If you are thinking of applying to go grassy land, one of thing you need to do is to apply for a “Certificate of Good Conduct” from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Traditionally, the form requires the usual details such as name, identification number, address, pas employment, education history and you seal it up with a declaration that you are not convicted of any crime and do not possess any criminal record. However, one additional requirement was incorporated there-in commencing (based on the final page of the form) 3 March 2008. The form is so new that it is not in the ministry website yet.
Point 21 of the latest form states:
“Permohonan oleh warganegara Malaysia untuk Sijil Kelakuan Baik hendaklah disokong oleh mana-mana pegawai dari kategori pegawai yang disenaraikan di bawah:”
The “pegawai” is supposed to give a comment to support that I am a person of good conduct and of course, subsequently provide his/her name, IC number, occupation and address. Do note… there is no signatory requirement indicated here. Based on my previous experience dealing with newly introduced prescribed forms, I have a feeling the “tandatangan” requirement has been erroneously omitted.
But the most intriguing part is the ‘kategori pegawai’ who can give a comment on my behaviour. They are:
Pegawai Kerajaan dalam kumpulan perkhidmatan pengurusan dan professional (Kumpulan A) ----- First, I have no idea who are these people. Secondly, how do they know I have good conduct or otherwise? And if you are saying that they are to comment on civil servants working in that field, are they facilitating civil servants to get one? Whatever it is, this category is out for me.
Jaksa Pendamai ----- Can someone please tell me who or what is this???
Ketua kampung atau Penghulu ----- I supposed they expect the village chief to know of everyone’s conduct? Or they expect most people applying for such cert coming from the kampung?
Ahli-ahli Parlimen atau ADUN ----- So they did cater for urban folks after all. But then again, how are the MPs and state assemblymen know of the conduct of the relevant applicant? My mom-in-law said she knew a MP and called him today. I asked if he was the MP for the previous term, the answer was yes. As such, my fear was confirmed… he is MP no more for this term. On hindsight, maybe I should ask Tony Pua to give me a comment or two since he took a few articles from my blog before.
Guru Besar / Pengetua Sekolah atau Maktab Awam ----- This is by far my last bet. But then again, my Pengetua has long left for grassy land himself so I have to approach my school’s current Pengetua, whom I am sure have no idea how I behaved in school. As a matter of fact, I rather him not know that. Hey…! My school leaving cert states that I am a brilliant kid ok! I was just being humble.
In my opinion, I don’t know what is the relevance of this additional requirement. Is this a desperate measure to stop or at least slow down the brain drain problem? Whatever it is, it is just going to make people feel frustrated and more determined to get it done. I mean, how would these people know of my conduct as a person? And God knows what some of these people would ask for return if the applicant is desperate.
So if you are one going to embark on a mission to grassy land… don’t tell me I didn’t give you a head up………

Point 21 of the latest form states:
“Permohonan oleh warganegara Malaysia untuk Sijil Kelakuan Baik hendaklah disokong oleh mana-mana pegawai dari kategori pegawai yang disenaraikan di bawah:”
The “pegawai” is supposed to give a comment to support that I am a person of good conduct and of course, subsequently provide his/her name, IC number, occupation and address. Do note… there is no signatory requirement indicated here. Based on my previous experience dealing with newly introduced prescribed forms, I have a feeling the “tandatangan” requirement has been erroneously omitted.
But the most intriguing part is the ‘kategori pegawai’ who can give a comment on my behaviour. They are:
Pegawai Kerajaan dalam kumpulan perkhidmatan pengurusan dan professional (Kumpulan A) ----- First, I have no idea who are these people. Secondly, how do they know I have good conduct or otherwise? And if you are saying that they are to comment on civil servants working in that field, are they facilitating civil servants to get one? Whatever it is, this category is out for me.

Ketua kampung atau Penghulu ----- I supposed they expect the village chief to know of everyone’s conduct? Or they expect most people applying for such cert coming from the kampung?
Ahli-ahli Parlimen atau ADUN ----- So they did cater for urban folks after all. But then again, how are the MPs and state assemblymen know of the conduct of the relevant applicant? My mom-in-law said she knew a MP and called him today. I asked if he was the MP for the previous term, the answer was yes. As such, my fear was confirmed… he is MP no more for this term. On hindsight, maybe I should ask Tony Pua to give me a comment or two since he took a few articles from my blog before.
