stagnant. Imagine my comrades, pushing with their hips on top of me…
See my friend’s reaction from all the pushing… err… I mean push-ups…

Cherries and grapes may be replaced with the ultimate fruit… bananas. This is a tough one as the comrades will be asked not only to eat the bananas, but to peel them first… with their mouth of course. While this is happening, you can actually hear girls giggle behind the scene and occasionally you can hear… “it’s getting up” from the background…
I was part of the “jip-san-leong” contingent early this month and I have to say, there was this particular act really came up top. After doing some stuff which include eating wasabi-filled biscuits off a guy’s mouth, passing a slice of seed-weed around with our mouth and dancing around in thongs (worn on top of our pants lah, what were you thinking?)… 8 guys were chosen (and thank God I was not one of them).
Next, I saw the girls came out with eggs placed inside plastic bags, those which the hawkers used to pack food. These plastic bags filled with 2 eggs were then strapped around the guys waste with the bags covering the crotch. Yes, the crotch is indeed girls’ centre of attention. So guys, don’t feel guilty if boobs is the centre of your attention.
The chosen ones are to break the eggs without the use of their hands or touch any other thing. Well, there’s a consolation… they can touch each other. Due to the location of those eggs, kicking is out of the question. 2 chosen ones attempted the frontal humping

So... we can conclude that based on the latest trend of actions that the girls want guys to do as a “reflection and sincerity” of the groom’s love… a guy should try not to use the hands and master the art of doing things with the mouth. But one thing for sure, I am sure the bride wouldn’t want the groom to break his eggs.
Thank you all you lovely people for giving me 200k hits!!
Have a lovely weekend!
having to do and heard off all the 'wicked' things done by opposite..
The ultimate experience would be someone videotaping the whole scene and showcasing it during the evening dinner.. there goes all the muka air..
Well sure it's fun and all, but I don't really see the point in doing all this. Really.
I mean, of course the olden days' intent is for the groom to woo the bride and show her how much he loves her, because at that time it was an arranged marriage.
But in this day and age? I think guys should not be going around on their wedding days doing things like this.
Oh almost forgot...congrats on 200k hits, Zewt! :D
LOL. People nowadays are so "creative"! Haha.
quite a scene to watch though.. =)
All these 'games' are fun and all but some of them can get pretty disastrous. Especially when ones have to consume some questionable 'recipe'. Not really a good idea on wedding day.
These jip san leong challenges are just getting more and more outrageous. Sometimes I think it really reflects on the mentality of the "organisers" - and i don't mean that in a good way. And to think that this comment comes from one of their own....nuff said.
happy 200k!!! i'm like wat... 10 times behind u kakkaka!
hahaha this jip san leong is quite fun to watch. and that pic looks erm... *speechless* were u the one lying down?
and won't those flimsy thongs get torn if worn by guys? o.O
hahahah u just gave me helluva loads of ideas! =P my friend's getting married soon...n wahahahahahah now we know wut to do! ;P
lol.. so cute. lucky they din ask for money like the canton shows we watch.. 9999999999 PAY UP!
Luckily the religious department or police didn't raid or else everyone will be charged with "Kelakuan yang tidak senonoh"... LOL
Can imagine the embarrassment of participants but then when one looks back afters... Its a fun memory to have and reminisce on later on in life. :D
I don't actually like the idea of the tricks on the groom and heng dais nowadays. It's so indecent. Imagine what the elderly will think.
That's why for my own wedding, I asked my ji muis for simple tricks. Sing a song, eat and drink 'human' food. I truly enjoy my simple jip san leong. It doesn't matter how much they are willing to perform to show their sincerity. The groom presents himself. That's proved a lot. Hehe!
I have an uncle who is... err... a triad member. He got married recently. I did not attend the "jip san leong" ceremony but I'm pretty sure they did not ask him to show his "sincerity"... lest he decides to show his "creativity" instead...
hahahaa..tat's pretty funny and kind of "kesian" for the heng tais..the gals also very devilish to tink tis kind of stints eh? hahahaha...i only been to 1 "jip san leong" ceremony..and tat wasnt as "eventful" as urs..hahahaha...
wow..200k hits! congrats!! u have a gud weekend too! ;)
I like the pushups one the best! LOL go girls~!
my frens kena the eat banana 1..then got sommore blow "condom balloon"..
i was stuck with taking the egg from 1 side of the pants to the other..n not to mention wearing a bra for my groom friend to free me with 1 hand!
the problem is, these people have been watching too much TV programmes from Taiwan...
i am quite sure given the budget, they can think of even more "torturous" things to be done...
Thank goodness I didn't have it that traditional! Just sent the bridal car to pick the bride and her parents while I waited at the church!...Btw, why can't see your face in the photos? Want to see the ecstasy!!! Hahahahahahahaha!!!!
normal lah, guys always kena oppressed one.
small girl girl always bully the guys, they laugh. When the guys step up, they cry.
