I don’t know if this is real... but... if it is real, then we shouldn’t brand the China team as arrogant, because our 1badminton team ain’t that far behind in terms of arrogance as well.
[click to enlarge] - image taken from here.

P/S: Anyone wants to take over Tan Boon Heong? He said he will sponsor racquets if you are good enough…
1 year ago… Am I being overly subtle?… No sea pee please
2 years ago… Speaking from the other side… Your say
3 years ago… With or without a reason… “Sam jiu”… A professional mistake (the original piece!)
I don't think our national players are that dumb, are they? :S
itu penulis basa cina misunderstood boon heong ke ape? ngaper dia sensitip sangat en. latif panggil en. hafiz "sohai"???
Y: Itu penulis basa cina tak misunderstand. En. Latif panggil penyokong badminton sohai.
Anyway, even if it were real, at the end of the day, I don't doubt that they worked hard. It's just that they weren't good enough.
Klaw: mungkin aku sikit lembab hari jadi aku keliru, tapi aku baca komen-komen tersebut berkali-kali, aku masih rasa konteks "sohai" en. latif adalah ditujukan kepada si hapiz.
oh mintak maap aku memang confirm lembab lagi keliru. baru aku tahu tan boon heong tu sorang pemain negara. aku dah kluar negara bertahun2, nama tan boon heong dlm badminton aku memang belum pernah dengar.
hey zewt, lu makan cabai tak rasa pedas kah? diorang pemain pemain negara cakap sama lu lah. selalu mau diorang menang, sape mau kalah?
ooopppsss sori lah. you juga pemain; pemain perseorangan nombor 4.
Hey bro, your blog has changed to Malay language lately, ah? :P Hope they hear you :) I think FB is as dangerous as any other place in the web, it all depends what you say :)
I don't see it on Hafiz's page, maybe he has deleted it. Oh well.
Anyway, so this Razif thinks waking up everyday at 430am to train is hardwork eh?? And because of that the penyokong2 are sohais. Ok then, I guess we know what great things he can achieve eh?
Hahahaha.. so is this real? if it is.. looks like the players were pissed.. and said some "sohai" words that made the supporters to be pissed now... what a cause and effect! Aishoo!!
Who pay their salary? from sponsors? who are the sponsors? GLC company? where GLC get their money? who else involve? ministry of sport? rakan muda rakan sukan? point is....we pay their salary to train n bring glory to our country.
My employer pay me to perform n if i don perform he will fuck me n do u thk i can call him sohai? yeah maybe bhind his back lar, but not into his face....if i do tat then im real sohai
I stl remember a certain bunch who got land worth millions after winnin tat cup....i don hear dem complain...
Nobody force dem to play badminton,if dey cant take da heat,den hit da road!
Actually it'll be great if we don hv badminton player, more tax $$$ can go to skool.
lose still talk big? brainless moron.
i want free racquet..
I don't forese the country winning Thomas cup for many years. And this arrogant attitude has something to do with it.
They're so immature to think that the crowd has anything to do with their losses and wins! This shows their mentally incapable of being confident and to concentrate on their game. Useless fellas. I'd like to whack these fellas with their 'sponsored' badminton rackets.
Think the gov should also stop spoiling them. The sport has much too lucrative that greed for more money and incentives supersede the players' passion for the sport.
they don't even have the most basic spirit of sportsmanship. what a disgrace. (if all these is true)
Our badminton team is a disappointment!
I think it goes both ways in this country.And Yes,the chinese(china) are quite arrogant.Have you notice the behaviour of the chinese students in our private colleges?
day-dreamer - you'll never know.
Y - haha... sekarang bro kat negara yang mana?
Klaw - i believe they worked hard, but nothing near what the chinese did.
ronaldo - sekarang kaki sudah cedera teruk, nak jalan pun susah, tak payah main dah.
MKL - nah, just momentarily haha.
Tsu Lin - so did TKH reply u?
missironic - someone told me that it is real.
InjusticeSistem - precisely, when you're on national pay check, you have to perform according to national expectations.
Faisal Admar - unfortunately...
economist - you can replace him or not? haha
pinknpurplelizard - i think when they go for centralised training, dont send them to nice resort... the chinese were sent to military camp!
eiling lim - apparently, it is.
jam - major!
anon @ 21/5 8.34pm - i heard that's becos they are super rich...
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