Guru Besar / Pengetua Sekolah atau Maktab Awam ----- This is by far my last bet. But then again, my Pengetua has long left for grassy land himself so I have to approach my school’s current Pengetua, whom I am sure have no idea how I behaved in school. As a matter of fact, I rather him not know that. Hey…! My school leaving cert states that I am a brilliant kid ok! I was just being humble.
In my opinion, I don’t know what is the relevance of this additional requirement. Is this a desperate measure to stop or at least slow down the brain drain problem? Whatever it is, it is just going to make people feel frustrated and more determined to get it done. I mean, how would these people know of my conduct as a person? And God knows what some of these people would ask for return if the applicant is desperate.
So if you are one going to embark on a mission to grassy land… don’t tell me I didn’t give you a head up………
so u goin to grassy land for good ? Or waitin Tony's "approval" ?
Jaksa Pendamai - Justice of Peace. Those with JP awards kot...?
Eh yalor.. how come a bit tak masuk akal wan.. ask those ppl who dunno u to confirm your 'conduct'? Weird...
It amazes me how creative the government can be in making it SO difficult to apply for these kinds of documents - honestly, good conduct forms I can understand, but having to get confirmation from utter strangers?
Or are they implying that you have to be incredibly well connected (ie. know a MP personally) to qualify?
hahaha.. jaksa pendamai or JP.. cept my friends and I call these ppl.. jaga pintu~
It is such that we humans require others to vouch for us…. simply our own words is not good enough :x
I believe the feeling is mutual..again word talk, money walks..*under certain situation.
aha..never really knew this actually existed!
Jaksa Pendamai? wat is that??? hahaa...never heard before!!
Gosh, I am not aware of the new rule introduced and just sent in the form first week of March. Hope it doesn't get delayed because of this.
Yes, Tony Pua can testify how good you are, how illogical that may sound.
This is "standard" bureaucratic requirement for many applications involve a gomen department i.e. apply to local u, scholarship, PTPTN, business license, etc.
Most graduates who joined gomen service i.e. teachers are in category A (Pengawai kumpulan A).
Jaksa Pendamai - Justice of Peace (tai1 pin1 shen1 si4)
You can also go to a Oath Commissioner, it is usually runs by JP (at least the ones I know in Melaka are all run by people who are JP), it cost RM10 to have their rubber stamp though. Tony Pua better lah, it doesn't cost money. :-)
I wonder if they have the same piece of paper for you to fill in before you return to M'sia. :P
What if the officer refuse to sign on it? Can we stay back in UK? hahaha
papers, protocols and formalities! *sigh*
yeah thot jaksa pendamai was justice of peace too...
but msia doesnt have justice of peace! we only have commissioner of oath...
oh dear, didnt know they have these things in place now. previously i only paid rm20 and there i am stating that i'm clean... :P
Really going to the grassy land...?or you just telling about it...
There ARE people serving as Justice of Peace in Malaysia. One is Dato' Dr Clement Hii, CEO of SEGI and that MP for Bintulu is also JP...and I guess there are many others.
You can ask the top-ranking officer in any government department if you know any eg in Sibu, the "boss" in Jabatan Kerja Raya should belong to that A Category and can vouch for you...or Tony Pua will do fine!
Aiyor...city people, dunno anybody one!!! U come to Sibu lah (where everybody knows everybody), suituapui'll get someone to sign for you! Me celebrity mah!!! LOL!!!
the ppl that you are supposed to get to vouch for you sounded like the ones i had to when i was in school..to borrow textbooks..there's this form..but usually my ahkong-grandpa signed for me wan..cos he had this PJK-Pingat Jasa Kebaktian thing..haha..
the land of no grass..prevents people from looking for grass!
adoi. jp pun tak tahu ah? u tak peaceful lah, that's why. those ppl don't really hv to know u. it's just a formality. if u can get their details, u can't be all bad or a wanted criminal, that the rationality, i guess. who wants to stop u from leaving the country, u r the wrong skin colour lah. ask cocka to sign for u, he's the guru besar of that yamade limcockawingz university of his.
if on the other hand, u need to somebody to prove u r very naughty, i can sign for u. :-p
wow..i also wondering do those ppl noe u to certify whether u have good conducts or not...dun really make sense..yes, they are high authorities but how many high authorities do we noe in person? probably for those who r thinking of going to the grassy land shud start 'making friends' with those high authorities now..lolz..
anyway, gud luck to u zewt in getting the comment.. =D
aiya so mahuan wan!
