As I was thinking about what to pen down today, my memory brought me back to the a few months back when I stumbled upon a blog entry which talks about orgasm. As the blogger wishes to remain anonymous, I shall not link there.
Some of you may have read it, that blogger was talking about men and orgasm. It talks about how orgasm is… an orgasm. Whether you’re making love to your wife… or to your girlfriend… or to a whore… or to that hot babe that you bumped into last night… it’s the same orgasm. That blogger was indirectly talking about infidelity.
Anyway, do you agree?

So if it’s the same feeling or orgasm, why do men go looking somewhere?
Ok, imagine this… imagine the car you’ve been driving. Say you really maintain the car brilliantly and the condition is really good. Of course, there are things that are beyond your control such as the engine’s condition but the seats, the air-condition, the braking system, basically everything else are very well maintain.
Now, imagine 10 years driving that same car… someone comes along and said he would like to exchange his car with you. He will take your 10 years car away and give you a “brand new car of the exact same model”. Imaging you’re driving a Honda Civic 1997 model and a gives you a brand new Honda Civic 1997 model in exchange with your old one. EXACT-SAME-MODEL… but BRAND NEW. What say you?

P/S: Zewt is in NO WAY condoning infidelity.
P/S/S: Having cum rushing out into a tissue paper or onto a certain type of magazine is a different issue altogether.
Haha! I like this entry :D Since it's a ques for the guys, I don't hv to answer, right? But oi! How can you compare our v-g-g (???) with a... Honda??!!
Yeah, an orgasm is an orgasm is an orgasm but what about the process?
I'm interested to have a peek at this blogger...
i like this entry too!
pretty bold to post this up and direct :)
tho... like Angel, I don't really see the connection between women and a Honda Civic either!
Wow. What an interesting post. Haha.
Like the two commentors above, I, too, do not see how can a comparison be made between a woman and a car.
No offence.
Enjoy the Monday. ;)
In this case, why don't guy just have sex with fake v-g-g. They can do it anytime anywhere they want and no responsibility (married) or consequences (kids) to think about.
better to compare women to cars in general. there isn't one brand of car, and within a brand there are many different sub brands. each car has a different look, different driving experience, different cost, etc. Like compare ferrari and kancil. driving a ferrari much more prestigious than driving a kancil! Also smoother driving, can arrive at destination quicker...all different features.
so say the guy is bored with his car, what does he do? either mod the car, sell the car, or buy another car! if the only concern of his was getting from one place to another (i.e. orgasm) then might as well buy cheapest car and stay with it for the rest of the life. fact is, there are a lot of factors that contribute to why people have sex...not only orgasm, but other things, like achievement, thrills, love, etc.
pardon the poor english, it's nearly 5 in the morning :)
hahaha! agree with angel, how to compare with a Honda car leh?!
maybe it's not the car, but the journey? ;-)
You can't compare a trade between cars to a trade between women... but I understand what you're asking. The temptation part is the same.
The difference is the consquences. In the women situation, there are consequences. In a car? None. An inhuman object won't feel badly if you left it for a newer car.
If you're married, you can't "trade-in" without major consequences. If you're dating, same thing. There are pros and cons to having a 10-year relationship and being on say, the "leasing" side of a car.. You lease a car for 6 months, then trade it in.
I think it's only human to want to feel that "falling in love" part over and over again.. but then you risk experiencing the rejection sides too... in a long-term relationship, you know what to expect and to trust and know your "car" is and will mostly be predictable and reliably there for you.
:D ... where the HECK did you get THOSE photos!
oo..i wouldn't mind a brand spanking new car!
working on the weekend definitely damaged ur brain cells
Good one ;)
I agree with Angel though. In no way can you compare our va-jay-jay with a car lar. Ours is self-cleaning (ouch!! :p)
Oh well, I guess it's not the destination, but the journey that counts? That said, I still do not condone infidelity ;)
well its ok to compare that with a car lar..after all we refer our cars as to our mistresses..end of the day..u c ppl use their cars to the end of their useful lives and some change cars like clothes..doesnt that says it all?
y u say honda?
should classified them as proton as after ten years can throw away liao...
