Next, ARK check… today I held the lift for someone. I could have easily frantically pressed ‘close’ just to have the lift for myself. I think that’s kind enough right? What about you? Did any ARK today?
Oh, I felt tremors at my workplace today at 11.35am. Would have blogged about it instantly like the one I had earlier but I couldn’t access blog from office so… have to give it a miss. As soon as it happened, the building management asked us to remain seated. It’s just so stupid, typical Malaysian attitude. Anyway, let’s not spoil our Friday.
As another act of kindness… may I present you with this online game… it’s called… “Whack the boss”. Ahhh… I can see a lot of you like it already.
The objective of the game is to successfully locate the 17 items in the screen to kill the boss. Yeah, it’s a bit violent but it’s all online, so it’s cool. Besides, I am sure many of you want to do that on a daily basis.
Referring to the screenshots below, move your mouse across the screen to locate the tools you need. It will appear in colour when you manage to locate it. You win when you manage to locate 17 different tools. Oh... best if enjoyed with sound...
And once you win… this is what you’ll see… a good night sleep…

Wait no more… whack away here…
See, I am so kind... Happy weekend!
P/S: The author will not be responsible for any violent behaviour arising from this blog and… good luck to all the bosses.
wakaka~ this is fun.. weeee.....
have a great weekend zewt. (but actually, almost every day is a weekend for me :P)
ewww to be really popular for...doodie of cos...ahha..
oops...i forgot my ARK... errmm... does letting ehon sleep over at my plc an act of kindness ah? tho' not quite random... ok, i'll try to do one ARK this wkend lo...
pssstt... jacky cheung later tonite??
happy weekend!
My colleague was very harried because the bosses asked her for a few things -- yes things, plural -- at the last minute and wanted all of the stuff ASAP. I offered to help her verify a small bit of info which she needed in order to complete one of those tasks. Actually I didn't even think of it as an ARK. I just kesian-kan her because she was so stressed, poor thing...
My contribution to ARK is that I will refrain from playing
I elect to forgo the 17 points. Now there in an ARK.
MAN!!!! this ROCKS!
but am stuck at 16 on 17! :( I can't find the last one! duh.
ARK Check - almost same as you, held the lift at school
omigawd!!!! i couldn't stand the violence after the 3rd one. *rolls eyes* zewt, zewt. so peen thai, lah.
as for ARK, i'm naturally sweet, sorry. it's in my nature and i do it subconsciously everyday. *vomit* hehe.
*still shaking head* so grossssss! i have to think of happy things to get the so gross scenes out of my head. i'll be permanently scarred by the images!!!
my ARk yesterday was...
**thinking hard**
oh shit... turning 30 really had some BIG impact on my brains!
wah lao... i cant remember what i did yesterday!!
hahahah! interesting game!!!
i did ARK..b4 reading ur post! i gave my LRT seat to an elderly lady! *proud*
ok..i'm insane..please forgive me!
It's hard to do ARK here when everyone's so rude.
BTW.. for the game, I love the panic button the most. Hahaha! What a hipocrite!
zewt, this is really really hardcore violent stuff!!! haha! I WON!!! actually i dun really hate my boss (my current new boss), but i did it for fun, also was thinking of my ex-boss! haha...
My yesterday's ARK: I fed some mosquitoes with my own blood.
i score 17.Thats show how much i 'love' my boss.Thanks bro for the ARK.
i enjoyed the link. hepi weekends. :)
heheh. thx for the ramadhan wishes, zewt! ^_^
anyhoo, on the ARK, there is no small deed that is worthless. even holding a lift, which can be so trivial to some, "ala, s/he arrived late what?". so good job! ^_^
btw, ive played the game before. but since i dont exactly have a boss, i imagine ppl i dont like instead. heheh. ;P
And whaddaya know? The office server blocked access to the Whack the Boss site. Wakakakakakaka...
I do numerous ARK daily especially when I have to hold my tongue/temper at the workplace! Heh.