We are breaking new ground here and you are still looking for greener pastures? I thought you were going because things didnt get any better, now we are working toward changing the Federal government and hopefully a better Malaysia for everyone will emerge.
We still need your assistance to ghet there zewt. Be with us till the next GE at least. Our people need u with your thought provoking blogs.
ahaha i done it last yr with the old requirements..PHEW!
so where u gonna find the signature and person now?? maybe create your imaginary MP perhaps?
Pegawai Kerajaan dalam kumpulan perkhidmatan pengurusan dan professional (Kumpulan A) - This refers to the Directors of Govt. Departments
zewt, sorry, i was wrong. there ARE justices of peace in msia.
apparently there are a lot in KL too, somewhere in Subang... but one isn't sure whether those are legitimate JPs or not....
So here is this link to the Penang's council of justices of the peace:
Give them a ring to find out the contacts for the KL ones.
Hope this helps!
they are trying to slow down ppl moving to the grassy land I guess.
Pegawai Kerajaan dalam kumpulan perkhidmatan pengurusan dan professional (Kumpulan A)
usually i go back to my campus and bug my lecturer(s) to sign it. they r in Kump A :D
interesting to know this.....
what if eventually after they 'signed' the good conduct comment for someone, that person turns to a 'bad' conduct, will there be any accountability???? hahaha...just another foolish side of our 'govt'!!
jaksa pendamai should be justice of peace.
haha...perhaps you can ask Tony Pua to help out.
well...i suspect it is more to do with... mullahs...but you know la... what do i know...
jaksa pedamai is a justice of peace lar abang!
anyway i dont see how the additional field/section is of any importance and I think is totally irrelevant.
of well, looks like you got more work to do. but when u get here, it will all be worth the while mate ;-)
...it's all a formality ler, they don't really need to know whether you good or not to sign for you. LOL.
they dun need to know you good or not. they only wanna know how much can you be good to them.... there are ppl wif JP who opened offices to sign for money, and authorised as well? as ridiculous it may be, it's true. so, australia huh? hm... thinking of going out as well....esp after reading ur cost analysis in UK haha....
kekeke..i applied for one when i was in uk..got expiry date one o not..might b useful when i wanna go over..
freethinker - hahaha... i am going if it is approved... by aussie immigration.
angeles - who is a JP? come sign my form! haha...
beetrice - they wanna make it difficult to attempt but in the end... it is... irrelevant.
-=Sin=- - jaga pintu haha! well, maybe they were trying to open up some door to some side income.
lynnwei - me too... sigh.
Leah - hi, welcome to AZAIG. oh... commissioner of oath can be a JP? then say la commissioner of oath! anyway, the whole thing is just meaningless.
puvanan - hahaha... u wish!
pavlova - hahaha... 20 bucks... i sure dont mind paying.
elvinado - both :)
suituapui - wah... u all the way in sibu... jauh la... not like a drive away u know hehe.
H.C. Tan - hahahaha... wonder if he can sign for me.
huei - well said... well said..making it difficult.
me - wrong skin colour? dont play racial card la hahaha... cocka... can u sign for me? as for you signing... tak payah la... i say i am bad... everyone believe already.
missironic - they make it sound as though such ppl are all knowing.
wuching - mahuan?
zawi - well, besides the sad state of the nation a few months ago, one of the reason why i wanna move away is also to get away from the modern slavery kingdom of malaysia, one i think is exploiting its people. and i think they are going to explode soon. dont worry, thoughts provoking thoughts will continue to come.
constant craver joe - darn... lucky u!
melbie - certified i dont know any...
littlepolaris - and making it difficult...
tulipspeaks - i wish i can do that too... hehe... why u need a cert?
Jacss - indeed... very foolsh isnt it. and i am sure they wont be held accountable. we are still malaysia.
I am Ann - hey... your comment was informative... why delete it?
myop101 - tony... i hope he doesnt ask for moolah.
MeLiSsA - that is why i am still persevering.
frostier - some are saying commissioner of oath is one?
marg - true... and maybe to create extra income?
CK Tan - hahahaha... when i reach aussie land, will do the cost analysis there too... then you will definitely wanna go.
neno - i think it valids for a year... hah!
Mine was signed by a commissioner of oath back in 2007. It seems that the rule has changed, but still worth try ask a commissioner of oath. As far as I know they are very knowledgeable in responding to government related issues (procedure to apply for this and that).