*no more soup/dry liao*
man r alive mar so we get to noe wat is good n wat is bad!
y lar we noe tat thing is USED liao we stil go for it... :D
*anyhow we stil need to keep the old one coz when those new car breakdown we stil hv spare parts*
lol @ ur pss!
hey there are lots of women drivers too!..
and some ppl say woman drivers sux..coz they dunno how to maintain the car....
hahaa..that's why the men look elsewhere ??
it may be the same orgasm..but u can switch gears if u want it to be a bit diff isnt it
I'm sure there are some who fake their orgasms. :p
Have a long orgasm day.. reading your comment box & replying to them, Zewt.. LOL
why all da men and also women like to take a selection of dishes put on da dining table ? Are all orgasm questions answered ornot ladies & gentlemen ? then also like to eat here and there ?
um...can i have the brand new civic? heheheh it's different..cars don't have feelings
girls do!!! =P
cumming is still cumming either its on womens bellybutton,at their back or on FHM magazine.
All 'car' drive me crazy!
p/s : dun werk on sunday!
I'll go for quality, not quantity.
Like that girls would like to have their hands on a new barbie Ken compared to a 10 year old barbie Ken who may have developed a big tummy, hair loss and grumpy temper. Muahahaha....
Guys, maybe you can just blindfold yourself while having sex with your wife after 10 years, then it wont make any differences. Oh, and get a VIAGRA :)
Muahahahahaha.... Just a response to ride off your monday blues. NO offense to guys :P
La Di Da~
Why is everyone talking about sex nowadays?!
Ok, biologically speaking, the feeling of orgasm into anyone's v-g-g (why called v-g-g?) is the same but what's different is the connection with the other person - feeling wise. Hmm.. I think the Honda analogy is totally flawed because we cannot compare relationship or feeling with an object, just like you can't compare your love for your fiancee with your love for your.. let say, car. It's two different thing. :) So yeah, I would probably take the brand new Honda but when it comes to relationship-wise, no I can't change my wife like I change my car. :) And relationship is not all about sex afterall.
But hey, it's still a blardy good entry! Lol! A good comeback!! It's been long since I read a REALLY GOOD zewtpinion post eyh! ;)
haha. most kept focusing on the comparison. it wasn't supposed to be a comparison between the car and the woman. for lack of a better example, zewt chose the car. but the point is there....if an orgasm is rated a 10 on the exhilarating scale...an orgasm with another woman will also be a 10. so, why bother..?
i can answer that myself. because of the before and after. the excitement of thinking you can get away with it, the exhilaration of someone new, the no-nagging and no-obligations after that....that pushes the enjoyment scale upwards. it makes one forget the years of memories, the mountain of trust, the sacrifices, the love.... the things that can never be taken back once thrown away. an orgasm is an orgasm....but the dick is such a dick!
before you shout at me again, yes, women do it too....the statistic is just still not as many as the men!
dun work on sun if u r not gun-point to..
join us for footie better la...
if its the same model, why change..
unless its a diff outlook civic..
but anyway, after a few years.. same shit ger la... i mean da car..
girls are diff...
Looks like having to work on Sunday has messed up zewt's posting schedule! This is a Friday post, ain't it?
Hmm... no comment for the question since I'm not a guy. LOL! But... you need time to get adjusted to the new car... even though it's the same model... because every car is different! LOLOL!
angel - ahhh... you're smart... it's a question to the guys... and some ppl here are answering questions from the car's perspective. ohhhhh yeah... it's not the orgasm... it's the pro-cess...
LasH - yeah... i expect to get some bashing from this but hey... it's a free world! haha...
day-dreamer - so if you're a guy... you will still drive the old car eh? monday sucks... sigh...
Bee - hahaha...oh Bee... i smell some fume from you. but you see... dont you think your comment represents why there're much infidelity?
nekaneayo - hi there and welcome to AZAIG! hahaha... i get what you mean. it's not about the ending point but the process... the game itself... the feel. that's why many ppl change their 'cars' eh? so for you, i guess it's not just about getting from one place to the other, but the journey... right? thanks for dropping by, hope to see ya again..
may - of cos it's not the car... but the journey... but with the new suspension compared to the old suspension... the new car better right? kakakaka.... i am not saying we should change car ok...
it's the same feeling with a different timing, ;)
Annie - hey annie. good to have you here. i am glad you know what i am talking about. some talked about responsibility and feeling and all. but if one reads my entry properly, i am actually narrowing it down to the mere fact that the human flesh is weak, easy to succumb to temptation. and.... it works both ways too.
hmmm... consequences, good point! think the main problem is that many of us fail to foresee consequences when we make any moves, be it in choosing a new car or any other decisions. that's what make us human anyway. as for the pics... hahaha... why? you have resemblence? kakaka..
Wuching - if you do that, you're gonna get some spanking! haha!
jaezrel - i think so too.