Wat to do?
Congratulations! Never realize that you had hit 200k mark!
The second pic is ridiculous haaha...
btw, congrats on the 200k hits... with the comments you received for every post, I would say it wasn't a surprise;P
I think my dialect doesn't have this tradition.. lol!
i cannot imagine wat will happen when my friend married..
-=Sin=- - hahaha... i make sure that did not happen to me...
giddy tigress - yeah, it has turned into cheap entertainment by the ji-muis... bad bad bad.
day-dreamer - tell me about it...
Acute Critique - yes, i shall try to get the pictures.
cc - easy... just ask the comrades the to do... spare the groom.
mh - now... that is maturity... :)
kyh - yup, i was the one being pushed down... hahahaha....those thongs, i nearly burst it :P
huei - dont lah be so sadistic...
huntressmoon - they did... after all the stunts, still need to pay... to them!
pinknpurplelizard - yes, i had mine all in video :P
Jennifer - yeah, indecent is the right word... and if you get ji-muis who are corrupted... that's when all hell breaks lose.
sooky - hahahaha... now that is something new!
missironic - well, now u have more idea for the up and coming weddings.
Sharon - really... not the eggs one eh?
constant craver joe - the bra one sounds easy lah...
myop101 - oh yeah... yes yes... given the budget... they can do wonders... or i shuld say... we will be asked to do wonders.
suituapui - hahahaha... trust me, me definitely aint in ecstacy...
JasonGeek - hello... welcome to AZAIG. hahahaha... step up... they cry... dont lah so cruel.
jam - thanks :)
ArMs - hahaha... and i havent even got my hands on the eggs bit...
lynnx01 - i think your friends will not allow that exclusion.
-ritchie- - are u part of the comrades? :P
I still prefer the olden times that you do not even know how to copulate on the first night... lol
i didn't know such thing even exist! OMG! hahahaha..
Btw, u wore balck black with white necktie like Mafia gangster lah!!! Italiano "phai kia"! LOL!!! I see ur body at that time quite slim hor!!! Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!
200K? Good grief!!!...But that one u must thank me oso lah! See, 1 post comment so many times! LOL!!
Oh what luxurious fun the guys have to go through. Luckily my husband didn't have to go through all these torturous games. Mine went another way, which is using the mind. Mental games. Hahaha!!
gosh... i dunno tat msian's chinese wedding has evolved that much... but undeniably, it sounds heaps interesting than those usual ones that i have been to when i was much younger. lolx
When I was a chee mui at a girlfriend's wedding, we did the whole 'tie-an-apple-around-the-crotch' bit and all that too. It's only fun if the groom's a good sport.
But I do agree with Giddy Tigress. I don't see the point of it anymore. My girlfriends made my husband sign a marriage contract. I'm waiting to frame that up ;)
Anyways, I made sure the girls didn't make the groom do push-ups and all that. Really, in the heat, you don't want the groom going to the church smelling like he bathed in his own sweat at the church :p
william wang - hahahaha... i dont think such thing is possible anymore.
tulipspeaks - they all originate from your species...
suituapui - no white tie ler... red tie.. colour theme mah. mafia looks cool mah hahaha... but at least no sunglasses.
seaqueen - like how?
nikz - so you're gonna join the fun huh?
Tine - hahahaha... i observe that the bride is always the one thoughtful of the situation... but... the ji-muis... they are the killers.
i think u have just given some pple some very good ideas for having this post...hehe...
mmm..not sadistic le..don't u think it's a great deal? all u guys have to do is get humiliated for a couple of minutes..and u get someone to cook/wash/take care of all household things for u...and the best...carry ur baby for 9 months! ;P
must have been very pleasurable for u during your jip san leong. *grins* at least one thing for sure, was definitely very memorable for u.
Yeah, the chee mui (bride's "army") have gotten more creative over the years.
See what my bro-in-law had to go through during his jip san leong ceremony at my blog. ;-)
sharlydia - shhhh....
huei - hmmm... next time... make sure u cook/wash/take care of household things ok.... :P
me - not at all...
Angie Tan - let me go have a peep.
i can cook geh..but i dun guarantee that it's food poison-free! =P
the rest..doing edi..damn..i better make sure my bf gets the worst! ;P hahahha
It's definitely fun and amusing and memorable etc...but what's the point leh? ;)
It's definitely fun and amusing and memorable etc...but what's the point leh? ;)
huei - hahaha... poor fella... looks like he is going to kill a dragon before going to pick u.
mar - i also dunno :P
noh!! no killing of animals! he could bring me a dragon that does not attempt to kill me and is willing to fly me everywhere! ;P
huei - u watch too much eragon lah....
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