I am not going to go into details but amidst the chaos happening there right now, I can't help but ponder upon the type of people who live in a suppressed state. I wonder if they made up of such type of people…

Type A: Those who fight…
Like the monks and the protestors in Myanmar, these are the people who stood up for what they believe in. They are the ones who are willing to get their hands dirty. They are the ones who try their very best to get the people at large to stand up and fight too. More often than not, they will fail. And occasionally, they get arrested for no apparent reason. The people at large support this type of people, but only behind closed door.
Type B: Those who don’t need to fight
These are the type of people whose lives are so comfortable and thus, they are totally oblivious that they are living in a suppressed state. The state can continue to fall but because the lives of these type of people are every so prosperous, they do not see a need to do anything. Even if they believe that there is a need for a change, they strong believe it is the dirty job of Type A. Perhaps… just perhaps… they are the other side of the suppressed.
Type C: Those who only know how to talk

By far, this type forms the most amongst those living in a suppressed state. They are the masters of verbal attack, and that’s basically it. They appear to be openly supporting Type A but when any sign of danger shows, they will all just shut-up. But the beauty of Type C is that their mouth will soon be opened again. Being the noisiest of the lot, Type C is probably just what they seems to be… noise.
Type D: Those who keep quiet because they have plan
This type appears to live in an oblivious world too. But deep inside them, they already have everything well planned out. They do not see hope in the state anymore and are constantly working on their quest to head to another state. Not wanting to jeopardise their master-plan, they remain quiet. Many of those in Type B are slowly evolving into Type D but its population never grows big simply because… most will end up successfully leaving the state.
Type E: Those who keep quiet because they are afraid
They are afraid not because they fear for their safety, but rather their family; most of the time at least. Not wanting to rock the boat and land themselves in trouble, Type E chooses to swallow whatever suppression or oppression thrown at them. Sometimes, the reason why they are Type E is because they can't afford to be Type D. As the days go by, their lives morphed from bad to worse and without them knowing. I believe there is a limit in being Type E. And I believe this is the type of people who then ended up being Type A… just like what is happening in Myanmar… they just can't take it anymore.