Tine - like i said... with the bad suspension and spoilt speakers, the new car provide more comfort... right? hahaha... the journey is the whole point here. yeah, i do not condone it too.
constant craver joe - haha.. good point bro. luckily cars are being used here... imagine if we used clothes as analogy... maybe then, there will be a new argument.
ah nel - spare parts? hahaha... that's why you keep old things issit? hahahahaha... wooah... better dont let your wife or future wife read this oh.
Funny though, i am a woman and i see man as "the car" too (or a cool jetfighter *drool). Some of the cars are nice to look at but if i cant afford it, i'll just toy with my fantasies on driving it. I have to have a connection with the car to feel one when cruising around. It has to have a certain qualities that i like...Who in their right frame of mind (esp us women yg sophisticated,elegant, natural beauty, everything almost tiptop la) wud wanna shag a semput, butt ugly and berkarat car? There are vintage cars that are still of very exceptional quality and made to be one (bimmers, merc, etc) and they still offer that exhilarating woohoo experience on gear 5 (since they havent made auto gear those years)....Though the motorboat exhaust so not my cuppa tea. My best deal wud have to be 1st hand car and i feel good driving it. But i wont call it an exactly totally 1st hand as the car had to be precommissioned and tested 1st by a few engineers/technicians and then the salesperson does his/her job getting them unloaded and parked in the garage before it's "taken". I see my car as a male species btw. All those frequent maintenance at the right mileage, and TLCs, "he" wud do me just fine...yeay baby yeahhh (austin power).
Uish panjang lak comment nih....excited plak la ala2....
Cum to think of it, whether one wud go promiscuous or loyally monogamous for the rest of one's life, the risk is on him/her. U might wanna think of STDs, VDs, pregnancy issues, emotional issues, and etc. And even though after 10 years or more, some things gonna take up most of our focus and energy esp when kids are involved, both man and woman need to keep up and understand each other's strengths and limitations. Where love is the key to the pleasure, let it drives u to the climax.
LOL at ur p/s/s! Good one!
My mom and the other clerks must be thinking I am mad now. Sitting in front of a computer and laughing all by myself during working hours is not a good idea. Ahaks!
Winn - switch gears... haha... tell me how to switch gears... very interested in knowing.
Jemima - orgasm day... can die if you have a full day of it... haha...
team bsg - hmmm... dont quite get your point.
huei - i am asking the driver but not the car mer... of cos i know girls have feelings ler. ask your boo whether he want a brand new same model of wira or not. then spank him hahahahah!
jorji - hahahahaha... your comment damn funny! you sure cumming on a woman's bellybutton or back is the same as on a FHM magazine? i dont think so... hahah!
Angel Eyes - so... only if it's a better model... you'll go for it. hmmm... dangerous, this would mean... a relatively younder car of a better model is enough to tempt you away...
princess eileen - no offense at all. but yeah... girls can always fall for a brand new ken doll. but i dowan to write that la... i am actually trying to target men here... if i target women again... i sure kena le... but since you brought it up... we are all the same... right?
ehon - ahhh... just like how girls will always defend and say i-wont-go-for-any-guys-who's-rich, so we guys will also say i-wont-go-for-any-girl-who's-new ... we are all the same... that will be the conclusion... keke... v-g-g... it's from grey's anatomy. well, i tot some of my zewtpinion is getting too deep...
me - get your point.. dick are all just prick. i agree. but i would like to make a comment on your last sentence. remember the "girls will always choose a richer guy"?.... yeah, men do it too...the statistic is just still not as many as women!
dr_blur - you really so noble meh... kamon... hahahaha...
rinnah - it's the journey... how to reach your 'destination'... not about cum rushing out but the process of getting it out... :P... i think it's getting to explicit.
alan zed - ahhh... different journey eh? better not let your love interest know. haha... but it's still not good to do it.
Manal - eh... tiba tiba... i tot you comparing different kinda vehicle... dont la digress too much haha! using car as comparison is already susah... summore you wanna bring in jetfighter and motorboat.
well, love is meant to last the test of time. it is time which will ultimately determine the fate of a love. but if you bring pleasure in, i think it might complicate things. oh yeah... if pleasure is in, i am sure it can drive you to climax haha!
rabbit - hahaha... laughing at the screen still ok... imagine cumming in front of the screen! hahahahahahaha!
i think i know which blogger this is. :) anyway, this is an age old question. many guy fren i know brazenly tell me straight in my face, 'everyday eat chicken, sure get bore la!'.
i think no one condones infidelity in fact, it's a tough job being faithful n i must say that married or other wise, there will come a time when one is tempted to just 'steer away' to various reasons. n i think the most obvious is, the can't tahan this n that [all those small, small thing that build up to a big tall mountain].
honestly, i may be tempted to accept that new car but when i put myself in my car's position [assuming my car got feelings lar], i know that i would be very hurt n disappointed n so broken, that i could literally just smash myself up....
good answer arr? :P
I think to answer your question, 'why do men go looking for another girl, if the feeling of orgasm is the same?', its my opinion that most 'cheating' men do it for the thrill than the feeling. Like for instance, u can use road A or road B to get to work. At the end of the day, u will get to work, but road A is longer and has less traffic, but road B is shorter with more traffic & bumps/ potholes. Some men like 'variety', tall, short, skinny, fat, black, white, yellow, wild, timid... for them it all boils down to the 'journey' and not the 'final destination'.
