Anyway, we have to accept the fact that the new generation no longer possess the mentality of having to preserve their virginity until they meet their true love. Speaking of true love, Kenny Mah mentioned something quite profound too… he said, what is true love never comes? Are you going to live and die a virgin? Indeed, something to ponder upon.
On a related note, I personally think that the young ones are gleefully humping away simply because people are getting into relationship at a very young age. Right, I am not saying that people will begin to hump as soon as they go into a relationship but at the same time, let us also be open minded to accept that couples going into relationship nowadays will begin to hump in no time.

I have read in a blog entry before about how the blogger was consoling her friend who just broke up with a very fresh bf of 2 weeks. The blogger was saying that it’s no big deal unless of course, they fu*ked already. That is when the victim confessed that she has really been fu*ked, both literally and metaphorically.
There are also many stories that I heard where the deed has already been performed within weeks into a relationship. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying humping with your new found love is wrong, certainly not so. I am merely trying to say that in this modern age, sex and relationship comes hand in hand.
If you were to link that to the kind of age people are getting into relationship, it is no wonder that the young will begin to hump. Make no mistake, there are couples who get into relationship at a very young age during my time, just that it is not that rampant.
But now, if you were to walk around in those posh shopping complexes in town, you will see very young people doing dating. And most of the time, the guys will dress to impress while the girls will dress to kill. What to do? Parents are so well-to-do nowadays. So when these people go into a relationship, do you think they can keep their hands off each other?

For me, I never look for true love; I look for “warm water” feeling.\
If the person dint come, maybe I’ll lost it when I able to handle the risk(baby).
Plus, I super easy attracted by baby and also loves baby.
Last time when my age, people start have bf/gf at F2. Now, they have gf/bf at darjah 5.
Previously I meet my friend’s brother who is currently F3 at McD with gf, he done a lot of things that I think it shouldn’t do in public. Such as kiss, and “stick” like sotong.
( you know la…McD a lot of children, there have a playground)
When my friend fetch her brother, I give a very bad and straight advice “take care your brother, and should gives him some advice, else will be papa soon”. Hahaha
My sister ask my mum to gives my brother 21 years olds birthday present is “condom”, although we don’t know izzit too late to teach him.hehe
At least to protect both parties lah…
i got an indian colleague.. he told me he have sex with a malay gal with other 4 guys when he was 14 and the best part is at school.. i also knew a few kids tat only 9 years old that told me that his kkj will 'come out'(pao chu lai) when he watch porno.. so of course won't wait until 15..
So scary to see my name in your post! *sweats* I can't say enough that if the guy/girl decides to do it (this is where the pharmacist come in I guess) - practice safe sex and worst case scenario, buy a morning after pill!
My friends have told me of orgy parties rampant in Langkawi and Selangor by teenagers/ young adults. It seems the mentality nowadays is beyond just one to one sex.
it's getting younger and younger these days ei.. and hands oh hands, can't get off each others for sure. share some of ur own personal experience? :)
lol. regular commenter are missing. hahaha. are you referring that we are all non virgins in silent confession? sei zewt ah. like that say us. hahahahaha. normal ma. the parents can afford to take care of their grandchild nowadays... wuahahahahaha
look at the way those girls dress. dont know what i mean? go to sungai wang during the weekend. guess the factories ran out of cloths to make their shirt and skirts. lol.
Hmm...it's pretty hot here.
hmm..ok i'm one of those who like to dress up with lesser clothes
1. it's hot in msia (whahahahahhaha)
2. i'm not gona be young forever! =P
then again dressing up with less clothes doesn't automatically make a girl very "open" to sexual activities. um..ok i didn't mention anything about me cos i'm over 18..so not applicable! =P
i think kids that goes round humping nowdays r due to peer pressure, no? they go around in school, and boast around that their older brother always brings differnet girls home..then bla bla bla..they wana do it to..so do their friends..they get a girl..those naive little girls that'll do anything to get a bf n be 'popular' and be 'cool'..n viola..thats y we see 16yr olds getting pregnant
then there r also those lala muis who love to go clubbing cos it's 'cool', get drunk..wake up someplace else, and 2 mths later..viiola! they're pregnant! hahahhah ok la..some of the scenarios that i've heard of
sex is the quickest way to ruin a friendship-reality bites.
kids.they always think they know what they are doing...except abortion..and at that time,its too late.
