Many Christians will say that God is great and if you are not a Christians, you will probably not understand. That is perfectly fine because sometimes, it does not make sense to Christians either.
I have not been a good Christian but I have to say, if not because of God, I would have lost my sanity in the last week or so. I was literally screaming in my room when the panic attack struck and with so many uncertainties about my life, I almost lost it.
I have not been a good Christian but I have to say, if not because of God, I would have lost my sanity in the last week or so. I was literally screaming in my room when the panic attack struck and with so many uncertainties about my life, I almost lost it.

I was driving to work and I wanted and need to listen to some songs to calm me down and as I browsed through my collection while sitting in the jam, I saw this CD titled ‘Music for the soul’. It is not an original CD, it’s one which was burnt by one of my former classmate, given to me years ago.
When my friend first gave me the CD years ago, I remember my reaction was like… Gee, why give this to me? ‘Music for the soul’? I vaguely recall what he said to me…
“This is for you, maybe you will need it some day”… something like that. And this was years ago.
I put on that CD and I have to say, there is this song and the lyrics touched me immediately. There is this particular song and every single word in it means something to me. Since that day, I have been listening to the song everyday and it somehow kept my sanity in place.
Here is the song…
Something which my friend gave to me years ago; I only found out I need it now. I know it’s going to sound cliché but this is indeed God’s hands at work.
Another incredible thing that happened in the last 2 weeks… it was just about 10 days ago Jules said that she thinks perhaps God is not real, just a feeling and something which we all create to make us feel good.
Yesterday and today, she said something to the effect that God is so real and He has been listening to all our prayers.
God is good (to me) all the time.
glad you found some comfort.. keep well, zewt :)
Hey Zewt,
Sorry to hear about your health issues and problems. Hope you get well and everything goes better soon.
Same same same same.. Last week was rather difficult for me too.. Other reasons tho. Some idiots were testing my patience and being nasty for no reason at all. God!!
Get well soon. Try Power Yoga if you can. Works wonders.
Isaiah 40:31
"But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings as EAGLES they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint"
God enables us to ride the winds of the storm that bring sickness, tragedy, failure, and disappointment into our lives. We can soar above the storm like an eagle.
It isn't the burdens of life that weigh us down, it is how we handle them.
God does come in our time of need, if we allow ourselves to receive. Glad to see your faith renewed and your resolve strengthened. You will get over this, bro! :)
dear zewt,
haha...maybe it is just me but when I say God is great, i always think of what He has done on the cross. i will also think of the blessings and comfort given yet nothing asked for in return by Him.
but it is ok to doubt (there are two types btw) sometimes because God will not want us, His creation created with free wills, to be forced to submit in fear rather than reverance and love. He allowed Himself apparent only to the extent we think He might/ might not be there.
It is only when we doubt we will yearn and seek for Him. To question and ask...
I went through a surgery and a cancer scare recently, I can relate to what you just shared.
Hang on and persevere. We will find difficult time become best time in our lives that taught us important lessons of faith, patience, and wisdom.
i get that this is a very serious phase on your life. but don't mull it over and over in your brain, driving yourself crazy every night. change your perspective and u'll see it in a diff light. this small reminder to value your healthy may actually be a blessing in disguise, like how people say small sickness is good. it reminds you to take care, to change your ill-habits and to review your lifestyle, which in the longer term equates to an even longer, more satisfactory lifespan. cheer up, buddy. my hubby went thru the same thing and he is a fitter and healthier person today than he was 13 years ago.
yea..when we're on the brink of insanity, we just need that lil click to make us sane again...glad tat u have found it to keep u calm and in ur comfort zone again..let's hope everyting will fall into place nicely once again.. =)
i think it's God, and also your mum
take care!!
Like it or not, He'll always be there. :)
Lost sheep of God. I am going to attend my first church wedding this coming Saturday from a lovely Christian friend.
I agree we tend to treasure and "wake up" after things happen to us. Balance of life is so important, so much easier said than done. I hope everything works well with you, Zewt :)
all the time, God is good!
God is here. He listens. :-)
*warm hugs*
God works in mysterious ways we have difficulty in understanding. It's good that you still find solace in having Him around you.
Zewt, I'm sorry that things have been so busy the past few days that I actually failed to notice what took place recently in your life. I hope you're taking things better now, and I really hope that you'll be well.
Please take good care of yourself, ok. :)
sometimes i jus close my eyes n remind myself tomorrow will b better. it does work for me. sometimes in the heat of the moment we get wrapped up in our circumstances
rainbow angeles - yeah, it's so crucial to have comfort.
anon aka Theodywn - no worries... just have to change my way of life.
Rashikaps - well, i think i prefer hip hop... :)
Jemima - thanks... i believe i will one day be a miracle and a great testimony.
Kenny Mah - yeah, it's good that my faith is renewed instead of going down the rain.
myop101 - well... there are things that we should not ask... blessed are those who do not see but yet believe... right? :)
Leah - hi there... welcome. well, i go for ASK... Ask, Seek and Knock... matt 7:7.
me - i know what you mean, but it is really not easy to do. sometimes i can hold the fort... sometimes, it just crumbles over me and i am left helpless.
missironic - it will not be easy but as long as i have the will and keep the faith, i am sure i can :)
Huei - perhaps... :)
frostee - haha... can be scary u know :)
Eileen - thanks, i have faith it will. As for you, time to head 'home' once again...
k.h. - amen to that.
_butt - and we all just need to ask... :)
Pauline Yap - :)
Seaqueen - mysterious indeed. and He never fails to amaze me.
supergirlfriend - no worries... certainly need to take good care now.
Bengbeng - yeah... we need to get hold of the situation again i guess :)
Being brought up as a 3rd generation Christian, I also had my share of doubting my faith. I honestly have never encountered anything I would say "real" or "touching".. but I am still holding on that faith that He is indeed real.
^^ so glad to hear this testimony from always encourages me when i hear testimonies...God is really moving in everyone's life.
even tho we can be really bad sometimes...not doing the things we are supposed too...not being a good christian, but God stil think we are precious...tats the great part about it. we can never understand how much He loves us!
Thanks for dropping by and for your comments!
I couldn't find an email add from you that I could reply to, so I'm hoping you will see this comment instead.
God is ever patient with us. He also speaks to us in many many different ways. I'm sure that if you ask, you shall receive, so pray that He speaks to you and I'm sure that in time He will!
I will keep you in my prayers.
Exodus 23:25-27[NIV]
Worship the LORD your God, and his blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you,
God bless you and Jules.
I'm here son!
Good post, bro.
lynnx01 - blessed are those who do not see but believe :)
Lynnwei - yes, and the other thing is that we must admit that we will never understand everything.
Hullo - Thanks... I guess we just need to be sensitive of His presence :)
Edi - lots of stuff hehehe...
josh - thanks bro.
The Lord is faithful. He'll deliver you and Julia out of this difficult period :)
Tine - Amen to that!
Only one verse came to my mind:
Trust the Lord with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind.
Take care.
giddy tigress - thanks... He is faithful indeed.
Indeed He is.
Rescue is my favorite song, too. :)
phillix-starscreamer - Amen to that!
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