And for the old car-new car question, I’d probably go with the old car. Its sentimental value, and attachment to it after driving and taking care of it for 10 years, I wouldnt trade it in for a new one. If i was gonna get rid of it, id get a better one, not the same one.
I think I see the connection between girl and car, and why you asked those questions, because sometimes new girls, or other girls may be nice to have, the old one that u have spent a lot of time and cared for, for so long, is the one we really want.
Better the devil we know than the one we dont!
is like watching the same porn again and again, do you do that? that should explain your question.
but love and lust or rather passion has something different. well, one day some thing may fade, but what carries on (or should i say drag on), is beyond a temporary satisfaction. some people say is responsibility, some say love, but above all life can only be summed into the most precious 3 words, "life goes on".
think of this and probably it can give you a nice topic for your next blog. do you rather choose a guy/girl with sexual experience or without experience? with means you are going to be serve rather than to serve. but without means you probably do not get that jealous thinking of how many men she/he slept with. now, what say you?
hahaha. that statistic is even smaller!! how many rich pampered woman do you know that will lower their lifestyles for a poor man? or choose a less refined, less man-of-the-world type of guy? nahhhh, even rich women usually prefer rich men.
i'm curious about the answers to this queston. read all your comments and tell me the summary, can ah? i'll like to know what's the general verdict on this but you know lah, your comments go up to 60s and 70s....mata also want to pop out already if read all.
This is indeed an interesting post. Btw, car and women are different mah. Which man will not go for a brand new one?
haha! i dont wanna tell la i shy!!. NO i'm not gonna tell u i meant speed from 1st gear to the 2nd up to 5 ,u imagine la!
i dont think i know coz its always a differnt subsctance =( jk!
but how can u compare a car to a girl? you can have many cars but only one girl
Of course the man is free to exchange the old car for the new. He didn't marry his car.
If men are like cars, with no strings attached, all women will also change one as often as they wish/can afford wor. But hor, the big boss upstairs said kenot, so we mah make do with whatever car and whatever model in whatever shape till death do us part lor.
Of course the logical thing to do is to swap with the new car. No doubt about it. lol
Provided.... you did not sign any agreement when you purchased your old car saying "THou Shalt drive this car for better or worse and till total wreck accident do us part! "
Good entry there. Men are men as the ladies always complain. They never stop at not having newer things and experiences in life. Haha...luckily I'm still as loyal as ever towards my other half even i did see a few Benz around. :P
Aiyoh! No wander my 'holy' office computer bare ur sites.I have to 'poke' into ur sites using 'hor ny' home computer!
Orgasm where got the same wan! Different 'partner' induced different 'cum' some fast,slow,more,less,sticky or watery & even fake wan!But given the chance I don't mind driving different 'car'( but 'bro' must give approval first ). I am sure if 'car' have the choice they too want to have different driver as all 'driver' have different 'driving' skill. Some 'driver' can even change the 'driving' style depend on the 'car' they drive. So what say u?
Nice entry! BTW who is that blogger? Don't mind having a read at his sites. Have a nice day.
I love my Honda Civic. If my bf decides to change it for a brand new Toyota, I might kill him. :P
men will be men will be men! :)
why am I not surprised? :)
yvy - yah, when we put ourselves in the car's position, of cos we wont be making it... but the thing with human is that, a lot of drivers are just so selfish... they only know how to look at the new cars and say... it's good.
Russ - hey russ! yeah, it's always about the thrill, and most of the time... the cheap thrill. we all are not able to run away from it.... as human, we are all opened to temptations. haha... i know la, i am sure you will not be looking at any new car cos you've got yourself a really great vintage at home already.
ahjohn - hahahaha... if i blog about that, my blog will be heading towards the 'sexual direction' already having said that... this entry gave my entry a major boost in traffic.
me - haha... yeah, i may just summarise. but it wont read 60 or 70 la... u can also read la... first hand experience right?
erinalaw - one who knows that the brand new car means trouble... :) ... but of cos, most men are willing to take the risk.