Hey,people,leave the kids alone! - pink floyd.
Well, I have to admit I suffered "generation gap shock" when my MUCH YOUNGER cousins which I havent see for years during my trip back to my hometown came approaching me and talked about boys. They are 13 and 17 years old. The way they talked about boys is probably what I know when I am in college and stuffs.
I guess sex is much more common nowadays and much easier to obtain. As parents in the future, the best is only to educate our kids to have SAFER SEX. Pathetic, but we need to accept the fact. Else, to ground our kids permanently at home!
yea, its true kids get into relationships so early these days..and yes, sex and relationship do seem to go hand in hand these days, ya? heck, one nite stand seems to be happening lots also these days...our current young society certainly had open way too wide of their minds. i wonder, what is love all about then? or love is love, sex is sex? or sex and love is part of a package, hence the term, "making love".
Now you're really in to sex topic!
Personally, I am very surprised to find some 13 yrs old already engaging into sexual activities. I was still a kid at that time. I started dating at the age of 18 and my first sexual experience is when I was 21. I think it's an acceptable age for me. But 13 yrs old and having sex... I find it shocking. I'm not saying it's wrong, but they're probably not matured enough to know how to really protect themselves. Anyway... it's very common among youngsters nowadays. We just gotta open up to this westernize culture.
Hmmm...I think I know where you get certain info from. ;P
Anyway, whether it should be done at what age, will depend on the parents who teaches them about sex education. The only thing they can do now is to teach them about protection. To actually monitor whether they do it or not is pretty difficult.
I bet kids nowadays are growing up way too fast. I once had a little boy who came to me and asked me to be his gf and i was like 7-8 years his senior >_<
During my time, it used to be a big thing when we got to know that someone had sex in school. Even holding hands in school is prohibited. And now, it seems like having sex in school is something really common among the high school kids.
non @ 21/5 1.33am - hahaha... very straight forward indeed. but since we have reached this day and age, i guess that is the most appropriate thing to do.
-ritchie- - hahaha... pao chu lai... u mean erected right?
twisted heels - i have heard of all these orgies thingy too. guess the mentality of ppl in malaysia has really changed.
Jian - hello there, welcome to AZAIG. hahaha... my experience? i am a late bloomer :P
Kel - hahaha... that's why, no one owns up to it... so...:P well, some ppl say they are environmental friendly mah... dont use so much fabrics.
Akira - feel the heat!
huei - wah... quite interesting scenarios you have heard. oh well, have to say peer pressure is one. but what is the source of those pressure?
j or ji - hahaha... so, never sleep with a friend eh?
Eileen - yeah, i think it is difficult for us adult to tell the kids to not do it when we are doing it already. and with their wide based knowledge, they will know.
missironic - making love is for marriage... for most part. i think sex has become a lifestyle to most ppl.
purple mushroom - so our concern is abour protection. so if they wear a condom, does that make it safe? i think we just have to accept that everything is happening faster nowadays. hmmm... 21 eh? haha...
Seaqueen - so there is nothing to do to stop them right? yeah, it's about progression and human evolution.
nikz - haha... yeah, last time when you sleep with a girl, you'll be hero. now, you have to see if you are the last to do it. 7-8 years your junior hitting on you! wow!
I was a virgin when I was 18. HAHAHAHAHHAHAH!!!
Recently I heard from one teacher that she saw a couple of Form 3 students making out behind a school's block. The boy was caressing the girl tits while kissing her. The girl was almost half naked. That teacher is not teaching in that school. She was invigilating the PMR examination. She tells us that kids of nowadays do not know the word 'malu'.
My students are telling me the same story too. Students are kissing at the staircase during school time. Students having sex in the classroom after school. A male teacher in my previous school caught two pairs of students making out in the laboratory while the rest having assembly in the hall.
I don;t know what to say. It is the failure of the teacher, education, family or themselves?
do u even think ppl are in "bf-gf" mode nowadays? they'd go "he's my date", or "she's just a person i hang out with", or "he's a casual partner" etc. maybe not in asian countries yet, but certainly in the west, young ones are having commitment phobia (but admittedly no phobia abt sex LOL).
