Yesterday, I had the pleasure of being a student once again. Actually, it has been the case for slightly more than 2 weeks now. I had an exam yesterday and in the last couple of weeks, I have been frantically doing last minute revision studying.
Waiting outside the exam hall, the whole scenario just brought back the good ‘ol memories. Congregated at one corner were those who continued to dig into the reading materials, as though these are results changing reading. At the other end of the spectrum are those who sat down looking cool without reading thing.
I sat with the latter as I don’t believe in stressing yourself before the exam.
And of course, one of the reasons I don’t do such last minute reading is – it was an open book exam.
Speaking of which, the girl sitting in front of me came with a cabin-size luggage. A. Cabin-size. Luggage! Emerging from her luggage were stacks of reading materials, 2 text books, 1 dictionary and a whole load of notes. And there I was, with 5 bundles of paper, which were essentially the given reading materials, nothing more.
As I was allocated a seat right at the back, I managed to catch a good view of the other candidates. Not trying to sexist here but generally (focus on the word “generally”), the guys will just have the study materials folder like I did while the girls will bring their whole study room to the exam hall.
When I was in university, the guys will come together and organise the next football session. The girls will congregate and started comparing their answers and then proclaim to everyone that they might fail.
It would appear that evolution has failed to penetrate this segment of the human species.
As soon as we were released, the first thing that the girl in front of me said to her friend was …”I didn’t finish the questions, I think I will fail.
As I head to the toilet, the guys inside there were arranging their lunch appointment.
Outside the male toilet, there was a long queue outside the female toilet. While waiting, some were frantically comparing answers and debating who is wrong and who is right. Then I heard one of them said… “I think we are both wrong, sure fail lah”.
Some things really never change.

1 year ago… An unexpected apology
2 years ago… A glimpse on my childhood
3 years ago… Chronicles of morons
Waiting outside the exam hall, the whole scenario just brought back the good ‘ol memories. Congregated at one corner were those who continued to dig into the reading materials, as though these are results changing reading. At the other end of the spectrum are those who sat down looking cool without reading thing.
I sat with the latter as I don’t believe in stressing yourself before the exam.
And of course, one of the reasons I don’t do such last minute reading is – it was an open book exam.

As I was allocated a seat right at the back, I managed to catch a good view of the other candidates. Not trying to sexist here but generally (focus on the word “generally”), the guys will just have the study materials folder like I did while the girls will bring their whole study room to the exam hall.
When I was in university, the guys will come together and organise the next football session. The girls will congregate and started comparing their answers and then proclaim to everyone that they might fail.
It would appear that evolution has failed to penetrate this segment of the human species.
As soon as we were released, the first thing that the girl in front of me said to her friend was …”I didn’t finish the questions, I think I will fail.
As I head to the toilet, the guys inside there were arranging their lunch appointment.
Outside the male toilet, there was a long queue outside the female toilet. While waiting, some were frantically comparing answers and debating who is wrong and who is right. Then I heard one of them said… “I think we are both wrong, sure fail lah”.
Some things really never change.

