Music out of nowhere. The character began to sing and suddenly, dancers appearing out of nowhere to accompany the character. They were all Indians, and everyone will call it a bollywood movie and laugh about it.

Music out of nowhere. The character began to sing and suddenly, dancers appearing out of nowhere to accompany the character. Sometimes, you even get back-up singers appearing. But they were all Caucasians, and everyone will adore it because it’s called Glee.
1 year ago… What’s your law?… Masturbation
2 years ago… A new word, nephrologist
3 years ago… Feeling sleepy?

Music out of nowhere. The character began to sing and suddenly, dancers appearing out of nowhere to accompany the character. Sometimes, you even get back-up singers appearing. But they were all Caucasians, and everyone will adore it because it’s called Glee.
1 year ago… What’s your law?… Masturbation
2 years ago… A new word, nephrologist
3 years ago… Feeling sleepy?
Glee! oh well, can't blame since we understand what they were singing and at least their story makes sense. not to mention their songs were those that we all familiar with.
bollywood however, the male lead would often end up dodging every bullets and fight against dozens of men and those men seems like they were molded by clay so fragile. one punch already on the floor. not to mention the story were almost all the same. rich guy fall for poor girl or poor guy fall for rich girl in both situation the parents sure object wan.
so how can not love Glee?
Well said Jun.
I like Bollywood movies! I do watch them. :P And yea, Glee is the latest sensation. They do sing good. Guess, some just don't see bollywood movies as their cup of tea, unfortunately...
Finally you outed yourself Zewt... by admitting you do watch bollywood flicks. I won't even dignify bollywood products with an initial capital letter.
You mixed too much with malay ladies, sampai movie they like pun you nak tengok. Be like a sea fish will you, never get salty unless you died someone smear your body with salt.
Hahah dont get angry just main-main je.
is this a making fun of Glee post? haha..
I actually like Glee... and I used to watch Bollywood movies when I was younger
I think the problem is, Glee is actually known to be a show where people will burst into song, it's the 'format' of the show, so to speak. Bollywood movies, on the other hand, have people bursting into song in almost every single movie, even action ones, that's why people laugh at it.
Not sure what the fuss is about Glee. But then again, I don't like alot of musicals.
As U mailed me pdf format of that enzyme,,,there's a big question in my mind that what is the reaction occur during the fermentation process ? (in chemist form)
Eeeeewwwwww...... I hate Glee!
dont stop believing!!~~~
i do not watch any of the show, but sure gets people attention around the world ey..
Ya hor!!! Didn't think about it that way... Very true - it's like a Bollywood movie. Not watching though - that time old lady watching her Chinese series and movies!!! :(
OMG! that is so spot-on!! *ROTFL*
Have not seen Glee,but growing up in da 80s i've seen plenty bollywood,luff at dem? i would not....envy them i do,y?
Compare entertainment industry btw india/thailand/indonesia/spore/msia....guess who at da bottom
Their entertainment industry generate hundreds of millions if not billions....ours? does anybody even remember who won da best actor/singer award in Msia?
i mean real acting ok,does not include Ibrahim Ali/Chua Soi Lek/SAmyvelu/Khir Toyo/IGP...
I guess some do not really watch a whole load of bolly movies... I've watched loads of em since i was a kid and am still watching em now... I do agree the "dancers suddenly appearing out of nowhere" was kinda ridiculous but coming from some1 who does bollywood dance trust me... it'd look a whole lot more ridiculous if it's done solo half d time... d beauty of d dance is enhance by the seemingly effortless syncronisation of d dancers... plus d story line... u'd have to understand the very essence of the indian culture to understand it...
and the songs actually hv very meaningful lyrics to portray the emotion (insert watever/wherever d song was played) and goes so well with the movie... similar to our disney classics wer songs come in... i guess cos it's a language not all of us understand but i've googled some of the songs and the meaning behind the songs are really too beautiful...
my two cents... hvn't watched glee yet tho... still waiting 2 clear up some harddisk space on my pc b4 i got curik from my frens... initially i tot u were talking abt high school musical... =.=
jun - well, dodging bullets action apart, i think they are quite similar when it comes to music. in fact, i was only referring specifically to the music element. after all, when ppl made fun of bolly movies, they only made fun of the singing.
Ummie - i replied to Jun :P
missironic - i think we are too western imperialism driven.
Hansac - my mom was a fan, though we have no idea what they talk about. i mixed with everyone, 1malaysia spirit mah... lol
eiling lim - no, making fun of ppl watching glee :P
terra shield - but ppl often say bolly movies doesnt make sense cause suddenly ppl will come in to sing with the actors and dancers will appear from nowhere. the same can be said of glee.
Tsu Lin - in london and dont watch musicals, what a waste la.
hijjazone91 - didnt get your mail... i am not sure what's the reaction though. not a chemist... :)
Jerine - errr... why la?
mirachantek - hello there... yeah, just put some white faces and attention is there.
suituapui - hahahaha... what show is that?
Andrea Wh@tever - precisely.
InjusticeSistem - hahaha... well, we have the correct3 production and the other hot video... though not generating any income, surely a lot of viewership.
aSstHa - well, try watching glee, i think it's about the same. the only difference is that most of us understand english and hence, we understand the storyline. that's all.
Bolly or Gleewood, I don't watch either of them. Now flame me! :P
MKL - that's actually a pretty good decision :)
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