When you're young, it's experimental, savouring all those new experiences but once you get older you will want to appreciate the tact and handling... I sound like I'm talking about a car. * gives up
Late bloomer zewt? Then me too! Still proudly V.
There are not many 13-year-old in the sexual relationship; there may be some. Moral education is important and the social groupings of these children will influence them.
As such, the question whether they would be involved in sexual activities would be much dependent on the social environment.
Personally, I think attending single-sex school does help to fend off sexual activities to a certain degree, although some may disagree with me.
On another note, I just don't think you should teach your kids (particularly daughters, for obvious reason) abt "protection" and tell em "it's OK to have sex as long as you are protected". WTF, there's no such thing as 100% protection except abstinence! So if you used condom + pills, but still got pregger, yeah, abortion can always be done in seedy clinics...but are you ready to carry the emotional burden your whole life long? Having sex comes with a huge responsibility that i can't even begin to describe in words, and unless the couple are emotionally stable and financially independent from their parents/guardians, then sorry la, for the love of humanity please keep away your tools first, can ah? It's not an issue of farking up your own life, but an issue of potentially farking up an innocent's life...and how many tragic stories have we seen from such instance?
source ar..curiosity..lack or too much of sexual education..TV!! hahah so many..but ofcourse parents have to teach them la..but then again..won't they strike more curiosity when parents tell them not to do things? u know..when u're not allowed to look..u will look!
i know of 2 ppl who got pregnant n duno who the dad is..so sad lah..n it's too late to go for abortion..so what happens? they give birth..too young to teach their kids..their kids grow up to be like them..n the cycle repeats again
yea..tats seem like it, ya..how's much things had changed frm our parents time to our time now..wow! i wonder in the nex generation, how will the lifestyle be then...hmm...
I always believe, the more you want to control them, the more they would want to go against you. So only thing is to educate and pray for the best. Same like what is happening to the politics in this country, don't you think so?
Zewt, what I meant by 'protect' themselves is to protect their own dignity, pride, body, emotion, etc. Bottom line, to know how to love themselves. Not just merely sexual protection la you! I know you've been reading Purple-Mushroom's hamsup post lately and your brain is all about sex. Oh ya... I forgot your wife is away from you now. Ah... no wonder all the sex topics comes out. Hahahah!
Lol! What an interesting topic...
What's funny is, quite a number of ppl around my age (late twenties) had plans to keep their virginity till they get hitched (this was when we were 18/19). Of course being older now, we never discussed whether they kept it or not. But I know a few of those in their early twenties (now) who already have a very adventurous sex life. I have quite a number of younger cousins, but I dare not ask them about kids their age either
Btw, according to cleo magazine a few years back, the average age of Malaysians having sex for the first time is about 20.9 years.
zewt fat hau lately.. :D hey, the big news today is on the school girls uniform, sort of related to your post man. something about rape and pre-marital sex.
I'm with Jun on what she said. I just had lunch with a friend and she was telling me about her recent date, particularly one she's very much into. "But we're just dating, you know, and the sex is great, but I wouldn't go as far as saying we're in a relationship yet. That's too fast."
And so it is.
These days the sex often comes before the relationship, if at all. It used to be it went hand-in-hand, and before that, relationship = no sex till marriage.
Things change, my friend, and we have to accept that this is how people may be. Whether we follow suit or not is an entirely different matter.
I'm all for anyone choosing to remain a virgin or for having sex as they please for whatever reason other than the reason that they do so because they feel pressured. Sex (and abstinence) can be a wonderful experience if we do it for our own sake.
gina - the keyword has to be 'when i was 18'... :P
I'm Choonie - well, this is what happen when parents want their children to start young on everything.
Jun - asians are fast catching up i tell u.
mob1900 - hahahaha... sounds like an art eh? which is true.
mar - cool! good on ya.