Winn - hahahaha... damn obscene la... by the way, what are you using as gear stick? kakakaka...
TTL - you sure u can only have one girl? you sure or not? you woh... kekeke...
King's wife - hmmm... the king getting new car or not? ok ok .. kidding kidding.
5xmom - ahhh... when you bring the Big guy upstairs into the picture... everythin also very straightforward lor...
Helen - oh... bringing the Big guy here again eh? ... hmmm... but u know, a lot of driver willing to take the risk and forget about that vow... yeah, men are bastards.
Criz Lai - how about some bimmer? :P... hahaha... ok ok... i think i might just get killed by your current car.
Hor Ny - hahaha... orgasm also ban by your office meh? so strict... how can, you must leave the office already. haha... yeah, some cars prefer to have different cars too... as for the blogger... wanna remain anonymous ler.
cindy - oooooOOoooo... nasty nasty... cindy's bf... are you reading this?
Rashikaps - hahaha... that's how nature intended it to be.
Aiya, why talk so much sex outside of the bedroom.
This is what set me high lah :
Ya, my gold, my gold, my gold :)-
Double within 6months.
You blog now is rated 5XXX...LOL!
BTW, orgasm and cumming is not the same.
A man cum, as and when the liquid chemistry reacts, irrespective. Orgasm in men aren't the same as for women.
The ultimate of sex-game is not the cumming... tho' many do it just to get that released. It is the game, the process, that fulfills the full-course of libido.
You won't understand till you meet a girl who could deliver the competency. Of course, the man had also to be able to deliver. What it means is that both party must be in absolute mood to do "the job". But both must learn the art of making love. You can read them from books or at wikepedia.
hehe i guess everyone else said it, the whole idea of sex is not just for the orgasm, but also the whole process. hey you've been driving kancil for years already, suddenly a ferrari stopped by and say, "hey give me a ride!" won't you go give her a ride? hmm? it's a different car!
the orgasm is same... but the before and the AFTER is all different. after you drive the ferrari you might be thinking, "shit, i rode a ferrari! what if the owner beats me up??"
kayatan - doubling gold within 6 months... i like i like... i read i read..
maverick sm - haha... your comment is even more xxxx. well, i guess it's not about the destination but the journey.
conan_cat - hahahahah... well, when the driver is 'riding' the ferrari, i think nothing else matters...
No I'm not angry or anything lah. Just you said guys care more about the orgasm at the end and it's with who is not that important. Then they can just have sex with the sex toy lah, no need to cheat on their wife. But I think the problem is that having sex with different girls give the guy a kind of conquer satisfaction. I once watched a French movie, women was rare in that world that guys have to lock their girl at home. Other guys who have no girl then have sex with toy and try to steal other guys girl. They can still have orgasm, but they want real girl bcos they have to have feeling, not only orgasm.
not quite there hor. another 7 more to go before it hits 60
i think i'll help a little bit. 6 more to go.
would YOU change your old honda for a new honda? i don't think most would cos they're used to the old, and seeing that there is not much difference with the new. give them something slightly different, like an accord and ALL will jump at the chance. heck! even if it's a civic and you just change the label to accord, they'll still swap! meaning that even if the change is perceived, not real, people will still want it.
Well apparently guys prefer tight vgg (i heard!). AND, like you said about the car example thigie... dudes like their things fresh. No?
btw, regarding ur P/s/s ... Good to know that!
Wah...u really shldnt be working weekends...lol...and isn't pastor reading this? ;p
Orgasm with wife and other galz are altogether diff thing i suppose. It's just like scoring goalz against diff team. This is just a rough comparison. But making love to someone who u really love is a really special thing to me. just my p.o.v
Bee Ean - fair enough. wow.. what kinda french movie is that? anyway, that's probably the reason why ppl look for new girls. it's really bad.
me - cheating la like that. as for me... if it's just a car, i will change. with women... it's different. haha... and i tot no one will ask.
Bena - yeah... i think that's pretty true... tight and fresh v-g-g... guess that's the reason why many men fall.
mar - yeah he is... but this is not overly explicit. right?
Acrix - well said... it's about sex vs making love. the latter is one that will gives you a whole different experience.
Hahaha..u think? Lol...
mar - definitely... haha. my pastor has not said anything... yet.
nice comparison why not have both cars one for every day and one for weekends or one for when the other does not start ha ha ha. check this out.
behold the ultimate photos
anon @ 11/11 10.05am - wooaaah... that's really quite ambitious eh? haha!
I think every person should glance at this.
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