Good for you, Zewt! I believe in Karma, so do more ARK and you get a lot of blessings in your life. Hehe, whack my boss later, my position in the office is not ideal :P
For my ARK I would like to tip LASH on the missing 17th weapon. You could have missed the cloth hook holding the jacket on the door.
A good boss will always be respected and even loved. Cant think of any previous boss of mine who deserved to be so treated. Have a good weekend everybody.
I hope I wait for this opportunity so long already.. Time to “Whack the boss”, kao kao !! =D
hahahaha good to release tension hor? lol
Hey, you have a nice weekend. :-)
Wait, wait, wait. The person u're holding the lift for ar, was it a she or a he. If it's a she, it doesn't count. :P
I got ARK yesterday! but... I forgot what it was... LOL!
*whack whack whack*
great blog, may i link yours to mine?
I used to do lots of ARK too but not today!!!
Eh where u find such games one?
So far.. my boss here is ok.. so no need to whack him first.. ahhaa.. but i tried this during my last employment.. all of us (my colleagues i mean) like having a competition to see who can get the 17 the fastest.. ahha..
As for my ark, I volunteered to help my colleague to the bookshop and wait for him in the car while he get his work done since it's hard to find a parking.. haha.
I did an ARK today. I promised a colleague to be her photographer for her wedding next weekend eventhough I loathe it to bits coz it's a free service... and I already vowed I will NOT do it for free.. but.. what to do? Sigh.
lol... this is good, as expected from the folks. :)
anyway, i loss track of the ARKs i did. hehehe... i no need to keep track, as long as the Big Guy Up There count for me is good enough liao.
we need a girlfriend beater.. or teacher will do too haha
But I love my boss! I would rather whack my housemate (from hell)!
Can't wait to move out to my own place.
Hahaha...what a cool game!!!
But I don't have a boos to whack.
I'll modified it to my discipline teacher
happy weekend! me MIA too long d..hahaha
it's... taking... so... darn... long... to... load...
but i like my current boss... but there's one person i'd like to whack the cr** out of.. the one who is keeping me from goin to Thailand to work for a few weeks... *bah humbug*
my ARK... i'm working from home the whole day so hv no opportunity to do any. I almost had one yesterday when I pulled over at the D'sara Toll and the Toll booth guy stopped me and asked me if I could help him. I told him if it was within my means I would.
Seems there was some sort of accident (machinery I'm guessing) and the person was in pain. Their request was for me to send him to the hospital. I said sure but in the end another toll attendant said they've already called the ambulance so they didn't need my help... so does dat count as one? ok ok ok... at least half... :P
have a wonderful weekend~!
the whacky game is so cool. hahaa.. now now back to assg... :(
soulblade - why? you're off the modern slave system?
Daphstar - so this is old game? hmmm...
angel - yeah... that would be a god ARK! kudos... me not going ler... wanted to.
Sunflower - your boss indirectly enslaved both of u! haha... but it's good... it's an ARK.
The Malaysian Life - you're being unkind to yourself. or perhaps... you're being kind to yourself?
LaSh - hahaha.... took me a while too... try harder!
me - hahaha... i wonder the maker of the game is a freak or what. you have a weak heart.
sunshine - hahaha... good luck lor... by the time u hit 35... how?
Huei - kudos kudos to you... where got insane?
purple mushroom - panic button? shit... did i miss anything???
sharlydia - the inner violent in us... hmmmm...
cirnelle - and the mossie kingdom thank you..
j or ji - we all have a crush on them...
alan zed - same to u.
Zaty - works the same way... :)
rinnah - try it at home then! hehe. hmm... self control is an ARK... perhaps.
princess eileen - hahaha... just joined new place wanna whack already?
Zawi - wow... we all face evil bosses all the time huh... so sad... so so sad...
keeyit - hahaha... only do it online ok?