Maverick SM - oh yeah, there are plenty. some even younger. and that video about a kid in primary school falling in love with his primary classmate aint doing things good.
sooi sooi - you have a point. but then again, it made ppl become very vary of the opposite sex. pro and cons ler. well, looks like your kid is in for a tough time eh?
huei - shite!! dunno who the dad is? how many partners la? well, at least they didnt abort. really a big issue this is.
missironic - quality of life improve mah... parents more money, what to do?
seaqueen - totally agreed. and we have to accept that things have changed.
purple mushroom - eh... nothing to do with that ok? hahahaha...
terra shield - yeah... make us sound as though we are the generation before them. well, imagine the next next generation... things are just moving too fast.
bongkersz - i can foresee things hahahahaha....
Kenny Mah - wow... your friend, quite open minded eh? and sounds like she is not exactly the young type, is she? well, looks like we are also paving the 'example' for the young. guess ppl are more into sex for pleasure more than anything.
I have the faith that if we raise our kids the right way, they will stay on the right path and raise the following generation in the right way too. Regardless of how the society evolved, staying true to your own values and belief is of utmost importance. 6 billion ppl may be doing the wrong thing but that won't change the fact it's still wrong. Being a parent is the toughest thing in the world i tell ya. Good luck to u hor ;p
I read an article before said as a parent; we need to bring them to pub, disco, night entertainment. Drink Jackdanial, XO, beer, tequila with them.
So they can teach the children what can, and what can’t do in the situation.
How to drink, and estimate their drinking limit, so they won’t cheated by their “friend”.
For me, my mum dint teach me this kind of things, I realize myself. We can’t trust any people in this kind of place, so I don’t drink any drinks from “customer” there, but drink the drinks from manager of pub or captain of pub / cruise.
What I stress on is see the whole process he make, layer drinks, alcohol or not alcohol.
From my friends I can see, if you restrict them to go here, go there, they will try to “do it behind”.
For example, I’ll go Genting after my June exam. The purpose I’ll go is disco and starbuck, of course the whether there (I like the most, cold). My friends who her mum looking her “tightly” is covering up her purpose (go disco for 1st time ) and cheat her mum(with all friends about 6 and also pakat her sister).
been busy lately with new job. only goes home around 9-10 plus. still haven't reach 11 yet but like i said, my brain stop working at 11....
anyway, i think as part of sex education, we should teach them the consequences of sex (not just physically and emotionally) but also of commitment and spiritual aspect of things. the responsibility of course rest in their hands.
and yes, like what i said in the blog, i only had sex after marriage.
Hi, I blog-hopped here and read with interest on this topic.
I think it's a matter of how the girls or even guys nowadays keep their dignity. As a girl, I personally think those who give sex easily to their partners are being "easy". I believe a normal decent girl shud be a little more "expensive" to her partner. Have sex with him only when you feel really really secure and appreciated, it makes your virginity worth giving.
But then again, it takes time to know When u are really sure about that guy? or feel secured? Will he wait? Will he stay true? If the girl have the doubts then she's not ready for sex yet. Vice versa for guys i guess.
sooi sooi - that's good. guess we will just have to wait and see. I am sure a good child will stand out amongst the rest in the future.
anon @ 23/5 12.38am - yeah, guess over control is always bad. i have also done my fair share of lying, so i truly understand. it's cool you dont have to lie. but still... have to be cautious.
myop101 - wow... so it's back to modern slavery life eh? i think education no longer works, it just doesnt function that way anymore.
Lifong - hi and welcome to AZAIG. i think in this day and age, guys are always ready... most of them that is. as for making oneself expensive... well, there's a danger. if a girl gives it and left hurt... she might just turn the other way round.
yeap.. tat boy mean errect..
-ritchie- - and he said... burst out... wow... he really thinks his is big eh? hah!
With people getting into the ‘I-am-your-bf, you-are-my-gf’ mood when they are … 12, do you think they will wait till they are 15 before they hump?
In US, no.
In Malaysia, probably no nowadays.
angie - exactly...
are people really having sex at a younger age, or is our generation just open about our private lives that we hear about it more often?
Am i the "blogger" u mentioned here? Anyway, i'm always against having sex before u know for sure that this is your other half for the rest of your life...Mayb too old fashion thinking, but that's the way i've been brought up...
anon @ 11/6 1.38am - hmmm... that is truly something to think about. i think it's a combination but more towards ppl humping away at a young age.
sharlydia - yes... you are :) hehehe... you want to be specifically mentioned?
The chap is definitely just, and there is no doubt.
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