1 year ago… An unexpected apology
2 years ago… A glimpse on my childhood
3 years ago… Chronicles of morons
CPA? Anyway good luck with your exams.
Sorry my dear Zewt :) This post almost makes me ROFLOL - Humans are generally funny no matter how educated they think they are...
My best wishes for you and let's hope for a celebration soon ok?
Take care. Cheerio!
Damn....i thk i would fail too if i sit bhind not da girl with da luggage, but da girl in dat pic
Had a rough day, thanks man for dis post....
Owh! This was what ur FB status is abt..I had thought by 'finished' u meant 'game over', 'the end (of career)'..along that line. Knowing u,bet thats NOT what u thought I was thinking. :p Am I right Zewt ge ge?
It's typical...
As a girl, I'm quite sure I'll say I'm gonna fail when I sit for an exam.
hahaha true!! but well i dont do last minute reading right before the test :)
I think you'll pass. You always manage to succeed in every of your efforts. Zewt, you rock! ;)
Damn. I think I'm more of a guy. I don't really "how ah? dunno how to do wor... fail liao loh?" after exams. Nor do I hold notes in front of the exam hall before the commencement of the exams. It's just... not my style. :P
i'm curious- did she bring the whole luggage of books into the exam hall then, if u were only allowed 5 bundles of paper for reading material?
Hope you'll pass ur exam wif flying colors! Hmm.. does feel like the old school days. Hahaha..
Erm, normally.. after finishing an exam paper, i wouldn't want to talk about it. It's done, can't change anything. Unless, there's a question that I MUST irritably know the answer then I'll ask my friends what they put. Other than that, I just walk out of the room and forget about it, till i get the results... And normally before the exam, I do read bits here and there, but to bring so many reference books and all, no thank you. Few sheets of paper will do. Hahaha..
Funny how you described the difference between the ladies and the gentlemen taking the exams, but I think that is no exaggeration. Maybe because men have enough confidence and are settled at: "I did it, and that's it." While we women tend to think it over as if our whole life depended on it--well, not all women, but many women are just like that.
Best of luck to your exams! ^^
PS> The photo was funny... and embarrassing. So I think the message there is for women to dress decently and not be found with few clothes on in public.
haha some things never change..
Ahh how i miss the kiasu-ness in the old student days too! lol You're right, last minute reading won't change anything but it will prevent the data frm slipping out of the brain...*winks*
hahahah i will say i'm gona fail of the reason is i will pass when i say i'm gona fail..n the other reason it's safer to not get ur hopes up to high and suffer a higher fall =P
bringing an entire cabin luggage is too kua cheong la..but i do always try to cram as much info as i can..n it's probably the reason y i pass =P n..girls r more sai sum ma!
anyway i hate exams..u have no idea how many nightmares i had about exams..being late..forgetting the venue..wrong room..etc. still haunts me up till today!
u know what, i used to think this only applies to my surprise, while doin my masters in UK, the girls and guys also behave in the same way! and they are from Peru, Nigeria, France, Mexico, Taiwan etc etc :p so its a universal thing then hehe :p
I remember a friend of mine who was taking her final law degree exam telling me a funny tale. One student who was much older, pushing a whole filing cabinet into the exam hall for the final case study exam. LOL...
It seems like they're given case earlier to study and prepare but only a limited time to write out their case. So happens that this dude was a partner in a law firm but had no proper degree yet.
I have experienced some ppl who are poor in English rolling in huge dictionaries on a trolley. Hehehe.... When everyone else just use pocket Oxford.
Wahahaha!!! I do bring my study materials before my exams but too kan cheong to read them.
Good luck for whatever it is that you were goign for.
Zewt, you sure pass one lah...
Erick - thanks...
Fi-sha - no need to be sorry, meant to be a good laugh anyway.... :)
InjusticeSistem - dont you wish that she tells u to re-adjust that for you...
Terra Shield - hmmm... okkkk...
fufu - stress u up isnt it?
MKL - it was tough mate, hope i made it.
day-dreamer - good for you!! so what do u do after exam?
Jun - no restrictions, i chose not to bring in additional text books.
missironic - thanks, hope i made it. well, bring too many in, no time to refer, cause time is always of the essence during exams.
Melisa - i think it's not about confidence, it's just the nature. i think men tend not to worry too much, which may be a good or bad thing depending on the situation.
constantly craving joe - tell me about it...
Ted - haha... your hard disk so lauyah meh?
Huei - aiyah, itu panggil kiasu-ness, protect yourself before anything bad happen... cannot lah.
niQue_naQ - really? no shit! now that is enlightening!
Pinknpurplelizard - the whole freaking cabinet?????? eh, got time to refer ah?
Tsu Lin - in my opinion, too much reference materials can stress you up, particularly when different books say different thing.
joshua wong - woah, so confidence meh... hopefully lah.
It's so true! the girls will be comparing notes and answers and determine whether we'll pass or not! haha...
Well... He had his staff do the looking up for him so he was overladen with info come exam time. Cabinets do have wheels but I don't know what size was it coz I didn't ask.
Hope you pass ur exam, Zewt! Remember: Studying using osmosis doesn't work. XD
btw, i m no longer blogging. i tried sending u a msg on msn but i guess it didnt get through.
eiling lim - hahaha... sounds like you are one of them.
Pinknpurplelizard - thanks... sure hope i made it.
rachel - oh... why?
I've noticed that the top students these days are usually girls.... They're definitely a lot more serious in their studies. Watch out! The women are gonna take over the world!!!
Ya that pressure soon gonna come to me~Sure syiok lor!!
Wish you pass the exam!
After exam ends, either go makan or balik rumah tidor. Haha.
suituapui - top students during my faculty were also all women. all wanted to be CEOs, CFOs... after 6 months of working, all said they want to be tai-tai.
EliteVillain - thanks... :)
day-dreamer - makan dulu lah hahaha...
I think guys are just more relaks lah, brader... :P
life for beginners - well, think we are cooler... haha...
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