Helen - yeah... very good. maybe i will try it again later after what happened today.
adrian - honestly... cant remember... counted or not?
may - aiyooo.... nvm... whacking it is an ARK... hahaha...
lucius maximus - hi there and welcome. of cos you can. link away...
pookyma - ppl forward to me... hehe... do one this week. an ARK i mean.
mcmercedez - that's like a convenient ARK... well, i wont judge... it's a good act nonetheless.
anigma - you're a professional photographer????
Angie Tan - well... i am certainly not big enough to count.
tingtitlei - wah... wait till your gf reads this.
ardy - hahaha... just imagine it's him lor...
baby sa - works the same hehe..
HC Tan - yeah, where did u go?
aSstHa - hahaha... half... well... it's the thought that counts. well done.
annna - assignment... it's good... better than real work from boss... :)
a good game.. who loves their boss anyway!
Ooh. I love this game. Though I have yet to have any use for it at the mo. Hahaha!
Have a great weekend too.
Hey zewt, thanks for the anger management game link. Best thing I've done on the Net for a long time.
hahaha... this one really whacked 9 9
My ARK was helping a 'special child', who is actually a young man, open his bottle of Coca Cola at WalMart. I was strolling pass him (going to the next aisle) when he came up to me, handed me his bottle and asked if I can open it for him. It was a new bottle and the seal was a little tighter than usual to break open. When I did, he thanked me with a huge smile. I wished him a good day. Then I saw him walk towards his mother. His mother said, "looks like he made a new friend today." She smiled and thanked me too.
By the way, that was an awesome game. I found all 17 weapons to annihilate the boss. :D
my gawd, shit! XD and i laughed all the way through all the 17 weapons lol... never knew the water dispenser can be used this way! XD and that guys sure can handle scissors well lol... one cut can kill liao XD
newayz, well i'd always wait when there's someone coming when i'm taking the lift, if they do come in they'll usually give a warm smile, and yeah i guess that's a gesture of thanks and you've done something good for the day :)
Hehehe ... thanks for that act of kindness. My boss must be wheezing and his eyebrows must be twitching like crazy from all the voodoo chants I did when whacking :p
i did an ARk will write in go check it out then...Muaahahahaa
wohhhhh thats kinda sick - but I can use the idea. not all the way but maybe......80%? he ll still live but will be in the hospital for longgggg time. ahhaa!
btw the idea is not to my boss but this other guy.
no boss to whack at the moment....but do they have any games to whack super annoying friends, do you think?
Funny, I didn't feel any tremors at my place at all. I was probably in a deep sleep..
Oh .. nice game eh? Imagine if it was real... kinda like a dream come true. :P
How about a WhackYourBoyfriend game? :)
ahhahaha..nice game!
like the one with the mineral pot! xD
cbenc12 - apparently none :)
seaqueen - but did u win?
patrickteoh - hey pat! no worries... always a pleasure to be of service.
dreamie - happy or not? haha...
JT - brought great warmth to your heart, isnt it? kudos to for annihilating the boss... double kudos to u! haha...
conan cat - let's hope the ARK continues. as for the game... hehe... keep whacking!
tine - i think a lot of bosses must have felt that in the last few days hehe.
pookyma - i shall
SuLee - wonder who...
water angel - it's all in the mind... hehe... treat it as though it's your friend.
cindy - for real? wahh... that would be gruesome! haha!
Hello Rainbow - hi there and welcome. well... perhaps you can do a search. i am very sure it's available. hehe... thanks for dropping by.
pinksterz - hahaha... i just like all of them!!!
LOL! What a great game! Now if only I can do that in real life... nyek nyek nyek.
schweeney - i told u that u will like it. real life... tak boleh la... this is for syiok sendiri only.
hahaha keep wondering..
SuLee - i am sure it's not me right? hehe...
hi zewt,
this may be a little late but i'm so glad to hv stumbled upon this entry of yours. i had a great time whacking. almost gave up on the last one. it was so obvious that his fist is useful too doesnt it?
thanks man.
kerp(ph.d) - hey there! my pleasure... dont we all 'love' our boss... hehe...
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