Exactly, that's a weird thing to do, to expext people who don't know you to judge you... What an odd system...
How will they know the person you asked to comment or recommend is really a Tok Penghulu, Ketua kampung, or whatever...?
Why not you send me the piece of paper, I write, and I sign off as your Tok Penghulu. Can?
mr know-it-all probably? lolz..
Hi Zewt
You said "The form is so new that it is not in the ministry website yet." What are those buggers waiting for? Someone to switch on the computer for them ah? ;D
If they know they are going to have a new form, get it ready on the website with all the particulars and directions needed to get one filled. This one like "separuh masak" (half cooked). And then they wonder why the public get frustrated with them (this, among other things).
Some countries require a police certificate from a person's home country. The reason - they want to know if the immigrant got into trouble with the law.
Anyway, now that we have a 'new' government in the making, I hope there will be some positive changes. Hopefully this convinces some not to flee the country. Honestly, I would like to return to the country one day.
jaksa pendamai is justice of peace. I have no idea who hands out these awards..i dont think they hand them out much anymore. but i do have a relative who is a justice of peace. must go ask said relative what this is all about!
Everyone can fly! Air tickets as low as 99 sen, and sometimes, for free...if you are lucky! Have to check online regularly and once there's am offer, grab it!!! Of course, sometimes they offer RM9.99 and you make ur purchase...only to find that they're offering RM1.99...!!! Bang balls!
Well, if u pay for transport, food and lodging, I can fly over to KL and get your documents signed for you! I know people there too, no kidding!!! LOL!
hey zewt! welcome back!!! :)
Others may have answered before, but jaksa pendamai is justice of peace...
Anyway, these are the same people you go to for all the formal stuff in Malaysia... especially for that 'pengesahan' stamp.
And I guess they don't have to know you personally either.
wah, so hard, eh ?
Means, if we want to migrate to some other faraway country, we need to fill in that bloody form?!?!
Bee Ean - yeah, this new requirement is very new and all agents are still in shock.
Aleckii - odd has always been the way things are here...
purple mushroom - hahaha... actually, i was thinking about that but i rather do it the right way la.
missironic - hahaha... probably.
J.T. - well, this form is from the foreign ministry... which is still under BN and based on things are looking... wont be a while before things begin to shape up.
lingzie - ask the to help me la... :)
suituapui - hahahaha.... i am not that rich yet :P
"maemee" - thanks :)
terra shield - that's the point... what's the relevance of this? guess it's another boleh way of doing things.
alan zed - susah bang...
poseidon - yup... and get a certificate!
wah...didn't know it's so difficult to apply for migration.
i'm definitely one planning to go :-(
wah if i were to ask for my school pengetua for her to say im good girl... i think my chances are as good as zero :P
although my school leaving cert says im a good student etc...
i HOPE she forgot all my mischevious antics!! like "almost" burning down the chemistry lab!! fuyoh... -_-'
My goodness. Thank God I got mine done before all this nonsense was introduced.
But then again, over here, if you want to get anything certified, you'd need the same as well.
JP???Go look for Michael Chong.hahahah
zewt, i have applied for one of these stupid Good behaviour shit.
Get a Justice of Peace, it would be the easiest. cost u rm50 or something for their signature.
friend, this requirement has a very important element behind...so some pple can make some extra pocket money for their signatures dude! hahahah...
I personally find this new requirement a bit "brainless"...
Hey Zewt, u really going to Grassy land?
I got my letter of good conduct in about 3 weeks.. pretty fast.. maybe I was just lucky.. but for work in Trinidad, not for migrating.. altho that too does sound tempting..
shopaholicfern - if you want it... u have to go through the difficulty then...
sunshine - hahaha... almost... anyway, it's pavillion now.
tine - well, i am going to get that done no matter what.
huey mei - hi, welcome. who is that? :)
rational thinker - but i dunno one ler...
sharlydia - that is exactly what i am trying to say...
Russ - hahaha... i certainly hope i will be able to get one even quicker. yeah... grassy land i wanna go... :)
frostee - no kidding...
just wanted to ask how u got awarded? i mean, who votes, nominates, and so on? nice job btw.. :)
Sylvia - hi there, welcome to AZAIG. those awards are from fellow bloggers... :)
In my opinion one and all should browse on it.
Thanks so much for this article, quite useful piece of writing.
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