If I am in a suppressed state, I will probably be Type D. What about you?
so you are the one going to get a big house and big car as you got your plan. = )
People make choices depend on their mental and environmental capacity that they grew up and familiar with. It's not by chance that A becomes A , B becomes B or C becomes C..etc etc. For every cause must be an effect and vice versa.
Imho the bottomline truth is "Every Man For Himself" hold true
yep, I'm a D, too. look where I am! LOL!
Well, I am an A zooming straight to the D path if this election pans out badly.
Done what I can. Tried to create awareness. Made noise too. But in the end, it seemed hopeless. All I can do now is to keep circulating Malaysia-Today articles hoping the masses will know what is the other side of the story.
Sigh... Perhaps I should be D now and disappear from this state.
Btw, my dad raised a very interesting question. What's the diff between what is happening in Myanmar and the one in Kelantan? Honestly, I don't see any.
I am worried more that one day our country can become another Burma when in name we call ourselves a Democratic country but in reality we are getting further and further from it.
i was also thinking abt the soldiers. they have families, they hv parents....what are their families thinking, how do their parents feel? if their parents are part of the riot, will they be as merciless? after all, it's always someone's child or someone's parent.
Abraham Lincoln once said, "Everyone can stand adversity. To test a person's character, give him power." I think that quote applies quite neatly into the soldier's category.
definite type D...
hard to say about the soldiers as they have to obey their commanders no matter what. am sure that deep down, they are also sad to carry out the commands/actions of the top command. they maybe type E?
Hallo! U forgot or maybe not aware there is another type which is what I call 'quasi' type.They could be in A,C,D & E! They do what they r suppose to do in their own group but in addition to this they also try to influnce other to join them in their struggle for the betterment of their life just like a virus or a cancerous growth.They are working away quitely gathering support to change a better gov. Their member could be just about anyone from all the group & even in the army.The result of their 'work' will be review cum erection time in one big cum!
Which type I am in? I like to be in type D but I have no $$$$ & lowly educated so how??
I have only got pokeing sexperiance so any country want to accept a well trained 'service industry'fellow as its citizen??He! He!
Have a nice day!
i tink im a type B going to type D...lolz..sumhow or rather...tinking of moving to some place fine...
definately a type E me... keep quiet and jz hope everything turns out fine cos i dun hv the $$$ or the means to get out of ...
wish i cud move on to greener pastures but not hving a proper degree or education might hinder me from finding a gud job unless (yea, altho i hv quite a gud job here now).. i see any opening within the company to go to anyone of our global counterparts...
*aih*... but that cud take years... as i've still got lots to learn n a long road ahead b4 i can safely say i've changed to a type D...
but sometimes plans are are hard to attain specially for me...but looking back i've been blessed... stuf like being in SAP line have never been imaginable to me 3 years ago and now i'm living that dream and although the work can be even more demanding than my previous job at least it's based on adhoc basis and there are times (like now) that i'm able to kick back and relax...
unreachable goals... as they say... i'm gonna be taking it...step by step... brick by brick... stone by stone...
i guess nothing is impossible if you really put your heart and soul to it... no?
I don't have the means or the plan to make myself a Type C or Type D so I remain a Type E and hope for the best.
It's easy to divide people into groups and types.:-) The truth is, IMHO, one group is inter-related to one another. If there is no hero, there will be no cowards. If someone has nothing to lose, there'll be someone who has everything to lose... One group cannot exist without the existence of the other.
I think I heard from my sister it was reported somewhere those soldiers were given certain 'drugs' to enable them to carry out these atrocities.
I would like to think I'm group D, but then how can I say that when I dun even have a plan for my own country? :-) SUsah
Most probably I'm type E, then type D - initially afraid for the safety of myself and my families, then slowly form a plan to take everyone out!
Errkkh, hopefully we will never be in that situation.
this incident caught my attention too of late..then i asked around bcoz i was curious to why monks being the 1s..apparently monks in true form (dpds on what believes they have)but in general, monks should believe in karma..
thus fuel prices going up is meant to be a sign of karma, and monks are not supposed to be rebel but accept karma as it is..
the question is then how "real" are these monks?
I think Type B... which may remains type B, but will shift to Type D when it is needed. I got tiny savings in China. Wakakaka.... Ok, I am pathetic, I need serious help...
Heard thousand of monks went missing in Burma,very sad indeed.i really respect the monks for standing up to its people who are suppressed by the regime for decades.
"when lawyers walk,something is wrong.when monks walk everythings is wrong"
Am a type D becoming an E to A.
sadly, i'm type C. maybe i should evolve to type D. :)
I used to be a B, which became an A, and after being labeled a troublemaker and almost getting into trouble, became a D.
Sounds EXACTLY like my workplace :(
maegen - cannot get... cos saving money to go away mah... hehe...
-=Sin=- - indeed... we will all stand up in the name survival.
may - hahaha... yeah la, i am so aware of that.
anon @ 7.59am - A? sure? hehe... got difference... the number of bullets fired.
zawi - i am worried too. we need to pray hard.
me - i guess that is truly a great mystery isnt it? it happens all over the world...
cirnelle - and those given power will do all they can to keep it.
angie tan - i think the training they went thru is definitely effective.
hor ny - i know... i know... this bunch is the bunch quietly throw back starfish to the sea... right?
missironic - wah... you're type B... woooaaahh...
aSstHa - dont fret.... the neighbour down south always keep their door open... they might just welcome you with open arms as long as you're willing to slave it.
rinnah - like i said... think singapore.
Helen - drugs eh? that's something new, but i wont be surprise if it's true. susah? not that really... we only need to work hard towards it. and forget about the malaysian food.
the pieces man - some ppl say... if we look at history... we can see the future... can u see?
constant craver joe - very very good point... it really struck me. but then again... no matter what... they are certainly doing something that deserves respect.
princess eileen - type B.... woooaaah... very rich la u....
penang-kia - when monks walk... the heaven is upon us! haha... type D to E? cant make it out?
alan zed - haha... you're the first to admit that you're type C... well done.
tine - ahhh... we evolved to different type under different situation... :)
Sure...why not? I am doing something about...:)
yea~once u go away u still will get big house & big car as u still plan.. geeee~~
msian chinese are mostly type B ...
I agreed with horny ang moh that there exist a type F. These type of people would get international help to put pressure on the current government. Then if they have some influences somewhere, they will use them to gradually change the government and raise awareness to others. If he or she is a business person, they can form an alliance to force the government respect some policies. This type of people do not want revolution that involves casuality, but a country that moves slowly to the right path.
I think I D also la. Just waiting for the right moment to strike.
As for soldiers right, I'm so split between praising them and condemning them. They're trained for war, but oppressing the public? What a good use of good resources eh?
Financially lingkup thats why all the master plan go haywire...from D to E lor!
lolz..wat a woahhhh.... yes, ignorance is a bliss...however, i do aware of wats happening..tats y..going to be type D..lolz..
i am C! hahahah
hey..but if more people talk...there's more hope that some people will take action
faint hope..but at least there's hope?
Type D suits me very well... Y? Because even you are in the type A, the only thing you can do to fight is strike, protest and whatever.. but will that change the situation? Guess not.. So why do so many things? Like terrorist.. Killing people to threathen the officials. but in the end, their ass got kicked.. Think about it..
Oh.. there's a common type living in our country.. Not people but the officials.. All are TYPE C!!! The country of NATOs....
anon @ 10.20pm - good for u mate. plenty to forward from MT today.
maegen - hopefully i will :)
winn - only in KL and PJ.
bee ean - i think it will take a long time before the effort from type F can be felt or seen. nevertheless... still better than type b or c.
Jonny - bad use of good resources you mean?
penang-kia - hahha... try again to go back to D ler...
missironic - usually type B is the very rich type ;)
huei - agreed... let us all talk!
mcmercedez - yeah, not worth it... rather be D than A... a for C... agreed man... damn damn damn a lot!
I'm probably type F.
Those who talk, plan and fund the cause, but never participate.
aput - fund the cause... that's not to bad. better than just making noise.
I will count myself belongs to Type D.
I will count myself belongs to Type D.
jam - looks like we're in the same group. see you on the other side :)
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